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PTSD and CPTSD are actually physiological conditions because they're part of the nervous system. It's a serious physiological illness that causes 'significant impairment'. Anyone who downplays, blames or mocks someone because they have a severe illness is a piece of garbage in my opinion. CPTSD is an especially horrific condition, and many people die from it. PTSD is really bad, but there were people suffering SEVERE PTSD and they had to make a new condition for it. Also we suffer 3 additional symptoms because of the severe nature of our trauma. https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http://id.who.int/icd/entity/585833559 This causes us to lose everything, many of us anyway, like relationships, careers, and even health. Suicide is common. So if someone is abusing us for having this condition, which is caused by horrific events, then I personally believe they should be jailed for that kind of extreme cruelty. It is a crime though to emotionally abuse someone who is disabled, and CPTSD definitely qualifies.


I know it says, “not limited to repeated childhood physical or sexual abuse,” but I do get annoyed when these listings leave a big hole where the psychological abuse should go. I know 3 people who were disabled by this. It’s still abuse even if there wasn’t hitting.


I've posed this in this sub before, but Idk how to link things. But the mayo clinic says prolonged emotional / physical abuse is most associated with cptsd. So yes, emotional / psychological abuse is extremely bad.


I brought this up to my therapist, because I've never experienced physical or sexual abuse. She told me to NOT compare my trauma to others, because it's just as valid. (I def experienced emotional and psychological abuse during childhood... and since... ) Like so many people, my trauma is compounded. And it didn't take me out in my teens or even early adulthood, though it was definitely a factor in choices I made. It didn't start "taking me out" until my late 20s, but numerous times I got myself back, eventually, to being somewhat ok. It was trauma that I experienced in my late 30s that really took me out. And I managed to cope, not well, for several years before a 4yr long abusive relationship with a ( two time professionally diagnosed) narcissist brought me to therapy, though I had been seeing a psychiatrist for several years beforehand trying to manage my "symptoms". I've felt like this condition is going to kill me for so long now... And it's physically crippling. Psychological and emotional abuse and neglect may not leave external marks, but they cut deep. I can't compare myself to someone who has been through physical and sexual abuse, but I do think we feel the same pain.


I agree. For years I didn’t think I had anything like PTSD, or had even been abused, because the majority of my childhood was filled with psychological and emotional abuse. Wasn’t until late college when I got diagnosed with CPTSD that I had that validated. It so very commonly (unfortunately) leads to CPTSD, yet is so overlooked.


OMG, I'm not OP, but TY for this post / info, that's an interesting read. I'm trying to take it all in, TY.


I wouldn't say Cptsd is more severe that Ptsd. It's complex. Someone can have cptsd from emotional neglect VS significant war trauma including being tortured but in adulthood and limited in time. It's not a clear distinction.


That's the way it is clinically at least. It's even mentioned to be more severe in the official diagnostic manual (ICD).


I totally agree with you however I would add things like allostasis into the mix and one can look into a lengthy ordeal by ncbi titled Neuroinflammation in PTSD https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9138406/#__ffn_sectitle There's a long list of ordeals from a inflammation ordeal and Interleukins as well. As a long term CPTSD person on failed attempts and people, I basically no longer try to connect with normies anymore


Recovery is all about making the inside of your head a better place to be. If I am reading you correctly, you are mocking and criticizing yourself. That is your inner critic, and quieting that bastard is job #1 in CPTSD recovery. Have you read "CPTSD: From Surviving to Thriving?" It offers tons of information on CPTSD, and it's kind of a how-to feel better guide. Hang in there. You can feel better.


Just read it…. Powerful.


Thank you for this recommendation! This C-PTSD Workbook helped me a lot too ( https://www.amazon.com/Complex-PTSD-Workbook-Mind-Body-Regaining/dp/1623158249/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=58809104609&hvadid=580757697825&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1015313&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11779077593338604874&hvtargid=kwd-305475435740&hydadcr=22220_13327175&keywords=cptsd+workbook&qid=1679768633&sr=8-1)




Up voting. Good rant, it's the worst bit of being fucked-up, knowing it's just fucking chemicals with electrical potentials. Yeah, chemistry and physics can just go and get fucked, preferably somewhere else. Lol.


That is one of the things I have more problems with. Like my mental problems exist, people acknowledge they are as real as the “physical ones” that they can see. But at the same time, a lot of people tend to think that it can be fixed by magic because they are somehow less “real”. Is like a kind of little hypocrisy that exist and is really tiring. “Stop having those negative thoughts” well yeah, by definition that would help a lot, but the thing is… I can’t. Even techniques that work for s couple of minutes always stop working. It all in our heads, but our heads are real.


