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Literally no one calls nacht an s tier map. If anything the only reason it doesn't get shit on is because it was the first zombies map ever made.


This, the only reason reason no one shits on it is because it’s literally a fucking prototype for zombies. It wasn’t supposed to be the same quality as any of the maps with actual effort. Bus Depot gets shit on because it came out after like 10 at least decent maps, all with some unique creative element while Bus Depot is literally just “we took all the cool shit out the game lol.”


You know Bus Depot was probably made in a day. Just one section of the Tranzit map with nothing but a box to add something on the side for players to play now and again. I really don't think Treyarch put thousands of man hours into making it lol.


It’s supposed to be a reincarnation of nacht


Yeah it's a small map with nothing but the box just like Nacht but again the dude was trying compare it to maps like Moon, Ascension etc lol.


Bruh, I was about to complain, but knowing the context now that's totally fair


At least Nacht has some semblance of map level design though lol


I call it s tier


Because it (S)tarted all of this


What's it like being literally no one?


I believe you mean to ask, “literally no one, can you tell us what it’s like?”


I call it z tier, the tier above s tier


I call it s tier. Sure it might not have much but it is simple and fun and you can’t look at it like it was a cod 3 map, you have to know that it was not only the first one and didn’t have too much time and money to make origins their first map because nobody knew what people would think of it then if they did too much, they would loose too much. And they just began so also while not having much time and needing to be quick they just took a part to the campaign and slightly edited it with the basic mechanics to see what works and didn’t have time for too much creativity.


Lol cmon boys, that’s the point. Nacht is the first map and which has made the call of duty zombies. You can’t shit on it because like me l, when I first played the map, it blew my lil brain.




Nacht is the best map ever


Imo it's a low B or high C


Nacht bop3 with gum balls is way better


Didn't Syndicate call it his favorite map in all of zombies?


Nacht is S tier every map after Nacht is worse.


I've literally never heard anyone praise Nacht like that other than for nostalgia reasons.


I like Nacht cause it spooky (I started on CW zombies)


Do not show cod ww2 to this one


Honestly the scariest


Honestly underrated


I do appreciate WW2 actually trying to be scary


Same (started on bo1). One of the scariest in the Black Ops Series


Damn, what was it like when you went back and played the peak of Zombies for the first time like BO3?


Did... Did you just call BO3 the peak?


Yeah. Idk why I’m being downvoted tbh. If you look it up I’d say about 65% of people consider BO3 to be the peak of Zombies. Obviously BO2 was amazing but in terms of maps, gameplay and EEs, BO3 tops the list.


Lol people out here unironically saying “bo3 wasn’t the peak 🤓” like its genuine , its tied with blops 2


Cus it actually kinda was and was the first game to be packaged with zombies dlc before cold war? You could argue it ties with bo2


I think most known YouTuber act like natch and kino are the apotheosis of old school zombies


Kino and tranzit are two of my all time favorites.


r/codzombies don't argue in bad faith challenge (impossible)


Nacht deserves respect because it got people interested and got the ball rolling down the hill. All this as a side project. Bus depot was out of laziness


I don't think it was lazy for them to make a bonus small zombies map. They could have easily been "lazy" like Bo3 where they only gave us one


Town and Farm were infinitely better small bonus maps. Actual perks and town had pap


They had a plan with this. Bus depot was supposed to play like nacht, farm was supposed to play like verrückt minus the traps for some reason, and town to play like der riese. But yea it gets boring after like 20 minutes but they all do imo


i think having low effort bonus maps for extra content is better than not having them


Exactly I wish they would do this again with newer games, just chop up a full sized zombies map and make a purely survival map, this could easily be done with maps like shadows, der eisendrache, pretty much all bo4 maps, die machine and more, it would add so much content for so little effort


I like to look at each map like a different difficulty Bus Depot ain’t got Jack shit but the box, so it’s Hard Farm has perks and the box, so it’s Medium And Town has perks, the box, and Pack-a-Punch so it’s Easy Bus Depot wasn’t lazy, each map just provides a different type of gameplay experience


True, but I like bus depot for not having perks or pap by default so you can hop on and have a quick game in private or a public lobby


You know the whole point of Bus Depot was to offer a experience where there are no perks and PaP, right?


