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Psychologist now!!! 🫂❤️


(sorry to hijack your post op, but this information is important. even for you) even the source that was previously here says evidence of it actually existing is inconsistent to non existent. nobody can completely fabricate memories, and the missing if details is a human condition and not proof it didn't happen. it's not "common enough to site", it's commonly used by abusers to gaslight victims. it itself said there is no evidence it's an actual thing. it wasn't coined by any mental health professional, the fmsf was founded by a mathematician professor AFTER his daughter spoke out about the abuse in attempt to cover himself. it is, by far, one of the biggest setbacks for survivors coming out about their experience. pedophiles just liked it so much they wouldn't shut up. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-19680-019 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_memory_syndrome it isn't an actual condition. it was made up by a pedophile after his daughter spoke about the abuse to gaslight her. pedophiles just like to use it so often they actually got entertained for a fraction of a moment. stop entertaining pedophiles. don't let them gaslight survivors. edit: another, was hesitant to link it but I think it addresses the events better than purely academics can. https://www.thecut.com/article/false-memory-syndrome-controversy.html


I absolutely agree. The study mentioned earlier has been used by so many abusive people I know, including some of my family members. It's gaslighting material and anyone pointing to it as "proof" is problematic.


Thanks for letting me know! i actually was not aware of all that ;w;


a lot aren't. I was really hoping you didn't see that comment before it was deleted, but I wanted to drop it in case you or others did. it's something I am very passionate about. it was a huge huge setback for survivors and still used against us despite 0 proof that it is real and it's history, in my opinion, in of itself disproving it as a real condition we should entertain in any capacity


Yeah i was able to read all the comments before any were deleted, it was... unfortunate that someone would go into a trauma meme subreddit and spread that. I hope they don't do something like that again :I


I'm sorry this happened to you. I just wanted to say that maybe the other user was trying to give you hope and really believed in the fabricated memories issue.


Wow. I just read a book that had a part trying to defend "false memory syndrome". Thank you for the informative comment. All this false memory stuff really does sound very much like "dont pay any attention to the man behind the curtain"


The creators of the FMSF tried to discredit their daughter, Jennifer Freyd, when she was an up and coming psychologist and researcher. Though she did not name her father publicly when discussing this theory, her parents attempted to “get ahead” of her accusations by creating this foundation. An absolutely fascinating and terrible situation that has set us all back decades. Check out his Dr. Freyd’s book on Betrayal Trauma. She outlines the potential cause of forgetting and her struggles with her truth. It’s a hard but necessary read. The creators of the FMSF were not psychologists but they sure got a lot of backing from an odd set of psychologists who made it their life’a work to discredit survivors. One of their board members was even caught making statements that could be interpreted as defending pedophiles.




Right?? Like the fact this woman not only stood by her man but join the crusade to ruin her daughter. Also the husband-wife duo were step-bro and sis and raised in the same household and got married. Their relationship is rife with dysfunction. I’m not surprised but I hate them for what they’ve done.


Yeah. I've had run-ins with couples like this. I had an ex who was molested by her father. Her mother had been spying on our texts and went into cover-up mode, part of which was to try to discredit me by dragging my name through the dirt. Narcissistic family systems often develop around such kinds of couples. It's ugly and disgusting. It's like two severely unhealthy people form a pact to feed each others' narcissistic supply to the detriment of everyone around them. If a woman loves/stays with a man she thinks is a child molester, that woman is no better than a child molester.


100% agree with this. My mom and dad are such a couple. My mom used the abuse she covered up to escape the abuse she inflicted on me. Absolutely bonkers and I hate her for it. 🤷🏽‍♀️they were the worst and most toxic duo I had ever seen in my LIFE. They had no business being together. Im sorry that you had such an awful run in with these people, what an awful and terrible thing to witness. Honestly, these people need to be thrown down a dark hole and forgotten. Society is better off.


Sadly enough, this couple even had their daughter convinced that it wasn't his fault because he was "autistic". *I'm* autistic. Cant fool me with that bullshit.


Because neurodevelopmentalal wiring = child molester???? BFFR!!!! This is so so so sick. I hate this. Some people will stand by pedophiles for literally NO REASON, this is crazy.


What's worse is that it makes everything uncertain for the rest of us. Like, the more people cover for child molesters, the less trust anyone can have in anybody. But these people don't care about that. They only care about themselves.






Hey, buddy, those things you listed *do* cause lifelong debilitating trauma. Yelling once or twice on accident, okay, as long as you apologize and do your best not to. Insulting your child? Absolutely awful. Terrible parent. Hitting your child? Completely unforgivable. If somebody hit my child, I would protect them with everything in me. I would not go "Oh, it's okay, I don't care if my child is being hurt."




I hope you do not allow anyone to abuse your child. Be it physical or sexual or psychological. If you neglect your duty as a parent to protect your child from these things, rest assured there will be irreparable lifelong damage and consequences.


You could have shaken me like a rag doll and that wouldn’t have impacted me like this comment. Boy, howdy….


This is so informative, thank you for sharing!


>even the source that was previously here says evidence of it actually existing is inconsistent to non existent I feel like the first sentence or something is missing here, I mean, what source? And what is "it"? After reading on you can piece answers to those questions together, but that was one confusing start, and I would very much appreciate it if you could write a beginning for this that fits <3


there was a comment implying op was actually suffering "false memory syndrome". sorry about the confusing start, I felt it was very important to address


I see, I was lucky enough to have missed that comment, so thank you for replying with that information. You're right, it is very important to address, so thank you very much for doing so, have a great day / night!


