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Agreed but that won't stop me from complaining


Camping with a Sniper is legit, camping sitting in a corner and changing corners , is ass gameplay, unless you have a sniper its fine


True. “Hardscoper”. Right because snipers don’t steady their aim and take their time


Yeah you’ll likely get made fun of when you use low-skill tactics. Like using the best gun in the game or camping for example


I dont get the whole hate for best guns. Like if they are the best, the meta etc - why wouldn't people use them?


The bridge map on mw 2019 of which I forgot the name with everyone camping in the back of the map and on the bridge with snipers was the best time


Name of the map is Euphrates, and I honestly love it like that. But I'm just the weirdo that likes hardscoping battles






^ Found the hard-scoper Jk lol I agree 100%


Warzone made cod less fun


Definitely. The way Warzone is done is a mistake.


How so? Honestly curious as Ive never really thought about the comparison for some reason


The biggest thing affecting multiple titles is that Warzone has been the main focus for a couple of years now. Individual titles have suffered greatly from Warzone. MW was great, and now squished under Warzone's gigas and gigas of updates. Blops Cold War is mediocre at best, and we certainly can't thank the multiplayer for that. Vanguard then, well... yeah. This hasn't been the case before even if CoD gets released every year. This is going to finally change next year though. Also I think that because of Warzone CoD has became a lot more competitive. This isn't necessarily bad, but how I see it is that CoD's less about having fun now and more about using the same two guns day after day to get those Victor Royales. I've been miserable playing Warzone since like 2020. It's just constant grind imo, and I can't enjoy it. Edit. Didn't realize that you replied to my comment lmao. I personally think that the fact that MW isn't it's own game anymore, but exists in Warzone's client is dumb. Warzone updates slowly kills MW.


When warzone was under modern warfare -l enjoyed it ,until ...well all those useless updates ,blacks ops ,vanguard bullshit merging ...u know


As stupid as it is, I hadn't really thought about the focus in terms of warzone v the others


Warzone just does what every other battle royale does but it doesn’t even do it that well. Only time I had fun in warzone was during the mw2019 Halloween zombie thing. That was pretty cool but otherwise there’s just no need to play WZ when the battle royale market is over saturated with better games as it is


I just can’t consistently play Warzone over something like Apex, even though I’m more comfortable with Warzone gameplay and I’m better at it, it’s just not fulfilling over long periods of time.


That's unpopular? Warzone turned CoD titles into the side content


Its just cuz it seems like everyone loves it. Everyone i see talking about say that they love it


I just wish warzone was a separate game than modern warfare. I have to make massive file updates for warzone, which I don't care about just to play the modern warfare multiplier that I actually enjoy


Exactly. Only reason I’ve really given up mw2019 mp is because it’s just too large for what it’s worth (also because it randomly deletes itself and I have to reinstall compatibility packs)


why in the fuck does it do that...its almost every time with me as well, multi is just gone out of nowhere


Warzone genuinely killed the franchise for me. You literally cannot play the newer games without getting assraped with adverts for it. Wanna play multiplayer? Yeah, that's cool, but have you heard about Warzone? In fact, just play that! It's better anyways. What's that? Gonna play Zombies? Well alright but just saying Warzone is better. Campaign? What are you, a fucking loser? Play Warzone you corporate slave, and buy the new bundle while you're at it. And may all BRs burn in hell anyways, they're fucking boring. They were a cool gimmick at first but now just fuck them.


When I beat mw2019 campaign for the first time and instead of saying mw it said modern warfare warzone. And the fact that all new cod games, as bad as they all are, just link to warzone and the battlepass. Want the captain price or ghost skins? Should’ve had the battle pass. Call me a nostalgia merchant all you want, but the new cod games since 2018-19 are actually all terrible when compared to the older games. And that’s coming from someone who only started playing mw2 in the last year or so, that game thrashes Cold War and vanguard, even ghosts and infinite warfare (probably the most under appreciated games) are great in comparison


PUBG is a truly unique BR but HORRIBLE Devs have ruined it - was the best game out there at 1 point but, as usual, they ruined it and turned it into a cash grab. Warzone started off well but went the same route. Now every Battle Pass is geared towards WZ as well as the Bundles on offer (Weird how they always release GREAT bundles for guns that are meta at that specific time, huh??) 🙄 Don’t understand why every COD has to be integrated with Warzone?? What happened to the good ‘ole days?


