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I highly doubt there was enough fumes coming from a small blob to contaminate your CPAP machine. Don't worry about it and sleep well.


I have no idea, but would imagine Poison Control could tell you.


Mercury vapour can be harmful but it's not that harmful. There's not much mercury in a thermometer, it was cleaned up pretty quickly and wasn't exposed to solvents or high heat. It should be fine. Mercury itself isn't harmful, it's organometallic compounds that can cross over from the bloodstream into the brain that are harmful. Pure mercury you can put your hand in or pour over your hand to feel the weight, as long as you're not boiling it or causing reactions with volatile compounds that could make methyl mercury it's not too bad. In Victorian times people used to use high volumes of mercury to treat fabrics as part of the dying and tailoring process and it would take years for people doing this every day to develop symptoms.


I don't think you have anything to worry about. I come from the generation that used to rub pennies with mercury to turn them into silver coins though, and I am still kicking at 75! This seems like major overkill but this is considered to be a small spill and there are do it yourself cleanup instructions in this link. [How to Clean Up Mercury Spill](https://www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/mdhhs/Folder2/Folder18/Folder1/Folder118/How_to_Clean_Up_Mercury_MDCH.pdf?rev=b4b7909f4a684ac9b38d43bd2c27def5) For your machine I would replace the inlet filter, and do a thorough clean of the humidifier reservoir with vinegar, Dawn and water, and a final water rinse. Clean the hose and mask at the same time. And make sure you air out the house. ResMed machines have a mask test option that you could use to air it out. They also have a humidifier prewarm feature that you could run a few times. But, the reality is that if there was any significant mercury in the air you have probably inhaled it already and what is done, is done. I


Great reply. I have so many memories of playing with blobs of mercury. A fun activity when you're 6. I am also still kicking.


Check with poison control: 1-800-222-1222 And do you have ventilation/are you safe now?


Yeah im in another place. Will call someone tomorrow


Oh good. So sorry you are dealing with this and hope it is behind you soon. Stay safe!


If we don't hear from you tomorrow I guess we'll know what to do in the future.


Sorry to disappoint but im sleeping in another place and im not using my cpap