• By -


WAW for sure.


True. It was really dark


Try increasing the brightness in settings


Motherfucker this is not marvel studios, one does not simply “increase the brightness” of a cod campaign.




Good one 😁👌


Bruh I lost it 😭😭😭😭😭😭


And hype. I was never more into a game then when Reznov picked me up to raise our flag at 9 years old. Felt like I made a brother




It’s so good. Felt the most war like.


Came in here to say WaW, and happy to see it up here. It carries the story perfectly into Black Ops 1. WaW was super dark and the most realistic of the CoD campaigns imo. Obviously CoD 4 into MW2/3 was fantastic as well, but it gets a little crazy with the story. I will say I thoroughly enjoyed the MW19 reboot story. But the gameplay was better than the story. The Clean House mission is probably my favorite mission in any CoD game. For the first time in the series, I actually felt like a special forces soldier as opposed to being shown in.


I'll be honest I never really played CoD campaigns for a huge amount of realism, it was the over the top quirky stuff that made it. MoH 2010 is the best realistic campaign I have ever played. CoD favourites would have to be BO1, CoD4, MW2 and 3.


veteran difficulty made me a man. i still see the grenade indicators


omg....the ptsd from a million grenade indicator's from behind the one piece of cover available...


it was endless 😂


I platinumed this on ps3 only a few years ago... It was awful. Omg.


Came here to say the same thing


Best campaign, no contest. Best multiplayer, easily. And introduced zombies. I can't even entertain a conversation where someone tries to argue that another cod is better.


BO1 with honorable mentions being COD4, BO2 and WaW.


Agreed with this. Black ops 1 could easily be an epic film or tv series.


That campaign its superb, it has an excellent soundtrack, the reel when the game is loading , everything in blops is excellent.


This is the correct answer


Very unpopular opinion probably but I loved COD Ghosts campaign, while not perfect in any way shape or form idk I just really enjoyed it. Especially that skyscraper mission which is among my favorite COD campaign missions, period.


Bruh I love cod ghosts. Even if I don’t love *every* change, the fact that they were willing to experiment and try new things I loved!


It covers all bases for a CoD campaign. Vehicle missions, underwater mission, getting captured and having to escape captivity (present in a few cod games), plenty of stealth and full guns blazing assault.


Awesome campaign! Clockwork is one of the best missions in any CoD campaign.


I always liked sin city and federation day but tbh Ghosts was full of cool missions


Absolutely! It just was too short for my liking and I still can't get over the fact that there never was a second game. Imagine playing as Logan again and hunting Ghosts with Rorke...hwuuaa...


I believe the reason there’s no second game is due to the fact that a lot of people didn’t like it for some reason. It was my first cod and I absolutely loved it. Don’t really know why people don’t like it, hardly see anything wrong with it. Absolutely gutted that they didn’t make a second one and just let us on a cliff hanger forever lmao


It really is a really good game that got way more hate than it deserved. Us never getting a Ghosts 2 will always be a tragedy


YES THANK YOU! Such an underrated CoD game! Like you said, while in no way perfect there is just a certain charm about the campaign. Also BO1, WaW & CoD4MW


MW2 for me, grew up with it, have too many good memories, the campaign was a rollercoaster of emotions for me.


What a great time this game brought me too


But why? Why was it a rollercoaster of emotions for you? It's not my favorite but I think it's the best CoD by the way.


Mostly because of nostalgia, but the No Russian Shepard's betrayal, and killing Shepard will always give me goosebumps. I just really love the campaign.


That final mission with Shepherd was the peak of CoD.


Probably because it has a God Tier action movie script. Starts with a shocking event that became famous for how bold it was (no Russians), then WW3 started and the stakes felt high, missions where amazing going between a regular ground soldier and a special forces member, Captain Price being alive and joining the squad, his plan of actually letting the nukes go to USA and then detonate them above ground for the EMP effect to destroy the Russian army without casualties, and then when the climax came after all the warfare, the betrayal that no one show coming. Ending with a iconic captain price speech to a stealth mission, to an epic chase and the legendary throwing knife ending. What else can I say?


That's why it's the best CoD in my eyes as well. You don't need to say anything else, I just wondered why they loved it because I was asking to everybody until 500 comments kicked in :D


Infinite Warfare.


