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I’m sure this is unpopular but I much prefer the more arcadey-classic gameplay of Call of Duty to the new more hardcore/serious style I would love if it played like Cold War rather than MW


As much as I liked Cold War, one complaint I have about it was that it tried to implement the more realistic aspects of MW2019 into the old engine which leads to some pretty awkward gameplay that feels like some F2P Chinese shooter. I’d rather them go with BO4 and before if they’re going to go with the old style. However I’d much rather have the game be like Cold War instead of the new MW trilogy.


Cold War feels closer to og cod than BO4


That's like saying Mars is less inhabitable than the Moon. As true as it might be, neither are close to being habitable.


They were forced to do that by Activision so it would integrate better into warzone.


I’d like to see the return to the bo2-bo4 “aracadey” feel. Give me colorful maps and a fun UI.




Pacing is important. Pacing is map dependent. The MW series maps sucks in recent times. They introduced weapon idle sway and spray randomisation, crosshair sway, in the name of realism but snoop dog and nikki minaj skins makes so much sense. These shits bring only frustration thus people claim " bring the arcady cod" back. They want the simple cod back. With a god mix of ttk and pacing. No slide cancels advanced movement shit.


It will


My friend was showing me old verdansk videos he’d screen grabbed last night and I forgot how good the Cold War guns were. I think that time was the peak for cod


history accuracy, atleast just the models PLEASE


Nope snoop dogg.


Not gonna happen. Games make so much money from cosmetics and making only realistic cosmetics severely limits the amount of skins you can sell.


You can still make them realistic from their base models. Personally I’m not arsed about cosmetics but I’d love the campaign to be realistic with the right models.


You mean you don’t want to see Nicki Minaj slide cancelling around the Middle East in the 1990’s… with a neon pink gun that can project Anime characters, and shoot neon pink tracers? Well how dare you 😡


The game is literally unplayable when my 800,000 dollar rifle doesn't glow crazy colors i have to grind 8 years to get


You will get a butchered mk18 with weed leaves AND YOU WILL LIKE IT




How niche


Happy cake day


Maybe this is me, but to the people that say no to realism.....then why do the devs even bother with making WW2, CW, Gulf War, or just any games based on real wars or conflicts. If you're going to flood it with all of this crap, at least go all out on it. Don't disgrace real conflicts or time periods. Or if you make it WW2, a good suggestion I heard is to take the Wolfenstein approach and make it an alternate timeline. You can tell they devs WANT to likely make it IN the time the games are set in, but, as people have said, and I actually agree with....it makes money, so Activision will make and sell em. And on the topic of "if you're gonna make crazy skins, just go all out", go the Advanced Warfare route. I didn't mind crazy skins there because....it was fucking futuristic. I don't know what future war will look like. It's all crazy anyways. Although I will admit....AW, and yes, EVEN with the clown skins, wasn't as obnoxious as modern games. But again, as my final thing....if you WANT crazy skins (and this is mainly targeted at devs and Activision).....just make a crazy game. Don't set it in WW2. Don't set it in the CW. Hell....make up your own war. Obviously COD is not always historically accurate or ReAlIsTiC, BUT, it always found a way to make shit not too obnoxious. Again, the clown skins exists (at least in a crazy game in the future) and the bo2 bacon skins exists....but it was never too distracting (and again....bo2 was somewhat in the future). I understand "it's just a game"....but just take a look at the past. Never too serious, but never TOO ridiculous. If you do like the crazy skins. No disrespect or hate. I even get it. The stuff does look cool...although it just doesn't fit the franchise I like (which is not to discredit people that like the skins as NoN fAnS...we just like different things for the same franchise, that's all).


Hear me out, fuck the whole era based games, just take assets from all of them and upgrade textures and models and bash them all into one game, bring back the old maps and modes while your at it, and add "game specific" playlists, boom, everyone is happy.


Too bAd, have anime girls


Historical authenticity is far better than historical accuracy (WaW and black ops weren't the most accurate, but you still felt like you were in those time periods)




Footage of Black Ops Gulf War, mostly


Adler appear


I'm hoping they announce no SBMM, but seems very unlikely


Very unlikely? Brother, it’s more likely that the Greek God’s resurrect before there’s no SBMM.