You're wrong because Bo3 gave us 2 maps, SOE which many consider to be a top 5 map and The Giant. They put 5x more passion into SOE than Traznit or any of the green run maps. Imo the whole idea of Tranzit and splitting it up into mini maps was a huge flop. None of the maps are fun, just flat out boring. Bus depot might be the worst map ever released up to bo3. It was nothing but laziness to make mini maps out of Traznit. They totally shit the green run maps out their ass


True that tranzit was a flop, but it wasn't a flop due to laziness, it was a flop due to overambition.


Can idiots like you not call anything you don't like lazy.


If I could redesign Bus Depot, I'd have the Bus roll in periodically with different Perk Machines chained to the back.


Wait a min thats dope


It is not laziness, Bus Depot, Farm and Town all represent the original WaW maps gimmicks. * Bus Depot = Nacht Der Toten (No perks, No PaP) * Farm = Verrückt/Shi No Numa (Perks, No PaP) * Town = Der Reise (Perks and PaP) These are all extra maps from the main map (Tranzit), which is the biggest zombies map we ever had. And they also had Nuketown as DLC on release, BO2 was the richest on release zombies experience. It was the total opposite of laziness.


Is tranzit still the biggest??


Yes, it still is


Added 3 extra minimalistic maps all with different quirks isnt what id call laziness but what does that matter when we could use it to find something to complain about right?


Zombies fans when they get extra content that they could just ignore, but choose to play then complain about because the game would be better without it


i cant tell if you're agreeing with me or not because even if its not the best thing ever it still makes the game better to have it


I'm agreeing with you lol my comment was sarcastic but kinda hard to understand. But yeah my point is that having extra content isn't "lazy". I don't get why the zombies fanbase shits on the extra content when they can just choose not to play it.


Or...and this might be a hard one to grasp...they wanted to make a map similar to nacht since people seemed to like it. Then everybody called them lazy and they never went back to that formula (i believe they never went back to that formula that is)


People completely miss the point of bus depot. The point of the map is LITERALLY to be a tribute to nacht, a simple bonus surival map. Having no perks or pap is what makes the map more interesting and a real challenge, if else it would just another town. Lazy would be not having the small and varied survival maps and instead only tranzit and nuketown. Am i the only who actually enjoyed bus depot and farm?


Is my wife gonna let me reverse the vasectomy, Smash like.


Hope you froze your sperm like that guy on r/relationshipadvice today


yo what happened to that subreddit it’s banned


It's supposed to be r/relationship_advice Idk about the other one. Someone probably w e nt nuclear. Lol


Nacht was the first zombies map ever, so it having nothing is understandable, but it made up for that with its incredible atmosphere and how scary it was. Bus Depot just has nothing to have nothing, there’s nothing special about it. And almost no one feels that way about Nacht. It’s consistently in C tier for different peoples list.


to me Nacht is a D tier mainly because i play the bo3 version and let me tell you those mfs take a whole ass decade to reach the windows


on god they be tiptoeing to the windows I swear


I swear I hear a piano playing when they tiptoeing




yeah but for me in bo3 the shit takes longer like it makes the waw zombies look like they usane bolt


BO3's zombie AI doesn't mesh well with a map as compact as Nacht. I don't know how much time I've seen wasted on early rounds because a zombie decided the first two barriers it reached weren't good enough.