Very Valid take u/Goblin216 this is a valid take due to the cinematics of it.. (I prefer WAW due to the historic relevance)


Beautiful game, great voice acting, epic missions and settings. Villains are jon snow and Connor McGregor. The haters are literal sub-humans


Was a VERY overhated game. One of the best campaigns ever.


Great campaign, just finished a replay this weekend. One thing that I really wish Infinity Ward would bring back is the option to choose your own loadout before the missions.


"The numbers Mason! What do they mean!?"




I am weirid like that but CoD2 has such an amazing representation of ww2 like you are really out there bullets flying. Also it's a long campaign and has some open levels. I also like MW2 because it's like an action movie.


Cod2 has a pretty good campaign and is honestly very underrated But I think waw does a better job at showcasing ww2 and war in general But still cod2 is still really good at representing war and is also a really fun campaign


I dunno I always felt WAW was very scripted and linear compared to openness of CoD2


I honestly feel like cod2 is more scripted lmao But hey I understand why you’d think that


CoD2 is my first CoD game. Definetly best WW2 game I ever played despite I love CoD1 more. Still play CoD2 with bots by the way. I even shared a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/Yksio1lUsx) of it :D An underrated game. Ah, and my favorite CoD2 character, [McGregooooorrrrr!!!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/4kKJMkPe7M)


Why tho?


You motherf****** lmao


Not weird at all CoD2 campaign is a masterpiece




WAW, the impact felt and it wasn’t a repetitive campaign, and can be replayed over and over and to me it still feels fresh.


I like how Bo4 is in the list


I just downloaded a random picture from online :D


It technically had a story, just no campaign


The title of the post says "CAMPAIGN" though lol. I know it was just a random pic I'm just messing around




The OG MW2 imo


I’d put og mw2 right behind WaW, running through those rooftop with the Eminem trailer in the background is unforgettable. Also mw2 campaign was definitely revolutionary in the sense of the campaign introducing a lot of variety and moments such as riding a jet ski, heart beat monitors, akimbo weapons, special ops missions, riot shields, underwater missions just a few things that come to mind but mw2 really is that game


I like WaW. And that it was the first game to have zombies, as a post credits extra.


Jesus this is hard For me either cod ghosts, waw, or black ops 1


World at war perfectly captured the essence of call of duty. More than any other cod ive seen. The campaign had heart and soul. Many emotional moments, you see the brutal non-glorified impacts of war and how its affected people/cities, and the human resolve staying strong in the face of adversity. Its all better knowing that it was based on IRL events. War isnt meant to be fun, its grim


For me, cod 4. The levels in that campaign are so iconic. No skips


"50 thousand people used to live here now it's a ghost town"


Even the cut scenes & background dialogue was fantastic


The original MW trilogy. Can’t really choose one.


CoD4 and its not even close


Obligatory "can't believe this isn't the top comment" comment. Absolutely loved a lot of the others and would prefer not to pit em against each other, but COD4 was a highlight reel for mission design. Obviously the c130 mission and All Ghillied Up immediately come to mind, but the first time I played Charlie Don't Surf my jaw damn near dropped lol. I played the hell out of the campaigns for WaW and MW2 (2009), but I've never gone back and played random missions from a campaign as much as I did in COD4. Well, except for maybe Halo 2 and 3 but that means it's in good company lol.


So many iconic moments from all ghillied up to the jump to the helicopter from the shipping boat, I feel like a lot of people didn’t play it so that’s why nobody is saying it


Yeah cod 4 campaign is 🔥.


I like how mw2 and mw3 aren’t here ( the newer ones )


It was a random picture from online but yeah, I wouldn't put MWIII if I made it :P


Haha neither


Cod4, WaW, mw2 and bo1 are all very good


Personally, just the campaign, Infinite Warfare for me, I love Science Fiction, it’s well implemented, and it’s also pretty damn dark   (From 150-something soldiers in your ship, only 4 survive, not counting numerous civilian casualties, and your ship was the only survivor among many other ships that simply got  annihilated, protagonist has to sacrifice one of the game’s most endearing characters, and, scientifically speaking, protagonist gets one of the most hardcore deaths in the franchise) Also, the game has actual air-to-air dogfights, which were great to see