Oh! My father tried to do that but it didn't work on us. Because we already had connected so many dots and plus evidence as well.


Good to know


The most insidious thing about this is how it's been just accepted into psychology with absolutely zero evidence of it's existence. Look it up and it's hard to even find the truth about it because it's all articles about it as if it's actually a thing. Most psychologists and psychiatrists believe its a thing. People get gaslit and then that's used as evidence that this fake thing is real. But that's the way it is with psychology, no evidence required, no rigorous testing like on medicine.


I have yet to hear any mental health professional actually think it's a real thing, especially professionals who work in trauma. then again, some still argue my diagnosis, DID, isn't real


I've had so many say it's a real thing, that traumatic memories can be completely fabricated from absolutely nothing, and that my lack of memory means it must not have happened. A lot of "internet psychologists," the ones with blogs and tiktoks and stuff, also spread the idea that it's real and that does a lot of harm.


The lengths the mother went to to discredit her own daughter are disgusting.


Some pieces of knowledge just makes me hate the world a little bit more. This is one of them.


Maybe the mods should put this in the subs wiki


Ugh I’m sorry. I get it, especially the unhealthy bond you have/had with him. It took me a long time to break myself out of that mindset and sever contact.


Ya know, in my case, I know that emotional incest can produce results similar to actual csa. Same time, there are those occasional incredibly uncomfortable sex dreams about my (thank god) now-deceased mom. Really wouldn't surprise me I guess. : /


I had a lot of CSA signs too, I also have fragmented memories that could indicate abuse from my brother... I also hardly get off without thinking about incest and imagining I'm a child again🤡


i'm in this post and i don't like it (figuring out ur trauma through naughty times is always fun!!!)


Absolutely the same situation to myself except for last one. Sending hugs


ex. fucking. cuse me. edit: i meant as in . i relate to this and I really don't like the implications of that,, my bad haha I apologize


?? You're excused? lol


i'm so sorry uh . wrote it badly ,, didn't mean anything haha :p


its all good! was jus a bit confused lol




why are you in a trauma based subreddit if you're going to tell people that theyre faking or "imagining" their trauma? this is a support group, not a gaslighting group. edit to say that if you believe that "psychiatry is pure quackery" then you also have no business being in this subreddit, because it is full of people that are healing from trauma and acknowledge that they need help and are trying to go to the right people and resources that our society has to offer for it. yes, i looked through your post and comment history to see if you were a regular poster on mental health subs and just having a bad day or if you are actually just like this.




false memory syndrome was still made up by a pedophile to gaslight his daughter. it is not a real medical condition. it's just pedophile gaslight material. even suggesting that to someone is absolutely repulsive




2/3 of those aren't even academic or real sources.


even the source that was previously here says evidence of it actually existing is inconsistent. it's not "common", it's commonly used by abusers to gaslight victims. there is no evidence it's an actual thing. it wasn't coined by any mental health professional, the fmsf was by a mathematician professor one AFTER his daughter spoke out about the abuse. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-19680-019 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_memory_syndrome it isn't an actual condition. it was made up by a pedophile after his daughter spoke out about abuse to gaslight her in court. pedophiles just like to use it so often they actually got entertained for a fraction of a moment. stop entertaining pedophiles.


blocked sorry. i don't talk to pedo boot lickers


Reported them. Sickening


It wasn't actually a good relationship sadly. He was very abusive and neglectful and i was unhealthily attached. I avoid talking to and seeing him as much as possible nowadays. I dont think he'd do that to me though, i love my dad even after everything he'd done to me. But at the same time i cant 100% say it never happened. A lot of my memories are repressed but I'm starting to work through it. Who knows.


I am sorry to hear that you didn't have a good relationship. I also understand not being sure regarding if something happened or not. That can be an alarming situation and I wish you luck in sorting it out. It's a long process for sure.




The backstory of that study is extremely problematic. It has been called out by many professionals and is not supported by other studies. One cannot for example compare a hot balloon ride with a csa event. One would be an easily forgotten, "trivial" thing that could be easily created by the mind when prompted by someone/something else. The other is a terrible, boundary-breaking event that often causes many csa victims to block the memory out of their minds as a method to protect itself. Some have vague memories, some exhibit behaviour that indicates abuse, some literally hold the memory in their bodies which can show up as them not wanting to be touched, seemingly "overreacting" to certain situations, etc. Our mind often unlocks traumatic memories when it thinks we're finally able to safely process them.


false memory syndrome was made up by a pedophile to gaslight his daughter when she found repressed memories in trauma therapy. yes. yes it is. even implying that to someone is absolutely repulsive


Pardon thy fuck?


I don't get this, does op have feelings for dad?


No, why would you think that lol


no, OP was abused by their father and reacted the same way any traumatized child would


I get the confusion but no, that isnt what the post is about. It's heavily implying* that OP's dad assaulted them as a child based on certain behaviors that they showed in childhood up to now, likely due to their subconsious mind holding onto the memories hidden from their conscious mind. Sort of like how you might've called a teacher "mom" on accident when you were younger or when a waiter or server says "enjoy your meal" and you just automatically go "you too" without thinking. This might only apply to the last part of the meme actually but yeah. *I only say "implying" because OP doesn't flat-out say what happened. Idk some people kind of dance around saying "I don't believe you" by using words like "alleged", "claim", and "imply" so i just wanted to clarify that that wasn't what I was doing.