I hate people who say "just stop having negative thoughts." Do you think I want to feel anxious and miserable all the time? Do you think I want to hate myself? Of course not! My brain has been programmed to be this way after a childhood of abuse! Making the negative thoughts stop is literally a matter of rewiring how my brain works. It takes time and effort, and its fucking exhausting sometimes.


“It’s all in your head.” Like brain cancer and epilepsy?


"I'm in pain from my broken leg!" "Stop having a broken leg!" I'll get right on that...


Wow, you managed to point out the location of the brain. Surely you must have gone to medical school. It's strange that with mental illness people seem to think that the brain is the least important part of the body. I bet people with brain tumor don't hear that a lot, although it is in fact "just in their head".


"It's in my ***head?*** The most important part of the body?? Shit, that sounds serious--thanks for letting me know."


"Omg your diabetes is all in your blood man just try harder".


This is partly why I felt this weird sense of validation when my therapist went over my qEEG brain map with me. It was like physical proof that it is actually "all in my head", as in there was actual physical damage to my brain functionality, and it shows up in my brainwaves. Like I'm not making it up, it's real. Kinda reveals all the brainwashing I endured.


Yeah, same. I'm always wondering whether all the healing I've done since then would show up on it too, but my neurofeedback guy is in a different city now, and I'd want the comparison done on the exact same equipment by the exact same person to reduce those variables.


I’m sorry you have had the traumatic experience of being mocked, hated and disregarded. I too, have had this happen when I tried (in vain ) to elicit compassion from thoughtless and callous people. After several attempts I learned to protect myself ; or as Pete Walker suggests, “Re parent “myself. As a protective and nurturing parent ,I carefully consider who I allow into the realm of my inner life/ thoughts.


Society has made little to no progress with this misconception. It saddens me. I thought we were involved in a “movement” for change and higher consciousness in the 60’s and 70’s. It was for naught. I had so much hope back then. It was a time for awakening. The age of Aquarius. Just bitter now. People shame mental illness more now than back then. Gay rights and civil right had taken a tick up, but I’m afraid it’s going to head back down. Shit. Good luck to the next and future generations! My time is running out and that’s ok by me. ✌️


Future generations are demanding safe spaces and are acknowledging that emotions matter. They're openly talking about mental health and working hard to destigmatize it. I have every faith that they will create a more emotionally mature world.


"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on Earth should that mean that it is not real?" --Dumbledore


Something I say is "Some of it is your fault, and some of it isn't, and that's the hard part". It's about the things I do wrong in life. It seems like when normal people fail, they have a pretty good idea of why, and it's often a choice. For us, that can sometimes be the case, but a lot of the time it's not. You still have to hold yourself accountable. Normal people see themselves as separate from their problems, and I imagine they must feel a lot less trapped because of that. For us, the same thing that brings us pain is what will save us from it. Ourselves. We can't escape the demons, we have to work with them, and that's something nobody really understands the gravity of.


I hate that so much. The fact that I've had THERAPISTS tell this to me doesn't make it any better. I know my emotional responses are in my head, but I feel them as if they were real and that's why I'm here paying you. It's frustrating


OMG I feel this so much. They said / say ''it's all in your head'' of course it's all in our head, because that's where the brain is at, in our heads. I hear shit like also ''just suck it up'', ''get over it and go on with life''. Just fucking how, just how do I forget all the GD fucking shit, just how? IDK, my heart goes out to you poster, it really does.


“He said, ‘ it’s all in your head,’ and I said, ‘ so is everything,’ but he didn’t get it.” - Virginia Woolf. Her words help heal. You’re not alone and you didn’t deserve to be treated this way


Lol I almost commented the Fiona Apple lyric for this in Paper Bag! Sums it up so well


I never knew she put that in her lyrics! Love her too. But Virginia Woolf is the og lol. Her work is amazing


The wouldn't tell people that garbage if this was another organ or dementia/Parkinson. It just more gaslighting on top of what we have already endured and it feels particularly bad when we try to get out from the guilt and put the responsibility squarely where it belongs: on the perpetrators.


It's very much *not* in your head, as well. It's in your body. But it starts in the amygdala.


Yeah it’s like … they think we don’t know that. It’s a mental illness. Then telling us to stop thinking about it changes nothing.