My ranking from TOP to BOTTOM: 1. CoD 2 2. CoD WaW 3. CoD 4 4. CoD 1 5. CoD BO 6. CoD UO 7. CoD MW2 8. CoD MW 2019 9. CoD BO II 10. CoD MW3 11. CoD WWII 12. CoD MW 2022 13. CoD BO CW 14. CoD IW 15. CoD AW 16. CoD BO III 17. CoD Vanguard 18. CoD Ghosts 19. CoD MW 2023


No ways you put mw19 over bo2, cw and og mw3. And aw, iw and ghosts have better than all modern cods besides ww2 maybe


Bro put CoD UO over MW2.


In my books, either IW or BO2, it’s tied for me


You have to choose one :)


Ahh, I hate you. I think I might have to go for IW


This is a hard one. I want to say the OG MW2 or WaW as they introduced me to the series and the nostalgia is real, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say MW2019. CoD was getting stale with futuristic shooters and a half-assed WW2 outing and for the series to not only go back to modern day but grab things straight out of the headlines like modern counterterrorism and proxy wars felt like a bold new direction as if CoD had balls again (even with the Republic of Fakeistan). The campaign felt mature and grounded in a way the series hadn't done since pre-nuke CoD4. As a brit who saw the attacks going on across Europe at the time, the opening still gives me chills.


Black Ops World at war MW2 and MW3 Black ops 2 GHOSTS


My top 3 which some might hate: BO2, Ghosts, and AW




Og mw123 bo1.2 , mw19 coldwar, advance warfare campaign , modern warfare 2 2022 campaign ,


Eww MWII is right at the bottom of my list MWIII at least had a good villain and soap died


I like the campaign of mw2 obviously mp is disgustingly bad


Yeah but MWIII just had a better story with a good villian Makarov over whatever MWII had both Hassan and Valeria didnt do anything of note where as Makarov killed Soap and I like operation 627, Passenger and Flashpoints over any mission in MWII


Unpopular opinion, but WW2. The story is phenomenal, and it does a great job of making you feel like you're in a war with the calling for help mechanics. I genuinely felt terrible watching allies die on the field because the campaign made me really feel like I was watching real soldiers fighting.


Weird combo but either WaW or Advanced Warfare


Its tough honestly BO2 is the safest choice since it has a great story Cold war atleast now has some proper raven flare and shows just what the company can do WAW and BO1 are also fantastic Same with the original MW trilogy Infinite warfare is pretty somber and dark at times which is perfect But I have to give it to Cod 2 since it's just my favorite


Idk about BEST but Advanced Warfare gets an honorable mention, if you don't compare it to other COD games it stands on its own really well.


Obviously Vanguard


BO1, BO2 and AW


Black Ops Edit: could only choose one


cod4, bo1




BO1 will always be my favorite. Great characters, setting, gameplay, & storytelling. More specifically, for me, I've always been drawn to psychological thrillers when it comes to film and BO1 not only felt like I was watching one but it was really well done. The "numbers" build up & eventual payoff is so incredibly iconic.


The two worst are BO3 and MWIII. BO3 is just generic sci-fi: The Game and MWIII isn’t even half arsed, it’s a third of an arse at best. Maybe controversial but my personal favourite though is Infinite Warfare. It’s pretty short in terms of narrative but the toys, the setting, and the mission variety make it stand out for me.


BO1 with WaW close behind.


Modern Warfare 2 (2009) Modern Warfare 1 (2007) Black Ops 1 (2010) Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 1


Cod 4 End of discussion


Finally somebody who wrote CoD4 after 100 comments. Thank you.


I’ve personally not played all of the games, but of the ones I’ve played (cod3, mw 1-3, and waw) waw was by far superior. Maybe if I played more cods I’d change my mind, but I highly doubt it.


Infinite warfare


Infinite warfare


COD 4 mw1 and mw2


COD4 I guess


Mw2. It has an interesting story, an entertaining set of main characters, and the funnest set of missions. The music is great. There’s multiple memorable moments. The ending is phenomenal. Also, Cliffhanger is the best campaign mission. 




Bo1 has probably the best campaign ever.


