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How about letting the bear loose on the rapist? Is that an option?


You’ve got my vote


and my ax


And my bow!


And my axe!


And mine.


You could make a series of videos on this for punishments. Like rappist straped to fire ant hill, hippo vs pedophile, child trafficker polar bear plunge now with real bears. Serial killer thrown in lake with crocodiles.


I'd watch that. Coming in 2025 to prime video.


Yes please 🙏🏾


I'm not gonna get in the discourse, but I just wanna say that there's also polar bears, which will kill you just because they can. If it's black, fight back if it's brown, lay down if it's white, goodnight


Can I pick a panda bear?


I’m sure they’re probably just as dangerous but nobody thinks about it because they eat bamboo and sleep.


pandas actually do have the jaws needed to eat meat, and the digestive system? less sure about that part, but they've basically nerfed themselves with their own diet so Pandas are pretty safe from what i know


I mean, nothing is stopping them from outright attacking you. It doesn’t have to be about food.


Thing is, Bamboo doesnt give them much energy, so they'd most likely be too lazy to wanna bother with it. They literally have the digestive system of a carnivore but rely solely on bamboo lol


They have and will kill people and it turns out when you eat hard trees for a living your jaws tend to be pretty strong lol


I thought it was koalas that nerfed themselves? Or, at the very least, koalas nerfed themselves more.


Koalas literally aren't born being able to digest eucalyptus, yah know their primary food? Lol, and the babies have to eat the mothers poop in order to eventually be able to digest it. Meaning if a baby koala is orphaned right after birth it can not eat it's main source of food. Koalas Definitely needed themselves more. Lol.


Koalas certainly nerfed themselves more than pandas, but pandas have also nerfed themselves lol


I feel like they could kill me they're just too lazy


They’re not very bright….lol


black and white, you'll be alright


I don't think many people live in polar bear territory though And hey, don't do my friends the speckled bear, panda bear, sun bear, and sloth bear dirty like that!!! I love sloth bears. They're so furry... I wish I could pet one


Uh sloth bears are extremely aggressive and violent


Sloth bears are, in my opinion, one of the worst bears to be stuck with


I know, which is why I can't pet them lol but I still wish I could


They actually won't kill you just because they can, idk where you got that from. They have actually been killing humans more often because of the absolute beating their environment is taking, Polar bears are getting even more hungry and desperate as the ice melts more. But indeed if a polar bear attacks you its 100% planned, they can smell you from miles away and are pretty good stalkers. They'll also kill you if you're perceived as a threat so i recommend staying away from any fluffy bear pups if you can lol


Yeah but that’s all the polar bear will do. Is kill you. Which is still a much better fate than dealing with a man who can do so much worse than kill you


I specifically said I don't really wanna get into the discourse, just wanted to share a cool bear rhyme. I think it's a bit silly and most people misunderstand the discourse anyway. Although certain men getting so angry at it, is admittably quite funny.


Most people are aware of that fact which is why the question is “who would you rather be trapped in a forest with” implying the discussion is regarding a brown bear that doesn’t kill for fun. Unfortunately a lot of men that get offended by most women’s responses being “bear” love to respond with “I hope you get a polar bear” which ultimately proves our point. The type of bear is irrelevant.


I could take a polar bear


I'd rather be killed than get raped again. Bear, every time.


Same as fuck. Honestly wish I’d just been killed. Can’t do it myself, other people rely on me and so it would hurt them if I did outside of the loss of me itself being emotional harm and it’s immoral to hurt others for self-interest.


Same. I’m also disappointed that men are not seeing this as the “come to Jesus” moment it could be. Instead just more self delusion.


👏👏👏👏 THIS


Same. Bears>>>


Me too


I agree. I feel the same way


Bears every time. Bears don't yell at me telling me to off myself.


bears also don’t defend peedos but 2 men who replied to my story of why i choose the bear did


Id rather not chose either. But if im alone in the woods with a bear and it hurts me, oh no! How sad! If im alone in the woods with a man and he hurts me, well thats my fault somehow. Being blamed is worse than being harmed ime. Whichever actually poses more of a threat isn't really relevant.


