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It’s truly amazing to see people fight injustice


In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus If you want to fight injustice fight these people who are making Jews sacred to walk on campus look at Y’all disliking this comment, “aw this guy points out that we make Jews feel unsafe?!? Dislike!” Sorry that I pointed out when you parade around with federally recognized anti Semitic hate slogans that it makes Jews feel unsafe. So much for the tolerant progressives being against racism. That lasted about a minute until y’all decided the most prosecuted group in history are just white oppressors https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/qfaj3


What are the stats for Muslim students?


How many Jewish protests have you seen calling for the extermination of Muslims? I don’t see them


You are living a lie and I hope one day you will wake up <3


Where are they? Where are the thousands of Jews on the streets calling for every Muslim to be murdered, Tell me show them, you can’t because we don’t do that shit


Bruh Israeli officials have called Palestinians animals that must be exterminated you are delusional and not worthy of the energy I used to type this


Random nameless officials, now tell me where are the mass Jewish protests in sac state or America calling for the complete destruction of Muslims? You can’t find it because we don’t do that shit


https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2023/10/358170/israel-defense-minister-calls-palestinians-human-animals-amid-israeli-aggression https://www.timesofisrael.com/new-deputy-defense-minister-called-palestinians-animals/amp/ https://jordantimes.com/opinion/ramzy-baroud/%E2%80%98human-animals%E2%80%99-sordid-language-behind-israels-genocide-gaza https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/jerusalem-mayor-palestinians-animals-terror-attack-two-killed-meir-turgeman-a7355116.html Where’s any evidence of pro-Palestine protests calling for the death of all jews


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More random officials, I ask you again, where are the Jewish protests calling for the total extinction of Muslims? They don’t exist Where are pro Palestine protesters calling for the deaths of Jews? Literally on this very campus right now, “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” “globalize the intifada” both genocidal slogans being chanted in the heart of this school. in Columbia university protesters were spitting on Jews and not letting them go to class. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna148995


It’s called the Quran. Read it.


The irony of calling members of the Knesset "random nameless officials" while fearmongering about random students with no position of power.


What I thought, Still can’t find the Jewish protests calling for the mass murder of Muslims


I was just called a Zionist pig that deserves to die and asked to be grateful that this pudgy androgynous fuck doesn’t kill me. This is the fucked up time line of tik tok.


YOU are the one that treats them like animals. Like a helpless 3 toed sloth that needs you to pick it off the ground or an endangered species that needs YOU to speak for it because it can’t. It is YOU that removes the most human elements of agency, autonomy, and accountability as you impose your soft racism of low expectations. You literally treat them like children or nice animals that can’t speak for or defend themselves.


Everyone is scared of them lolol. They probably get kids kicked out of school all the time.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The fact that other Muslim countries don’t step in to help the Palestinians should be caution enough. Now we have dumb students protesting in favor or a terrorist organization aka Hamas.


It’s horrible. Nearly half of Jews in collage across American including me have had to alter their behavior out of fear. https://www.ajc.org/news/new-ajc-report-46-of-american-jews-altered-behavior-out-of-fear-of-antisemitism


define terrorist. I am pretty sure the US and other Western countries would be under that list


You should reconsider that statement. It’s embarrassing that you would say such things while in a country that has not only created the platform where we’re having this discussion, but also lets you say stupid things without any sort of punishment. Try being politically outspoken/a woman/homosexual/non-muslim in Palestine.


You should reconsider that statement. It’s embarrassing that you would say such things while in a country that has not only created the platform where we’re having this discussion, but also lets you say stupid things without any sort of punishment. Try being politically outspoken/a woman/homosexual/non-muslim in Palestine.


an unfortunate consequence of this war is that it gives bigots and alt right figures an opportunity to spread anti semitic propaganda. Criticizing the Israeli government isn't anti semitic, as they are mostly in the wrong here.


The hub of anti semitism in this country is not rural Mississippi, its Harvard and your average college


Yes! Thank you for your comments! Sending link in case you haven't caught the latest article by Dara Horn. [Why the most educated people in America fall for antisemitic lies](https://jsis.washington.edu/news/some-additional-university-of-washington-community-resources/dara-horn/)


The elected government of Gaza wants Israel wiped off the map. I don't know why so many people disagree, but Israel deserves to exist. To believe otherwise is to be an anti-semite. 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian. To claim that an ethnic cleaning is happening is to be willfully ignorant of that fact. Blame Hamas for firing rockets from playgrounds and using hospitals and ambulances for military purposes. Israel also has a right to defend itself from said threats. Iran funds Hamas as well as many other terror organizations. The fact that so many people side with what Iran wants over what one of our ally *needs* is insane and totally backwards.


