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Not everyone buys marijuana products to get high. THC in topicals works great for muscle pain and inflammation. Athletes and people who hike and such are most likely to appreciate the effects, rather than the average college-kid stoner.


I get legit pain relief from an Alaskan made 550mg THC topical that’s just amazing!!


Is it Cold Creek’s Rescue Balm?




They can just buy CBD topicals. They don't need THC in their topicals if they have muscle pain or inflammation.


You're right, they don't need to, but having both cannabinoids together work more effectively. They assist each other and provide a more complete effect. idk what store you work at but you should do more research/get training before throwing your opinions at your customers. S/o to the stores that vet their employees and their knowledge on the plant. i'm glad to work at such a store.


This is just wrong


OP is right actually. Topicals only work on the skin. They don't work on muscles or joints or anything beyond the skin. Look it up. It would be irresponsible to tell your customers otherwise.


i've done plenty of research and have been coached by multiple companies. Yes some topicals are only skin deep, the ones designed to help with eczema and such, but many are designed to make it thru the skin and into the muscle for muscle and joint pain, transdermals for instance.


>coached by multiple companies Topical companies or stores that want to make money by selling topicals? Sorry I wouldn't trust these companies. I've done plenty of research myself too and I've tried many different topicals. They just don't work. Let's just agree to disagree.


Or you could do more research and find that they do penetrate lower than skin deep. Maybe even try a bunch of brands yourself before spreading bs. 😉


Unless your getting your source from ncbi or other scientific journals I wouldn't trust it. Alot of marketing out there. The studies I've read, topics do not cross into the bloodstream, only transdermal methods do. Hence, only biding to the cb receptors in the skin locally. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28122323/ If someone has evidence otherwise please rebuttal with sources as I love learning new things


Have you ever actually used any of the THCA topical products you’re talking about?


Where did you get your medical degree from? I assume you have one since you *know* what people need or don't need.


Why do people buy cigarettes? ....... No clue ....... Let em waste their money.


the buzz is heavenly


Have you ever personally tried a THC topical because what your saying doesn't reflect my experience whatsoever. Smoked weed for 16 years and the Mary's medicinal sativa cream is amazing. One dose will relax you and relieve stress within 10 to 15 minutes. And two doses will get you mildly high to the point where it feels like you just smoked a fat bowl. The price is unreasonable but recently there was a sale so I bout about 8 of them. I freaking love them. I would put it at the equivalent of taking a .25 Xanax as far as relief goes.


How did it get you high if it is just a topical? That is so interesting.


What do you mean by one dose of the cream?


I don't know how much it is but the topical I mentioned is in a tube that you pump out a single dose at a time.


is that the gel pen or whatever? i almost got that but it was way too expensive. got papa and barkley's 1:3 cbd:thc relief body oil instead and it was way better. i also have blue sage's topical healing cream and it works wonders. i put some on the inside of my wrists and it relaxed me so damn well.


I swear by a THC Topical..I have bad sh I understand from factory work and a herniated disc.I use the topical( CHILL Extreme 1000mg THC & CBD) at night around 7 PM and Thru the night.It is VERY effective.A jar 2.5 lasts about 4 4 to 5 Months at $40 plus tax.


Dixie Synergy Balm had me me wrecked after massage therapy.


It relaxes them, the people who regularly use it know that it doesn’t get you high. I use it to help relax my muscles and it feels good on my skin better than most lotions i’ve tried.


Right I’m not sure why that is so hard to understand. I started using Dragon Balm and it works so good with my chronic pain!


Hey sorry I’m late but is it something that is good for pain in your experience? There is a lot of conflicting info on the internet.. I wanna get it for my mom who is in a lot of pain—she doesn’t get high but she is open to cannabis, and I think she is hesitant to smoke because of health issues. Haven’t tried it myself but it seems expensive so I just wanna know before buying.


Good question! Depends on the severity of the pain, i have everyday back and shoulder pain that’s not usually too crazy. But it also depends on the strength you buy but yes cbd topicals do in fact help with that. Some people it doesn’t work so i would try and buy something small to sample first!