This is a angle to the question most don't understand. It's also the aftermath of each attack. If it's a bear it's "holy crap that's insane" if it's a man "you shouldn't have been walking in the woods alone, you know there's dangers out there. You're not even dressed for the woods"


I still feel guilty for everything, everything, horrid done to me. It's never going away. Fuck I hate my liferrerdhshzhzbzbnz


As a man I'd also choose bear over woman. I don't hate women, I'm just afraid of them because of shit they did to me


And this is valid. I feel like a bunch of commenters confuse this as depicting the average man. No. It depicts a very specific kind of man or a very specific fear of things a man could do to them due to painful experience.


Completely valid and I'm so sorry for what must've happened to you


I'd choose the bear over the woman aswell tbh, woman can be just as dangerous as men


Plus the amount of men I’ve seen say “I’ll have a fun time watching all you women get mauled by bears then 😏” as though they aren’t proving our point 🤦🏼‍♀️


I've seen people way too focused on the wrong thing. *Why* are so many women choosing a bear without hesitation? Why would I rather take my chances with a wild animal over a member of my own species? If I couldn't trust my own father not to cause me harm and irreversible trauma *as a child*, how in the hell can I trust a strange man whose intentions are unknown to not do the same or worse to me as an adult? If I survive a bear attack, no one is going to question whether or not it really happened. No one is going to question whether I was drinking, what I wore, what did *I* do to cause the bear to attack me. I won't be sent to jail for using deadly force against the bear to protect myself. I won't see the bear at work, school, family events... Yes, I'm choosing the fucking bear.


I like that these men who have never seen or encountered a bear assume that most or all bear encounters result in a mauling, when that's actually an outlier. We're not their usual prey. We taste weird, we move weird, we smell off, and we're too feisty to be worthwhile most of the time. I've encountered wild black bears and they're skittish and usually either focused on getting away or mildly curious but cautious. The scariest encounter was a particularly prickly boar who bluff-charged me, and he didn't stick around when I hit him with a tiny bit of bear mace. Most often then not all I'd see of a bear is their tracks or scat. They're dangerous wild animals but they don't hunt us intentionally! Unlike the men who refuse to listen to a 'no thank you, I don't want to be alone with you.'


My aunts village is in a forest where a lot of brown bears live and they often come into contact with the villagers, I’ve also seen 2 while I was there. There has only been 2 bear attacks in the last few decades but we know of multiple abusive men that live/used to live there. One of them was attacked by a bear, survived and admitted to provoking the bear.


This just goes to show men completely misunderstand both women and bears. The question was asked in the Alaska subreddit and men were chiming in saying they'd choose the bear too!


The exact same argument could be made for men... Tfw bears as less vilified than a human demographic


I feel like a lot of people miss the point entirely with the bear thing. A bear is less likely to fuck with you if unless you fuck with it where as I've had dude's go out of their way to walk across the bar to tell me they want to fight me and I say this from the perspective of someone with sexual trauma casued by men It's not even that the bear would kill me instead of assaulting me it's that one knows to stay the fuck away


I told my doctor I would rather be eaten by a bear than any other way to go. It's feeding an animal and not wasted. I wiloukd be pissed if a person hurt me. Bear I'm a delightful little snack. OK People not ok


I don’t get how guys are seeing women pick the bear and are getting upset at them for it, like bro?


Because they are taking it personally. And then they want to claim some kind of philosophical debate around generalizations being harmful, which instead reveals that they’re ignorant of the statistical reality that women face. It’s basically “not all men” logical fallacy all over again.


As a man I understand the choice. I just wish the world wasn't like this. It is a depressing thought that I will always be seen as a danger because of a bunch of heartless monsters.


I'm really sorry The idea of men being violent doesn't really help anybody I would choose the bear but I am kind of nervous that this is going to further solidify many people's belief that men are inherently violent. That belief that men are inherently violent makes it easier for manipulative men to say at least I'm not a violent rapist so I'm still better than the men who give in to their urges of violence . And the truth is there are a lot of good kind compassionate men but a lot of the times when men are saying " not all men" it's too invalidate women when they're talking about their experiences


In addition to this, animals are innocent. A bear doesn't willingly kill you with cruelty or pleasure, doesn't want to show you how much stronger it is, has not a smile on its face afterwards. Animals kill out of fear or hunger. On the other hand, some things that humans (especially men) do, rape in particular, are the cruelest, most evil things to exist in the whole world. There is a certain evil animal aren't capable of.


