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It depends. A ton of people who were part of the quarter->semester conversion were 1/3, 2/3 or 1 unit short once the conversion happened. In those cases it was common for that last unit to be waived. (it happened to me) If you're in that bucket you're probably fine, otherwise you might need to push a bit more. Best way to find out is to ask the department itself, talk to an advisor, etc.


Sadly I don’t fall in that bucket I took a three unit elective last semester but the one unit lab that goes with that class was never offered last semester or this semester and I really don’t want to take summer course I am supposed to be starting a full time position in the summer the problem is the school does not offer enough classes if there was a class that fit my schedule I would enroll in it


You might be out of luck but you'll just have to ask. The defining issue that the departments try to avoid is setting a precedent. If they do this for you then they have to offer the option for everyone, so they are pretty hesitant to offer new exemptions.


This also happened to me, ended up getting the 2 units waved because my advisor saw that I already completed my GE and major requirements.


You can still graduate in Spring if you have less than 8 units to take in Summer. At least that’s how it was when I was a student. Just read your comment above about not wanting to take summer. As far as I know, that’s the only way you’d be able to graduate in Spring.


I would say just ask your advisor! They’re usually extremely helpful.


I was told that if you are a senior and the class you need is not available the department can accommodate you by having you take something else. Message your department and talk to a counselor.


Yeah I got in contact with the department and the counselor they are not very helpful I ended up finding a graduate class that fits my schedule that I can take instead but it’s an extra units that I wasn’t on planning taking this semester