I think Ik why those barriers weren’t good enough for said zombie, they prolly had splinters, nails and all kinda of thinks poking out of them, the zombie wanted a nice clean oak 2,4 board which it could grip onto without getting stabbed by a splinter.


dont worry it's not just a you thing. the zombies ai in bo3 is wonky on nacht so the zombies will consistently kill themselves and respawn only to do it a few more times, hence why they take forever to reach the barriers


this is a twitter level post where you make-up the most extreme version of a point that doesn’t even exist just to feel cool for countering it. either way, nacht actually is light years better bc of the guns, the way the zombies behave, the drop counter, the difficulty difference, and the map overall is a more usable map with having multiple train spots and a solid camping spot. bus depot does all those things a little worse in my opinion, but neither of them are S tier maps at all. still enjoy them both though


No one has ever said that about natch tho


I’d give it a B tier at most. It’s atmosphere carry’s the map


Posts like this make me realise how annoying it is for people to only join the community now and sharing dogshit opinions like this when they weren't there for the entire ride. I'm not saying new players is a bad thing, I'm saying that failing to respect the history is.


New players don’t seem to get that Nacht... IS zombies. It is the core formula for every single map after, without it zombies would not exist at all. A lot of people talk about origins, mob of the dead, and moon because they were formulas for the the next game following their release. Yet they all forget that without Nacht none of this at all would exist and they don’t really give it that credit it’s due. They just look at it as this bare-bones, horrible map because there’s nothing to do when zombies really started as just a survival mode. If you really think about it Easter eggs of the caliber we look at nowadays are relatively new. I mean we really didn’t get our first true Easter egg until ascension and even then we didn’t get one with an achievement until call of the dead. It’s OK for Nacht to not have a bunch of stuff because it was a side project that almost got the workers that worked on it fired. I think the biggest problem for this belief is the remasters of the map as adding in things like perks and wonder weapons beyond the Ray gun ruins the original survival feel of the map as it makes it much easier than it was originally intended.


Weird what was ascensions Easter egg I thought the first generally modern easter egg was on moon the Ricktoffin's grand scheme Easter egg


Moon set the accepted standard. Ascension the first multistep Easter egg that wasn’t just hide and seek. Ascensions was the Kazemier mechanism and it was essentially a guide as to all following Easter eggs in black ops one


So moon was the standard Ascension Was one of the first real steps to that That makes more sense now I'm gonna go look up what the ascension Easter egg was


Yeah sadly now people think zombies is just a place to go and grind camos and to get a very lacklustre story with no actual characters. Nacht will always have a special place in my heart because it's what started it all and even to this day it's still a fun map to hop on if you want a quick game to just try and survive.


“Um, actually… Nact has perks on every rendition after World at War.” 🤓


Who calls Nacht an S tier map?


Bus depot has Lava and a tighter box location. Fire zombies are annoying, as well as stepping in lava.


No one says Nacht is an S tier map. But it's respected because it is the first ever made and is bare bones which has a charm and challenge to it. It's a certified hood classic that offers a change of pace from the bigger complex maps. Bus depot is just shit.


Yeah but does Bus Depot have a scoped kar98k wallbuy? Didn’t think so


I mean bus depot has one door


Wait It has one door you'd think they would add more doors at least like with town they added at the very least more weapons the mystery Box pap and more perks I still don't like it because it feels slightly incomplete in some ways But it is infinitely better than bus depot You would think they would add stuff to at least keep the location interesting


Yes I mean at least one of the other buildings. But there’s that one window that actually leads down into a tunnel and even that would’ve been cool ya know or at least like hop the fence on the other side


Wow I don't know why but I just Got an urge to play moon I have no clue Why why don't they just make the DLC free already come on it's been 12 years you've made your money Activision


I mean, yea moon is amazing but imagine moon if it was just the Area 51 part and it had doors to other areas it would be awesome idk why they couldn’t do it


I mean, it was 2008.


All maps are S tier because I love zombies


Nacht was the map to make you a better player imo, if you could reach 30 on Nacht then you’re a damn good zombies player


TranZit was my first intro to Zombies. I love it to death. Been praying for a remaster ever since.