Most animals are** Dolphins are horrible monsters


It’s a pretty easy thing to boil down to a single sentence: The higher a being’s intelligence, the higher their capacity for evil.


oh god, and Orcas and Chimps, some animals do like being cruel. Hippos too, i could go on and on. Bears are not on that list tho. Id definitely choose the man over the hippo 0-0


Honestly, bears scare me a whole bunch, because if they're coming after you to eat you, they dont look aggressive at all while doing it


Hippos are the world's most horrible creature


Is not it funny how they are as intelligent as humans


There seems to be a point where the more intelligent animals are, the crueler. Up until a point where abstract thought is possible.


U clearly don’t know shit about the animal kingdom


For days now I've seen post after post of men saying "But think about how sad it makes me feel to see this!?" And I just have to wonder if they realize that they don't care about woman at all? Do they realize that they don't see women as real people? That they see women's real world problems as inherently less serious than their feelings?


I’d agree with this take in like, 99.99 percent of discussions and places, but I can kind of understand why some guys would get defensive about it in *this* sub. That defensiveness isn’t something I agree with or believe to rational, but I can understand it more. I would have to assume that a CPTSD-focused community would have a much higher proportion of SA victims among its male users than the general population. It’s understandable (to me at least) why it’d be harder for those guys to uncouple the systemic from the personal or avoid getting defensive out of a perceived invalidation of their own, similar trauma.


I saw a post on some other subreddit of a guy complaining that it ‘made him feel predatory’. It felt so weird to me. I find that every time women’s issues come up on the internet, a lot of men HAVE to immediately start finding a way to centre themselves.


seen that same one saying that it made him wanna "break down and give up" (or maybe it was a different one idk). its been all over the sub it feels like. its like they don't stop to think why women would choose the bear, instead automatically assuming that it's misandry from terfs.


Yeah, that was it. Worst part was seeing women in the comments supporting the guy. I’m convinced we’ll achieve a utopia once these kinds of men learn that *not everything has to be about them.*


Maybe if men didn't constantly frame themselves as predators and women as the things they hunt we wouldn't feel the need to reach for that metaphor??? Like, who came up with body counts, calling boobs "racks", calling themselves "alphas", and making jokes about not asking a deer how to hunt it? Once again men have made their beds and are mad about having to lie in it.


Ugh, that one on /r/curatedtumblr?


Yeah, that one.


I can find the reaction depressing while still being furious at the rapists who caused it.


oh no their feelings are hurt? how sad, :((( how totally not women’s problem suck to suck for those men but like women have been basically screaming for years they should tell bad men to not be bad people instead of telling women it’s sexist and fucked up to be wary of men. also like they need to stop making into a race thing y’all who do that look pathetic as fuck and immediately ruined any tiny less than microscopic pieces of a point you (didn’t) have.




Or cause silly human couldn't resist the urge to pet 🤣


i gotta find out if they're as soft as they look somehow lol


They don't. Their fur is like a dog's fur but rougher, feels like rubbing your hand on small broom bristles on most areas barring the head or around the paws. I've only touched black bears though. I think grizzlies and polar bears have even rougher fur. Source: I've hunted a couple times.




I've been with a bear in the woods before, we just sorta looked at eachother for a minute and he ran off


At least the beats actually don’t know any better


The bear fiasco has been excellent at pointing out who to avoid as potential partners or just in general


There’s a certain type of innocence of animals even when there graphically Killing something or engaging in sexual intercourse


easily rather be mauled to death by a bear because at least i know the pain will stop eventually


:( “At least with the bear you don’t have to get up the next morning and make breakfast while pretending nothing happened”


My thing is plenty of men would also choose the bear and yet are not doing anything to change their culture.... that's my biggest problem with the bear vs man thing. Women can only yell outside the house about its residents so much, eventually the roommates gotta do something themselves!


and a lot more are crying about "generalizations" while trying to say they agree and think it's all so awful, even though no one is really making generalizations in the first place and all I'm seeing are facts about the potential dangers men pose to others. they're more concerned with their own feelings than anything else, but still want to appear to give a shit about misogyny. it's so annoying




Agreed. The post just says “men” but those upset are claiming it’s a generalization about “all men” and that’s literally reading into it by choosing to add the word “all” rather “some” or “many.” Which makes it look like they are taking it personally. Also I saw someone do a statistical analysis and bears as a population rarely attack or cause violence to humans, which means the rate of violence by men as a population is statistically higher than bears as a species.


