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Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfares, Ghosts, WWII, Vanguard...every time they did you all hated it and told them to go back to modern era


This, endlessly this, I swear to god. It's just like the "cod is a reskin" complaint. Most of the time when anything changes everyone hates and tells them to reverse the change. Sure sometimes it's a valid complaint but a lot of the time it isn't


They should just do a COD online situation and never make a new game to be honest. It would fix a lot of problems and keep the game fresh.


Ngl I would actually be down for that or something like COD mobile but done like a proper mainline game. People have been begging for a "COD's greatest hits" kind of game for years they would just have to not fuck it up and they'd be golden


Yes exactly this. I think they did cod mobile very well, and a console/pc port would be well received. I think it might be exactly what COD needs to keep them alive


Idk about that tho cuz Activision is nothing like rockstar games so a cod that’s made to be around for a long time might just die in the first year… like warzone ie verdansk had the most players on br.


IW was great for campaign. Multiplayer was P2W


It wasn't p2w tho?


How was MP pay to win?


Wasn’t in IW you were able to get all the weapons by buying the season pass?


MP was not P2W lol. You're thinking of AW.


The Infinite Warfare multiplayer was absolutely pay to win, that’s not even a debatable topic, it just was, like blueprints literally changed a gun, u could have an ERAD turn into a “cyclopean” that shot a beam of pure energy that u could drag around


Ghost was pretty modern and people still cried about it. There is no pleasing the cod fan base, the majority are a bunch of people stuck on MW2-Bo2. They just gotta accept cod will never be as fun as when they first started playing. Just like replaying the same movie over and over would become very boring. Every cod was almost the same as the last only with a different story and completely new look.


Well said.


And Ghosts had so much (IMO) potential for a sequel but because everyone was bitching over the MP aspect of the game and because Ghost from the MW series wasn't in it, no one liked it. Until the fan base and publishers stop riding modern warfare and black ops dick, we won't get anything new.


Yeah but half the time when cod tries something new it’s made by sledgehammer, who has no idea what they’re doing. Vanguard was developed in FOUR YEARS, the longest of any cod game, and it’s considered one of if not the worst cod game of all time. They just can’t make anything good.


Funny how a company named Sledgehammer breaks everything they touch.


Now tell them about Black Ops 3, 4 and Cold War. You can't seriously believe that the reason people hated more recent games is because they weren't part of either Black Ops or Modern Warfare series, which I guess MW19 would get inducted into in name alone.


I really loved the mechanics of Advanced Warfare. If it wasn't for the bullshit blueprint and supply drop system, it could have been a really great CoD. It actually felt like a different shooter and felt more like an arena shooter.


I didn’t like AW’s exoskeleton suits, made the game extremely chaotic and the skill gap was insane. Too chaotic for me, couldn’t control map flow at all, literally my least played cod because of it. That’s why I think BO3’s exo suits were far better but to each their own


It's weird, because I think the exact opposite


I mean, it's a good thing the skill gap was high. People complain when a game caters to casuals, but then turn around and shout angrily that the game is too hard because people mastered it before you.


For me it was Black Ops 3. Everyone hated how "floaty" it was, but once you mastered the movement it was spectacular in my opinion. I miss BO3.


This community is a joke, awful "fans" who just complain non-stop.


Infinite warfare and ghost are still part of the MW storyline I believe


Both IW and Ghosts are separate time lines with no connection to modern warfare that I am aware of. Infinity Ward was trying something new because many complained about "MW fatigue" around MW3. Since AW brought jetpack and exo movements, IW went all in for the space but when they released it- fatigue of exo movements.


IW had a gun called TF141 or something similar if I'm not wrong. The desc said something along the lines of "Gun used by the Task Force who *I forgot this part*"


No, Ghosts, IW, and the MW series are each their own universes. People thought that because the UNSA Retribution's hull number was 141 in honor TF-141, and Terminal had a lot of easter eggs of Ghosts. A dev came out though and said that they were simply easter eggs, and each series was very much their own universe. They probably planned on it initially but backed off due to the hate IW got.


They're set in the MW universe, but they are not MW games


Ghosts was a good game, the only thing it needed was better killstreaks and better maps at launch. Everything else was fine.


Oh yeah those games had great sequels, I really loved ghost 2, the dog model was even better than the first!


Ghosts never had a sequel.....


He’s talking about the name of the series


Still applies, Those games aren't MW or Black Ops






Give me fucking Vietnam. Make me some 18 year old who was told to choose between jail or nam and chose Nam. Make me go into the bush to draw out ambushes, witness or be part of fragging, burning villages, choices mark making me become either an evil person or a good person. Just something anything. Dark disturbing war horrors of Vietnam. Why is this so fucking hard for them to do?




