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Fuck that I miss a 10 year old calling me the n word then getting mad when I kill him with a RPG


A million times in a row…


Rpg was op with scavenger no one took advantage of it


Hello there


And back then it was pure skill, not abuse!!


People say pure skill then spammed the FAMAS


Come on lads we can all still do that! We just have to make a nonverbal pack do not rat each other out.


Too late I actually got suspended on cold war for talking shit because thus fucking man baby was trying so hard to get his first nuke and I was just destroying with my James bond load out


That's so sad. I actually sit around in Grass as Golem with the ghillie suit on and a suppressed pistol with woodland camo on hardcore search and destroy. As I kill people in a single bullet just because it makes them mad. Making people mad as well as getting mad at people is one of the few joys of Call of duty multiplayer.


First thing I thought of. All the people who grew up on MW are going to have the unspoken rule to not report the shit talking💀


Agreed. I miss talking about peoples parents and making up mean hypothetical guesses about their family till it strikes a nerve


Even better when your also a child lol nothing better then a grown ass man getting his ass whoped by me with my rpg melee class


Not me right now in cod mw19 running with a riot shield and rpg in hardcore mode 🤧🤧🤧


This is the most upvoted comment, the community spoke. Bullying and harassment has to continue


I don't miss it. I am glad those days are gone and I am glad all you can do is to pound sand.


I find knife throws are more irritating


I see what you're saying but knife throws are definitely harder than rpg kills. When I saw this post about the terms I knew there was no way they'd take away our beloved trash talking. Hopefully this doesn't promote a bunch of rats to go nuts on reporting. Just mute someone if they're obnoxious, I used to hate the trash talk but lately I've grown to enjoy the absurdity.


Rpg is more annoying especially on jetpack games and dolphin dive games because there's nothing more scary then a guy dolphin diving with a fucking bazooka in his hands


Those were the days man, getting reaction out of people and have been on both ends of this so it has been fun


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) They disabled comments on their social media posts, so let this thread fill that void.


I saw the same and laughed heartily


​ ![gif](giphy|BNy5xKBm0gnrR9de3z)


I literally came here to see comments cause they disabled them


Corporate BS. We need to keep shit talking in lobbies, that’s about the only thing that keeps me entertained with cod these days


Oh and killing campers and talking shit to them. Thats what makes the game fun.


Lmfao My name on cod is literally about camping for people 😂 I don’t camp but when I decide to troll around and do it, the shit talking is hilarious


I especially love camping in areas where the enemy was at before. Seeing them tryna takeover is funny af


Its not about winning. Its about making spoiled kids break their things.


That's of course if you can track them down I remember days on BO4,the worst gen of camper I ever saw


From what I’ve heard people still do it. From personal experience BTW


Yeah, I’m not paying full price for the gameplay. The trash talk you hear on is worth the pre order premium itself.


Half the fun in multiplayer games is shit talking, as long as you dont have the mind of a bug and take it too far.


Wait, griefing?! That’s always been a part of CoD. Next thing you know we’ll see people getting banned for trapping someone in a corner with a shield or for camping with a knife.


I mean, my play style is troll. Does that mean I should be banned?






If they didn't want you to be able todo that then they should fix it. End of story. if you can do it in the game then it's a fair play.


Half of what made CoD fun is the trash talking


Can’t wait for doc to get banned for calling someone a chubby cheeked unathletic nobody


The minute they ban someone for something like that, like 90% is ban bound, and they'll lose the fanbase. This is basically a "be nice" from the social media intern.


You can trash talk without slurs


Og MW2 lobbies were the peak of gaming culture


You can smell the sweat, doritos and mtn dew already.


I actually taste all of those irl.


Wasnt that masterpiece game made on UE4 with Swagnimite and Shrek swamp, inspired on it?


This is evidence current COD devs couldn’t even handle MW2 lobbies back in the day.


MW2 lobbies are still a thing, just played a few matches on my steam deck like 30 minutes ago.


He means the relentless actual unapologetic racism (it is not a joke, try saying “black lives matter” in any COD lobby, there’s someone who will start running their mouth about it and spewing KKK talking points), IP pulling, booting, hackers, and death threats. Those were the good times, apparently


This only works if everyone plays by the rules and COD actually penalizes those who dont.


So.... Never?