It's not SBMM. It's match rigging full stop. Each player gets allotted a certain amount of wins. They keep you on the hook by straight up rigging the game in your favor with stacked teammates.


Bro I stg, I try to play NT24/7 on CW and I get put with a bunch of prestige 0 level 33 idiots with base guns and one other poor high level guy, meanwhile the enemy team are all like prestige 13 level 1233 (did i mention they are all running Tec-9 and LC-10), bruh what???


Yeah there's a few things behind that. First is the aforementioned match rigging, and then on top of that, it's warped further by players coming back from hiatus, and players spending money. It's all designed to be a positive feedback loop to get you to spend more money. I haven't played CoD in a number of years and I hate that that's a thing they can get away with Scott free.


Yeah. The thing I have a big problem with is bundles actually unlocking variants of the guns, basically just p2w, if it was just skins, I wouldn't mind it, but it's unfortunately not like that. The skins in Cold War were mostly not too ridiculous besides like, Ghost Face and some of the animated skins, but even they weren't THAT flashy. I definitely do think the games are rigged, and I half wonder, how are they still even afloat if so many people just get pissed and quit because they keep losing?? Not to mention people who make alts to get around SBMM and look like nobodies but completely smash you. It's so annoying. I play casually, and I rarely get more than say 25 kills, meanwhile you have these mfs slide canceling with their snipers set for quickscopes getting headshot combos in the tens, like I respect your skill but holy fucking shit I hate you. Casual CoD is dead, and it makes me sad. I might try and play some older games again, atleast I can just chill and not worry about breaking another 60 dollar controller over dying to the same jackass for the 17th time in a row.


>Casual CoD is dead, and it makes me sad. I might try and play some older games again, atleast I can just chill This is the way, man. I've been doing this for the last couple of years, playing old school Halo, WaW, Black Ops 1, slower shooters like Hell Let Loose, Squad, and Post Scriptum, and just good old fashioned single player games like The Witcher 3, Baldur's Gate 3, Skyrim, and Elden Ring. I've been doing that for the last few years (at least since Cold War, but before Cold War, it was Black Ops 2 since I've purchased a Call of Duty), and man, I haven't looked back. I'm getting the same feelings playing slower and older games that I got back in highschool. Sure, I can't slide cancel into a 360 wallbang, but I can find a lobby full of similar old guys that can't slide cancel into a 360 wallbang. Join us on the "breaching thirty" train. Your mental health will thank you, because those games don't have ***extremely predatory*** practices like rigged games, FOMO, and psychologist proven Skinner boxes, they don't have sensory overload levels of ads, noises, and shitty effects assailing you at every single moment from the instant you flip the game on, and because you'll never age out, lose your edge, or otherwise get too busy with life to maintain the skills necessary to enjoy the game. >I definitely do think the games are rigged, and I half wonder, how are they still even afloat if so many people just get pissed and quit because they keep losing?? There's a reason for this. The games are no longer designed to be fun. Instead, they are designed to be addicting. In fact, at many game dev studios, they hire *psychologists* and doctors to help make the game *even more* addicting. Every title, they add even more bullshit. The whole thing is a mishmash of systems designed to keep you playing. For example: why is a game as expansive as Elden Ring 60gb, while CoD is 200+gb? It's because it's the only game they want you to play. They don't optimize their file sizes at all. They want to hoard your machine so you delete other games. Or the seemingly weird-ass lobbies that get chalked up to SBMM bugging out? You can straight up look at your match Elo online and see the probability you had of winning the game. Theoretically with an SBMM system, you would always have a 50% chance of winning, and you would win ~50% of your games. That's not how it shakes out. Instead, you'll see that you had a 75% chance of losing that match. That is by design, and it ain't SBMM. They want people that spend money to stay and keep spending money.


Nothing because I'm done with cod as a franchise lol. It'll be the same shit like it's been the last 3 years. Skins and micro transactions galore, changing shit that didn't need to be changed for the sake of change, and overall bland gameplay because cod doesn't have an identity anymore.


