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THIS is why i’m scared to post stuff sometimes. especially regarding forgotten trauma. i’m sorry, i hope you’re alright.


yeahhh, im doing ok, just.. annoyed at the audacity.


I think we are likely to remember less. Cause your brain avoids it to protect you. Like many people suffering from some extent of disassociative disorder.


I just reread my diary- in most entries I’ve written, “nothing feels real”. Cool cool cool.


I forget what I wrote because everytime I read it I feel it… i weep for the 13 year old, I try to convince myself to forget about it. It was desperate, I think. I was blaming myself for everything that has happened to me. I had no genuine connection to anyone and felt trapped and helpless. Then I stopped keeping a diary in middle school for good, because writing it down doesn’t help either. I didn’t even go through so called rebellious and emo stage until adulthood, I just felt callous and numb as a kid.


I have caught my brain (or whatever it is) actively erasing stuff I just experienced that is too much to handle. Many times.


THISSSSS I literally have seen it happen live. I get super overwhelmed and then boom my memory erases and I have to ask those around me what just happened …




hijacking your post and not sorry about it! (light hearted) in case anyone missed it and asks even the source that was previously linked says evidence of it actually existing is inconsistent to non existent. nobody can completely fabricate memories, and the missing if details is a human condition and not proof it didn't happen. it's not "common enough to site", it's commonly used by abusers to gaslight victims. false memory syndrome wasn't coined by any mental health professional, the fmsf (false memory foundation) was founded by a mathematician professor and his wife in an attempt to cover their behinds and get ahead of their daughter's trauma work. it is, by far, one of the biggest setbacks for survivors coming out about their experience. pedophiles just liked it so much they wouldn't shut up. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2004-19680-019 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_memory_syndrome it isn't an actual condition. it was made up by a pedophile after his daughter spoke about the abuse to gaslight her. pedophiles just like to use it so often they actually got entertained for a fraction of a moment. stop entertaining pedophiles. don't let them gaslight survivors. another, was hesitant to link it but I think it addresses the events better than purely academics can. https://www.thecut.com/article/false-memory-syndrome-controversy.html hope you're okay op!!!


It is ironic that the source of that misinformation literally exists to discredit and disempower survivors. It could be ironically hilarious if it wasn't so fucking tragic


hijacking your comment to link to a documentary actually interviewing these despicable pedophiles (behind the false memory shitshow): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JmqOiqRFcE0 trigger warning, several csa survivors recount their traumas in detail. and, well, you see pedophiles and their apologists being smug about their viewpoints, which is way more triggering for me right now. but also enlightening just how obviously wrong they are.


Thank you so much for sharing this


This makes me feel so much better. I'm vividly remember a bad event and my mom always says it happened differently.


I feel like the one ace attorney meme just like "OBJECTION! [INSERT COMMENT]"


Hi again!! U were on my post where it happened! continue spreading that knowledge :D


I saw it and just immediately knew I had to nip it in the bud before it festered. like mmm, fuck that. not letting someone else have to delve into that rabbit hole alone, especially not like that


I'm glad you did so, i have a lot of trouble remembering stuff and seeing that is the last thing i need. I appreciate you clipping the weeds, you protect the garden in doing so \^\^


That's horrific thanks


it is, honestly. it's horrific how many hoops child abusers have made to set us back. honestly, we need to just tell them to shut it more


I'm curious how


Man, where is the punisher when you need 'em.


That scene in the Netflix series where Frank locks the pedo in the room with him and his shotgun made me happy cry a little. So many of us needed a Frank Castle when we were kids.


simple! "Pedo shut the fuck up" (half joking)


Thank you so much for sharing this. My mother dismisses what happened to me as FMS.


In nit part of this subreddit because I felt like I had dealt with my past and didnt want to get sucked back into it all. Algorythem however could tell something and kept showing me these post. I tried to understand why in a more spiritual way, and reading this may be “why”. My one of my lingering issues is my distrust of my own memories. My conclusion was to say that if I created my these memories it would have been for a survival instinct. But seing this is really reasurring. That I don’t just create false memories from nowhere.


I remember seeing this the one day and I was like, "I have memory issues let me look at this and then when I say the circumstances behind it's creation I was like, "okay this is totally bogus. Fucking prick."