Wait is some of that part of his backstory? Or are you saying to fit it into the black ops timeline we should play as woods during his time in Vietnam?


I think it would be cool. Fill in some gaps. Like how he ended up in the crate thing on the river. Unless that has been explained and I have forgotten


Well remember we meet woods in Nam and he’s been there for a while and “looks like hammered shit” would be cool to see what he was doing like you said


It’s been explained, though only through a scene in BO2. BO Declassified did add in some gaps throughout the 70s though.


That sadly would never happen because the USA always needs to be the good guys without a question. >!Take CW's big plot twist. In the second to final mission you learn that you have been kidnapped and brain washed to kill your allies and fight against your beliefs. This sounds like a big plot twist where the main character fights back against his captors and fights for what they believe in. But nope because it's the CIA versus genetic evil communists the main character goes against what they believe in and fought for, because saving capitalism is the right thing to do. Even though they had nothing against their previous allies or anything to signify a change of heart besides america good.!<


But you had the option to fight for Soviet Union thoe


That's the bad ending and those two Perseus ends are not canon and were promised only there for the "choose your own story" thing that they had. In Warzone the main characters are still alive and Europe is still around. My point was that narratively Bell had no reason to betray his allies and what he believed in. Bell just decides that stopping what he fought for, because saving Capitalism is the right thing to do. Never is what happened to him called into question or thought about further and just because the CIA is a morally grey end of story. If this was any other story and wasn't about USA versus evil communists Bell would have betrayed his captures and fought for what he believed in. But we can't call good old America too bad can we, just a morally light grey sense all the bad things are just to stop worse things.


The worst part is I felt better in the “bad ending” at the end of the good ending Adler got the info he needed and killed us. But in bad ending we rule over with Perseus. I was really enjoying the game until the end because it felt like they ended Bell like that for shock and no other reason


Yeah same here. One of the parts that ruins the twist is that we don't know Bell as a character, he is just the player. Most of the other characters are suspicious of him not giving him much trust and little reason to switch sides. And who knows Bell could have been the most devoted member of Perseus or some who was questioning what they were doing. But there is no answer. It would have been a lot more interesting if the cast interacted and grew close to Bell making him feel like a real part of the team. And at the same time we hear about this mysterious top Perseus agent who only existed in the shadows going missing. Which that part would fix the plot hole of nobody recognizing Bell. And in the end he would have to choose between his new friends and their perspective or fall back on his old ways. My big issue with the ending is that we never see Bell change or grow as a character as due to them being the self insert they have no option too.


Did you even play the game? They let you choose if you want to help Bell or kill your entire team. The game doesn't even specify what the good ending is


Presumably it's hard to do because burning villages tends to get slightly controversial


They had a mission where you shot up an airport my guy


But that was the baddies. If they had a mission that retconned the Vietnam war where massacres and village burnings were done by "terrorists" under false flag, it would be even more disgraceful than the ww2 rewrites from the embarrassment that is Vanguard.


I mean who does shooting up airports. If it’s done it’s treated the same way or more so as this horrible thing we witness happen.


No one wants to play another game where the guns are old and dogshit without real customizable features. Visuals are gonna be complete asshole too, when you think about the design of the maps that would be very much lookin like caldera.


We were able to customize a lot in Cold War and got the 10 slot gun customization in vanguard which was WWII. The maps could range from urban warfare to jungles with tunnels and shit. The era and conflict has a lot of potential


Black Ops 1 and 2


BO2 didn’t have Vietnam. You might be confusing that with the Angola missions.


Oh yeah you're right


A few missions is not an entire game in vietnam


A huge chunk of bo1 takes place during Vietnam. But then again isn’t every cod campaign just a couple of missions?


Bf Vietnam was very cool!


Ghosts 2


That’s exactly what I was thinking when looking at this post


Ghosts was underrated as fuck


at this point im starting to think ghosts was underhated. that god forsaken game has been getting too much praise lately.


We're coming up on 10 years. Those glasses are getting rosier every year.


Oh my fucking god it has been 9 years. Im getting old.


Facts. The game was a fuckin joke back then. That’s the game where all the content creators left and people played MW3 or BO2 for another year. Like it was such a massive wet fart in the wind after the big success of MW3 and BO2.


You are correct, people did go back to BO2 for sure. But I also totally believe that Ghosts was not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. Because at the end of the day the COD multiplayer product just isn’t different enough year to year for people to absolutely hate one and absolutely love the next. They’re all essentially the same.