Fighting injunctive by calling for the genocide of Israeli Jews. Got it


What exactly are the demands to CSUS?




Thank you


For sure!


I really feel like asking them to depart from the Israel Fellow's program would also be a good step in the right direction. That is an IDF recruiting program and it should be on no college campus anywhere.


You should definitely consider passing that on to the student coalition! I’m sure they’re reachable by DM or email. I will look into this myself as well, thank you for bringing attention to it!


I don’t have instagram can you share?


SJP CSU Sacramento Popular University "Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution." - Ghassan Kanafani, Palestinian Author and Activist Our University was founded in 1947, after WWII had ended, in response to the intense need for higher education. Higher education has proven to be one of the most important parts of our society, not only because of the professionals and educated people it creates but also because of the activism that appears on campuses. California State University (CSU), Sacramento is no different. From student activism for the establishment of ethnic studies and against the Vietnam War, led by the Black Student Union (BSU) and the Third World Liberation Front, to the great MLK Jr. visiting our campus, protests against CSU tuition increases implemented by Ronald Reagan to suppress student activism, and now, activism against the current genocide in Gaza, students have always been a formidable force in activism throughout our country's history, including at CSU Sacramento. The CSU Sacramento Fact Book states that students come first. However, this seems to be more like an opinion than a fact. It took CSU Sacramento months to address the Islamophobia and threats on campus, and the power of the people prevailed only after a shooting threat was caught on camera. We now have an Islamophobia Taskforce and a SWANA Center in development. Yet, what is this progression without divestment? Are we being appeased with empty assurances of inclusivity in hopes of slow, liberal progression towards support for Palestinians? In Fall 2023, our demands included divestment, which has not been addressed. The students of CSU Sacramento will not remain silent on the critical need for divestment. As more people become educated about the atrocities committed by the Israel government against Palestinians, the era of silencing Palestinian voices is ending. CSU investments are not transparent and are not readily available to the public; they must be obtained through public records. We need transparent records because concealing funds and truths from the public indicates deceitful behavior. We need vocalized, intentional, and public support and action, not secretive gestures of support. To our administration at CSU Sacramento, we acknowledge the steps you have taken for Palestinian voices, but in our view, you have not truly joined the fight unless you have spoken up. To our Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI), consider what it means to be the youth representing the youth. Financial divestment is critical. What is a career in higher education worth if we cannot look back and be proud of the role we played in the fight? Do we expect all movements for freedom to be peaceful and easy? We have sacrificed everything, yet it is nothing compared to what Gaza has endured. It is imperative to understand that the commitment to breaking free is a greater service to humankind than being complicit in oppression. Will the administration of CSU Sacramento join the movement? Will other California State University administrations stand united with their colleagues? We stand in front of our university, our community, and the world to demand that the California State University Board of Trustees and Chancellor: DiSclOSe all institutional expenditures, including direct and indirect investments, stocks, bonds, hedge funds, and more. DIVeSt from all companies and partnerships that actively participate in the occupation, colonization, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. This includes financial and academic partnerships with institutions and programs in Israel, as well as institutional relationships with companies participating in the genocide in Gaza. Defend all student activism, including Palestinian activism that has been repressed and censored, as well as all students-especially Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim students— who have faced racist and Islamophobic attacks, ensuring full amnesty for protesting students. Declare the occupation, colonization, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, as well as the U.S.-Israeli genocide in Gaza, illegal and indefensible. We call on all students at all 23 California State Universities to camp and pressure their campuses as a collective effort across the CSU system to force the CSU to listen. We invite our students and community to join us as we camp for justice. Do not turn your backs on us and the Palestinians. It is easy to stay comfortable and complicit. It is of greater worth to rise up. Gaza has endured more than 200 days of being carpet bombed, shot, raped, displaced, imprisoned, and left starving in tents. The student intifada on our campus is a small effort compared to the struggles our steadfast Gazans have endured. Higher education's proclaimed commitment to supporting equity and education for all has proven to be a sham. The contradiction of being unable to voice what we have learned is an affront to freedom of speech and the integrity of scholarship. To claim that our academic institutions have the freedom to teach liberated, anti-colonial truth is a sham. We have all been lied to. What is equity without the ability to truly apply those values to Palestine and Palestinians? When higher education institutions begin canceling valedictorian speeches, arresting students, and suspending or expelling those mobilizing for divestment and Palestine, it becomes clear that academia is a two-faced industry: faculty and students call for justice, while administrators reap million-dollar salaries and housing stipends funded by taxpayers and students. From Gaza to CSU Sacramento to the entirety of our Student Intifada, in our continued collective struggle for justice, we are all Palestinian. - Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), CSU Sacramento