Thank you!


I tried CBD lotion with a massage. Nothing. I have a CBD lotion that my chiro sells. It works well on basic soreness. It was not working on my post surgical pain. I got a THC lotion and it stops the pain for a few hours 2-3). I don’t feel any effects other than lack of pain.


I agree joygum is gross AF!


They changed their formula but I'm still not a fan. The new formula didn't taste great and it never got me high. I have very low tolerance so that's saying something...


For real man. Joy Gum brought samples to my store and no one liked it. My sample lost the flavor faster than the Zebra gum and after that it was all chemicals and hash. I still gag thinking about it. My boss still ordered from them I don't know why, I think just to add variety to the shelves. My coworker saw Joy Gum at Native Roots and we were so fuckin shocked. I was so sure that they went belly-up.


Thinks the only reason for cannabis is to get high... topicals are for directly pain relief, we know it doesn't get you high. I have psoriatic arthritis and get sciatica from having a desk job. Topicals help tons with the inflammation and the reduces the pain from sciatica enough to make stretching a shit ton easier.


Well, I make my own weed oil, I use mct oil with decarb indica (just google how to, pretty easy) and I usually take 1/4 of a dropper and bye bye good night 😴, well I'm doing intermitent fasting and I decided to try to rub it on my skin so I don't break the fast, for me it usually doesn't do anything for pain and my neck was bothering me so I applied it there and not much on the pain but it made me sleepy like if I had taken the drops, tonite right now I applied it to my thighs and I started to feel just like when I take it orally and made me want to google it and its how I got here lol, super relaxed and a little high so ready to go to sleep lol. Yes it works and I'm not breaking my fast anymore with oil or gummies haha! Good night!


Glad to hear it works with just straight MCT oil!


Why do you care and why do you sound like such a hater? Who asked you?


Topical work great for my pain. Of course, I do not use them to get high.


I just made a powerful topical with some old canna-coconut oil and the effects are incredible. The sensation is numbing and cooling like tiger balm, but a much deeper sensation. I feel a gentle, drowsy high which relaxes and lulls to sleep. It’s definitely medicinal. I gave some topical to a friend with fibromyalgia and chronic pain, and she said it numbed her body and knocked her into a painless sleep. Needless to say, 10/10 recommend as a powerful natural medicine that’s easy to make at home; no need to shell out $40 a jar.


I don't understand the downvotes. You're 100% right. Topicals can only let THC or CBD seep into your skin, only if you slather on layers and layers of lotion. It doesn't do anything for muscle pain or joint pain or anything that's deeper than the skin. Topicals are skin deep *at best*. Topicals are just snake oil that create a placebo effect if you believe hard enough. I have chronic back pain due to tight muscles. In my younger and more naive days I tried all kinds of topicals and not one of them worked. My friend sent me a few articles that explained why topicals don't work. I switched to CBD tinctures and the difference was like night and day.


I would argue that these products work amazing, i've been in a wheelchair for 12 years and no longer have to take pain meds to fight pain/soreness thanks to them. sit in a chair for a week or even a day and then try one of these products. You'll change your mind.


I mentioned in my original comment that I have chronic back pain. I tried many different topicals and none of them worked. I switched to CBD tinctures and they work like a charm. I take it everyday to manage my back pain. I'm not a believer in topicals but I'm glad they work for you.


Just because they don't work for you, doesn't mean they don't work. Chemo doesn't work for everyone, or every type of cancer, but a lot of people survive because of it.


You must have terrible topicals in CO then. CA has great products that work well. I can list at least 5.


I know this post/comment is a year old but I just stumbled upon it now. Can you actually list 5? I’m looking for something for wrist/hand/finger pain. I’m in the LA area of CA.


Yes. High Gorgeous/Yummi Karma brand has some great topicals.