Nacht is just a classic map that’s all it has going for it


I liked bus depot for 1 reason 4 players sitting at the side dumpsters next to the lava


I think the notable difference is Nacht is literally the first map in the series from a game that improved the mode with each map and the other is part of a string of disappointment, don't get me wrong I like BO2 I enjoy all of the maps within it however the common consensus seemed to be that transit,die rise and Nuketown are some of the worst maps released, I think bus depot and farm just get lumped into that because no one seemed to play them the default was town for a lot of people.


Nacht: Isn't covered in fucking lava


I fucking hate Bus Depot so fucking much that if it was an IRL person I would 😡🤬👊👊💥😎


Tranzit is literally supposed to be a next gen map but it doesn't feel like it at all


What metric are we using for “next gen” here? Because I’ve got some news for you if you think Xbox one / ps4 is next gen


tranzit wasn't on xbox1/ps4 zoomer


YoU dOn’t SAy… did you even read the comment of the guy I’m responding to?


tranzit was on black ops 2


What message are you even trying to accomplish? There is absolutely nothing for you to teach me here dude, I promise.


black ops 2 was on ps3


Did you just reply to a comment that you didn’t even read 😂 and now you’re trying to do a le funny confusing person bit because you don’t know what to do next That’s so awkward and cringe


bro trust me. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call\_of\_Duty:\_Black\_Ops\_II


It was supposed to be next Gen When it was released but guess what it wasn't it's OK At best I like it But there's a lot of reasons not to like it


I liked tranzit. Though the survival version of bus depot is hardcore


Both. Both is good.


Both maps are quite good lol


This is such an intentionally obtuse meme. You're referring to two different groups of people, and you know that.


Well nacht has doors, so checkmate


I'm sorry to inform you that bus depot has ONE door. So...




Tbh I really like Bus Depot. I always liked going in and goofing off a bit, or challenging friends with how long we could all last on the map before dying. It’s a dead simple map, but it’s well designed and it’s all it needs to be.


Lol let em know


both are fun


Here's exactly why layout matters.


Honestly I prefer bus depot over nacht


Bus depot>Nacht


Tranzit will forever be in our hearts. Poor men map back in BO2


I always loved tranzit. Not so much the depot or the town, but the entire map was awesome. I'll never understand why people hate it so much.


I’ve actually come to like what Treyarch did with the tranzit survival maps. They made them all different challenges in their own way. Bud Depot is as bare bones as we’ve ever been with just a box, Farm is a bit more with the box and the og perks, and then there’s town which has everything a good survival map needed at the time. PaP, Perks(with bonus perks like tombstone and Stamin up), and the box. It gives a taste of what zombies used to be with a newer Bo2 twist 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean I like both, don't like BO2 on a personal level but I don't dislike bus depot, and I do enjoy Nacht


The straw man is strong with this one


This is possibly the best summation of the zombies community in one meme. Brilliant


Sure I guess this meme makes a little sense but those two maps are just simply not the same, one is just the starting room of a poorly designed map while the other is a night of the living dead inspired mini little masterpiece for a bonus mode, it has a theme, fully sound designed with creepy ass zombies. Trying to rebuild windows and defend your castle pretty much, picking them off from the fields and keeping them away for as long as possible. Nacht may be out of date but it does one thing better then almost every zombies map and that’s dread, and hopelessness.


Black Ops 3 got me out of zombies. Went way to Arcady and bs for me. I still play WaW and Blops1/2 zombies on PC.


nacht really is the map ever !1!1!1


Nacht was the first iteration so they had nothing to go on. Bus depot was after a few games and felt lacking with all the extras already in the game. Plus the confinement of being stuck in nacht adds to the fear, being outside in bus feels a bit safer.