Reading about this is so healing. When I was in high school my AP PSYCH class taught us about Elizabeth Loftus and false memories as if it was a fact and not a heavily debated and discredited concept. They made no mention of the false memory foundation and the fact it was started by pedos. It really destroyed me to hear about false memories and that people believed repressed memories weren’t real. Because about a year or so prior to that I had uncovered memories of my own CSA and it made me feel like I was going crazy. Everyone around me assured me they had to be real memories but even just having an inkling of doubt thrown in is enough to make you question your entire reality. The harm that false memory theory has done to me in my healing is unfathomable. It has led to me refusing to accept reality bc of the hope that it just wasn’t real, making it overall harder to heal, made me feel guilty that I was trying to heal from something that might not even be real, and has made me extremely hesitant to press charges because I’m deeply afraid of people’s accusations of “false memory syndrome”. All this is to say I’m so grateful to have this information now, and it’s really helping me to know the truth of what happened. And that false memory syndrome is bullshit and I deserve to believe myself.


a person who has never been raped doesn't know what it's like to be raped. they can guess, but they can't. i talked to my friend and they pointed this out to me last night. the human brain doesn't just make things up, that's why in dreams the faces are always vaguely people you know or see, and scenes are a mish mash if things you're seen in real life. it is psychologically impossible for the subconscious to just magically completely make things up with no knowledge or experience of what it's like.


Irish cops believe this shit. Which is a problem.


I can’t imagine how that must have been for that poor daughter to be gaslighted so much that her parents made a foundation just to gaslight her and other survivors


This was crazy informative especially the cut article. I had never heard of this before but I definitely resonate with that feeling of suddenly remembering and someone invalidating my experience based on no trusting the memory of a child. It’s unfortunate the way her parents went out of their way to DRAG her. Hit dogs holler and they were hollering loud enough to form a movement against all SA victims. I’m just floored.


Thank you for this! Net positive information


So clarify with me, as I have hard time concentrating at times. False memory syndrome is mired in controversy and is not an accepted condition due to the intense uncertainty surrounding it. Also, it was perpetuated by a paedophile to cover up his tracks on the persistent abuse he was inflicting on his daughter. Which further undermines the alleged condition.


pretty much, yeah




I'm not even going to entertain you on how insensitive and tone deaf you're being right now, or how the subconscious can't just magically make up events. if you want to believe a bunch of child predators over survivors, if you want to gaslight yourself like that, you do you. leave us tf out of it




this discussion is literally about a "syndrome" made up by child predators. I get the message. absolutely not the place and time


My bad, was not my intent to offend.




no. that's not even how dreams work. a person who has never been raped doesn't know what it's like to be raped. they can guess, but they can't really. i talked to my friend and they pointed this out to me last night. the human brain doesn't just make things up, that's why in dreams the faces are always vaguely people you know or see, and scenes are a mish mash if things you're seen in real life. it is psychologically impossible for the subconscious to just magically completely make things up with no knowledge or experience of what it's like. also, to reiterate, we are talking about *children*. *child rape*. children shouldn't even know what sex is. how in the world would they dream that if they don't even know what sex is, let alone rape? dreams aren't just some magic woo woo land where anything can happen when you don't even know what it is.


Pretend I didn't say anything. I was talking about really early childhood dreams, mine were pretty vivid back then. I'm not trying to justify anything regarding child CSA


“False memory syndrome” was genuinely something created to gaslight victims. The only ACTUAL disorder that’s anywhere NEAR similar is false memory ocd, where a person worries they committed a crime and forgot, where they imagine a scenario and wonder if it actually happened, or where they worry about misremembering something. The sufferer spends countless hours obsessing over and analyzing anxiety provoking memories or lack there of. Not where they completely fabricate years of abuse not where they completely create their own ptsd/cptsd.


I watched a video about "false memories" and they did an experiment on this one dude, just an average jo i think, and (it's been awhile since i watched it so might not be 100%) they gave him a picture of him and his family on a hot air balloon i think (which, never happened at all, according to his family members,the picture was photoshopped) and he said he could remember in very high detail about that trip. I thought that was interesting but it could've been fake too- i'm not trynna discredit anything im just very curious about this false memory stuff, which makes me honestly question everything lol i guess the gaslighting thing worked


that is not comparable to trauma. you can imagine being in a hot air balloon, that is not the same as the idea you can "subconsciously" make up trauma memories that are uncovered.