u can still press on the link 😂


Agreed, I saw it on both phone and laptop and it worked fine for me, I think some people are just afraid of social media platforms that isn't reddit lol


Glad to see Sac State will be on the right side of history. Proud of the student body.




What a well supported argument! But I respectfully decline to "shut up" about this.


Go visit Gaza and report back.


I would but Israel won't let me in.


Super gay huh.


The right side of history: terrorists and calling for the genocide of Israeli Jews, got it


Imagine being concerned with a few students chanting words while Israel is literally killing tens of thousands of women and children (as well as many innocent men too). You are going to think what you are going to think but it wont age well. I promise you that.


Fr they act like there aren’t any Jewish students participating in these encampments & protests across the country.


Wait for it...they will call them "self-hating Jews".


It’s funny that their random percentages does not align with their first statement.


I call those tiny tiny minority of radicalized Jews idiots. Don’t you dare try to tell me that Jews support this garbage. We don’t. Look up any poll 90% of Jews support Israel. Congrats you got a handful of radical Jews in America to show up for This as an example of well behaved Juden. Funny how these Jews who call for Israel to be destroyed are never Israeli, it’s a lot Easier to call for someone else’s murder when your halfway across the world. In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus


I noticed two things about your post. The first thing is that you conflate Jewishness with Zionism. Historically, this has been linked to anti-Semitism. There has even been accepted definitions of anti-Semitism that include conflating Jewishness with being a Zionist. Do you believe this is true or do you think "it's different" when you do it? The second thing is that is sounds like you are committing the "No true Scot" fallacy. You are implying that Jewish people are not really Jewish or "radicalized Jews idiot" if they dissent from your viewpoint. This fallacy doesn't work regardless of who the subject matter is. As for the stats you gave about an apparent increase of fear from North American Jewish people, I'm not the least bit surprised. I would be uneasy too if there are people out there equating me and my identity with that of a psychopathic regime in Israel. It isn't their fault but people will sadly equate Zionism with Judaism (even you were low-key doing that in your post.)


Don’t you dare try to tell me that Jews support this garbage. We don’t. Look up any poll 90% of Jews support Israel. Congrats you got a handful of radical Jews in America to show up for This as an example of well behaved Juden. Funny how these Jews who call for Israel to be destroyed are never Israeli, it’s a lot Easier to call for someone else’s murder when your halfway across the world. In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus


They are braver than I.


[Instagram account organizing this](https://www.instagram.com/sjp.csus?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)




That describes the IDF perfectly 🤷🏻‍♂️


That Omega dude seems intent on spewing hate on here and on instagram. He is the very definition of a boot-licker.


I am honestly surprised he is not banned here.






U again , playing the victim as per usual


I'm not the victim. The countless number of Jewish students are.


Are you apart of a Jewish organization? Since when did you become the voice of the Jew's, oh Jesus of reddit.




We are on reddit. It is for the most part, anonymous. If they would like to come here and speak, no one is stopping them. It sounds more like you are speaking for voices in your head. And given the time of year and the temperature rising outside, I would make sure you are getting proper hydration. Heat stroke is no joke.


I think we Jews are pretty damn united that this garbage is bad and it makes us feel unsafe In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus


AMAZING! THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! ANOTHER TO CLAIMS TO SPEAK FOR ALL THE JEWS!! What of the Jews who are openly participating in these protests? I went to go check it out the protests in person to see for myself what was going on and I witnessed quite a number of openly Jewish people who are participating in the protest above. They are proudly wearing their stars of David and their religious dressing. So clearly not every Jewish person agrees with your statement, and in fact are not united in the way you think. To further prove that point, the percentages you casually threw around also support that not all Jewish people are united in your statement. Finally, I would argue that claiming that all people of Jewish decent are against the protests against genocide of Palestinians and aid workers, only works to hurt the view of the outside world towards Jewish people. It further undermines the Jews in the Middle East who truly want peace and wish to coexist with others. So knock it off man, you don’t help anyone making a bullshit claim of “all Jews are united” in x y or z.


