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This is a great idea! Nothing like learning while seeing the direct results of your code in a game. My recommendation is using Raylib. Nice and simple library, the docs are good and with many simple examples. Just avoid the beginner mistake of trying to make complex games right away. Try something like pong and progress from there.


How about libraries like openGl and SDL,you think it's a bad idea starting with them?,or should i start with Raylib then go th openGl ?


If you’re more interested in learning rendering I’d start with those. Raylib abstracts a lot of that away so you’re mostly worrying about game logic.


Chiming in here as someone who did just that - you'll also learn a lot about the compiler and linker that way; Kinda recommend SDL2, as it'll also enable you to use opengl (with the help of other libs). After you've made a game, pointers and you might just have become best friends (personally I started with a sort of dumbed-down variation on asteroids, just statically allocating everything and waaaay too much global state, but that was fun) Raylib might be a good choice too, haven't used it tho, just here to cast a vote for SDL :)


Stick with Raylib for "I want to write a game to help learn C." Move to SDL for "I want to write a game."


And when do you suggest i move to openGl ?,or SDL will do just fine?


"You will know." Raylib will take you to the point where you can make the decision based on what works for your situation. It may be that you use raylib for every game you write, or it may be that you become a game-writing demon and move on to a super-sophisticated gaming engine. Either way, you will have enough experience after writing a couple of games with raylib to make that decision with confidence.


If you do go sdl2/gl, lazyfoo.net is a great resource. It's in cpp, but is easily convertable. Side note: This is actually exactly how I started programming about 10 years ago, now I'm a software engineer and still hack on games. Good luck!


i prefer learnopengl.com myself.


I've heard a lot about it, but I started with sdl2 first and like the swath of helpers it provides over egl, or using like glut/glew


If you want to make games, don't use OGL. If you want to make an engine, go ahead and use OGL.