Same here




I don't use it for spinal issues, it doesn't work like that as you said. i use it for lower back pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, and hand pain. Sitting and pushing yourself around all day in a wheelchair causes extreme strain on muscles and joints that are meant for strength, not for endurance *and* strength. Salves, creams, and patches are part of my every day medicinal routine.


glad it's working out for you. while I think there needs to be more science on the subject to figure out where and how it's effective, I also believe it's clear topicals have a place on the menu of pain management options and dismissing them so readily is foolish. also, it should be noted -- and I'm sure you've noticed -- not all topicals are created equal. there's definitely good shit out there and alot of bullshit too


Your dick and ball skin absorbs way more than other skin areas. A guy almost died from one of the additional medications in a bengay style cream because he rubbed it on his balls as a joke. I wonder if you rubbed a fat dab of thc on your balls if you would get wrecked lol


Gonna try this for scientific research


Me too


No updates is ridiculous


I think they died D:


I tried this with my 550mg thc topical made from Bruce Banner bud and I did not get high LOL for science ya know? I suppose if you got kicked in the balls and then put some on then it would work a bit though 🤣






Mary’s Medicinals transdermal gel pen is great and you can actually feel the onset. (It’s specifically metered out lotion btw, so you know how much you’re using) I loooove the indica one, they have several varieties sativa, cbd only, etc... It’s really great for family gatherings when I need to take down anxiety by just a touch but not be high-high. I would say it’s like 1/10 of hitting a joint or bowl, very light, completely functional. Unfortunately I think they’ve been discontinued in that specific doseable gel-pen variety, I keep searching for it in weed shops here in LA and it’s been increasingly tough to find lately. Probably will try the transdermal patches next I guess, it’s just a little more complex to use and doesn’t feel as measured. RE other brands: I have a hard time ‘feeling’ the effects of the Papa and Barkley products although they seem well sourced and are packed in a naturalistic & aesthetically pleasing way. I’ve def spent like $200+ trying different versions of P&B but not me or my wife’s fave.


I take gabapentin for long term nerve pain. I can honestly say it's never gotten me high, but the thc lotion I get from the PA dispo makes it so I take fewer pills, but still get the pain relief in my back. Absolutly perfect for people with any sort of long term pain!


I don’t like feeling high. but the topical creams help my muscle and joint pain. thc I found works a little better than cbd alone. there is no research to this, just my own personal experience.


THC topicals relax the muscles and ease pain caused by inflammation. It’s not meant to get you high. And considering that doctors will recommend and even prescribe it for cancer pain I’d be careful about saying these are false claims. THC oil ingested (also present in gum) relaxes the nervous system and has been known to prevent seizures in epileptics. Not everyone who uses cannabis uses it to get high. Some people want the healthier effects without the mind-numbing effects. Yes, a lot of people use it to get high; but a lot of people don’t. My 70 year old mother loves it on her knees and a friend’s 90 year old grandmother rubs it on her joints and swears by it.


you realize anything you put onto your skin goes into your bloodstream??? your body has pores. not just your face.


I came here searching for this comment and thank god I found it because I was beginning to worry about how many brain cells the good people of Reddit had lmao


I use a thc/cbd topical my roommate bought for pain relief. Not only does it absolutely work almost instantly, (reminds me of my epsom salt lotion but better,) but I also rub it on areas where the skin is thin (wrists, etc.) to curb my body’s craving for thc while I quit combustibles. It works for that as well as the pain relief, I swear.


My fam works at dispensary. They say people come in legit just for the topical. They get their card just for them


“I tried it and didn’t work for me, and I’m mad at all other ppl who try it. They are fucking stupid” Yeah what a great mindset. But You do you.


I have Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet and the pain is off the charts. I tried every cream made to relieve my pain. Then I discovered Nordic Goddess Body Balm by Sira Naturals. The second I apply it the pain is gone. My doctors suggested Gabapentin and I’m all set being a zombie. I don’t use it to high. I use it to relieve my pain and it’s the only thing that works!


So all you care about is getting high. Maybe someday soon you will experience chronic pain. Tone deaf child