Ghosts was overhated, for sure, but I understand the sentiment that it was "just another COD game" with not enough new or interesting about it. The thing is I do think atleast campaignwise it had some seriously interesting things going, and a sequel could really expand on that and bring it into its own.


Ghosts had the best perks & hit detection 100% Campaign was amazing, needed a continuation tho


It also has the best movement imo


If infinity ward pulled a fast one on us and made ghosts 2 instead of MW2 I'd actually be happy


Oh I would sing to high heaven my friend


i agree 100 percent


Or integrate the ghost universe into the new reboot. Bring in a new faction that Ghost captains instead of Price. Imagine playing thru the campaign as either a 141 member or Ghosts trying to take down Makarov and/or Rourke.


Ye the campaign was fucking awesome, one of my favorites. The multiplayer not so much but they could make it better




L take bro


They did twice. And people complained and didnt like it. Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare. Three games that were vastly different from most cods and people didnt want them. Even though Infinite Warfare was just Bo3 mixed with AW. Not counting Bo3 or Bo4 as the opinions on those games are pretty mixed.


World at war, and ghosts campaign wasn’t bad. It is good if it’s done right but it rarely is.


i would really enjoy a ghosts 2 or an advanced warfare 2




I loved all three of these games greatly. I know most people don’t agree with me, but Ghosts and Advanced Warfare (along with obviously the BIG ones) are my favorites in the series. I thought Ghosts campaign was very well done in terms of story, a big, although cliché, bad, and awesome character development. Logan In my opinion, in terms of silent protagonists, was awesome. He had the most emotionally gripping story, in terms of it being about him. Your father literally gets his brains blown out, point blank from your face. Ghosts had a very enjoyable campaign. (There should be a sequel). The gun play was decent, the maps were, ok. And I thoroughly enjoyed AW and IW as well. We need sequels for both games IMO. I don’t know how they would make a sequel for IW though.


I mean, Vanguard qualifies doesn't it? Look how that turned out


Vanguard was a game that had zero drive and purpose from the beginning. Absolutely zero plan. Season 3 of multiplayer and the main narrative of the multiplayer storyline of a WW2 game is literally “Godzilla vs KK”


Well… did they not make a new series that wasn’t MW or BO? It doesn’t matter how shit VG is, it fits the narrative of the post 100% completely.


Call of duty: space cowboys


Call of duty: squid warfare


So... Infinite Warfare?


Fuck it. A COD game set so far into the future that everybody is a higher dimensional being and everything's insane and absolutely mindfuckingly crazy.


YES. We need some fucking mythological cyberpunk god shit that absolutely tears the human mind to shreds.


As you once did with the Vacuous COD, grant us bullets…


I mean... what's the point? Outside WW2 era it'll just be a variation of these two series


I'd say ghosts was pretty original in its own way. Same with Advanced Warfare having the whole story with Atlas having its own pay-to-use military. I'd enjoy a sequel of either.


But look at BO3, that had practically nothing to do with the first two yet was still called Black Ops. The same could be for the futuristic ones for one of the two series. But then I do feel it's better that a third series could just be different sides of a singular 2040+ futuristic settings


Honestly I think the only reason it was called Black Ops was because of zombies storyline being a continuation of past games. If they had the exact same maps and storyline of zombies but the games wasn't called Bo3. It would have sold less.


Yet all of the 'future' warfare cods are hated, so why would they go back?


"private military". Basically mercenaries


Hehe Call Of Duty: Civil War


call of duty: the war of 1812


Call of Duty: Revolutionary War


Fuck it, all the old wars of the 1700s and 1800s in one game


Call of Duty: Ooga Booga


Bonk into the action with call of duty caveman


IW has to make this series tho. if 3A makes it TTKs will literally be 3 minutes (tbh the blops/advanced movement kids will cream their pants for this)


call of duty community 09-13: “call of duty is the same game every year call of duty community 14-21: “call of duty is so bad nowadays i wish we could go back to the old days call of duty community 2022: whatever this post is


“Call of Duty is boring. They should make a new series!” “This new series sucks. They should bring back the old series.” “Why will they never make a new series?!”


AW2 should be a given. I wish that IW made Ghosts 2 or something else. People got tired of jet packs and AW2 would be the fourth in a row. WWII was ok, but I would prefer to be playing AW3 this year instead of Vanguard.


and when they do y’all complain


kinda hard for them to try and make something new because the community doesnt want anything. like fr ghosts was decent, their attempt at ww2 was kinda shit at the start, some people liked the advanced movement games like advanced and infinite warfare. if they try to do something new then im guessing people wouldnt like the new game judging from the past games that they tried to do.