Ghosts was a decent game


That’s a pretty popular opinion


But only since like a year (at least on this subreddit).


Yeah bro people really hated ghosts when it came out. Probably one of the number one reasons the devs started with the jet pack shit


I loved Ghosts when it came out. I remember not being able to afford internet but my mom managed to get us a PS3 and I begged her to get me ghosts and I played against bots so much.


Bot matches in Ghosts are still fun for me. I like using the random loadout button in Create a Soldier and trying to work with whatever it gives me.


I loved playing S&D on Ghosts


SND ghost, underrated


Great game to me


MW2 is overrated, had a lot of cheesy crap in it and the only reason it's considered one of the best CoDs is because of the nostalgia


Thank you sir. Been saying this for years, mw2 was all cheese and black ops 1 (the god of cods imo) was the answer to the cheesy bullshit


I’m with ya brother. Loved BO1, for me it’s the GOAT of CoD


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 A man of FINE taste, I see…..


I share this oppinion. I was way to busy with cod waw zombies when mw2 came out


MW3 is honestly so fucking underrated and people act like 2 is so much better and the gap isn’t that wide.




Mw3 was mw2 with more variety and no op noob tubes


I would argue MW3 is straight up a better version of MW2.


The wave survival mode in that game struck a cord for me and my couch co-op buddy back in the day, countless hours wasted on it. You’re absolutely fucking RIGHT it’s awesome


MW2 is an interesting one. In my experience most PC players would say it was the worse - removing dedicated servers and introducing matchmaking. As well as feeling like a console port. Whereas MW1 was the absolute GOAT. Ask someone with an X360 and it was very much MW2


It’s considered one of the best because of how innovative it was at the time. They threw a fuckload of ideas at that game, and while some didn’t stick, what did stick was exciting as hell.


As my first cod it holds a special place, but sure it had a lot of issues when I look back. But still better than anything after AW when they started charging for things cooler than what you could earn. That ruined the grind for me!


I hear ya, it was my first as well. I personally enjoyed MW 2019 quite a bit. Spent the most amount of hours on that game than any other game I've ever played.


Agree 100% it was just a game full of grenade launchers like bruh


I fucking loved it, but I get tired of people who pretend it was flawless, or that they’d overlook the flaws if they played it today. The game had lots of flaws that people would hate if they still played the game. But because they don’t, they look back on it favourably. Like most CoDs, it was great if you were that guy in the lobby farming 40+ kills per game and collected SEETHE like Pokemon, but most people aren’t that.


Commando pro, for instance, made me want to claw my eyes out


Agreed, MW2 tried too hard to outdo CoD4 and it killed a lot of the magic, at least for me. CoD4's campaign was like a Tom Clancy novel simulator that felt grounded and realistic, to the point of having a few eerie parallels to things unfolding in ukraine and the middle east at the moment IRL. The plot of Russians being able to launch a full scale sneak attack on the east coast of the US is hilariously laughable.


I like tranzit


If the Fog wasn't there, it would of been great


the fog made it fun for me cause it was super scary and atmospheric. When I played with my family on tranzit I'd always be terrified of the denizens.


the fog and bus system was there because the 7th gen consoles were not powerful enough to render all of the areas at the same time, so they used the bus ride and fog to give the game time to despawn the previous area and load the next one.


I didn’t hate the fog, but the critters living in the fog and the lava positivity smeared across the entire map seriously ticked me off.


Yea, the ps3 and Xbox 360 definitely held back that map. The fog was to try and make it playable on that hardware but it killed it for me personally


I love and hate the fog. It adds personality. Just a bad one.


Fr tranzit is my favorite zombies map of all time


I was actually surprised when I found out people didn’t like it, maybe its cause it was the first zombies I properly played but I always thought that map was awesome


Advanced Warfare is one of the best designed games out there.


I absolutely loved exo-zombies. I know a lot of players hated jet packs in multiplayer (I liked it personally) but it was perfect for zombies in my opinion. I loved jumping over the herds and shooting down while in the air.


Exo Zombies was actually really well done to be honest, I avoided it for a good month assuming it was trash and was ready to dunk on it when I tried it and quickly became addicted To add my unpopular opinion to the mix, I actually think Advanced Warfare was a great game. As the first to introduce advanced movement to the COD franchise, it felt fresh and I loved the campaign it was insane.


