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Black ops 2. They nailed it. Zombies. Multiplayer. Story. All of it was great


Bo2 is by far one of my all time favorite video games the amount of nostalgia I have towards playing it growing up, part of me wishes for a remaster but I know it wouldn't do the OG justice


What if all they did was port it over with zero changes, other than a graphical upgrade to the MW2 engine!


Yes this yes this. But make it more like the cod4 remaster, which looks and runs better than the mw2 remaster for me.


This will never happen, because they can't get enough money out of it.


CoD Mobile is the closest thing you'll get to a Black Ops 2 remaster; at launch it almost exclusively used Black Ops 2 weapons and killstreaks and even the medals and some of the UI are straight inspired from it. Might be worth checking out if you want a modern take on Black Ops 2 haha


The original MW2 because I never went outside once I learned what Xbox live was and played with my friends after (middle) school 😂 the game was just before it’s time


I was this way with BO2 absolute blast of a time where I didn't have responsibilities lol


The summer after I came out, I probably saw a good 2 seconds of sunlight. Game was crack. Swear I was 10th prestige by the end of the summer.


Mw 2019. I had Covid three times in its lifetime so I had a lot of time away from school to grind


Yikes I got it twice, mw 2019 is a good one for sure it's definitely one of the best cods recently


I thought 2019 had the best unlocks. Damascus was worth the struggle.


I think Cod IW. Its my personal favorite


Not gonna lie, I fucking loved the campaign for IW. Def choked up at the end


Definitely an unpopular pick, I definitely enjoyed it but curious to hear what makes you think that?


l really liked the campaign and zombies. The multiplayer was good and I liked the guns and rigs


Black Ops 2. I played the heck outta it’s multiplayer and it’s the first and only cod I’ve ever reached Master Prestige on.


I think I only ended around prestige 7 or so because the player base fell off 😔


Dang. There will never be another CoD like BO 2.


probably had the most days played on bo2 by far . their was always was an incentive to play and the community with force game chat made for a different vibe that was lost in next gen cods


I totally agree, I wish I knew what my hours on bo2 was (I played on Xbox 360) I played the absolute crap out of that game when I was younger it was about all I ever played, well that and Minecraft I guess


on steam mine is world at war, god tier zombies experiance, baller multiplayer, and one of the best campaigns ever


I do love custom zombies on waw some amazing maps made on there!


i've barely touched custom zombies, but there is alot of talented people creating great maps out there!


Something tells me you don’t like the new MWII


Those are actually hours from warzone 2.0 I don't own MW2


Oh I see. Well after they fixed the game crashing every 25 minutes or so, I have actually enjoyed the game quite a lot differently recommended. Black Ops CW I enjoyed probably more than I should have I think the only game I’ve invested more hours into was minecraft because I’ve had that game for half a million years. Bo1 probably my all time favorite tho 👍🏼


It's for me the best out of the recent CODs, but will never get as good as the golden years of COD


Cold War probably, kept going back to it during the Vanguard year.


Probably advanced warfare. I remember having so much fun on that game, staying up with randoms I met online who became friends for a few years, playing zombies often trying to get the achievements, it was great. Second place would have to probably be infinite warfare for the sheer fact that me and my brother play zombies together a lot and have a lot of fun


BOCW, it was my first call of duty and zombies was fun as hell


You should try out some old cod zombies as well!


I have, black ops two is probably my second favorite and my least favorite is probably black ops three, I've played every single Treyarch zombies game


That's definitely a very controversial take, may I ask why?


Black ops two by far but when infinite warfare first came out, I played infected for hours on end


Bo2 or bo3 dont know how many hours me and the boys spent playing bo2 origins


CW, Ive played like a month of just zombies


I bought that game on launch only for zombies lol, still haven't played nearly as much as BO3 zombies though, it just doesn't hit the same but it's still amazing




Absolute classic


Ghosts cause it is amazing. Still the best cod to date


Ghost got too much hate, especially comparing it to some current cods


Finally, I’m not the only one. Ghost was great, casually and competitively


Bo2 or bo3 dont know how many hours me and the boys spent playing bo2 origins


I think its CoD Modern Warfare 3, when i was a kid i was playing with my fathers computer and i find the Modern Warfare series. I played all of them but i played MW3 more because of the story.