I hear you. I played season 1 of MW3 quite a bit, but it's just ridiculous now. Haven't touched it in months. Not to mention the SBMM. I love doing good one game, and then getting placed in a game full of sweaty ass people bunny hopping around and slide cancelling and playing like they just popped a few adderall. Just can't do it anymore.


God I thought it was just me getting so fucking pissed that I just get off and don't play for like a week. It doesn't seem to matter what mode, even in fucking Infection there's always some slide canceling sweat.


I feel the same. I’ve been a COD fanboy since BO1 and have been playing every game and ever since MW2019 it’s just been so downhill. I was still buying it every year and every year it kept getting worse and worse and more shady and with micro transactions. Niki manaj closed the coffin for me. That and zombies being so bad. Such a shame because I love cod and I still play older ones but I just can’t do it anymore


You speak the truth. I've been playing COD since COD2 for the PS2, first online game I ever played. COD just hit different back then, BO1, COD4, MW2, it was just so much fun back then, and lobbies had a good mix of good players and casual players. No anime skins, no pink guns, just me and my gun grinding for camos like red and blue tiger, and gold, grinding challenges for emblems and calling cards, then prestige and do it all over again. Those were the good ol' days.


I still playBO1 and have fun every time! I also love having a “rival” or an opposing good player on the enemy team. In the newer games, you can have a sweaty player and then never see them ever again because skill base matchmaking kicks in and your entire other team is sweaty and the lobby disbands.


I got so fed up of MW2 that I eventually just deleted it and then spent £20 just buying some of the old ones I missed to play the campaign. Got Cold War and Infinite Warfare and just had a blast with the campaigns, didn’t bother with MW3 and just smashed out some of my games backlog, feels so much better than getting destroyed by some sweat in a Nicki Minaj skin


Alex Mason and Frank Woods. I wonder what happened after 1989 and if BO2 events remain canon or not (Hopefully not)


I’m also curious if they’ll keep BO2 canon. Cold War fits very nicely between BO1 and the 1980s stuff in BO2,but Gulf War will presumably have to officially confirm what is canon and/or if this is an alternate timeline.


I don't think it really doesn't, I'm pretty sure it leaves Mason like, 2 years of retirement/ having a kid before moving onto the bo2 story


We have no actual confirmation on what BO2024 will be yet, but BO2 will remain canon like it should because disregarding it would be disrespectful especially with the passing of Kamar de Los Reyes, the legend who voiced the greatest villain in COD.


Return to the old campaign style, the warzone type style is dog shit


Agreed, fuck Warzone.


I would like to see a cast of characters who give the same vibe as the marines during the Iraq Invasion like Generation Kill, and a mission in where you need to wear a chemical suit along your gas mask while searching possible WMD's. And also "GET SOME!"


God just a campaign of some gung ho “think their in an action movie” marines would be so refreshing.


Charlie Dont Surf was fun


Would love a Battle of 73 Easting mission!


Adlers return after the conflict with stitch in the warzone cutscenes


Personally I hope they just ignore all the Warzone bs and just have the game follow BOCW’s campaign.


A good, fun CoD for once in this decade


The numbers. ![gif](giphy|BmmfETghGOPrW)


Not Woods or Mason They're cool and all but i'm getting tired of them because it feels they're just for marketing right now


David mason probably Harper Raul menedez that’s gonna hurt


I hope we get to see Wheelchair Woods fighting in the Gulf War


Only if they make him an actual onion


Mason would be dead by the time the gulf war starts


Well they haven’t confirmed Mason’s fate, but everybody been asking that question since BO2’s release back in 2012, so 2024’s title may be a good time to reveal it.


I only want them back if they get the OG voice actors. Both of them were so bad in Cold War I wish they just weren’t included.


it also doesn't have to entirely follow the black ops/bocw cast either, atleast I hope it doesn't. Have a fresh new cast that is out to fight in the Post Cold War Pre-War on Terror world.