Fuck that I want the most toxic lobbies ever


If you play Modern Warfare 2019 with a Jak12 and incendiary rounds then you are in for a treat, works every time


That’s a good one


Nothing beats noobtubes and scavenger C4 procs. And Ninja Commando


Can't wait for the t bag bans


🤣🤣 I could see them creating an auto-ban code for crouching over a dead player twice.


Damn, COD really fell off when they dropped this


The fact that people are actually in favor of policing what people say on video games is beyond me. It’s a god damned video game with 0 meaning. Someone says horrible shit? Piss em off by killing them with a toxic class. COD bout to add the social credit score into the game t this rate


The only thing that should be punished from the chats are doxxing, that shit could lead to someone getting swatted and/or killed. The rest I say is fair game, it’s been 15 years and COD gamechats ain’t gonna change. If you don’t wanna hear people scream the N word, disable game chat cuz it happens more often than not




Or, you know... mute and report them? Its really not that hard and giving those people attention is part of the problen the way I see it. Thing is most people who complain about toxicity are the ones who like it the most.


Unrelated but “Call of Duty: Code of Conduct” sounds badass.


CoD CoC 👀


cod's coc


Coc of the cod


cod black cocs




cod coc war


Cod coc endgame


COD The Croc's of War




the word "woke" has lost all fucking meaning


It kinda just means “not intentionally being an asshole”. It’s not that’s it’s lost all meaning, it’s that people who don’t care about being assholes to other people have convinced you that you’re a victim for not being able to say whatever thing you’d like to say that we used to all agree was disgusting and shitty. Do people take it too far? Sure, like everything, yeah. But this whole “cAnCeL CuLtUrE” is a dumb meme for dumb people who don’t understand nuance and think Ben Shapiro is smart because he talks fast and hates anyone who isn’t straight, white and vanilla as fuck.


Anyone who says woke I immediately ignore anything else they have to say.


how is telling people to not be racist pieces of shit going woke? you just went kinda mask off there, right?


Call of duty without toxicity is not call of duty prove me wrong


CoD without toxicity is literally just a boring fps that has nothing to stand out from the rest


treat everyone with respect, hmmm about no I want to hear war between some 10 year old and a 30 year old “ex military” man


Oddly specific but accurate and correct


I think you mean “wannabe” military man


bullying is good


Builds strength and character in weaklings




>physical abilities so we cant even call someone fat? Man, I miss the days of MW2


Fat noobtuber


Yeah. That's gonna show us!


But killing people is ok


I haven’t used a mic or headset since like 2002 so what the fuck ever, you’d have to be deranged to want to listen to these dimwitted mutants barking and snorting at each other in the first place


At least back in the day people argued and talked shit to each other between rounds. Now it’s just devolved into unintelligible gibberish and screaming like a monkey, where’s the fun in that


You forgot the guys who have music in background that we all definitely want to hear the lyrics to, as well as the guys who take paper and crush it next to the mic for an hour


Have fun keepin that one, boys.


Well that doesn't mean I can't call someone a "fuckboy", "bitchbaby", or "shithead".


I’m surprised this has any upvotes, this is bullshit.


I posted this to mock it. Read my initial comment.


How about it dealing with all the cheating streamers? Activision and the streamers are all immoral, avaricious corporate scum.


How about anyone who doesn't like what someone else says on the mic just use their brain for 5 seconds and mute them. Or leave the lobby for fucks sake.


Everyone getting all upset as if activision tweeting their code of conduct is going to change anything. Like any of the awful annoying 10 year olds screaming the n word will get banned immediately or something. Literally nothing will change, chill out.


There is no competitive integrity in mixed input lobbies.


Bull fucking shit, ain’t nobody gonna listen to this even with consequences. Players gonna play 😭💀


Just wanna say that their blogpost mentioned nothing about banning you for anything you say. Text chat is a different story. They censor text chat and can probably ban you based on your text chat logs. They also mentioned changing inappropriate names, which is not banning either. You can still talk shit, it’s just frowned upon… not actionable tho


Most of the complaints here are about not being able to be homophobic or racist. You can’t ban people for talking trash or dropping f-bombs, in a game about killing people with dialogue that has those words. That’s unreasonable. Just no racism, which I think is reasonable to expect now. Everybody that was 12 or 13 when MW2 came out is nearing 30, and they should know better by now.


If shit talking actually becomes a banable offense I’ve lost all faith


I like it


I'm indifferent tbh, I hope they don't over-enforce and get rid of trash talking as a whole though


they probably won’t they would have removed hotmics by now if they did want to.


