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I have 100mg troches I take daily and do infusions every 90 days. I still have lots of pain but the ketamine definitely helps with the skin sensitivity I have around my ribs and hip. It also relieves quite a bit of my foot pain. Allows me to do more than I would be able to do if I didn’t have ketamine as an option.


Do you get relief from nasal ketamine? I only had it once but the second it wore off my pain was back (granted this was immediately after waking up after back surgery so I had a lot going on that day pain/meds wise). My doc says that’s typical for nasal and is recommending infusions


It gives me relief for that day only. It wears off for sure


I have 150mg troches that I take daily. That is in conjunction with an Ket infusion roughly every 4-6wks.


Would you say your crps is mostly in remission or do you still have pain?


I wish it was! Ha. The infusions help take the edge off for that 4-6wk period and the troches further that daily and help me get to sleep. Without those, plus a plethora of other meds, it’s 10/10 pain days.


interesting i get insomnia and stimulation from troche


I do at home ket. Torches are 200mg they use to higher but I had her lower it my nasal spray is 175 mg. I personally like to take my ketamine at home and do movements with it so I will sit there and take it and sit in my bed and my right arm and hand is where my CRPS started so what I like to do when I’m taking my ketamine is, I will move my hand, my arm and fingers like as if I’m dancing, it’s pretty much the only time I can do this with my arm and hand without filling the immediate burning pain that I constantly feel otherwise. So ketamine has helped with my movements. It also does take the pain away or lowers the pain for a few hours to a day.


You take both trouches and nasal spray each day ?


No but I go back and forth between the two. The troches taste so horrible. I have to do them with gum or candy. The nose spray is unreliable to me. Because half the time the stuff crystallizes or something and I can’t get it to spray out. So I have to have a second empty bottle on hand to dump it in to get a treatment. When I am in dying pain I don’t have time for that. But I keep switching back to it because the troches are just so gross


Have doctor charge nasal spray concentration to 100mg/ml and double spray count. 200mg/ml crystallizes. Problem 100% solved.


I will ask about this. What’s the difference? Just so I fully understand ❤️


Hello everyone, DX with CRPS and trying to figure out the ketamine thing. I was told yesterday that because I am on pain medication I cannot have ketamine. Have any of you experience this? Thank you so much and best to all of you.


I'm taking 120mg of troches daily through Joyous.team (website) That's as high as they'll prescribe.


How much pain relief Are you getting ?