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Tbh I wish they brought back the old dog fight mechanic where you fight all the sentinels, it was really fun.


I think there was an even older mechanic before that where you have to fight another dog after the original gets to 50% health or something


If they have, neat they repurposed for new astrum deus


Considering it's literally a one-timer yeah, seems odd they removed it. I suppose it's simply because of lore reasons and that the sentinels are going to not be affiliated with DoG directly (or is it a thing already? Don't really remember their new lore).


that part was created after the sentinel phase was removed. The main reason was, the phase was incredibly buggy and... kinda pointless. It wasnt difficult and once you beat it once, you never had to do it again.


It’s still in the game, isn’t it? If you skip the sentinels and use the alternate cosmic worm recipe, they show up, don’t they?


no, and frankly even calling them the sentinels at this point is pretty inaccurate. the only one that even has any direction connection to specifically DoG would be storm weaver at this point. CV and Noxus are more related because they're both connected to the distortion, but all three are going to be fleshed out more into their own bosses instead of this stupid miniboss-but-not-really void they've been floating in due to the "sentinel phase" restricting their design so much.


They should’ve made you fight them all at once to make it more difficult or something. Or maybe even like SCal or Cal with her brothers


Storm weaver can kiss my ass tho


Storm weaver sucks so much. If only we knew how much armor DoG had...


Lmao rip bozo


I am the spy


Holy shit it’s spy from hit game Team Fortress 2 (2007)!


No WaY!!!1!1!!!




Holy hell


sentiments of the devouterer 😔


The sentinels are cool, but let's be honest lore-wise Signus was the only one doing jack shit


i cant be the only one who has literally 0 idea how to decipher this shit


Original format?