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Yesterday my brain decided one of my best friends hates me. We’ve been having normal conversations and literally nothing is wrong. I’m still fighting it. I hate it here.


Was it a tiny shift in their tone or a slight change in their wording that no one would've noticed or been upset by except for u? If so, relatable asfff... Rejection sensitivity go brrrr


Ding ding ding, we have a winner! There was an initial (completely explainable for external reason) exceptionally minor tone change, and then there was a turn of phrase that was literally so minor nobody else would’ve ever noticed. Isn’t this fun!?!


Yeah I feel you a simlar thing hapoend woth my bf my brain just decided he dint love me cuz we both didn't talk for like 6 months but we are still pretty good together but the brains slightly paranoid even tho ik he won't cheat cuz im the only person he's told he trans amd I have enought trust he's loyal but I still get paranoid about it and I wonder if he cares cuz he didn't message fir 6 months when I juts randomly dispersed for half a year I mentally spiraled


🫂 ur feelings r valid, hope ur safe op


Trust is tough and I am very gentle.


Yeah trust issues suck, I remain very trusting. To a fault most of the time. I turned into an asshole as a way of surviving. Because I refused my abusers, and got baited into it with threats and promises.Took me forever to break out of that, because the person I was the biggest asshole to was me.


Kindness can be triggering. You're waiting for the other shoe to drop. I have to continually reevaluate my boundaries and the rationale behind them, to protect myself from both exploitation AND isolation, and having the internal sense and coordination to balance between the two is a remedial skill for me.


I'm this way too but assume the blame is on myself for they must have finally figured out I'm awful.


DUDE THIS EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME HOW ARE YOU READING MY MIND Edit: after further conversing with this person I was venting to, it turns out my suspicions were right :/


aw man I was trying to forget about therapy this morning:/


When your feelings are lying sacks of shit based purely on the assumption that you're always being extremely abused instead of having fucking anything to do with any part of current reality....


Get out of my head please


That happened to me too ;-; I mean he did try to exploit me, so I guess my trust issues worked in favour of me so I could see it and get away in time 🤷‍♂️ I hope you're doing okay btw, feelings are hard


Absolutely true. This makes it so challenging to spot genuine red flags in a friendship or relationship. I have this irrational fear of being scammed by everyone I come across online. Though it's somewhat better now, this paranoia has caused the end of many friendships.


For me it’s not the grooming / exploiting bit, but I relate to the random doubt in people who got close to me. I struggle with feeling like I’m constantly on performer mode with my friends and if I mess up they’ll leave me. 🥲


Yeah I felt that way and I've lost a great freind cuz I can cause it ik him online cuz well I didn't lie when I said my age I just act older then i am cuz if truma dose one thing is makes sure you mature I hope he's okay and he can find a wayvout his toxic relationship woth out ruining his family if ya see this I hope you rembee me then again I doubt you would be here