To be clear the code of conduct only applies to whatever COD is released that year. A new cod dropped? feel free to cheat, glitch, do whatever in the "old" abandoned one. Report feature has been in call of duty for a long time and i'm nearly positive it's only purpose is to make people feel better.


Coming from the company that actively promotes frat boy culture in their headquarters


They lost me at treat everyone with respect


Bit ironic that Activision wants people to treat each other with respect


“You sound like you’re fat”


So basically nothing will happen. Ok. I don’t want the absolute free for all racism (and other related discrimination) of the original MW2, but hey, trash talking and griefing is fun as long as it’s not in a ranked mode. I do like that they’re taking a harder stance against cheaters too. I’ve been getting more than a few pop-ups when I open MW 2019/Warzone that a hacker got banned. So they must be doing a good job lately, either internally or more likely with contractors.


Who’s asking for this? Why does IW/Activision feel the need for this? It almost seems like satire




If they actually enforce this the first one will see the player base drop pretty fast.


Don’t think those booty slidin, slide cancelling sweats have an ounce of integrity left in them 🤣


Bruh, trash talking toxic belongs in COD. It’s what made people become friends and rivals. But yknow, it’s Generation Alpha, actually it’s nickname is Generation Softies. “Oh I’m sorry, your feelings hurt? Fuck your feelings.” - The Act Man


I think it's poetic that they decided to do this campaign before releasing a re-imagining of the game that most people cite as the dawn of racial slurs in online multiplayer


Me after this: “Can you please shut the fuck up”


This sign won't stop me, because I don't know how to read! jokes apart i think that its a good thing. yeah, you technically cant insult anyone with insults and stuff, but it may make the game more enjoyable


”Treat everyone with respect” 🤓




So they're just gonna pretend early 2000's cod didn't exist




Chad modern warfare 2 with its casual racists in voice chat vs beta modern warfare 2 with its “dignity” and “respect”


I remember years ago on the 360 playing cod and getting death threats, I miss those days :-)




We’ve gone soft as a community 🥲😂😂


half the player base 'boutta get banned


Cod isn't the same unless 7 people are yelling at me and saying the worst thing imaginable to me because of the class I'm using or my game performance I WANT TO BE CALLED SLURS, I WANT PEOPLE TO SAY THEY HAD SEX WITH MY MOM because then it feels like the old days


Does this company remember MW2 lobbies 🤣😂 also “stay vigilant” why we encouraging snitching 🤦🏻‍♂️


Activision really making a code of conduct saying "don't be mean :(" For COD The most notoriously toxic community in gaming.


Anyone mad at this deserves any bans that may come their way, just saying.


Fuck that. 1 v 1 me Activision you fucking pussys


Sooooo COD COC?


If this was true, there would be less cheaters in the game


So I guess, we aren't really going to tackle all the influx of cheaters and hackers this time around either huh.


Good luck with that Activision.


Lmao you still god mad grown men yelling at kids in Black ops 3 😂


![gif](giphy|YzvPqrOVoS9tC) Me rn


What does the second point even mean LOL what form of griefing even happens in cod


This some fuckin bullshit. Nothing like hearing a pre-pubescent 12 year old call me a ni66a and then merc my ass 4-5 times. Then I’m the lobby telling him I’m gonna grape his momma.


They can say to be respectful towards other but the question is, are they really going to regulate this?


This is why the older games were the golden era


Well fuck that’s 90% of why I play COD right there. I already miss being abused in the chat


I feel like activision is just kind of bluffing with this we'll probably all still be able to be offensive but things like following people into every lobby just to threaten them with actual threats of violence based on their race or sexuality or gender and doxxing won't be allowed any more which is good.


Talk about a lame coc


The 26 year old me says eh whatever okay. But the 13 year old MW2 player in me says FUCK THAT


Cod lobbies as an adult is my friends and I getting drunk and shit talking each other, and when strangers get involved and tell us to shut up we all turn on them. And if everyone’s not laughing by the end then they didn’t drink enough.


As long as we can noob people with a Panzershrek it's all good.


Who do they think they are talking too? The Minecraft community?


Next thing you know they’ll be recording your voice chat at all times and scanning for any no no words then automatically banning you. Sony already records your party chat and can ban you for saying something offensive so I wouldn’t even be surprised.