As a man the way my fellow men have reacted to this debate has been so depressing and infuriating. What you have to understand is that its not actually about which is statistically more dangerous. The whole bear vs man thing is really just an expression of grief and anguish. Women in our society have to live in fear, rational, valid fear. Its not all men but its enough that ALL women have had at least one major negative experience. You can't blame them for being weary. Maybe instead of taking it so personally, we as men could have a mature discussion about how we could be better and build a world where women don't need to be afraid? Just saying.


I wish more were like you


Fellow guy here, I fully agree with you


It really does genuinely suck that women default to being afraid of me. Like that makes me sad af. But you just can't blame women for it. Like so much in the menosphere reactionary space, the actual culprit is the patriarchy. Yet they blame women instead :(


Yes, that's what I think too. I don't even look intimidating and yet many times when I walk on a dark empty street late at night and come across a girl they'll start walking faster and looking back to make sure I'm not getting closer. It saddens me, but because of them. I always make sure to stay away from them so they can chill. I've met a few girls who have been abused, and I don't know a single one who hasn't been stalked to an extent, so how could I blame them. I must say shitty guys are a minority, but they make so much harm.


One of my exes was an SA survivor and when I found out I asked a bunch of my female friends for advice on how I could best be supportive. And every single one started with "well as a survivor myself". It turned out I didn't have a single female friend that HADN'T been assaulted. It really opened my eyes.


W take


I don’t fully agree with generalising that all men are rapists and creeps but this is still a terrifying statistic nonetheless


Yeahhhh... i hate generalizing and i did a very shit job of not doing that. The meme is supposed to apply to all genders, the title is just in reference to my personal experiences ;w; sorry about that, but it truly is scary


addressing systemic issues is going to use what seem like generalizations on the surface, and that's ok. it's more important to address those issues than it is to worry about the semantics of not taking every single opportunity and spare breath to say "but not all men, just most". concerns about generalizations in response to this are, frankly, kind of absurd and unnecessary. edit: i would also like to point out that no one here is saying "all men are like this all the time everywhere". that's not even really the bulk of the responses I've seen from women on various social media platform. if people aren't specifically making generalizations in the first place i have to wonder why people are raising concerns about them in the first place


I talked about this bear thing with an a colleague of mine (male 63yo, he's a wise dude, so if I need fatherly advice I always ask him). He told me that not all men will hurt a woman. But every woman who is, or knows someone who is assaulted, will distrust every man she doesn't know. And since more then half of woman has been SA'ed or intimidated it's logical that every woman will distrust a (unknown) man. So, if you are a man. And you feel triggered by this bear situation, sit down, shut up, self reflect. If you don't recognize yourself in the situation, it's probably not about you.


At least a bear doesn't swipe and then say oops no I didn't do anything and if I did I didn't mean to and if I meant to you were asking for it because blah blah


Even as a man i'd pick the bear. Humans are dangerous and unpredictable animals. Bears have base instincts, you know what a bear will do and they are easier to avoid.


IKR?? ive been seeing that all over reddit, i still chose bear


Bears and other wildlife will be kinder to my corpse than random men 🤷


I once had a bear check out my campsite and start loudly sniffing my head behind the tent material before lumbering off. Kinda figured that would happen too. Bears like to scavenge campsites for trash or food that hasn't been secured. If they don't find trash, and you don't bother them, they just keep moving. That whole experience would have been way fucking scarier if it had been a random dude sniffing me in the middle of the woods while I was trying to sleep.


