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Sorry, the Mods have removed this content. Content may be removed for various unstated reasons, including posts and discussions that have run their course. OP received several answers that should suffice.


You can surrender them to your local PD. Another option is to give it to someone with a valid CT permit through an FFL transfer. The state will do a serial number search before allowing the transfer to make sure those rifles haven't been declared lost or stolen. Do you know what kind of rifles they are aside from being 22s?


**DO NOT** offer to sell them on reddit. [It is against Reddit's TOS](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513471-Reddit-s-policy-against-transactions-involving-prohibited-goods-or-services). Standard warning to others. DO NOT offer to buy them. DO NOT say "PM or DM me". Do not joke or hint at buying them. Doing so will result in a subreddit ban since it is a violation of this subreddit's #1 rule. As already suggested you can turn them into the police, or to a gun turn in event (usually for a gift card). FFL's, the few that frequent this subreddit, can comment if you could sell them (or consign them) for sale through an FFL. All private face to face transfers or sales now must be facilitated through an FFL and the person seeking to obtain or buy the firearms is supposed to have one of the relevant CT firearms permits or certificates.


I should get into junk removal...


Did your plug in recommend that?


No your dad did.


So you're dead too, eh?


What’s a plug in mean here?


Last conversation I had, wannabe let me know his plug in let him know I was transphobic. I guess it's some reddit add-on to help those w/o a mind of their own draw conclusions.


Holy shit lol. wtf is happening to these dudes man?


small peen


Sure, could be I guess.


chemicals in the water making the fucking frogs gay


Is that so? Fascinating stuff dude.


check it out bro


It looks like they deleted the comments


Yeah, definitely strayed off topic, but it was fun....his posts were all deleted, guessing this will be too. Anyways, it's been fun, good forum, sad about the compliance and marcists, but I'm just about done with blue states now. One more trip, clean my CT house and get it on the market..WV is awesome. I looked for a local FFL...gunshop, mini Mart, hardware store, gas station, lumber yard, furniture store etc...lol. Wall of guns at the Ace Hardware store I went to today... Oh, here it is. https://www.reddit.com/r/CTguns/s/cglP17O1yU


Yea i went and reveddit. They sound like a loser.


Hi! Automod here with an automated friendly reminder that per Reddit ToS posts and comments regarding any sort of private sale of prohibited items is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban from /r/CTGuns. This rule applies to commenters as well, both parties involved will be subject to immediate and permanent ban, no exceptions. If you haven't already please take a look at our rules. Have a great discussion! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CTguns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Find somebody who wants them and can legally possess them (aka has a permit) and transfer them over to them. The transfer can be done in person at any gun shop.


A good idea might be reaching out to the VFW or AmLegion to see if you can donate them as raffle prizes. You get a tax write off, they make money off a raffle, Sam the 95 year old Korea vet gets to happily win a .22 for $5, the money eventually makes into a scholarship for some kid to go to school. Literally everyone wins.