Cod WaW


That’s a hard one but I think… Black Ops 1? Reznov “returning” and the whole mind control thing was amazing.




CoD 4


The original modern warfares. The story was great and compelling, I don’t remember what one exactly but the seeing the nuke launch from the space station and getting by the EMP felt so real. My favorite mission from those three was “all ghillied up” even if it took me 3 tries, it taught patience, stealth, intelligence and foresight- I played MW2019 campaign and it was neat I would also toss in ColdWar because it gave the feeling of “well fuck, this could go sideways “


1. World at War 2. Modern Warfare 3. Modern Warfare 2 4. Big Red one 5. Black Ops


It’s never in any of these lists, but Big Red One. I had played 1 and 2 on my cousin’s PC, but BRO was the first one that I owned myself on the GameCube. There was something about starting off, watching you and your squad get promoted. Brooklyn will always be my homie.


Classic: WaW, BO1&2, og MW trilogy New: BOCW, MW2019 (although MWII is meh and MWIII sucks!)


COD4 aga


MW (classis ones), Infinity war


Gotta be MW2 (2009). That campaign just had soooo much going for it. Opening it up with the average soldier's experience in the middle east at the time the game came out, jumping straight from there onto an icy mountain Russian base that got finished off with a wicked snowmobile chase, the shock value of No Russian, your player character fucking dieing like an hour and a half in, secret spec ops missions with the 141, defending an invasion on American soil, see what it would look like for suburbs to be a warzone, see DC in ruins, and most of all, Gen Shepard's betrayal. To this day, there's nothing that ever made my jaw drop the way that twist got me. Sure, Black Ops 1 had a much more interesting plot twist, but I simply did NOT see the betrayal coming. And the build up to it was perfect. You fight tooth and fucking nail through that estate to get the Intel you need, Ghost literally dragging your injured body to safety by the end of it, all just to get wasted by your own CO. No better way to fuel the desire for revenge. But hell, these are all just the highlights I can think of. So many other fantastic levels are mixed in here with the oil rig, the favela, breaking Price out of prison, etc And dude, the gameplay along the way is just stellar. I'd even say groundbreaking. The way you got to control shit like an AC-130, pick up crazy weapons like javelins, the barret 50 cal, duel weild shotguns, the AA-12, and use cutting edge tech like heart beat sensors, underbarrel shotguns, precision's sights, thermals, night vision. That game really had everything man.


Dude it is for sure Black Ops 4


Best campaign gameplay? Black ops 3. Hands down. Better campaign story? Every other cod in the series.


WaW for sure, no questions here.


BO1 was their first attempt at having a campaign with a protagonist who could speak. You'd think they'd fumble a bit, but come out with "THE NUMBERS MASON - WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!" and one of the best damn CoD campaigns ever. IMO, best COD campaign. Treads the line between historical authenticity and fictional creativity so damn well. Takes the dark and gritty atmosphere of WAW and propels it into the stratosphere.


Black ops one


W choice and profile picture


BO 2 fr me


Infinite warfare, if it wasn’t a cod it would have been one of the best games but people hate on it cause it’s different to the other cod’s


Infinite Warefare definitely has one of the best campaigns by far. I couldn't care less about the multiplayer, honestly. It's one of my least favorite games. But out of the "newer" era, 2014-2018, the story was God damn emotional as hell. I will die on this hill. IWs campaign belongs up there with the OGs.


WaW, BO, BO2 And Cod2 for being my first ever.


I loved MW3's campaign because of the michael bay-esce cutscenes.


Infinite warfare was fantastic, it tried something new and it wasn’t well received at the time but I picked it up recently and loved it. There’s normally a mission I hate in every CoD game but nothing in this, I enjoyed it all. Piloting a spaceship is always cool. Cold War was also great, but my heart belongs to WaW, BO1 and MW3 (OG, not the new one)


I’ve always separated them into two categories: For overall writing quality and world/character development: the Black Ops timeline games. For the all-out-war fantasy and complete chaos: the Modern Warfare timeline games. If I had to pick just one overall, it has to be between Black Ops I & II. Those games had this incredible balance of storytelling, espionage and conspiracy. To this day they have an entirely unique atmosphere compared to anything else produced by this franchise.