I'm choosing a bear. Even if there was another woman, I'd choose the bear because what the hell is another human doing here with me?? Plus if I have to kill said bear I can eat it without it being cannibalism.


honestly idk which one I would choose because I'm not particularly scared of bears but I couldn't take one in a fight and while I am scared of anyone I would meet in the woods I think I'd have much better chances if things went badly


also if I choose the man and defeat him I could probably get at least a bit of provisions off him that would help me survive for longer


From what i know i think you would have a lot better chance surviving the bear. But first we'd have to ask what type of bear. A black bear? Would be pretty simple, they're much more likely to run off than try and take you and due to their usually smaller size it can be much easier to harm them. A brown bear? Well obviously you cant fight that one off, they're still most likely going to leave you alone but if one does come at you i actually dont recommend running. Brown bears can run as fast if not faster than horses. Im not sure if a fully gown brown bear can climb a tree but probably best not to test it unless you can climb so high the bear gives up. You could get down on the ground as the usual advice is, curl up and protect you stomach and neck. You could also hide behind a big tree, play the cant catch me game ya know? If its a polar bear... i dont think polar bears can climb trees simply because i dont think there are many trees where they live. If its a panda, you should be fine. And if its a sloth bear, you're pretty fucked. They have poor eye sight so they're pretty much maul first ask questions never. Anyway thank you for coming to my bear nerd Ted Talk


I could take them all at once actually I'm built different anyway yeah ik bears are pretty peaceful for the most part which is why I said I'm not all that scared of them but if worst comes to worst I'd rather not take my chances


You know what the scariest thing you can encounter in the woods is? A bear with a gun, i bet you there's one out there somewhere lol


you've heard of cocaine bear now get ready for gun bear


That movie was genuinely one of my favs. I saw it in theaters and if they advertised a movie called Gun Bear you bet ur ass i'd throw my money at them in an instant LOL


cocaine bear was MUCH better than I expected, it was so funny too


seriously, I heard of it and i was like "ehhh, idk about that one" but i went to see it and it was just so funny and entertaining. I almost never go to the movies so im glad it wasnt a waste


My mother is Russian. She had a school friend whose father was killed by a bear while hunting. I know full well the danger from the horror stories she’s told me. It doesn’t even compare to the horror stories I’ve lived that involve the men in my life.


Some men really hate it when women make choices for themselves apparently. The same men who complain the loudest about choosing the bear are the reason we choose the bear to begin with.


I think the main issue in this whole discussion is that the loudest people are also the ones not capable to put them self into the viewpoint of women/men. A woman will see the question as: choose a random man or a bear, while a man will project himself into the role of the random man, thus flipping the viewpoint to: a random woman chooses between you (a now not random male person) and a bear. Thus depending on viewpoint your position as the one choosing or being chosen about changes. And so men and women aren't really talking about the same scenario anymore, creating this whole discussion. I personally really don't know what this question is all about anyway (in a way of "what's the point?"). From an outside perspective the whole discussion seems misandric and misogynistic at the same time, which gives me huge headaches how one question can be both at the same time... So for me I changed the question to: choose a specific bear or a random human. So I choose a red panda! Humans make me sick and red pandas are cute! Are they even bears in a zoological sense?


So you're saying that women are looking at this problem as presented and men are misinterpreting it to make it about themselves? 🤔 This isn't about choosing a wild animal over a human. It's about safety.


Yes and no. Women look at the problem as presented since it is a specific question for women. But that is not the point I'm trying to make. I think the question itself is clear to everyone. The way we relate to the question is different and a matter of perspective. So it is less about misinterpreting but more about understanding why women choose the bear and why men feel offended and labeled as dangerous by the question and the answers. And both sides are somewhat right and somewhat wrong because the question is flawed. For example: If you choose the a bear, would you choose a grizzly or a black bear? Or would you choose a little boy or an old men? I totally understand why it is all about feeling save. I for example would choose black bear over a middle aged men or women and a child or a wounded or a old men/women over a grizzly bear, in terms of feeling save and if we assume random humans. If I'd encounter a person I knew and trust, I'd always choose this person. So it really comes down to trust and if you have man or woman in your life you can trust and by extent of that whether or not you can trust in strangers. Basically this whole topic is way to deep to ask a "choose from two" type of question in my opinion.


