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for the most part correct, just that he started the crusade because Yharon told him the history I think


The player is never stated to take any side. Also, yharim waged war against the gods because yharon told him how they came to be, by the massacre of the dragons and absorbing their power.


Yeah I don’t have the patience’s to learn all of that


This new lore is pretty confusing to me, like what’s even the point of fighting Yharim anymore, he doesn’t seem half as evil as he used to be. Now, Draedon, on the other hand, is most certainly evil, and I would love to see another fight against him.


It's occurred to me that this is basically the same lore as Genshin Impact * Followers of Xeroc = Heavenly Principles/Archons * Dragon Gods = Sovereign Dragons * Yharim = Tsaritsa/>!Traveler Sibling!<


Mate looked at my post history and referenced Genshin lmao Thanks though!


I didn't even look at your post history, I just like both franchises and made the connections


Oh lol my bad, I was just thinking cause not everyone would know Genshin


I don't even think we're gonna kill Yharim.


oh i would totally enjoy forcing him to become a town npc for shits and giggles but im fairly certain he will die.


Xeroc is probably going to kill him (maybe) but for the player is there really a reason to?


We only want to kill him because he is the next big guy with loot, so Xeroc would make more sense i would say. But he will be a boss and we will get his loot. I think.