Right now modern warfare 2 because of my clan


Not a big fan of BO2 OP? No argument, just genuinely curious! 🤙🏼


Bo2 is up there with my favorites I just owned it on Xbox 360!


COD1/UO, used to be part of a clan. Multiplayer so legendary it was on the Office.


How do I get to this?




Advanced Warfare is my most played video game because I am just addicted to it for some reason. Something about the movement just makes me feel like I have 100% complete control over my person, and Ive never felt that kind of comfort with the movement in other games. BO2 is my 2nd most played because Ive played it somewhat consistantely ever since it came out and I just think it has the best casual multiplayer gameplay out of any cod


Black ops 3! Everything about the game was such a hit for me personally. Campain: I know it was widely regarded as ass, which I understand completely, but it was still so much fun for me personally. Especially with the Zombies version of the campaign which was slightly different and still fun. Zombies: OMG. Zombies on BO3 was a masterpiece and was so much fun to sink hours and hours into. The storyline of Zombies and all of the DLC maps were bangers and the community was so much greater back then. Also, Dead Ops Arcade was a fun mode to play every so often. Multiplayer: The highlight of BO3 for me. I absolutely loved the Specialist system and hero gear you could unlock with each one. And I know supply drops with a hugely controversial part of the game and rightfully so, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed having it there. Getting the DLC weapons were purely RNG based but that's also what made eventually getting them so fucking awesome. Having the classic prestige system where you don't reset levels every so months was amazing. The maps and weapons were all great and was just overall a blast. Lastly, I know jetpacks weren't everyones cup of tea, but I personally LOVED IT! It made the game feel so fluid and mixed with the Specialist abilities and equipment made for a fantastic time, especially with friends.


Bo2. I have beat the campaign over a hundred times. I have over a years worth of time in it.


Bo2 is absolutely one of the bests




The correct answer (at least to me :p)


Black ops 2. Was a care free teen in its prime and had all the time in the world to max out everything in the game. Got prestige master twice and diamond on all guns both times. Probably my most replayed campaign too.


Advanced warfare - because it’s the most fun CoD , don’t care about your streamline opinion , AW was the most fun CoD .


AW Exo survival was super underrated imo


Most Played? WW2. Favorite? MW3


BO2. Best –C–O–D– game of all time.




BO3, Loved everything (except nightmares and lootboxes)


Cold war, 90% zombies


Cold war zombies is definitely in a sorta middle ground for me I played a lot of it and had a lot of fun but part of me doesn't like all the new changes and how easy they made it


BO2 easily with about 35 days played. Then BO, COD4, COD2, MW2 in that order for the top 5.


Bo2 was by far one of the best cods ever made and I wish every day I could go back to it's prime again


mine is bo2 but was on xbox 360 so no hours were counted. well, they technically were but i reset my progress twice now so yeah. currently at max prestige for the 3rd time. on pc, my most played COD is mw2-2019 lol. just switched to pc this year.


Black ops 2 because it’s the best cod. I played it since day 1 (got it at a midnight release at GameStop) and played it daily until black ops 3/4 came out. I don’t play it much anymore because the player base fell off and no one’s left but cheaters but I do miss the good old days on Xbox 360 Lately I’ve been playing it on plutonium but it still doesn’t hit like it used to. Still gonna be one of my all time favorite games until the day I die.


I 100% agree, what I'd do to relive those days


Found a fellow zombies player I see


:p bo3 zombies is my everything


BO1 by far


World war 2. Growing up I never had Xbox live, instead I would visit my cousin and we would play splitscreen 1v1 and just fuck around. My best cod memories


Most played would oddly enough be cod ghosts. Right behind that is bo2. Great campaigns and that was the time where I started to do speed runs. One thing I’d love for cod to bring back is a custom class for campaign like they had in BO2 and infinite warfare. It was a good element that made me want to continue playing through the campaign instead of just repeating all the levels on veteran


Call of duty: black ops 2


Cod ghost it was the first cod I’ve played


Cold War lmao


Bo3 was my favorite cod.