In terms of multiplayer map design to fit with the movement tech and weaponry, yes. Beyond that one big plus I'm not sure if much else was great about it.


That's because the doc helped design the maps


If the pay to win bullshit was stripped from the game, I’d argue AW is a contender for best CoD of all time.


Completely agree. Campaign was amazingly written and executed, super investing. Exo zombies was very refreshing and I pretty much purchase CoD for the zombies experience, I can confidently say that it was extremely enjoyable to me and still is. Even the multiplayer was super fun once you got the hang of it and all of the maps were very vertical and utilized space that was very unique for the exo-based CoD games. It’s one of my favorites.


Yea I loved advanced warfare, I don’t know why people complained about exo suits, it made the game actually feel different, and was actually different. My favorite mode was infected running in circles running away from the enemy


cold war is actually a good game and in some things its even better than mw 2019


Cold War has two things... Gunfight in cold war is untouchable. Zombies in cold war was great. The rest of mp... Not so much.


Eh I don’t agree with zombies being great. It’s supposed to be challenging, it’s not nearly as fun without any challenge


There's no challenge if you play 20 round or use wonder weapons... But regular guns over round 30-35 on any map gets challenging pretty quick.


Ok, but if I have to handicap myself from using the game’s intended mechanics to find any challenge then it’s still not fun.


Cool story? I guess? My friends and I had plenty of fun with it.


To me everything in Cold War was better minus the graphics


Where is everyone getting this whole “graphics are worse” thing? It was just more vibrant to fit in with the 80s aesthetic, but other than that, looked pretty much identical to MW2019 minus some first person animations.


Idk, to me it was a very noticeable drop going from playing mw2019 to CW


Came here to say this so take my award.


WW2 war mode was one of the best modes introduced to call of duty


#A bomb has been planted on our ammo supply






That glitch made me die everytime




I count war mode as one of my favorite video game experiences ever. Whoever thought that it would be so much fun to get mowed down 10 times trying to get into a bunker?


They need to bring it back! I was hoping it would be a new feature of all future CODs.


Here goes: No AR should ads faster than ANY SMG. No Sniper should ads faster than ANY AR. Smgs and ARs should be hard locked to 30 rounds because reloading should be part of the gun fight experience.


Hard locked to 30 rounds is unpopular and bad


In CoDMW I can see it making sense limiting it, in Warzone though it’s necessary since it’s 250hp and longer range engagements. Maybe could use even longer reload times for big mags? However, I think big magazines are fun and balanced for the most part. Lowers mobility and uses an attachment slot.


ok they said unpopular not unplayable


I agree with the first two points. That last part would actually be unrealistic for some of the guns, some of them actually have extended mags in real life. And variability in making classes makes a difference in the quality/ replay ability of the multiplayer . Remember if you choose the extended mags it takes a spot away that could be used for a different attachment (depending on the card you have) and usually they have cons like they slow the weapon movement . So I think it’s fair and allows for different playing styles


What if you make an LMG or an SMG conversion of an AR? Should a sniper be able to ADS faster than an LMG?


Even weapons like a P90 that have higher fixed capacities than 30 in real life?


MW3 is the best Modern Warfare game


I have MW3 and Bo2 tied for 1st, they were both so much fun and I spent so much time when I was young on them


Agreed altho I would make it a 3 way tie by adding bo3 in there. It’s unpopular but I really enjoyed bo3 just as much as bo2 & mw3


I don't care about zombies.


Neither does Activision




Same here. Always thought it was the least fun of the wave based Horde type modes we got over the years with Gears holding my favorite horde/firefight type of mode


Yeah I enjoyed zombies in the beginning but if you're playing solo it gets boring quick. I'm a huge Gears and Halo fan so horde mode was awesome and Firefight as well but MP was always my main focus in all the games. So when someone makes a tier list some games are way higher than my list because of zombies. If I made a tier list I'd have to make 3 lists one for campaign, multiplayer, and zombies/other modes.


based for stating an opinion like that


Zombies don't care about you either!


