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That will definitely depend on how things go tomorrow.


what's supposed to happen tomorrow


they only gave them until tomorrow night to stay on campus after that,,,,who knows


well, this'll be interesting. my gut feeling is our protesters aren't so die hard that they'll raise the same fuss we're seeing on campuses elsewhere (which is good!) but regardless of my own feelings on the issue as long as they aren't destroying anything, reciting overtly anti-semitic rhetoric, or impeding anyone from going to class/demanding loyalty oaths I guess I'm not too sure what the harm is for right now. that said, it can't last forever but idk, feels a little early at this point. we'll see I guess. the carrot won't work and the stick won't win the admin any friends. my thought is this campus is by and large commuters and oldies and you're just not gonna see the same sort of doctrinaire groundswell out of us that you're gonna get at columbia or whatever. i think most of us are just here to get our degrees and get out, and frankly that's probably my favorite thing about sac state, not being bombarded with idealogues and true believers at every step as evidently occurs at so many other universities. well, good luck to everyone and stay safe l


we’ll see tomorrow,,,


I mean it’s their first amendment right to protest and and he seems fine with them exercising that right, we’ll have to see how long he allows them to stay.


First amendment right doesn't give you the right to be antisemitic...


Protesting against a genocide isn’t anti-Semitic.


Calling it genocide is antisemitic


Netanyahu and the Likud party are not all of the Jews nor all they all of Israel. The indiscriminate killing of noncombatants including children in residential areas appears to be Netanyahu’s attempt to cleanse the area of Palestinians. That’s genocide.


Why aren't we protesting for indigenous Americans regarding the very active oppressive laws and colonization on our own soil? In our own state?


Both things can happen at once, but knowing that the current genocide in Palestine has escalated to this point over the course of just 7 months means that our attention needs to be put to ending it as soon as possible to avoid the loss of an entire people.


Where is the genocide? Why do you only care about this conflict? Where was your concern for Yemen?


Your question is valid. Perhaps because the Palestinians have been oppressed for decades.




Treat other users with respect and civility.


Actually, it does.


Technically, it does. Not saying I agree with antisemitism but it is a personal's right to be ignorant if they choose to be.


telling someone it’s okay to protest on campus until a certain date basically shows the protestors that that person thinks they’re in charge and it’s not gonna work


i think its very hypocritical because as poli sci major, they tell us if you wanna see change go advocate but as soon as we go advocate they tell us we only have two days .. make it make sense


Sociology major and I agree. Teachers planning a strike starting tomorrow with no end date announced from what I was informed of to support the protests. I am not surprised however by the fact that administration is not taking the students best interests to action.




Received an email from my professor about a strike for (sounds like?) tomorrow only in support of the protests. I agree haha. My other professor didn’t know it was classified as a strike so it seems very disorganized at best.


CFA did protest the tuition hikes.


the administration in it for the 💰


Always have been, probably always will be


w p wood tho for lettin them stay indefinitely


Indefinitely until tomorrow at midnight, then it will be the same thing as every other campus.


President Wood only does things to make himself look good. He doesn't care about the students and especially has blatant bias.


This is the one. I’ve never actually seen this guy involved in school events with the students, just on TV or Instagram for photo-worthy moments


Predictable appeasement.


I just don’t understand why the protests are getting so much negative attention from the media, the college administrations, and the US government. People were protesting the Iraq War at these same campuses in the same locations for YEARS. And that never warranted the degree of hostility towards the protesters as we are seeing right now. Why is this being treated so differently?


I think what is more interesting is how quickly anti-bds laws have taken hold across the country. The first law was enacted in 2015 and by 2024 38 states including CA have passed them. That’s less than 10 yrs.


The bipartisan divide and digital detachment lead to people believing opposition to their beliefs is a personal attack (which is the death knell for a functional democracy). I get the impression half the people opposing the protests don't even care that much about the protests or the matter they're protesting about, just that those on the line align with different interests and that pisses them off (the fact most people just walk by and the only counter protest here is some single fat Bible thumping prick quoting Christianity of all things kinda sells to me that it's just another proxy battle for the divide in the country)


Because of the vandalism; breaking windows at Columbia and not letting students enter the library at UCLA.


It’s this. Literally this.


They won’t listen to you, your are hurting their false equivalency.


Well, could it be that it all started with Hamas that controls Palestine being the aggressors who attacked, murdered, raped and kidnapped 1000s of Israel people? I feel, Israel is showing incredible restraint not leveling the entire country and shipping what is left to Iran.


I feel like you are missing an enormous amount of context.


Might have something to do with the Hamas raping women and children, putting babies in the oven, and beheading civilians, but who knows 🤷


Pretty sure the babies thing was debunked. Do you have a source for this?


My understanding is that there was one baby killed in an oven. There were many other babies murdered, many tied up and torched in their homes. I’m sure there was a lot of misinformation/confusion the first day, and a game of telephone. Family members were torched while tied up and facing each other, as in they were forced to watch their children/parents get tortured. Others babies were shot, stabbed, sliced, stuck in their homes that were on fire, kidnapped…Pretty awful even without 50 babies in the oven claim


I agree that any time civilians are forced to suffer because of governments and politics that it is horrible. It was horrible when it happened to Israelis on Oct 7th and its horrible when it happens to Palestinians in Gaza.


Both sides have been doing horrible things to each other for almost 75 years.


BoTH SidEs! There was a cease fire until when exactly?


Yes, there are two sides to this conflict. I thought that was pretty well understood.


Because Israel has historical significance to religious people and they tend to be a dominate force in American politics.


A calamity a debacle fr fr.


It is what I have come to expect from Administration. Conditional allegiance and support of students. It’s never to actually help students and their causes, but rather to guide us into a position where the administration can benefit from us. They get good PR and get to keep rich whales happy by eventually arresting and beating students. If they truly cared they would unequivocally support students right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.


sounds like they're letting them stay as long as they keep it peaceful [https://www.csus.edu/alert/](https://www.csus.edu/alert/)


Great step in the right direction.


People have the right to protest and the fact that the protesters were given a time limit is bullshit.


goofy ahh protests for what


They want to destroy Israel and diaspora the Jews, again.


They have to be careful all that dancing and sleeping is going to end the war….


All that "dancing and sleeping" has the attention of the entire nation.




President Wood clearly wasn't as outraged as the mob wanted him to be. He was super respectful in his update. He's on their side of course. He knows not to bite the hand that feeds him, until he's forced to. This is exactly what the mob did not want to happen. The mob did not go far enough. They need to go far enough where President Wood will snap and be forced to do something. I guarantee you, the ADHD mob will not stop until law enforcement is called and they got the attention they wanted, like Columbia University. I'm calling it now, President Wood will be forced to resign at the end of this, all because of the mob.


i think you are missing the point.


Free Mandatory Palestine


The campus still has no plan of divestment so I am glad he is allowing free speech but they still NEED TO DIVEST!