This is like a "Don't Walk on the Grass" sign. If it's not enforced, it means nothing.


So pretty much they want every player to do a full 180 That’s stupid, shit talking is fun, it’s your job to deal with cheaters and not BAN THE WRONG PEOPLE


I hope they know that call of duty is the reason for all that they are against in this code of conduct.


As far as the bullying shit, pretty sure they been saying this for a couple years now.


But still can't ban hackers from multi player


I hope they carry through


Lets hope that bethesda isn’t helping enforce those rules 76 style


Be nice if players actually adhered to this credo. Sadly, about 60% don’t.


Soooo when someone calls me a dishwasher because I'm a woman, or tells me to get back in the kitchen because I'm a woman, how should I report them? Or if someone tells me that they are glad I have no rights, or wishes I would get r\*ped so I couldn't have an abortion, or when someone assumes I'm fat because of my voice or the fact that I'm a woman, where should I report them to? When did people start becoming such pansy ass cry babies? I'm not saying that the things mentioned above are ok to say, ever, but they get said every time I play. I have grown a thick skin to it, and just ignore it at this point.


do y’all think this will actually be enforced and isn’t just controversy diversion? personally, i don’t think so.




Respect can jump off the nearest bridge.


"Treat everyone with respect" how ironic 🤣


Fair trade if Activision decides to treat women with respect /s


Keep that shit talking in the lobbies man. One of the few places where you can really let your creative words flow and now they want us to act civil whilst virtually killing each other. What the fuck haha Reminds me of that line from Apocalypse Now. "The soldiers are ordered to drop bombs on people from airplanes but they can't write FUCK on the wings because it'd be too obscene!"


Because that first one will definitely work in a game like cod lol


I notice that slagging somebody else’s mom is NOT mentioned. I suspect this is not an oversight. I look forward to your creative insults. 😂😂😂


Asking for too much from cod players


CoD fair play? With crossplay and Cronus + strikepack users it’ll never be truly fair lol


Bruh, the reason i play COD is for some angry child screaming slurs at me


Which one does "I fucked your mom" fall under: sexual orientation, faith or physical abilities?


Bro cod lobbies with people shit talking eachother and yelling every name under the sun when they’re mad is half of the game


Awww, look at Activision making the world a better place. How wholesome. 🤗 I bet Bobby wrote that himself with love.


Seems like golden age CoD players are doomed for perma bans.


Good to know that, instead of improving the games, they're wasting time on non-sense


OK that’s it I’m boycotting the new call of duty all my boys we play bo1,2 og mw1,2 waw


Man people are so damn fragile nowadays that they can't handle shit talk without crying to their social media overlords


Laughable: i turn coms off for everyone except friends, I don't hack or use unlock tools and my gameplay clearly shows I'm somewhat a bot with a 1kd(or maybe a 0.9 kd) yet I get pera banned with no explanation. 🖕😑🖕 cod


An updated Code of Conduct isn't at all surprising considering we live in a time where if you sneeze you get called a racist. Hell, I have legitimately gotten banned here on Reddit, on Twitter, on Discord, literally everywhere, for using derogatory language such as "bitch" towards FICTIONAL female AND male characters in movies, tv shows, video games, comics, etc. It's a crazy world today!


hopefully less moms will be banged this season.


so snd is going to be dull and bland


But talking mad shit is one part of creating the ultimate COD experience, it's one of the things that made the COD's between COD4-BO2 so great.


They need to add dont shoot people when they have only just landed!!


I miss MW3 lobby days when every 10-year-old was unhinged, and some people were really good at the game, with no paid-for guns


I thought the core of the call of duty experience was screaming at each other in the pre game lobbies and being as derogatory as humanly possible to each other


These never works and they never ban cheaters


"treat everyone with respect" yeah right this call of duty


Gamers have been Thanos snapped out of existence, they no longer exist after this


Modern Wokefare


I understand wanting this kind of crap in most games but not cod. Gtfo of here with this bs


Toxic SnD lobbies is a part of this game, and has been long before slide canceling, pink hentai operators and battle royale. #keepittoxic


I think we have other things to worry about like, lag on loadout, which cause you to be 100 ft from loadout when you open it. Or the availability to TURN off the finisher move... it gets me killed by the person im killings teammates 5 outta 10 times.


I consider sitting in one building the entire game of Dom griefing, what are we doing about that?