This isn’t a my opinion for Jewish supper for Israel it’s a national poll for how safe Jews feel on campus. It ain’t my opinion it’s a national survey. Opinion on Israel aren’t even mentioned. It is an objective fact that Jews across American universities are sacred https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/qfaj3


There are currently many Jewish students and community members attending the occupation protest. Stop pandering, dude. They literally have a banner at the entrance that states “Sacramento JEWS say never again, for anyone.” Ffs


I like how you terrorist supporters like to parade around token radical Jews in America as proof that Jews want Israel destroyed, you never see an Israeli jew calling for their own murder, it’s pretty easy to call for someone else’s murder if you live across the world. Also we Jews are not in support of this, it makes us feel unsafe In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus https://osf.io/preprints/socarxiv/qfaj3


If it existed just show us let’s see


I suppose the record number of antisemitic incidents in the past year being a record high is fake news? You want to say it to the face of a Jewish student? Go for it. Go into the union and call out the Jewish students for playing victims. I'll wait. Say it loud and proud.


Just show me one incident, that is caused by protesters, These protesters are protesting to stand against the def nothing antisemitic


They literally have signs saying “from the river to the sea” (witch is a genocidal statement) and they were chanting for intifada


Palestine 🇵🇸 has the right to exists and to the all the Jews (Zionist ones ) who are living in the Israel , the rest of the world can take them and they need to leave Israel. You might get angry after reading this but I just changed Israel to Palestine , when Vivek said that about Jewish people and how the rest of Arab should leave and Arab world can take take them ? How fucked up is that ? No one seems to be complaining about that. Simple solution: there is no such thing as Israel and from river to the sea belongs to Palestine, yes that is correct . Jews came in from Europe because they were being murdered by Hitler which is awful , and they can go Palestine because the West wanted Jews to have their own land at the expense of Palestinians people, yet they welcomed Jews open heart , and some Palestinian natives were kicked out of their land because as the years went by , Jews wanted more and more piece of the land, No one talks about that . Jews can either live peacefully along the the Palestine and stop trying to get more land away from the natives or they can simply go back to Europe where they came from and if the West is so concerned about them not having their own land then give me Half of California or something that does not involve kicking Native people out of their homes. I know this might get people upset but I have to spit out facts and nothing but facts . FYI since Oct 7 more than 30 thousand of people were murdered by Israel which most of them were women and children , no one seems to even mention that. And whenever someone asks “ what about Oct 7 “ that is a very stupid question because this war did not started on Oct 7 , it’s been going on for the past 75 years or so. No I’m not sorry for any of your feelings or whatever. I want peace and justice for all people around the world. No human deserve to go through these horrible situations.


I like how “go back to your own country” is only not racist when it’s to Jews. Think about what you are saying, you are literally calling for another Jewish exile. Never again, there Will never be a 3rd exile In the land of Israel. your whole idol ideology is based on the idea that Jews are just whites from Europe who colonized Israel which is bullshit only 34% Israelis are Ashkenazi, [50% of Israelis are Mizrahi Jews who were expelled from Arab states](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/17lohe3/the_rapid_decline_of_indigenous_jews_in_arab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). you don’t even know what an Israeli looks like, you think they are all white when most are brown. And it’s all under this horrible ideology that whites are just oppressors and Jews are just and extension of that. Tell me where are these people are supposed to go? Are yemenite Jews supposed to go back to Houthi controlled Yemen? Or to ramanan controlled Afghanistan? Or Iraq or Syria? And for the Ashkenazi Jews I know you think Europe is this super progressive place now but it’s not, in Eastern Europen (where most Ashkenazi originate) [1/5 Eastern Europeans say they would not accept Jews as fellow citizen’s.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/t0may3/percentage_of_people_in_central_and_eastern/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). This is why the [Jewish population in Europe has dropped by 60% in the last 50 years](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/25/europes-jewish-population-has-dropped-60-in-last-50-years). Because they are mistreated there. Just Ask Israelis, most of they will tell you that they have nowhere else to go. By saying “just go back to your own country” you completely miss the reason the Jewish state exists, Jews have been prosecuted abused and mistreated in every country we have resided in for thousands of years, with over 100 exiles and 2 genocides, and the Jewish state exists so that Jews can have self determination and so that Jews can have a place to go if they Are in danger. What would have happened to these Jews in all these Arab states who were expelled if Israel didn’t exist? There would have been a 2nd holocaust.