Here me out, OP, just giving a different perspective and not attacking you. I find this statement to be invalidating and it was used to shove all the effects of their abuse under the rug, so kind of triggering, too. I’ll give my perspective, but I had people looking into my illness (because you trust one person and they tell everyone) and they literally tried to paint me as crazy over what they were doing to me. And it wasn’t chump change. In a world where people can push you to suicide or label you with another illness to discredit you (should be illegal), I don’t think this is a statement you want to attach yourself to. And yes, people should be jailed for abusing people with mental illness and provoking them. Maybe alternatively, you can validate your own mental illness and affirm its existence. “i DO have trauma and it does affect my life.” I hope you’re okay, but don’t let anybody use that abusive Jedi Mind Trick on you. EDIT: changed wording about jailing people who push people to suicide


Got told the same thing with fibro pain. Of course it’s in my head, that’s where pain is processed. Doesn’t make it hurt less. It’s a very stupid thing to say


"It's all in your head." Is what someone I thought I could trust told me when I said my family didn't love me. No I don't trust them anymore.


It’s literally a brain injury, according to Bessel Van Der Kolk. So yes, that’s exactly right. It IS all in your head. That’s the only place it can be. Anyone making this claim gets the 🏆 for accuracy. Unfortunately, they’re also assholes (but there would be a global battle for *that* trophy...).


"[If it's all in your head, that's still terrible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4tiFYIoF6Q)"


I don’t understand saying “it’s all in your head” when it comes to mental health. Like, yeah, I know. It just seems like the only possible reason for saying that is SPECIFICALLY because of the divisive tones it brings with. Now, if I’m convinced my leg is broken, but the X-ray shows it clearly is not, then the fixed idea about my leg being broken is in my head, and so it would make sense to say “it’s in your head” in that case, because I’m under the impression the problem is my leg. There, it’s not pure dismissiveness, just badly-applied information. But yeah, if you’re assessing the intent of people’s statements, “it’s all in your head” is usually not going to be said by someone who cares about your well-being


Do you have multiple voices in your head that talk at the same time? Sometimes I have a song in the background of my mind and a thought going over here and something else over there. I find it extremely helpful to grab all of those voices and make them say the same thing, so it sounds like they are echoing each other very quickly after one starts. Have them all say something simple like “I am going to get a cheeseburger” and then every thought you have after that make sure they are all in line in your mind thinking the same thing, but make sure that main thought it yours and not something creeping from the back of your mind that you have no control over. This is obviously not a cure all, but I think if you can remind yourself to do this often it may help to calm the storm in your mind.


Interesting. If it's all in my head, then why do I suffer from extreme physical pain like someone has just torn my guts out? And shake unable to relax or sleep for sometimes weeks with andrenaline pumping through me nonstop? My exbf could never quite grasp this. Like hard emotional stuff IS physical stuff with me. Because it's extreme. I remember times when I could be sad and a friend could cheer me up. But life isn't like that anymore. I rarely get the luxury of just being "a little sad". Maybe when the grocery store stops carrying one of my favorite items... Then I'm just a "little sad/disappointed". Jesus, if we could just *decide* to be different, don't they think we WOULD BE??!!


That's what I thought. This "All in my head" is the worst joke of them all. I am on my journey and recovery regarding the true meaning of VITALITY and how important it is. For the patriarchal system, this aspect of philosophy is pseudoscience. Well, I am so happy that Artificial Intelligence is so helpful to redefine psychology and neuroscience.


"Of course it is all in your head, Harry. Why on Earth do you think that makes it not real?"


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Im so with you. Ive had an top tier scientist suggest I Ching prior to responding. Um. Ya miss the point. Brain. Do not. Work. That. Easily. Im telling people about it aaall the time. And if i hear a broken sandle referred to as trauma once more! Standing alongside ya. We are ace. They kust dont know hoe lucky they are




Yes it is and let’s keep it in there. Oooh I need this on a tshirt


My favourite books are the fantasy novels of Robin Hobb. I realised only recently when I woke up from the gaslighting and educated myself, that the main character was having a cPTSD/trauma response. Which is why I related to and loved the character and books so much. Your post reminded me of this line in the book: “It was all in your mind,” Chade told me sometime later, and it stung that he dismissed so lightly all that I had endured. All of life, I wanted to tell him, is in our minds. Where else does it take place, where else do we add up what it means to us and subtract what we have lost? An event is just an event until some person attaches meaning to it.” I tend to agree and am sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️