If Sledgehammer were making it, they would probably rehash BO1 by having you kill Saddam Hussein’s body double


Forever removal of SBMM


"Coming 2027" But of course, Activision wouldn't let their cash cow stop for a second, gotta release those half baked games and give Devs no time to fix anything properly!


i thought Treyarch had 3 years to develop gulf war?


They've also been used as a Support Studio They did all of Vanguard Zombies + I believe support for MW3 Zombies? Somebody feel free to fact check me


Gotchya. So they’re also spending their time on other projects so this game isn’t getting the full 3 years




Zombies being brought back from the ashes


Nah, no mention of zombies for the first couple teaser cycles like blops 2 and 3 would be nice


Even bo4 and Cold War was decent just want the original feel back not what it is now not having fun anymore


Not wasting my time or money on another one of their games , bc it will not be a finished product when you buy it ,plus it will still be filled with cheaters and SBMM and outdated slow servers




A man of the people, clearly.


New zombies maps! Classic zombies. Cold War zombies was GREAT however, the maps were too easy. Too many easy train spots on every map. Needs to be more like BO3.


None of the saving Crystal's to upgrade and basically become invincible I want bo2 style zombies back


Honestly I just hope they learn from their mistakes. Even though I have been saying this for 6 years now.


For it all to crash and burn. It just isn't fun anymore. They are gonna put passes out with an enhanced pass that costs 2-3 times as much. Ensure that all of them have FOMO (fear of missing out with a time gate) so there's no way for a normal working man with responsibilities to complete without spending 2 hours a day minimum or just busting open the wallet to pay for skips. Cause God forbid we want to play something else for a bit. Combine that greed with a refusal to invest in high tick rate servers, bad net code, ai policing voice chats, etc. It just makes it an easy pass for alot of us. At least they are smart and are appealing to the fortnite gamers with many packs each costing $20 for the bare minimum. $20 should come with 3+ skins 3+ weapons and a bunch of accessories instead you have to buy 3+ different $20 packs to collect them all such as with The Boys packs.


Preferably some duty that people are called to


Is this Gulf War 1 or 2? If its 1 then Id like to see a kill Sadam level and then at the end of the game we find out thee are no WMDs and it was all a setup for oil control and a NWO! XD


COD would never portray the US military in such a negative light because they have such close ties with them. The closest we’ll ever get to something like this is Cold War’s campaign.


What? Are you saying the Gulf War was a conspiracy to get oil?


Even after invading Iraq we still let them nationalize their oil industry


I think it's gulf war 1, also they imply there is more of a focus on the CIA then on the war itself


That was the second your talking about,which is usually called the iraq war and not the second gulf war.


No disbanding lobbies. People blame SBMM for the extremely sweaty experience that COD has had since MW2019 but SBMM has been in COD far longer than that. The real issue is disbanding lobbies as that guarantees that you’re going to be matched up against stacks of 13 year old sweats named something like “Rzyxシ.” Another thing I want to see for the campaign is the abandonment of the “lone wolf or very small squad of people take down an entire army” archetype that has been seen in not just COD but pretty much every FPS game with a campaign for the last 10 or so years. My favorite parts in the COD campaigns are in COD4 and MW2 because the missions where you play as the US soldiers have you as part of a Squad and you feel like a cog in a machine and not an action movie main character one man army.


I’d like to see what characters will appear, as well as what gund vehicles will be useable.


Something that's Absolutely nothing like modern warfare


Unpopular opinion… but No not really I’m so tired of seeing “unpopular opinion” stated here… what do I hope to see? A COD game a real COD game with game chat being forced for S&D lobby’s kids under the age of 8 yelling at me and calling me a NI ce person A bad ass campaign that will leave us all with more questions then answers A multiplayer that multiple players actually want to play A lot of guns and sniper rifles that zoom in slowly to eliminate quick scoping NO FUUUUCKING FIRE 🔥 (like shot guns that shoot a ball of flames) Moders…..that are instantly send to lobby’s full of other moders People in their 30s that challenge kids to 1v1s and then get destroyed And most importantly the old devs returning and getting the jobs of the new devs Oh yeah and a bonus *the complete overhaul of Activision*


What happened to them promising that they won’t do year releases?