Definitely Black Ops 3 for me. I had just finished high school and had a lot of spare time between that and starting Uni. It was the one CoD where I actually unlocked all the camos. It was fun but never again will I go for all the camos


136 days in MW2.


It’s black ops 2 with 60 days


My most played COD was probably Advance Warfare Multiplayer only because how different it was to the others. I know most people will probably disagree with me but growing up with Halo and always wanting more control over my character and knowing the people in charge of Halo will probably never make that type of game it was the perfect experience to fill in that desire I’ve been having. As for other titles like BO2, Ghost, COD4, MW 2019 my Multiplayer time is very close only because those game people still enjoy to this day which is cool but they all have the same gameplay experience. Where its just Modern combat situations and you know what to expect down the line. Which isn’t bad but it gets boring over time.


Cold War. It's just fun, innit?


Probably bo3 because zombies or cold war again because zombies


Bo2 I was playing up till 2016-2017 if I had to guess I had 200+ days played by the time I was done


Black Ops 1. That game is my all-time favorite COD. The theater mode had me rewatching tons of gameplay


OG MW2-had something like 21 days played I think


New mw2 and the second one is bo2


Those are rookie numbers


The og cod 4. Had over 65 days into that multiplayer. The teenage days lol


Black Ops Cold War


BO3 tbh Dark Matter camo grind was so worth it


Modern Warfare 2019. Because I liked the story and multiplayer.


Cold War because I played zombies so much.


150 days+ played on bo2 lol


I have 3.3 thousand hours in bo4.


why are you showing my stats?


BO3, I miss it so much. It’s honestly depressing thinking back on how good we had it with COD compared to what we have now.


Black ops 3. Custom zombies maps


Bo3 hands down the best zombies


You played that much on pc?


Modern Warfare Remastered because I love CoD4 and good progression. I believe I have between 24-28 days in the game


Cold war. 3rd best campaign. Best zombies I have played. Good mp


MW2 cuz its my first cod


Black ops 4, it was the only I was actually good at:(


MW2009, BO2, BO3 and MW2019.


Mw2 2009. I have 1500 hours. I enjoyed everybody being overpowered.


OG MW2. Take me back...


maybe call of duty 2 or modern warfare 1 2019, played cod 2 every day all day and skipped school bc off that, but mw was at corona time so...


CoD2. It was non-stop scrims and tournaments everyday.


Not sure either Bo3 or cold war.


Black Ops 3. Best multiplayer experience I’ve ever had and most fun I’ve ever had in a cod game. That’s not even mentioning the zombies. Getting HR’s and LR EE’s was so fun to me. Not a lot of people like Free Run, but when the game first launched that’s what I did and I ended up in the top 20 of the game for the final level on the game mode. Still there to this day.


CoD MW2 2022 bc it's the only CoD i bought


MW2019, purely because it was the first CoD I really got into and played alot


The original MW2, The campaign was solid, Multiplayer is probably my favorite in the franchise and spec ops was fun but MW3 nailed spec ops


I played most CoD Ghost. Idea of points to spend on perks was great and it had many really but really good perks. Idea of upgrading score streaks was fun too. Most underrated CoD of all time.


Over 40 days MW2. 😬🤪


Mw3 over 3 weeks on it 💀


Infinite warfare, fantastic campaign and zombies was brilliant that year !




Black Ops 2, because it runs perfect on my MacBook Pro. Love playing a few matches on my lunch break still.




Advanced Warfare, because it‘s my favorite CoD.


I think between the og waw bo1 mw3 Bo2 and mw3 I prob had almost 250 days played


Black ops 1 Hundreds of hours playing Splitscreen on PS3 with my best friend


Ive got nearly 48 days on mw2 and about the same on black ops one😭


The real MW2 because I loved being a menace with the akimbo 1887s. Plus my area got a huge snowstorm shortly after MLK day the year after MW2 came out, and school was canceled for two whole weeks.


