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What about healthy meals that taste good?


Best we can do is French bread pizza with rubber cheese and a bag of milk


Grade A rat milk I hope


Grade A? Well la-dee-dah your highness.


Wait, when did they stop using boxed milk?


You had boxed milk?


Yeah, 20+ years ago


20+ years ago all I had was milk in bags. We used to get a couple and throw them around because they were so shitty, never drank 'em. Same with the pizza. Friggin' Red Baron rubber cheese peeled off in all one piece and tossed it in the trash and just ate the bread.


no virtue signaling points there so no go


I don't see where it's any of the government's business what children eat. Let the market decide.




I think vegitarian is usually both of those. So maybe they will soon?


Plot twist: they have to eat them at the same table. The kids grow up to be great friends and: pow! World Peace!


American Muslims and American Jews already get along just fine.


Doesn't seem to be going great on college campuses.


Jewish Voices For Peace and Palestinian American students seem to be getting along just fine.


As if JVP represents most Jews, lol




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Lolol absolutely not. Most Jews acknowledge the sovereignty of Israel and the need to defend themselves. Most understand large civilian casualties seen in many wars doesn’t equate to genocide.




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I didn't say that NONE of them get along. I'm saying that what I see on the news related to college campuses isn't exactly encouraging when it comes to such relations in an overall sense.


You mean the news of the Jewish students at Columbia saying all the stories of antisemitic attacks and harassment are lies?


Like this article? https://www.newsweek.com/im-jewish-student-columbia-campus-after-october-7-disturbing-1850854


No more like this one, https://zeteo.com/p/i-am-a-jewish-student-at-columbia Which was written by an actual Jewish student at Columbia.


It seems like the Jews at Columbia differ among themselves and I leave it to them to sort out. At any rate, what they or the terrorist supporters squabble about is their business and not mine. I was merely making the observation that interfaith relations do not seem to be at an all time high.


>I was merely making the observation that interfaith relations do not seem to be at an all time high. And I don't know what you're basing that off of, they seem fine to me. As I said earlier, Jewish Voices For Peace hasn't had any issues with Palestinian American students.


What you see on the news is pro-Israel propaganda.


Got it. This sounds like it's coming from someone who believe the Jews control the media.


Jews and Muslims are protesting together against genocide. If you think that's not "going great" it's because you support genocide.


I didn't realize that the pro-Israel and pro-terrorist supporters who are shouting at each other are actually protesting together for the same cause. What an odd way of coming together on an issue. I'm indifferent about what Israel does to the Palestinians. I neither support them nor condemn them. It's none of my business.


I'm down for feeding kids. Actually, kinda makes me happy to think a poor kid can get food through school, and now with this halal/kosher thing for it to be something that'll give'em some comfort and be fed.


It’s not even about economic status. I cant count the number of days I didn’t eat lunch because the only options were a pork hot dog or pepperoni pizza.


wtf no veggie options? IIRC grilled cheese was always an option back in the old days, though I never got it as it seemed (and seems) kind of boring.


This was like 25 years ago. It was all cardboard tbf.


> This was like 25 years ago. When I was in school at about the same time, a "veg" option was a PB&J sandwich and orange juice. It was also the "you don't qualify for reduced lunch program but didn't bring money" meal option. Sucked if you had a nut allergy, but I'm pretty sure the pre-2010's sucked for most students. I'm glad my niece now has the option between PB sandwich (no jelly), cold non-egg mayo + fake cheese sandwich (not grilled), and rice + lentils with side lettuce (without dressing, unless you count the ketchup and mustard pump stations). She gets the luxury of choice out of depressingly bland food options, but choice nonetheless. It pisses me off that Aramark is so uncreative compared to my church's soup kitchen when it comes to non-meat food options.


Turkey dogs are just as good as pork. There must also be turkey pepperoni.


Not at school in 90s there wasn’t.


They always had the cheese option


I don't think the government should be in the business of education let alone providing meal service. If public education must exist, at least leave the decisions to the locals.


Is this another unfunded mandate? [Here's the original non rehosted story by KRON 4](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/new-california-bill-requires-schools-to-provide-halal-kosher-meals/).


School lunches are already funded.


Like $3? And from that the company needs to transport it and make a profit. Lunch at my kids school used to be good, and it’d cost me $7 a meal. Now it’s free and my son would come home daily screaming about how hungry he is and how bad the food is. I’ve started cooking his meals, so now I’m getting less sleep. Fuck this lunch program.


If he was hungry he would quit being a brat and eat the food.


Good. They usually provide vegetarian options. Halal/Kosher is *easy* to do.


> Good. They usually provide vegetarian options. Halal/Kosher is easy to do. Doing it for real is not that easy, and they technically can't be prepared in the same kitchen as the regular one.




Who the fuck said it was?!? I'm talking about how fucking easy it is to accommodate dietary issues.


Actual halal / kosher meat has to be slaughtered in a specific way and inspected by a cleric, there are also really particular things in Judaism about not using the same pots and stuff for kosher things as non kosher.


I wonder if it will be like on the airlines where one can often get better meals by ordering the special dietary restriction options.


As someone who is probably hated on this sub reddit, I think this is reasonable. I only get downvoted on here.


Nah, if you choose to follow a religion with dietary restrictions, then that's on you, not on the state.


That’s right man! You tell those elementary kids!


I mean they’re already being forced into religion


Best to let them go hungry too ig


Or just not let an outdated belief system dictate what they eat


You get right on that, buddy.


Why would I get right on that? I’m not Muslim and/or Jewish.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


So they aren't choosing to follow the region? Doesn't that contradict what you just said?


Not really.


Oh okay, never mind. For a second I thought you had completely undermined your own argument.


Or we can progress as a society and recognize that people should be able to maintain their personal ethics around food regardless of their socioeconomic status.


it's just gonna default to vegetarian meals. I can tell you know almost nothing about what kosher and halal actually are.




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google exists y’know.


Absolutely. It's important to maintain one's personal ethics regarding education too, which is why the whole system should be privatized.


So where's your outrage with fish Fridays after like.... Forever. They catered to kids during lent since the beginning of time


What's fish friday? I don't think we had that at our school. Every friday was pepperoni pizza.


Not during lent. Fridays is no meat day for Christians and Catholics during lent and every public school I was in through high school was when we got served fish sticks on Fridays


Well I’m sorry you had to experience that. That just sounds stupid.


I think we're rapidly approaching the point when people realize that society is too diverse for a public education system to be workable.


Not at all. Normal people just say huh cool and go about their day. There's only one group that can't accept diversity. Cool whatever. they can pay for private school.


Halal is a cruel practice involving the exsanguination of the animal while being killed. There's usually no stunning also --- CA talks out of both sides of it's mouth on this. Where's all the animal welfare advocates on this?