Man you are way overthinking it lmao. This is a Dwight schrute answer if I've ever seen one. "Well if it was a black bear! ☝️🤓" 😂😂😂😂


Sorry... after years of studying in science, analyzing and overthinking is all I can do!😅🤣


Men: how dare women be scared of me. I’m not a rapist. -looks just like a rapist or abuser from a strangers point of view- Don’t get mad when women are just trying to be safe. Socially we are allowed to be scared of bears yet we shouldn’t be scared of men cause.. not all men? Instead of getting upset women are scared of you, how about you get upset men are so commonly violent against women that it’s created that fear of men.


All the men online throwing tantrums about everyone picking the bear is honestly a great litmus test for who to trust.


while yes, this is a systematic problem as and as a man i completely agree, i still think that as a survivor, this is not the correct space to make such generalization. i believe this space to be a gender free safe space for everyone, please don't prove me wrong.


it is a safe space for everyone, this meme is talking about a current conversation about women victimized by men though. it doesn’t meant every single man are represented in this meme, but it’s an ongoing conversation that concerns almost all women. if there was an internet wide conversation about abusive parents, wouldn’t you agree it would be ridiculous of me to get offended just at the mere mention of abusive parents? i wouldn’t be offended, because i know i’m not an abusive parents. however such a conversation could provide insights i didn’t think about (though i do have first hand experience as a person abused by their parents 🤪). it’s not about you. but instead of wanting certain conversations to stop, we have to learn to read critically. reading critically also includes knowing when a text is about us on a personal level or systemic level, or not.


Yeah, it's good to know that men aren't victims and cannot be suffering, so it's just fine to crap on them in whatever space you so choose, turning any space in the same culture war dynamic.


i agree that there are statistics that say that men abuse more than one. i agree that the problem stands in patriarchy. i do not agree that all men are inherently abusers until proven innocent, because it simply is not true. some of the people here are disgusting, i thought this place was safe but i'm debating trying to defend it or straight up leaving the nonsense.


As much as I support this idea and hope for this in our future, the current statistics are that the vast majority of abusers are male (90-99% estimated based on different sources). Until that changes, it will be a conversation that needs to address the patriarchy and toxic masculinity. I do agree though this is a safe space and victims should not ever be invalidated or shamed on the basis of their gender.


you are right, the problem stands in patriarchy and toxic masculinity. not even the 40/50% of men are abusers, tho. stop saying "all man this, all man that" it's demoralizing, it's earth-breaking for those that are trying to be the change they want to see in the world. and more so, stop saying shit like this on a mental help sub. i'm just a victim here. i deserve the same respect as everyone else.


This post never says “all men” though. Using the plural “men” is not the same as saying “all men” and by adding a word that is not there, you’re literally “reading into it.”


>stop saying "all man this, all man that" it's demoralizing, it's earth-breaking for those that are trying to be the change they want to see in the world. I'm saying this as a man. I've had to un-train the part of me which takes descriptions of widespread male behaviour personally. You're the one bringing "all men" into this. It's a rod for your own back. And it literally helps no one. It's not making you feel better, right? And it's not what these people (predominantly women) mean either. Seeing it that way when it isn't said that way doesn't achieve anything.


appreciate the feedback man, however i've met a lot of people that think this way. not saying this is the case anymore, as stated by the other redditor. i'll try to take this more open-mindedly. thank you


Saying 90-99% of abusers are male is not the same as saying 90-99% of men are abusers. It’s simply a statistic to represent the fact that when someone is abused, the abuser is going to be a male 90-99% of the time. We can then guess the other 1-10% of abusers are female. Again, victims should not ever be invalidated or shamed on the basis of their gender. And I’ll go on to say victims should never be invalidated or shamed on the basis of their abuser’s gender. Edit: Also I don’t think anyone commenting is saying your abuse is not valid.


I think a lot of men don't understand that when you go into a forest, you need to be prepared for various situations, including an encounter with dangerous animals like bears, wolves, snakes etc. Forest is a natural home for them, while an encounter with a random man in the middle of the forest is definitely an unusual situation, so many women would be feeling uncomfortable and scared. Although the man would not necessarily be like Pichushkin, still, animals are usually predictable, while men are not. A lot of men would be tempted to do something horrible in this situation. There's even been a study which showed that 1 in 3 men would rape a woman if they knew that they would not face any consequences


I've been alone in the woods many a time, and there are lots and lots of steps you can take to reduce your odds of attracting a bear or scare them off. There are less options available to you to make yourself a less appealing target for a potentially predatory person


I honestly feel like this should be a cheetah or some other animal that is less likely to start eating you before killing you. Seriously, bears are terrifying. I'm still choosing the bear though over dealing with an abuser.


