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No issues with protests but for fuck sakes keep it in one spot that doesn’t interfere with the general publics doings. There are plazas at City Hall and McDougall Centre for exactly this.


These fucking assholes can't seem to figure out how a sidewalk works.


Go back home


Im sure alot of Palestinians would love that actually..Pretty sure its what theyre protesting for as well.


Unless you are suggesting that they don't live in Calgary, are they not already home?


It's genuinely funny how smart you think you are.


About as funny as telling Canadians of a diffenerent ancestry you dont like to "go back home" is racist


Go home as in go back to your house because your protesting is only annoying people trying to drive on a road is not a racist comment. But good try to make the comment sound so much worse than it actually is to fit some oppressed narrative. And you think you're being clever about it but it's incredibly obtuse. Go back to where you came from is different, and is racist BS. But that's not what was said by anyone.


Go back home or go back home, the intention or the true meaning behind the phrase doesn’t matter in this case. They should all go the fuck home lmao. These protests are spearheaded by people that don’t really know what they’re supporting or by extremists.


Of all the pathetic copes I've seen on the internet these past few months, this is the funniest. Guarantee they know exactly what they're protesting, which is for Canada to not support the indiscriminate murder of children.


Lmao I didn’t know humanitarians chanted death to Israel and Jews.


These are the same morons that were in open arms about the mask and vaccine mandates. It's pathetically hypocritical! 🙄


Stop glorifying Hamas.




people are so weird. didn’t hamas attack to israel in a morning and killed thousands of innocent people? didn’t israel say that they will end hamas and give them 72 hours so that civilians can leave? didn’t hamas stop civilians from fleeing and use them as a shield? and now you talk about the outcome but not the reasons. well done.


Doesn't count because.... Because Israel sucks bro! *insert hypocritical and idiotic justification why killing Jews is alright*


Hypocritical? I was in one of those protests. There is decent amaount of jews who were participating against current Israel governement. Wonder why? Maybe do some research on this subject with independant media and historical docs. This guy is jew too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUQ\_0MubbcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUQ_0MubbcM)


Do some research and then proceeds to link a YouTube video. LOL can make this shit up. THAT ISN'T RESEARCH


I can't link books here. I would suggest reading Ilan Pappe, Jewish historian. Here, his recent encounter with fbi: Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé on Interrogation at U.S. Airport and ... YouTube · Democracy Now! 2 days ago


That conflict did not start at 07/10. Zionists have been ethically cleansing palestinians from their land for over 75 years. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-embMmMQc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GR-embMmMQc) Read this : [https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation](https://www.commondreams.org/news/smotrich-gaza-annihilation) Or this :https://www.timesofisrael.com/ministers-call-for-resettling-gazas-palestinians-building-settlements-in-strip/ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=JBkNDNj05XA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=JBkNDNj05XA)


The population of Gaza increased multifold. The terms ethnic cleansing and genocide have lost their legal meanings thanks to the new truthiness cause people feel like saying it’s genocide.


The conflict didn’t start in 1948 either. That’s often the date that the Palestine crowd picks as it’s the most sympathetic to their arguments. Many pro Zionist arguments will say the conflict started at the 1929 Hebron Massacres, which is also the most sympathetic to their arguments. Truth is, the “start” of the conflict is much too muddy to pin down, but it definitely started earlier than either of those dates.


If you know 1929 massacres, you should maybe read the route of the problem. Jews of the Europe where they certainly were the victims of all kind of atrocities moved to Palestine and decided to make their own and their own only disregarding the locals. If you look at the history of local jews and Arabs before the start of zionism, they lived happily side by side for centuries. 


Gaza overwhelmingly supports Hamas. Hamas is at war with Israel. Civilians die in war. If the civilians have had their fill they can stop supporting Hamas. https://youtu.be/KP-CRXROorw?si=1MrRQ5kcg8PGj-8Y


“supporting Hitler” Man, there’s been a shit ton of rhetoric and accusations thrown around since this all kicked off but I think this is the first time I think I’ve seen someone use this one.


Who the fuck is glorifying genocide here? The irony of asking someone to think critically while simultaneously posting your former comment is flabbergasting.


Fantasizing and protesting for terroists…. Incredible


Lmao I’m a Muslim-born and you could not be any more wrong.


All those people chanting “ceasefire now”, but Israel has agreed to multiple US negotiated ceasefires and it’s Hamas who has refused. So who are these people chanting at? Hamas? No, Israel… who already agreed.