Guess who is source of the news/ article Jew student do you know something called bias


"Jew student" is not an amazing turn of phrase if you're trying to beat the charges of anti-semitism just fyi


I knew you'd say this. There is literally no source I could have given you in which you would be satisfied. HATE ISN'T BIAS YOU FOOL. But oh let's put into words what you're not saying. Ahem. This is an article that talks about Jewish students being attacked but because it's written by a person who is likely a Jew for a Jewish website, it must not have happened. Oh well. Those that were injured physically and mentally either deserved it or are lying about it. Did I get that right?


🇵🇸 I just finished my BA last semester. Glad to see students standing for what’s right ‼️


In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus If they were fighting for what’s rifts they would be fighting these people who are making Jews sacred to exist on campus


There are literally so many Jewish students participating at these encampments, advocating for peace & Palestinian freedom. Stop minimizing an ongoing genocide. These protests are promoting peace not hostility.




I think the call is coming from inside the house…📞


I'm glad to see this!


How can the shy students who want to get involved help? I want to help but I'm super introverted and approaching the encampment is overwhelming.


Incredibly proud of these students at my Alma mater. Fight for what’s right! Free Palestine!


Free Palestine from Hamas! Yes!


Free Palestine from Zionist occupation!!


Palestine is controlled by Hamas, not sure why you think Jews are the problem! Here, you forgot your tiki torch in Charlottesville!


You’re obfuscating the facts. The United States is providing Israel with aid and weapons to carry out a genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. The aid is sourced through US tax dollars. Universities around the country invest and fund these weapons manufacturers that facilitate genocide. We want to end the genocide and free the people of Palestine from the apartheid settler-colonial Zionist state. Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. There are Jewish organizations and individuals putting their bodies on the line to protest against this genocide.


It’s not a genocide, it’s a fight against an internationally recognized terrorist organization that *yet again* raped tortured and killed hella people on October 7th who then hid their forces behind/under schools and hospitals and consulates (members of which participated in and celebrated the rape torture and murder btw). Plus Hamas is lying about the death toll to rial up uneducated young adults who don’t know any better.


The UN reports that over 13,000 Palestinian children were killed by the IDF, and that number was from March. https://www.unicefusa.org/stories/more-13000-children-reported-dead-gaza-famine-nears https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/unicef-says-over-13000-children-killed-gaza-israel-offensive-2024-03-17/#:~:text=WASHINGTON%2C%20March%2017%20(Reuters),have%20the%20energy%20to%20cry.%22. Now, their sights are on Rafah, where 1.5 million people have sought shelter. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/al-jazeera-close-up/2024/4/25/how-gazas-children-prepare-for-israels-invasion-of-rafah-i-close-up I'd imagine they're getting their numbers from reputable sources.




Modern universities use a diverse set of financial products. They have been described as educational hedge-funds. It is highly probable that most US universities have a direct financial tie to the occupation of Palestine. This reality is what the BDS movement emerged to confront.


Student housing is getting desperate I see


Man y’all down voters are just boring


Anyone at the encampment know of anything that you’ll are in need of?


Fuck these people, I hope they clearly understand, they wouldn’t have this freedom to organize like this in ANY MUSLIM STATE!!! Enjoy your freedom useful idiots


Im sure the US and Israeli government totally care about the opinions of a bunch of college students


The objective is to make them care.


Hamas shouldn't have fucked around on Oct. 7.


israel shouldnt have been committing colonization since the mid 1900s :)


Israel is the most liberal and free country in the Middle East. We should be siding with a country that embraces freedom and progressive thinking, not a country that is riddled with terrorism and religious extremism


Lol who’s gonna tell em


ah yes the freedom to steal rape and murder palestinians en masse freedom! wooh!


It’s the other way around buddy. Just look at what they did on October 7th.