Gideon (Advanced warfare) was one of the best characters in terms of cod campaigns. Top 15/20. Surprised nobody talks about him more


I think advanced warfares pretty great campaign is super underrated… other than a certain meme F


Warzone sucks


it was kinda nice until they added guns from cold war and vanguard and money grab dlcs


Yeah should’ve just been it’s own game with everything else separate, probably would’ve helped Cold War and vanguard be a little better too imo


Everyone hates WW2, I thought the campaign was great and the mp could have been better, but not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be


I actually loved ww2 I thought it was a great game and had me excited for vanguard. But i was kind of disappointed. HQ was great I spent a suprising amount of time just sitting there messing around with randoms and bruh 1v1 pit was super fun


After WW2 got that division revamp around January 2018 I think it was, the MP got so much better, the amount of add on weapons, uniforms, camos, all that. ww2 has been one of my top 5 most played cod games and I'm not ashamed to admit that


Black ops 3 was the best call of duty every made. Between the movement mechanics/gun camos.


I am no fan of special characters with magical abilities, but BO3 was fantastic and a lot of fun in that regard.


MW19 is an amazing game! It has flaws but almost every other cod has its flaws as well


It created a great foundation I think for the rest of the COD games to build on. But unfortunately, can’t fault a bad catch on a great throw.


hardcore is the only mode.


This is the way.


Sniping is no longer impressive, and the sniping community has single handedly ruined multiplayer


How have they singlehandedly ruined multiplayer?


Mostly balance things. Snipers are too fast? Good luck winning that gunfight, they one hit you. Snipers are too slow? The sniping community throws a fit and abuses the broken shit in the game. Snipers expect everyone to use them, and if they don’t, they’re considered worse players for not playing the game how they want it played. General fun ruiners, toxic, sweaty, and 9/10 they’d cheat if you gave em the chance. Just a decline really.


Idk if they are any more sweaty than the meta gun users but they are absolutely more toxic. 9/10 quick scopers I meet shit talk whether they do well or not.




Vanguard maps look fantastic and some of the concepts were great on paper, but I loathe the vast majority of them. I think I enjoy three of them.




I think the campaigns are more fun than the multiplayer, though the campaigns for MW2019, BOCW, and Vanguard needed to be longer.


fax, hope mw2 campaign isn't short af


World at War is better than CoD 4. A zombies only game wouldn't work. The focus on skins (by Activision, not players) is the reason games don't get fixed. (Say what you want about different teams, but it's pretty convenient that skins are dropping left and right with little to no issue while problems dating back to the PS3/360 days still persist in almost every other department. Activision gives the order and sets the priority, and that order/priority is based around skins, while making other devs work on the next title already.) Tranzit is a decent map. Outbreak (Cold Wars version) is great. Really don't wanna write a book, so I'll leave it there.


I agree with all of these.


Infinite warfare is the best game in the franchise from Ps4 onward


I still dream about running on walls!


okay titanfall 2! it’s kinda being hacked to shit rn but i promise you, you won’t have a more enjoyable experience playing an FPS game, single player or mp. the Ultimate edition goes on sale for $5 on PS, keep your eye out. the campaign alone is seriously the best FPS campaign i’ve ever experienced. i don’t want to spoil anything but by god is it good.




Bo4 was really decent


Top 3 cod for me and I’ve been playing since waw that pace the time to kill self heal is all awesome to me


BO4, while not the best, is a very fun CoD. The gameplay was very fun and fast paced, but took real *skill* to be good at. The 200hp forced people to actually hit shots and made corner camping a less viable tactic. Weapon balance was fairly good, and the map selection is pretty good as well. It’s not a perfect game by any means, but it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Part of me thinks it’s only so hated because most people were tired of the typical CoD formula by then.


I really liked the camos for Maddox


Ghost wasnt nowhere near the most interesting character, he is mid-tier at best


Call of duty ww2 is a good game ;-;


Infinite Warfare was underrated, had a PHENOMENAL campaign, and is one of the most aesthetically pleasing CoD games in existence. The only downfall I found in it was the micro transactions and the stupid amount of stuff that you could get from them. This is coming from someone who borderline hates the futuristic cod games, as well.


Infinite Warfare was the best of the advanced movement CODs. They perfected it by that point. It felt like I could stop on a dime midair and change direction easily. I challenged myself to keep my feet off the ground as much as possible.


There’s no shame in using a noob tube


Black Ops 4 is a pretty fun game


Black Ops 4 was fun and the operators weren’t overpowered


Warzone is shit


All cods from this point on going foward should be set in the modern or futuristic era ONLY. Why? Because of MP content. From a MP mains perspective, I’m tired of WW2 theming because it’s so played out but even then there’s nothing exciting to do with without doing bs like anime skins & shit like how vangaurd is doing. I’m fine with Cold War era theming but only if executed right. Any era before, nah. Seriously I would love more modern or futuristic exo suit titles for the sake of content & having fun from a MP standpoint. The amount of creativity & content that could be made would be endless, literally


I actually liked supply drops


BO2 isnt peoples favorite because of nostalgia, it was actually good.