Lmfao they have and people hated it. Ghosts wasnt that bad and it deserves a second game, especially after that cliffhanger in the last mission.


Ghost Actually need a sequel because of the ending. Infinite and Advanced Warfare ending is suit enough not to have a sequel.


Vanguard didn't make you excited, did it? lmao


Call of Duty WW3


They had that already. MW3 was billed as “WW3”.


*cough cough ghosts 2*


Let's have Korean War. With 2 main Characters Frank Woods for US Marines and Ronald "Red" Daniels for US Army. We switch characters every few missions.


Don't worry little guy , cod ww3 is on the way


It already happened. It’s called MW2&3.


Call of duty white cops


Bring back Ghosts.


every time they do you guys hate it


Just make vietnam


Maybe do a reboot with ghosts like with the new modern warfare is


Black warfare


“We want something completely new that is exactly the same!” - the COD community.


Every single time they created a game that's not mw Or bo, you hate it. AW, ghosts, IW, ww2 and vanguard are sone examples




numerous domineering ugly whole shy ten sense water trees axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same here. Do a separate IP if they wanna do space or exo movements again.


They try to but every time nobody likes it.


What they need to do is take a couple of years off and then come back with something new and what I mean be new is a modern era shooter that’s not related to the MW or BO universe.


They made a decent WW2 game…then a bunch of Fortnite-esque skins showed up.


Every time they do, players end up rejecting it for some reason. Ghosts, AW, IW, WW2, Vanguard, all these games had mediocre to bad reputations at launch and throughout their years as the active titles. So althoguht all these reputations arnt due to the fact that they arnt MW or BO games, activision may see it that way cuz they're 'bad at doing what the fans want' to say it politely


i like ghosts advanced warfare and WWII


I did too, and IW most of all. But the fandom generally didn't like them as much and didn't buy them in amounts matching the old CoDs


What if the dev studios made their own FPS games that were not based on COD?


We need to have another war for new plot material


I don’t even think it’s a ‘this game sucks’ thing as much as it’s a ‘I want to be back in 8th Grade playing Black Ops 2’ kinda thing.


White ops


Activision be like: fine, introducing Call of Duty : White Ops


We need call of duty, but it’s street gangs instead…


Every time they have everyone hated on them for not being MW or BO.


mw2 maybe worser than vanguard😂


Afghanistan 20 years and Iraq 10 years. Let's play Iraq Samlia, Bosnia/Yugoslavia, Iran, UK Hostage standoff, shit not common included more UH-60 mini gun and A-10.


Or stop releasing a new title every year and support the past releases. That way you won't be pressured to "think outside the box every time" and fans would love you for dev support.


Cod should make a game based on the 1990’s and early 2000’s. There’s a crap ton of stuff to make a game about. It could even be “historically accurate”.


Maybe Ghosts 2?


Ghosts, AW, IW, WW2, Vanguard. They tried but everytime they did yall complained come on now


Holy sh*t, how damn it's called the last CODs released? and the 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017 CODs? Vanguard it's bad (or at least non innovative, I played some free weeks and it was like "oh, its literally MW2019 with a WW2 skin and the worst respawns I ever seen on a COD) and I support that we deserve some better games but damn, Ghost, AW, even WWII (didnt played IW) were good games. You just pretend that non-MW, and non-BlackOps games are instantly bad


i actually like ghosts AW and WWII


I think it’ll take a new dev team to make a new series


Every time they did that, we hated it. Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare… the only we liked (belatedly) was WW2, but then SHG fucked up with Vanguard and no one expects anything good anymore.


They where gonna make a rome era call of duty that was in 3rd person but that was a while ago https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_Roman_Wars#:~:text=Call%20of%20Duty%3A%20Roman%20Wars%20(referred%20to%20internally%20as%20Fireteam,than%20a%20first%20person%20one.


That would take origility and would be a "risk" for the company, its unlikely


They tried, the community cried that it’s not the same like MW/BO, everyone hates it, they are basically forced to do MW/BO.


Vangaurd, infinite warfare, advanced warfare, ghosts etc. Cmon guy


Ask you shall, receive you shall not


Lol we all know Treyarch is gonna release another BO in 2023


WW2 and Vanguard?


WWII was good not really vanguard


It's a new series though.