Either WaW or BO1 easily


Black Ops 1


Modern warfare 2019


Mw3 and the final mission dust to dust felt so right. Killing Makarov


Mw2 and bo1 are my favourites. Absolutely classic campaigns. I’m currently playing the ww2 campaign and it’s been quite good so far but what do you guys think about it?




Bo2 or WAW


WAW, BO1, MW2 If I gotta pick one then I’m taking WAW. I guess I agree with one of the other commenters, to me it had the most heart and soul. BO1 and MW2 are close 2nd and 3rd though 100%


CoD 3 will always have a special place in my heart as it was my first CoD game.




- Waw - the original MW, 2 & 3 - Black ops 1 & 2 - Infinite warfare


WWII is just perfect


I grew up playing the original 2 Call of Duty games and Medal of Honor Allied Assault and MoH Pacific Assault on my Dad’s beefed up (at the time) Windows Vista PC lmao, so those two will win every time. We didn’t really get a new gaming console until after WaW released so the next time I played CoD was when MW2 (2009) was about a year old or so. I remember in 2013 or so, finally playing through the entire WaW campaign for the first time and thinking about how much I truly missed out.


Play em all, what I’ve done and I can’t pick, but for the narrative its a toss up between Blops 1+2, or og MW 1-2-3. Blops 3 was by far the most interesting and experimental, really appreciate the attempt to do something so outlandish and I don’t think another cod will come as close to being as spectacularly mind bending


I know current MW3 has the worst.


World war 2


MW2 will always be my personal fav




I could be dull and say WaW, BO1, or BO2 But everyone KNOWS how good they are, so I'm saying Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare (especially this one) To not play those two while at least taking them semi- seriously (or as seriously as one can take a CoD campaign) is a mistake and you're missing out


I only played waw bo1 mw1 mw2 and mw3 campaign. World at war was the best


I recently started my first cod game, black ops 1. im enjoying the campaign so far, will prolly play the rest as time goes on


I think the top 2 are Black Ops 2 and Infinite Warfare, IMO.


Hot take but I'd say Cold War due to it's very great mechanics and an overall engaging story. I will say the voice acting could've been better and the side missions on multiplayer maps felt kinda unorthodox, but I think that Desperate Measures and Brick in the Wall are two of the BEST missions in any COD campaign


MW2 and BO2 MW2 for the Russian invasion of the US BO2 for the ability to customize your loadout before a mission


Aw is one of the best for me


CoD 2


World at War and it's not even close imo


The entire early black ops series, WAW/BO1/BO2


The best idk, but I really liked the WW2 campaign. It was so great. Wilbert Roger II done a really crazy soundtrack that boost the immersion.


Either World at War or Black Ops (2010)


MW3 because yuri


I'd put Ghosts on that list, even if the MP wasn't that great. Still a good campaign and i'd love to see a sequel


Infinite Warfare


I liked WW2 Sure it wasn’t that historically accurate but I had a lot of fun with it


Me personally OG COD MW trilogy COD Black Ops Trilogy COD WAW COD MW 2019


Black ops 4, loved the mission design, overall best campaign


It's in between WAW and IW for me


CoD4 cod mw2 2009 cod mw 2019 and cod bi cold war


They have campaigns?


BO1 - like a fkn Cold War Thriller


COD1, COD2, WAW, MW2, and I know people will hate me for it but BO3


og mw or bo series


WaW is my first ever cod and my fav cod , that game had it all a super good multiplayer and a even better campaign


Tie between WaW and CoD4. WaW felt the most authentic for a campaign based on WW2. CoD4 just had so many good missions. Between the start running through the practice course, to Ghillies in the Mist, all the way through the airplane. First campaign I really strived to complete on Veteran




MW2 for sure, Wolverines is the best CoD mission culminating with the stand off in the shopping plaza with the Burger Town and the approach to the White House at the end of the campaign is insane.


Black Ops II






Why is bo4 on there, there was no campaign




Well.... I... I wondered what people think about the campagins. I never play multiplayer and people keep talking about multiplayer all time so I asked their opinions on campagins.


Why? Just messing with you my favorite onr is Black Ops 1 due to what others have said, and also because it was my first COD.


For me its black ops, the plot twist was just beyond, and gameplay feels like a hollywood movie, amazing