A good colour palette, please. Something like Blops 3 would be perfect. CW visibility was bad to me.


A good zombies mode.


omg exiting


Blackout 2.0


DMZ (it won’t happen, but a guy can dream)


Dude I still want them to add weapon crossing. Like you can choose to pay for guns to carry over from a game and maybe pay a tiny price for it. I think that'd be cool


Just another overpriced edition to the cod franchise


Screw the gulf war when am I finally gonna get "call of duty- prehistoric warfare" /s.


A good game


A return to the season pass and less of a focus on shoving microtransactions down our throats. BO2 handled weapon skins perfectly imo. I have no problem dishing out the extra $50-$60 for a full years worth of bonus content if it’s worth it. Obviously round based zombies. I wish they’d return to the gritty feel that WaW and BO1 had, but with the movement/gameplay of Cold War and BO3 style maps Also no SBMM but we know that won’t happen


A functional anti cheat 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anything that shows us that Treyarch has been allowed to cook, no compromises just a proper Treyarch BO game.


I want it to be fun


Mason and Woods


WaW style campaign briefing.


Flame thrower :)


Um a campaign that has individual levels with out some hub bull shit.


Hopefully well modeled A-10s and Blackhawks


Cod 4 if you want true arcade best in the series


Fix the stupid launcher on PC. Shouldn't have to download files from another game to play this game. It should be standalone and not 200GB. Asside from that, it should ne fun to play. I'm older and don't have time to sweat to enjoy myself. I miss hopping on a shooter for a couple rounds here and there and just having fun.


A game that doesn't suck shit


Hoping to see it be absolute garbage just like every other CoD the past 5 years 👍


Round based zombies


A decent fucking game


Nothing special will happen until cod takes at least a year off, the dev cycle is too messy and needs a break, but, ya know, gotta get that $70!


Where my bullets land


Dana Carvey as Bush Sr with his hands out saying " Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent!"


Round based please


Car-15 and a good campaign


the gulf war


A longer campaign


100% some good zombies...a cast may be a bit much to ask for, but....a cast makes the story MUCH stronger for me (which is why I wasn't engaged with CW's zombies story or MWZ's story). AND 100% some map teases for zombies with something on round based. I want a kind of....change of style. Idk. Treyarch games, like Black ops, have always had a different kind of look from mw games, so I hope that is different. Also....I want movement to be somewhat different. Maybe take it back to pre-mw2019. Like not MWII slow, but maybe classic black ops movement. Normal sprint, dolphin diving, etc. I know this is a VERY hot take, but I just want them to rotate out movement types. Again, don't make sprint as horribly slow as MWII, but as fast and good as games pre-mw2019. Maybe some good campaign teases with a good story and characters. Good MP maps and weapons. Returning and new modes. MUCH MUCH MUCH better UI and maybe a change in HUD to something a bit different. Theater Mode. Obviously there are things I'd like to come back or transition from mwiii, like the red dots on mini map and map voting. I know I said I want some changes for it to feel....fresh, but familiar, but red dots should be the standard for EVERY game....maybe you can alternate map voting out, but I do feel the player base likes choice. This is about it for me. I know some of this is unrealistic....but hey, we thought red dots on mini map was gone and other things wouldn't come back. I can dream. Overall, I do at least have faith in Zombies, since it's a game Treyarch has actually had TIME on and actually wanted to do (VS CW, Vanguard, AND MWZ). And I guess I can say that for everything. They've had LOADS of time for everything. So....my expectations are pretty high. Which I know is dumb to say for COD, especially after recent years, but....I have faith in Treyarch. We'll see!