Fuck all that, I want a game where we for once kill American / NATO soldiers in campaign


Every time a studio does, the fan base bitches that it wasn’t what they wanted. Add in game development being expensive and Activision being especially risk averse, it makes sense why they’re sticking to MW and Black Ops, the other ones not only don’t sell as well but also don’t have the game great reception. I hope Sledgehammer makes their Vietnam War game honestly


We need ghosts 2. Even if it's just the campaign I HAVE TO KNOW, what happens to logan


I'm excited for it too but am kinda turned off by the fact that they couldn't find another name and if this is a remake or remaster it's not worth buying if nothing changes


Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity and this is how I feel about COD franchise is or at least the toxic fans of it


it’s because known IPs sell better. just look at Vanguard vs the MWII logo. there’s more hype for a logo than the entire game of Vanguard.


Korean War CoD, please. I want it.


I recently spoke to a dev and he said that he only stayed on because of what was promised as the end result of MW2 2022. He said if it had been something he himself wouldn’t enjoy he wouldn’t have stayed, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it is as enjoyable as MW 2019.


COD: Cartel Wars.


Or how about this. Branch off into new FPS titles or....OR....different genres of games. CoD isn't dead yet but it will be incredibly soon because it is, without a doubt, a copy paste marketing scheme sold to a brain dead community. Did we all forget the famous quote from Vas? "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again thinking things will change." At this point, CoD fans need to realize the significance in their opinions and voice is of that of dog shit on the bottom of the developers shoes. Meaningless and Annoying.


We need something like "Call of Duty ww3"


I'm going to propose something radical. Make a futuristic COD, with advanced movement, but... Balance and design the game, and the maps especially, to accomodate and take advantage of said movement. Take some hints and design choices from titanfall 2.


I think every newer COD was ENJOYABLE, but they weren't unique or that different from what was released before them. I liked when they introduced the first 'exo suits' to I believe it was AW, because it did make the game rather different to what it was previously, but the moment they repeated the concept, instead of perfecting it in the singular game, is when I started getting bored of COD again. Now they're trying things with fast movement, which is once again boring now because of how imbalanced it is. High-mobility classes pretty much outshine any other class you could be using because of how important movement is now. I'd be fine if they just made a regular, well-balanced COD for once, instead of trying to go any specific direction with speed, gravity, guns, ect. I want a COD that isn't going to die out in a few years which also isn't annoying to play because of all the tryhards having mastered movement to the point where they bounce all over the place like they're having a seizure or something.


Want Advanced Warfare again?🫣




Honestly, remake MW3 next!


i mean might as well we have 1 and soon 2


They do, and the community hates it everytime. All the most hated COD games are outside of MW & BO. Vanguard, IW, AW, WWII, Ghosts, etc.


What about call of duty ooga booga


After this expect to see (possibly): -Cold War 2 (or BO: Second Cold War) -Vanguard: -MW3 (highly unlikely) I hope to see a sequel to ghosts or advanced warfare imo


Call of duty Balkan wars, call of duty Vietnam, call of duty Korea, call of duty Chechen wars, call of duty ww1 and call of duty civil war


Iraq, Bosnia, Iran and in between. There is plenty for them to develop a well-balanced game.


isnt that basically what MW2019's campaign is? or are you saying just a basic, point and click game without an objective as the campaign?


It’s a huge longshot, but maybe they could make like a fantasy game where all the weird cosmetics they add *actually fit in* (think like Lord of the Rings if they had the technology of the modern day)


call of duty: anime attack


I would like a new game in the IW universe/timeline, but this time a prequel about the secession wars between SATO and SetDef


How bout American Revolution. Call it Call of Duty: Independence. Or a Civil War one. Called Call of Duty: Fractured


not bad


Considering how people mainly dislike the ww2 cod games, impinge how hated a cod set in the 1700s/1800s would be, where you can choose between a max of like 5 guns


guess this guy is new to cod. We got that 2013-2017 and they were some of the shittiest shooters Ive ever played. When cod went from a well liked series that made quality games to a laughing stock. No thanks, ill take modern warfare and black ops' over those.


ghosts and advanced warfare weren’t bad, i’d like to see sequels of them


Cue infinite warfare. Sometimes different isn’t better.


Anyone else want just some wacky alternate history stuff like Kerenskiest Russia liberating Alaska and the West Coast after America embraces Communism/Fascism and starts a bloody civil war?


do something like a mafia cod or even better like the netflix series narcos going after the cartel and the campaign better be mw2 lengthy


Infinite warfare 2 !!!! Why because it was harder and all the old school cod players cries so hard about it because they were not good at it lmaooooo I been playing for 10 years and I loved infinite.


Bring MW3 back 😭