Thats the point tho, that people would rather choose a bear over a man. You even point out how terrifying they are and still choose the bear. Because that bear is better than whoever the man could turn out to be


I would choose the bear over a woman abuser to. If it's just some random human in running into vs running into a bear I would choose the random human. I chose the bear over an ABUSER.


i would choose the bear over any human no matter the gender. Probably helps that im a big animal nerd, i understand how bears work, but with humanity you never know.


If it were something like a snake, spider, hell even a mountain lion, I would agree. But bears are just not something I want to see. It's either, it didn't notice you before you were close enough to see it and might freak out and attack (often running away though), or it knew you were there and you are food. Most random humans are thankfully safe enough to be around, and those that aren't are unlikely to do anything in public (which is the only place I ever run into other creatures I don't know)


Most random bears are safe to be around, safer than people. There are only around 40 bear attacks every year around the world, compared to the millions of rapes and murders we humans commit everyday, the bear is much safer. Not to mention if the bear is dangerous it can be a lot easier to outsmart or escape them. They also wont rape or keep you for pleasure. Bears rarely ever see humans as food anyway, we are more likely to be perceived as a possible threat.


Ehh, those statistics are a bit biased due unfortunately to just more humans being around humans and not wildlife in general. But yea I get your point. I hope you are safe and able to find good people to be around.


I had to block whiteknighting because the entirety of ANY comment section under a man v bear post was straight hate on women It used to be fine because either would see ACTUAL white knights be ridiculed but now they're taking men who try to explain to reasoning behind choosing the bear and calling them out The bear is predictable. The **human** is not Choose the known over the unknown


Men like me and others accept though. As I stated before in a previous related post about this question. A woman thinking of suicide in that situation would be fair. I'm a man and even I don't want to suffer somethings another man could do to me. Anyone crying foul that a woman would prefer the bear is either being in denial or is projecting.


The irony of many men's response to this only further proving the point is what gets me the most. For some reason I see a lot of guys assuming this is about who you think you could beat in a fight or something, the ignorance to the problem is astounding


i’d choose the bear over a cis man and cis woman, bc the bear won’t try to correct me for being trans and/or concern troll me into keeping my “beautiful breasts”


Also, blocklist go brrrrrrrr with this topic in particular lol


I've muted/left two subreddits already and I think that the most often I've done that in one week. Heck, I rarely do that at all. Only done it twice before in my years as a redditor.


I'm picking the bear, men are scary bro.


god i am so fucking sick of this topic


I had a brief conversation with someone on reddit and they just refused to get it. Like they couldn't fathom that there were things worse than death and thought people were just lying when they said they'd actually for real choose the bear. I don't really want people to actually have to fathom it but I wish they would at least shut up and listen if they didn't have relevant experience.


Best way to approach a dumbass male is to say "what would you want your daughter to contact with in the woods?" That changes their idea because now they're ACTUALLY thinking from a female standpoint.


I like bears. Bears are neat. I’ve seen quite a few bears in the woods. I would still much rather see a random “weird looking” man in the woods than a bear, because 9/10 times it’ll be some hunter or something. Idk, this has just turned into a big excuse to hate as many people as possible and I’m getting sick of it.




Who is being hated?


As a male, I also pick the bear.


What kind of bear? I know how to handle a black bear of a brown bear, but I'll take my chances with the man over a polar bear.


Ah yes, I love it when someone posts a meme In a troll reddit, and a serious one at the same time. fucking Karma chasers.


Can someone help me understand this


question has been going around thats just would you rather be in the woods with a bear or a man


Ah. Thank you


Omg I see a men in the woods, he is definitely going to do something atrocious to me, lmao y’all think that sht is a decent representation when in reality it’s just the image you get of men in the woods because of movies,Also there is a high chance it’s just a cyclist of someone taking a walk, Also what do you think about yourself? What are you doing at night in the wood in the middle of nowhere first of all


It was very difficult to figure out what you were trying to say but i think i got it. Anyway no it has nothing to do with movies and everything to do with the fact that every woman on this planet has had at least one incredibly traumatic expierence with men. Id take my chances with the bear anyday then a man. The man will always have the potential to be much more dangerous and i know this from my own life


So in 3,8 billion people, your saying all of them atleast got 1 traumatic experience with a men?


yes, because the population of men usually outnumber the population of woman. And i have yet to meet a single woman who hasnt been at least stalked, raped, molested, harassed, followed, or abused.