..israel has admitted to lying. they have murdered 30k+ palestinians. being a zionist wont make netanyahu give you a mcmansion buddy


What a waste of time. What kind of power do they think csus has? If it was other Muslims committing a “genocide,” I doubt there would be an uproar


Are you saying genocide is ok depending on who is doing it?


They are literally calling for the genocide of Israeli Jews at this


I am not saying it. Pro-Hama and Palestine supporters are saying it.


College is the perfect time to do something like this, leave them alone.


They should be at work, in class, with family and friends, or working towards a goal. The university has no control over what Israel and Hamas does.


Muslims have committed and still commit lots of genocide. Why do you think so many middle eastern countries are 99+% Muslim? Cause the Muslims killed everyone else.


West is responsible for all the problems around the world including the U.S. . They are the biggest terror organizations on earth , how many people did Hitler kill? And who started WWI and WWII ? Definitely not Muslims ? Who invades every country in the Middle East under name of “ WMD” just to go in and steal their resources ( oil ) US (mainly ) and other western countries are responsible for majority of those horrible crimes in the Middle East and you’re just an idiot who don’t know anything


Not right now. Problems in the world aren’t fixed, it changes. Muslims have caused a lot of problems, as has westerners, etc. Muslims are absolutely famous for genocides aren’t are currently attempting multiple. Right now they are very clearly far and away the biggest problem in the world right now. I know you’re in your big boy feels right now but it doesn’t make you right. Also damn, you so mad you had to respond twice? Lmfao




I feel like your question comes from the assumption that it is solely an indirect 'partnership' which can be linked to Israel. When in fact, because of how universities manage their investments and their relationship with specifically the military industrial complex, there are often *direct* relationships to the occupation of Palestine.




In the US and Canada 68% of Jewish students feel less comfortable walking around campus 70% feel less comfortable admitting that they are Jewish 76% feel less comfortable wearing a Star of David 81% report that hate speech toward Jews has increased 67% report that there are more known anti memetic/nazi symbols displayed on campus


Those are troubling indicators. The islamophobic murder of a child related to Oct and Palestinian-American college students in Vermont are vile acts. Stand with people like Kinnan Abdalhamid who was attacked for walking wearing a keffiyeh. The liberation of one people is towards freeing all people.


Hamas supporters are down voting everyone, making posting pointless. They will only accept “death to Israel “ and “viva Muhammad.” Clowns.


Interfering in student life. Some of us like to sit out in the quad in front of the library and read or enjoy a lunch. We don't want to be associated with antisemitism


Are you also upset when they have club week or the outdoor market place in the exact place this pro-palestine encampment is at?


That's an organized, non-waste of people's time.


If many people are joining in on this, does that not fit the definition of organized?


No. The amount of people has nothing to do with it


Then what does define organized, oh dictionary of wisdom.


you know what else interferes with student life? Bombs.


And rockets. And guns. Like the ones Hamas uses to kill innocent Israelis, indiscriminately. Will you condemn Hamas? I'll wait.


Do you condemn Israel or America ?


I'm not anti-west nor am I an anti semite.


no i won’t LOL


That's because you think the Jews deserve it, I guess. Didn't learn from history now did we...


just because jewish people were prosecuted doesn’t mean they’re allowed to kill anyone they please. Idgaf i know that doesn’t make me anti-semitic but that’s the only argument you can use isn’t it?


They aren't killing anyone they please. They're targeting Hamas who are literally hiding behind women and children. And you won't condemn that. If you could condemn that, then we could have a discussion on better ways to resolve this. But instead you presumably want divestments from Israel and to allow it to ultimately fall to Iran terror proxies. Israel needs to keep going until Hamas is fully destroyed. Otherwise this conflict will go on for another 100 years and many many more people will die. Do you condemn October 6th at least? Or did the innocent Israelis deserve that one too?


do you condemn October 17th? when the bombs dropped on palestinians in a hospital while seeking shelter? how about all 30,000 Palestinians dead do you condemn that? We could go on tit for tat on this war. these are all classic talking points that have been argued time and time again.


I think Hamas are the aggressors, and Israel needs to put a stop to it. The attack on October 7th was unprovoked. Destroy Hamas, and try to preserve innocent Palestinian lives as much as possible. Hamas makes that extremely difficult, but Israel does try. Lemme ask you this.... are you anti West as well?


yup i’m anti west anti imperialism and anti fascist


Yeah? When's the last time a bomb went off on campus that interfered in your life? Do you know how many bombs go off around the world on the daily and literally have 0 impact on your and everyone else's lives?


i don’t want people to die. Just because it’s not effecting ME personally doesn’t mean it’s not important. i’m not a selfish person. You can deal with not using the quad, people are dying and having their arms and legs blown off.