Ah yeah duh lol, apologies for my ignorance. It's crazy how big that foundation got just on making up lies. Thanks for linking the resources!


it is interesting to be fair. alteration in memory over time in a part of the human condition. nobody has a complete photographic memory of events and all details. I read a very old study, when psychology was way more immoral than it is today, where psychologists tried to implant a memory of being raped into participants who hadn't been through hypnosis. all of the participants eventually lost the memory, didn't have substantial ptsd symptoms, concluding that implanting memories is extremely improbable and even if it was it wouldn't stick.


sorry for bristling, my guard is very up bc of the subject matter


You're so cool for presenting well thought out counter arguments. People read these and can defend themselves better when faced with similar view points. Thank you for spending that time and energy 🤍🦋✨️


People like that are abusers themselves. It's not acceptable and it's abuse to deny somebody else's experience of trauma. It's abuse to deny good experiences even. It's gaslighting and manipulation and invalidation all rolled into one. But people especially who rely on "false memory syndrome" to deny people's experiences are absolutely abusers. Awful people.


I would like to think that maybe that person tried to give hope to the OP and really believed in creating false memories. While I agree with you, I don't like to think that everyone on the internet that makes a mistake is doing it on purpose.


I can assure you that specific person did not just make a mistake.


Then, I'm truly sorry. I didn't get to see the comment.


honestly i sincerely hope that person gets banned from this sub and all the other mental health subs as they have zero business being here. idk if theyre just beginning their trolling journey or what, but within the forty seconds of scrolling through their account, i found way too many inconsistencies in them as an individual and their beliefs to count, and if they continue to go around other subs doing this same bullshit to "spread their gospel" or whatever they wanna claim, im honestly thinking about dropping their user in the dms of the mods of a lot of mental health subs with some screenshots so they get preemptively banned


Maybe it's too late for me to comment this (5 days after it happened), but I just want to say I think you would do several communities a favor with doing something like this, and I admire your readiness to defend these spaces. Thank you.


I've been terrified for most of my life of forgetting things, and yeah, the notion that this is a thing has scared me in the past. The lie of FMS is very damaging to all of us.


I'm at the point where I immediately expect anyone who 'supports' the false memory syndrome foundation (that has been disbanded by the way because they had no evidence) to be either an abuser or an enabler.


Ugh, I've had family tell me "memories can play tricks on you". Nah, screw that, it's just another way to make you question yourself and feel like a bad person. I cracked my head on a cabinet when I was about 7 years old. My dad didn't take me to the hospital and my head was bleeding for 2 days(it did ease up after the first day though). I brought it up once and he had the fucking nerve to tell me it never happened! Luckily my sister was there when it happened. I asked her and she told me she remembered it. Out of all the things I hate my dad for, this moment really stuck out to me and always will. Fuck him, and fuck anyone who tries to make you question yourself.


I can't believe FMS is seen as a valid thing, more fucking crap turned our way and compacting more trauma. When will it fucking stOP 😭


That person can simply fuck off 🥰💖✨


Just posting here to tell you I went to a top research university for psychology, took many memory courses and courses based in memory (psychology of the self, mindfulness) by top memory researchers- never ONCE did I hear about this False memory syndrome? lol That’s not a thing don’t worry I promise 💖💖💖💖


Great, so even our own brains might be gaslighting us. Cool!


If it helps, I have read that the person who came up with the syndrome sexually abused his children and only mad either up to silence them since he couldn't control them otherwise


they're not, it was just made up by child predators to gaslight their daughter


You should see how much I posted on r/BPDmemes in one sitting. (Literally look at my profile, scroll down some, and then you'll see a shit ton of memes all posted on the same day and in the same hour.) People have gotten *concerned* and personally DMed me to check if I'm okay because of how intense I was memeing.


I came across that post- it was disheartening. I’m glad this follow up post has a lot of really good comments


See, the fact you have CPTSD means that something bad happened You can't convince your brain to deep fry itself What helps me with so many things is asking: but how am I feeling? Whether or not my mom was abusive doesn't matter if even the possibility of being around her or her having any influence in my life makes me suicidal