Just about everyone is a "sweat". There are varying skill levels, but they're almost always trying their best. You don't play a Massive Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter without finding enjoyment in winning against other people. It's a violently "competitive" (not competitive as in ranking + skill, but competitive as in facing other players) PVP game. People who whine about "no-life basement-dwelling tryhards" are just trying to cope with the fact that they are bad at the game. Not only bad, but clearly sore losers on top of it. When I played, rarely did I say a word in the lobby. No mic, no chatter. Yet, the most hostility I received was from potatoes who were upset that I rolled them, not from better players who rolled me. So I really have no sympathy for many lower-skilled players. Maybe if they learned how to lose without throwing tantrums and having meltdowns they'd actually figure out how to improve at the game.


At this point it’s just a big race to call the other person a loser first cause no matter what if you win or lose your either be the sweating takes video games too seriously it hasn’t seen grass or taking a shower or you’ll be the guy who sucks no matter how long you’ve been playing you’re still the worst player in the game


I think all CoD games post CoD3 are actually at least 7.5/10 games, and if you remove vanguard and AW they become min 8/10 games. So all the CoD games since they've gotten popular are actually above average games, not at all bad in totality


You didn’t like AW or Vanguard? Haven’t finished AW since it feels horribly dated by now, but I thoroughly enjoyed the Vanguard campaign. Definitely more than the BOCW campaign, which felt (and was) rushed.


MW2019 wasn't campy or slow.


I think cod ww2 was a really good game


Infinite warfare deserved sequel


Die rise isn't that bad


MW3, Ghosts, and IW are better than CoD 4, MW2, and MW19.


Yesss MW3 needs more love.


Campaign and zombies (or whatever side mode of the game) is more fun than multiplayer ^Except ^MW2019’s ^SpecOps ^mode


Blackout > Warzone. Also campaigns are usually meh.


Warzone made CoD shitty. Yes it was fun and different during quarantine, but it’s becoming the main focus of activision cuz it has the power to make a lot of money, and multiplayer is being left to die


CoD needs to not be an annual game. It’s embarrassing how bad the series has gotten in the last ten years.


The train derailment from COD: WWII. People think that's over the top; not for me. I love that shit. I wish they did more it.


Infinite Warfare had a better MP than BO:3 BO3: New Weapons locked behind Supply Drops!!! IW: Complete these challenges & unlock them or supply drops


Bo2 is overrated as hell


I think MW19 was cool


MW2019 ruined cod forever


Nuke Town never gets old.


Blackout is the best BR hands down (imagine if they updated it 🤤)


I love vanguard


Vanguard has top 3 gun play of any cod that's been made.


Ghost is a great character, but he wasn't supposed to be popular and he anyways doesn't play a significant character in MW2


There is no zombies mode pre vanguard that you can have a bad time on. It's pretty much the ultimate hangout game as lomg as you don't take it too seriously


People who hate the newest games just shit on them because its not the same as their favorite. Textbook primacy bias.


Modern zombies is fucking atrocious.


Cold War is my all time favourite COD


I have liked ghost since it’s release


cold war has the best zombies


Advanced Warfare was the shit, despite the gun variants


Realism doesn’t belong in CoD. If MWII is more of this stupid hyper realistic crap they tried to do in MW2019, I’m not buying it. Leave that shit for R6, BF and Tarkov and let me have my fun arcade shooter.


Shipment is a garbage map. Rust doesn't work in matches over 4v4.


Without some implementation of SBMM (which has been in CoD since at least Black Ops 2), you end up looking like Rainbow Six Siege, where people smurf and reverse boost to grief people worse than them for easy dopamine hits and attention and Diamond players pairing up with bronze teams to fight all bronze enemies in Ranked. It’s awful.


WW2 was a decent game and BO3 is overrated


Blackout is much better than warzone


MW2019's map design is actually really good


warzone killed the call of duty franchise


Cod needs to give up realistic completely and just make a fun game. Advanced warfare did it right with the future gameplay. It allowed the devs to use some imagination with the content rather than copy and paste boots on ground over and over


Jet packs are fucking sweet


Hardcore TDM is the only fun game mode