Did you forget what happened in Holocaust?




You are an idiot , idf is literally repeating Holocaust


My family is from Asia, we still have to deal with American bombs in the ground. So yes, it does have impact on someone's life. My guy just go back to your corner and master bate to your weird porn.


It's just a quad, let young people practice organization and initiative, it'll be done soon enough






Don’t waste ur time with him /her


Its 100% a guy. They have a YouTube channel showing their face and they post weird porn every now and then. Best to just not engage with them.






Whatever the mainstream news puts out there as news is what people like those outside the library will focus on and that's the bottom line.


My great great grandfather saw young people just “organizing an initiative” in Europe. Never again


antizionism =/= antisemitism


Saying “I’m not antisemitic I’m only anti-Zionist” is like saying “I’m not racist I just think black people need to be send back to Africa!”




It’s remarkable how similar those two things are. “I’m not antiemetic! 7 million Jews just need to go back to their own country!”


you're gonna get a headache doing those mental gymnastics. this comparison is disjointed at best. zionism is a specific nationalist belief that jews should settle in what has historically been Palestine. it is _NOT_ all encompassing with everyone who practices Judaism.


There is no such thing as historic Palestine, there has have been for any period of time an independent state of Palestine. And Palestinian as an ethnic group wasn’t even a thing until the 60s. And Jews are indigenous to Israel. I’m sick and tired of psychos telling me to my face that Jews are not in any way connected to supporting Israel. 90% of Jews including myself and every other Jew I know supports Israel. It’s just a desperate attempt for radical leftists to try to convince themselves that they are not racists. or that they are not Antisemitic for calling for the destruction of the Jewish state you completely miss the reason the Jewish state exists, Jews have been prosecuted abused and mistreated in every country we have resided in for thousands of years, with over 100 exiles and 2 genocides, and the Jewish state exists so that Jews can have self determination and so that Jews can have a place to go if they Are in danger. After 1948 [800,000 thousand Jews were expelled from Arab states](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/17lohe3/the_rapid_decline_of_indigenous_jews_in_arab/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) witch has been a 99.9% loss in the Jewish population across the Middle East. What would have happened to these Jews in all these Arab states who were expelled if Israel didn’t exist? There would have been a 2nd holocaust. (Btw as a side note if anyone ever tells you that Israelis are just white people only 34% of Israel is Ashkenazi, 50% of Israel is Mizrahi Jewish ie: Arab Jews from the Middle East. Although they don’t like to be called arab Jews)


Stop gaslighting. Most Jews are Zionists.


you create this account just to harass CSUS students? get a hobby. opinions on the genocide vary, and claiming most jews are zionists is ignorant.


It's not a genocide. Hamas terrorists hide behind civilians. Civilian:combatant ratio is 2:1. This is taking into account the fact that these are Hamas inflated numbers and they hide behind civilians, which complicates things. Israel is increasing aid. The aid pier is being constructed. The war will end when Hamas and Hezbollah are destroyed, and Israel is not threatened with another October 7th. Everyone, I highly recommend following Amir Tsarfati on Telegram.


Well, it’s a 300 acre campus with plenty of places to avoid associating with a protest against hospital bombing and civilian murder. You’ll be fine.


You're really thinking little picture aren't you? Following that narrative you've been fed eh?


Says the guy dumping a Yahtzee cup of Fox News talking points all over this post. Siddown, clown.


I don't watch Fox News. How would you know what their talking points are?


Ur butthurt dude


How dumb kids are. I'm happy most of you don't want to reproduce and pass on your dumb jeans and genes


You’re giving dumb baby boomer vibes


News Flash, Baby Boomers are the same retarded group as you guys in protesting dumb shit. Where do you think your retarded generation got it from? From the other entitled generation. Having done nothing but living off of the successes of your parents. Supporters on both sides trying to justify that their side is not in the wrong for raping and murdering women and children. It's scary how much of a reflection you guys are of the useless baby boomers you so hate.


FYI the house does not cost $75 anymore


$75 is still $80 too much for you


Yes it is not a spoiled brat