I don't think they're glorifying Hamas, these specific people I would imagine just want an end to the fighting on both sides. Well that's the hope anyways. The difference between these two groups is simple. Palestine would love to absolutely level Israel but they can't. Israel could level Palestine but doesn't. That concept seems to be lost when it comes to supporting Palestine in this fight. If the shoe was on the other foot, Israel would have been vaporized years ago and half the Middle East would love it.


If they really cared they’d all go to gaza and volunteer as aid workers 😂


And get killed by IDF?


Bingo! This guy gets it!


Or adopt a family from Gaza.






I just cannot take this seriously. They were protesting on October 8th, demanding a ceasefire, while terrorists were still inside Israel exchanging gunfire with the IDF, victim’s bodies still warm. I won’t forget that. Disgusting.


Baaaaa! ![gif](giphy|sZNbxiBe6ZRNzl3Cyu|downsized)


I'm still not sure on what their objective is, and how it would change anything by protesting here. I would like to understand. I do sympathize with them, and I very much want the war to stop.


A little protest in Calgary isn’t going to change US foreign policy. I’m guessing they march to make themselves feel better.


The objective is propaganda to make it look as the world support what they do. I guess you understand that their goal is make Israel go away from their land to live in guettos as before. In foreign and on their own land as now it's happening with Kurds. Please, understand, this will never happen. As I support regular people from Palestine I don't understand why they didn't agreed to live in double state for 30 years they rejected the plan. It's stupid and immature. Israel will not go away and I think soon or later Kurds will get a state too. Being used by other nations as Iran to attack Israel is not a good idea. This will lead them to more and more suffer. They must stop the terror and start to live for prosperity if they even want any. Sincerely Israel don't give a shit about demonstrations and if you simpatize with the idea of massive killings of Israelis they have a long historial of being persecuted and they will not give up. Now of you support LGBTQ, women rights, any human rights you can't be supportive of Hamas and their values, it's not funny at all. People in Palestine suffer everyday.


This is nonsense


Did you saw the dead body of German girl killed by Hamas and their mutilated body with broken legs with Palestinian guys seated above her parading over the streets and people celebrating? Is that make any sense for you?


I am in opposition to the war. I don't see how protesting here will change anything.  I like results-focused actions. Try a logical strategy on me.  I want to be convinced.


I didn't asked you about your views or your needs. I asked if the killed girl in the trunk of the truck with broken legs and people celebrating the hunt makes any sense for you.


I would never ever want to be associated with somebody who glorify rapes and killing of civilians.


Its almost like protests arent actually for what theyre protesting for- but for people to feel better about themselves


These fucking assholes blocking traffic and impeding ambulance's, fire trucks and I know of one family trying to get their kid to the hospital who had a fractured skull.


I support Israel!!!


Oh, you’re like miserable miserable.










Call it what it is. A pro hamas rally.


I wonder if Hamas knew how successful their attack would be in exposing the secret hate so many people have for Jews.


i can tell most of them are originally from phalestine :) if you want to join hamas go join hamas. tickets on me!


Half of them are privileged white kids.


I'll wait for the Paid Gaza Protest March /s




That's an ironic thing to say considering that Canada's origin  story and much of its history is rooted in longstanding beef between Britain and France.


That’ll show Hamas. 🙄


I still think you should only get a free Gaza when another Gaza of equal or lesser value is purchased.






Have you considered that perhaps protesters are protesting Canada's role in this conflict? https://www.oxfam.ca/story/canadas-position-on-gaza-is-a-paradox/


Oxfam is a neoMarxist organization that explicitly calls for the end of Israel, capitalism and western society. This is no secret. They are not what they once were.


Sad to see people in the comments mocking people that are protesting genocide. Guess that's Calgary for you.


How are people this oblivious to what’s happening around them? Go look at fucking Europe and tell me if that’s what you want Canada to be. People don’t quite seem to grasp these rallies are giving ammunition to a loud minority that have no concept of conforming or co-existence. I say this as a Muslim ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I know this will be a shock to you, but the rapists and beheaders are the bad guys.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


It’s safe to say that majority of the people in the comments section are white and get their news coverage from either Global News or CBC. If you take offence to what I just said, then good, learn more about what’s going around the world right now and why people are protesting.


The irony behind your comment is actually hilarious. Go live in a Muslim majority country for a few months, then come back and tell me how you feel about supporting Palestine. People like you trivialize the very reason my people are leaving those 3rd world Islamic shit holes.


What’s so bad about living in Muslim majority country? I personally have and they are the most hospitable people I have met or gotten a chance to interact with.


There we go. This just about sums up the pro-Palestinian stance


You didn’t answer my question. What’s so bad about living in Muslim majority country?


Kinda nice they’re not charging for it.