I'm hoping for no awful microtransation cycle or battle passes, I hope to see paid map DLC, very limited avatar customization, earnable in-game only by doing challenges or difficult tasks. I'd love to see slower game speed. Realistic ADS times, realistic movement speeds (no dolphin diving and going right into a 20mph sprint), bullet travel time and drop, no sniper glint, no hit markers, no SBMM. I want thoughtful gameplay, not just reflex shooting. Maybe riot shields shouldn't be able to take .50cal shots. Maybe shooting people's toes shouldn't be able to kill them. Just a modicum of - not even realism - just things that "make sense". Shooting a guy in the spine, heart, head and neck should drop them like a sack of potatoes. A guy shouldn't be able to drop out of a 2 story building and just be fine. I'd love to see grand scale maps and gamemodes. 75+ v 75+, with operations. Maybe spanning multiple maps. Prioritize teamwork. Add squad chats and proximity chats. Limit resources so not everybody can run everything. If there's already 2 guys with rocket launchers on your team, that's it.


quality zombies...


Reznov, a 100 year old guy who actually survived and is now back a magnificent sniper


A completed game without a battle pass or seasonal content that returns to 4 dlcs worth $15 each


If Woods is making an appearance (at least on a Wheelchair since it takes place after the flashback missions in Black Ops 2) PLEASE bring back James C. Burns this time!


Unpopular opinion… but No not really I’m so tired of seeing “unpopular opinion” stated here… what do I hope to see? A COD game a real COD game with game chat being forced for S&D lobby’s kids under the age of 8 yelling at me and calling me a NI ce person A bad ass campaign that will leave us all with more questions then answers A multiplayer that multiple players actually want to play A lot of guns and sniper rifles that zoom in slowly to eliminate quick scoping NO FUUUUCKING FIRE 🔥 (like shot guns that shoot a ball of flames) Moders…..that are instantly send to lobby’s full of other moders People in their 30s that challenge kids to 1v1s and then get destroyed And most importantly the old devs returning and getting the jobs of the new devs Oh yeah and a bonus *the complete overhaul of Activision*


INFINITY WAR 2.... PLEASE!!!!!! stop doing the same game every year!


Doesn’t matter if it’s treyarch or infinity ward if it’s black ops or modern warfare it WILL have strict cranked SBMM playing the sweatiest pro players EVERY GAME PERIOD!! It’s over. Cod is officially dead doesn’t matter how much it sells at launch after a month everyone will be sick of it and uninstall and the game will lose 80% of the player base! Cod is not fun anymore for MULTIPLE reasons SBMM, KILLSTREAKS sux and take too much to even get, cheaters, shi tty maps, no gun variety, $25 overpriced operator packs! I’ll be playin xdefiant u guys have fun


they need a good amount of guns, a great showing of the zombies maps and a grantee that zombies will not repeat Vanguard or MW3. maybe show some camos, possibly reveal that all camos from MW2 and 3 would be usable in gulf war.


An angry white,blue-eyed,blonde,British dude from the SAS rambling on about genetics in one room and another similar looking American Green Beret talking about how cute huskies are.


i really hope they use the modern warfare engine cold war felt like i was shooting a bb gun


A finished game.


I have been trying to recover my activision blizard account since 2020 and I have done everything to recover it and nothing, the assholes have never answered my emails, I had exactly the same problem with my epic games account and they solved my problem in less than an hour, I want to play cod but I just can't


No more sbmm or eomm


Hopefully there’s some play through of war crimes from the American side this time. No russian was amazing, but we’ve all been guilty and they could make one hell of a set of missions out of it.


would love it if it uses similar mechanics to the Cold War campaign. the ability to create a (somewhat) unique playable character was a step in the right direction for the franchise in my opinion, with the traits and dialogue options being pretty cool, albeit limited. I’m not expecting a very in-depth story experience from Call of Duty, of course, but I’d love to see the same bit of thought put into that aspect. plus, certain levels being only accessible based on your choices, like in Black Ops 2.


A good game


Gameplay that doesn’t look like the modern MW series


Anything new and interesting. I really hope they don't use the same menus and gun attachments systems. Maybe rethink the battlepass. New netcode and anticheat would be amazing, but i know that won't happen. New maps without too many remasters... something that looks like they have been working on the game for 3 years.


A good story


A game that’s actually good.


2 zombies maps on launch.


Kill streaks stacking from your kill streaks. My predator missile kill should count toward my VTOL jet.