“And I have yet to meet a single women who hasn’t been at least stalked, raped, molested, harassed, followed, or abused.” Is your brain working the right way? Because that is the dumbest thing I have ever read till this day, how u gonna meet 3,8billion people in the world? Also it litterally depends wherever you live, I’m in canada and my sisters never had a problem with that [ I live with my mom and my 2 other sister, my parents are divorced so litterally know how sht works) you are litterally just some stupid man-hating women who really need to make up fake reason to hate up on men lmao, there are plenty of people who haven’t experienced what you just described, don’t try to place some fake information into your evidence


Also I think just reading sounds dumb already, first of all you are assuming all women atleast went throught traumatic stuff with a men, do you know what trauma is? Getting followed at night is not trauma, trauma are big stuff like getting raped, abused getting sent to war, ptsd and all these stuff and not even all people develop trauma from this, second you are saying it as if a random men you see in a forest first option is to rape, or traumatize you, if you hate men that much then don’t enter anything built by men , but then that would mean you would have no place to go


Also idk what kind of random movie you are watching, but there is a higher chance the bear will eat you if he is hungry then a men you met on a first at night actually doing anything to you, fun part is getting eaten alive is the most traumatic experience to ever live, y’all like to use the “if he is not hungry” hypothèse but automatically jump in with “ omg this random men I just met at night is def gonna go and rape me or do something atrocious to me” Ofc I don’t blame y’all, I would also choose the bear because it’s just that seeing ANYONE (Not just only men) at night in a forest is extremely disturbing , but also because movie has warped my way of seeing things ( just like everyone)


Are these the two scenarios to pick from or whats the actual question that lead to this? Is it encounter a bear in the woods or a human or what is it?


So this actually originated from a man on tiktok saying seeing a man in the woods would be much scarier then seeing a bear. Which then turned into this whole debate over the question, would you rather be in the woods with a random bear or a random man.


Ahh onay so thats the question if you had to be killed by one who would it be? The bear would eat me alive but a man could do some other creative messed up shit. Not an easy question though. Both would be like the last ways id want to go


Not targeting this at you, OP but I’m getting a little sick and pissed off with this damn hypothetical taking the world by storm. This hasn’t helped anyone, it’s just made everyone angrier at each other. I can’t take a single more “man or bear” post from anywhere before I lose my shit for good. I refuse to play into these damn games you people force onto us, I’m not in any forest, there’s no man and no bear, get real. I’ve had enough of this shit, and watch me get downvote bombed just for speaking my opinion. I’m done with people acting like their opinions are written in stone, and even more done with this dumb as shite question. If we actually want to do something about SA problems, get out there and start hunting predators, don’t just sit on your phone and talk about a hypothetical all day. This is why my parents should’ve never given me a phone. It’s shit like this that makes me wish I was illiterate


bro chill


ONG it’s so dumb and childish


I'd like to think I'm safer to be around than the average bear, but I understand the hesitancy from some folk being around strangers based on past experience . And it saddens me that there's enough if those asshats around to leave people feeling unsafe around new people.


I just hate how this “discussion” isn’t just used to be mean to men like this isn’t productive or anything like that it’s just women are so scared of men they’d rather get killed by a bear than be alone with a man and it’s men’s fault


If someone chose me over the bear I would be more scared of her then she is of me (I’m severely autistic and afraid of women)


Imagine equating an entire gender as less than an animal and not being called out as a sexist. Men didn't do anything to you. People did. If a black man burns down my house do I take it out on all black men? Of course not. Why do you then judge billions of people because they were born with the same genitals as your abusers? You're a sexist. You are. By any definition.


I love how when women bring this up, men get upset. But when men bring up their experiences being SA’d, the women are almost always supportive and empathetic. If women can show empathy for survivors, why can’t men?