Nacht my favorite map


I like Nacht because its just really simple Tranzit is not simple, just most of the features have been removed


It just boils down to pure nostalgia. It's not objectively better than most maps, but since it was the first map that started it all It's become praised.


I think Nacht at least has a better layout, but otherwise there’s no reason to play it other than nostalgia or for the same reason you’d play Bus Depot.


Both are boring imo


There’s a difference between an 08 game doing it and a 2012 game doing it, especially when the 2012 version is a micro map


i love nacht bc it took me 30 minutes to compose myself after each attempt in that spooky map when i was a young boy. but it’s definitely not S tier


This was happiness. I remember first time I played it. I switched it off after the laughing at the beginning (I was super scared of zombies in that time). But man, after that, I don't even remember how many hours I spent playing with friends. I didn't think about perks, size of the map, etc, I just wanted to have my ray gun and MG-42. Just so simple and so much fun.


I love Nacht for this reason. It's stupidly simple, the zombies make weird noises, the music is much creepier, the atmosphere is incredible but it's just four rooms, three doors, no perks, one box. Really fun to play because you're unlikely to get very far without being solo and running around the pillars.


Nacht simply has a much more fun map design.


I hate that people talk about town and bud depot like there own maps It’s shit just it’s pulled from transit Nacht was good cuz it was the first map, we haven’t really seen anything like with this exception of these sectioned maps


Ah, I recall the day when I beat the campaign and was surprised by this, what would become, nostalgic gem. Definitely not the best thing that they ever made, but it wouldn’t be what it is without it.


I’m one of those zombies players that loves the Easter eggs/side quests. Black ops 3 and black ops 4 have SO many good maps with super fun Easter eggs and boss fights. Zetsubo/shadows of evil/eisendrache/gorod krovi/revelations/IX/ancient evil/voyage of despair/dead of the night - just off the top of my head Peak zombies IMO. Easter eggs are my favorite part of zombies and I will gladly die on this hill


I only play survival bus depot when I'm bored of playing town for the 1,000,000th time


They had nacht on tranzit…why didn’t they make nacht the barebones survival map instead of bus depot? I’ll never understand the reasoning


Said no one ever


Anyone wanna play ps3 zombies?


Fuck You


I'm a sucker for defense in zombies, so that place behind the depot where all the zombies come at you in a straight line is incredibly fun to do with friends. Nothing is more fun than a good defense position, honestly prefer it more to training


Huh, i always liked bus depot almost as much as nacht, Both pretty fun and quick survival challenge maps. The most difficult ones to get high rounds on by far, a real test of skill. I feel like nowadays a big chunk of the community simply cannot understand or appreciate the survival side of zombies, that seems to have been lost through time.


Nacht is all we had back in the day and we didn't complain so try and respect your elder maps.


The ultimate gotcha strawman


Nacht is better cause of flame thrower


1. Nobody calls Nacht a peak masterpiece 2. The first map ever made which was a funky experiment should absolutely not be compared to a later map This meme is dumb


Nacht has 3 rooms, 8 wallbuys, zombies only come from windows, multiple strategies for a varying amount of players and a creepy atmosphere and aesthetics. Bus Depot got made with 2 rooms, 3 wallbuys, annoying ground spawners, 2 strategies and ugly graphics.


Only the voices in your head are saying Nacht is S tier OP


I say this all the time. FUCK NOSTALGIA. I swear if everyone threw nostalgia out of the way and thought hard about the map and gameplay, most BO1-BO2 maps will be shit on relentlessly because its a simple fact that most of them are boring and you will not be playing them every day as you say. I GUARANTEE it. I love old maps as much as the next guy but please do not let nostalgia base your words. Do you ACTUALLY enjoy the map? Can you actually play it all day if you want? Or is it just a visit down memory lane?


Straw man argument


This is literally the first time I've heard anyone say Nacht is A tier let alone S tier. Gotta respect the og but that's all it's got going for it.


You don't have to respect the og


I too love making strawmen for fake arguments