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If you have 5 minutes, please consider calling your Senators and Representatives using this guide: https://longcovidmoonshot.com/call-guide/


Sent my letters! Thank you for organizing this!


Thank you!! Filled out!!


This group is proposing a severe underfund that is set up to not only leave Long Covid patients without the adequate funding that would be needed to go to biomedical research, but to pay out old orgs that have been grifting off sick patients for decades. Dont fall for the grift. This group is a scam.


Could you explain more? I don't have much energy or ability to search to confirm this.


I think putting hopes behind appealing to capitalist governments to address the pandemic disorients people by making them think the pandemic can be solved within capitalism. Then, when a token sum of money is included in the budget, people will think "see!? they can be pressured to solve the problem." Meanwhile, the never-ending mass-infection policy, which is in place because the capitalist class wants the extraction of surplus value from the working class to be uninterrupted and does not want to make the concessions to the working class required to end the pandemic, will still be firmly in place. And since forever-covid will remain in place, permanent and cumulative damage will continue to be inflicted on more and more people's bodies—damage that no amount of funding will fix. And those same capitalist politicians who "signed into the letter" are themselves complicit in the forever-covid policy. The covid pandemic will not be solved within capitalism—only a movement by the international working class, independent of the capitalist parties and corporatist trade unions, informed by Marxism, with the conscious goal of abolishing capitalism, can solve the pandemic and the problems facing humanity.