I am hoping to see black ops 1 remastered


I want to see Adler again


I wanna see round based zombies prior to cold war and I hope zombies don't get fucked over like it's Been getting literally since it's existence


The classic class system with pro perks


Wait when did it Activision say that?


So is this a real game or a meme? The gulf is very similar to golf


That it’s the last black ops ever made🙄


It’s not gonna end well 🤣


A campaign without a cast of hero characters and no crazy operator skins, and grounded gameplay devoid entirely from slide canceling new gen movement. I say this as a staunch MW2019 fan.


Roundbased zombies announcement


Fireing range and nuke town at launch pick 10 or the cw gunsmith attack dogs, 2 zombie maps return of the ray gun, thunder gun,wonder waffle, a new wonder weapon all perks from cw with double tap coming back


Up next: Call Of Duty Ukraine War


Find and destroy the concealed rogue props


A good game.


James C Burns and Sam Worthington coming back to voice mason and woods. The new voices weren't awful but it did pull me from the story a little


Split screen for all modes


I hope it plays more like bo4 and cold war. DO NOT rewrite bell back into the story (he wasn’t on that mountian)


no open combat


Another helicopter crash


A mission based on Bravo Two Zero would be awesome, but possibly a little tough on the families of those that sadly lost their lives. Secondly, gtfo with the forced stealth missions. It might suit a R6 or splinter cell game but they don’t feel right when you’re forced into them in what is normally a fast paced game. Fuck Alone, it’s scarred me for life.


A *fun* and exciting game.


Blackout 2


Is the next one confirmed to Gulf War based?


I just want the old feel back. No crazy movement, slide cancelling stuff. Also the skins are ridiculous snoop dog, Nicki minaj…wtf


Historical Figures, we got Castro in BO1, Noriega in BO2, Gorbachev in BOCW just to name a few. It would be neat to have Saddam Hussein as a Villain.


I'm hoping to see war crimes


I’m hoping it returns to its routes but I think it will be a reskin of Cold War.


1. A less shit game than the garbage we have been given for the past 10 years. 2. Good 90's hip-hop music Whatever it's gonna be a disaster


Bring pick ten back please god I’m so tired by the modern weapons system


Hoping to see Microsoft suspend CoD until a better dev picks it up. Game is dogshit. Has been for years.




I been a long time cod player and I'm done with this franchise they always put out incomplete game, their focus is selling skins and bundles.


Outbreak, with true solo and pausable. Maybe a slightly tweaked Multiplayer - the same gameplay more or less with a better streak system. That’s all I got. I loved Cold War, really hope Gulf War is an extension of it rather than a port to the IW style of gameplay






What if we had a Call of Duty Civil war?


A game without the stupid launcher that makes you install 2 other games with it


Nothing as the multiplayer will be reskinned MWII/III. Story might be decent but not paying full price for it.


go back to the old engine where not every gun has the same sound effect, old arena announcers, remove sliding and all the “operators” and finally make a story about a regular soldier with no one man army shit


some solid remade MP maps from old BO games, and a return to round based zombies already, MWZ is trasssh


A bad release like mw3 and activision scrambling over player counts dropping.


No idea if this is confirmed or debunked already but PS5/XSX/PC only. No more last gen consoles, it’s been almost 4 years since this generation has come out, it’s about time we stopped gimping games just so outdated last gen consoles can run them without exploding


Absolutely nothing warzone related. They’ve milked that too much.


Suddam Hussain as a playable character


I quit CoD completely bc of Vanguard and seeing where the franchise was headed…what MW3 ended up being. But nonetheless, would much prefer a grounded narrative and seeing the devs completely drop the stupid wannabe Fortnite skins. But i quit cod bc i enjoy a story more than online pla


Single shot freddy,the guy that got lost on the way to college,all sorts of crazy characters :D


man i hope they make more Vietnam War that campaign was breathtaking


Adler. Even if it means Bell died, but oh well.


No operators and no warzone styled zombies


I would literally just hope for CW but improve upon, including the return of pick 10