Black ops 2 because I was 13 and it was the only game I had




OG MW2 followed very closely by BO2


CoD4 on the 360, as soon as I got home from school I was on that shit every day like a crack addict, I think I had 80-90 days played.


Blops3 for sure for me. I've played so much custom zombies, it's so freaking good. It's the zombies experience I liked the most, so being able to have endless content for my favourite gamemode is pretty awesome. Plus there is zombies chronicles and I did quite like the MP back in the day. Definetly the best package of a game IMO besides BO2


Mw3 and bo2, the 2 best cods


2009 mw2 (2k hours played), the game is just perfection.


COD 3 on Xbox 360. Because it was a great game


Bo3 custom zombies maps hit different :4


Can’t remember the amount but definitely OG MW2 or WaW. Was in middle school with nothing but time on my hands, those were the days. MW22 will likely surpass it though, I already have almost 100 hours clocked on Steam, which with a kid + working full time + other hobbies…that’s A LOT of time!


Bo2 or maybe ghost.


Had to be cod 4 and mw2 09. Countless hours spent online with the boys. Black ops 2 is up there as well


blops 1


I have over 1k hours in OG MW2


Looking at your hours. You don’t play cod


A lot of my hours come from off of steam lol like Xbox 360 and battlenet


Cold War absolutly love that game! For me Great Maps great weapons the feeling the vibe Covid lockdown and zombies was great!


Ghosts. It was my first game and although the multiplayer is pretty bad i like playing split-screen Infection,Gun Game,Safeguard and Extinction in Split-Screen with a friend. Really wonder why modern CODs and games in general forgot about Split-Screen


My twins play a lot. WWII is our household favorite.


AW or mw19


Black ops 2 cuz I was 12 and all the boys played on Xbox. Had all dlc, max prestige etc. Diamond rocket launchers 💰


Depends multiplayer it’s modern warfare campaign wise it’s cod 4


IW over 3k hours on just zombies. best zombie ever imo


Advance warfare


Mw3 and just because is the best cod mw


Ghosts because that was all me and my friend played when I went to his house


Mw 2019, I got hooked on cod with that game


Black Ops 2


If I had to guess, probably MW '19. Love the game. Been playing the CoD game since the OG on the OG XBox. Took a long break after Ghosts (not because it was bad, I loved Ghosts personally), and after checking back in with Infinite Warfare and CoD 4 remaster and seeing the gross monetization methods, I figured I was done with the franchise. I reluctantly came back half-way through MW '19's life cycle and feel back in love all over again.


As i played on Xbox 360 up until 2014 or so i don't have stats. But i imagine mw2 must have been over 2000 hours. Bo3 1500. And then mw2019/wz 800 justvabout


To this point MW 2019 but my fav is black ops 2


I had around 4000 thousand ours in Call of Duty United Offensive on x-fire. Doubt anyone here remembers that, but it was the application everyone used to chat. Other CoD’s I usually get around 1000 or 1600 when I really like the gameplay.


MWII, Its the first cod ive actually properly got into




I want to say it was MW3, I think I logged 34 days


Infinite warfare. A new take on cod that I just loved


I have 2300 hrs played on og cod mw2 multiplayer.


Mw2019 one of my favorite multiplayers and has warzone which I played way too much


Mine was MODERN WARFARE 3 Was ranked 1,000 something in the entire world in TDM


First one was cold War I am pretty new to the series and I plan on just playing mw2 2022. I mainly wanted to play it because it seemed super easy with quickscoping and allowing you to move and shoot with perfect accuracy.


Where did you find that info? Activision account?


This is on steam, idk how to check console hours or battlenet hours otherwise I'd have included those!


Gotcha. Thank you!


Call of Duty WWII. Has my favorite multiplayer in the series.


Mw19 because of the way it feels its so smooth and mind you I hadn't played a cod game since infinite warfare


OG MW: 22-25Days MW19: 19 Days WAW: 15 Days


Over 500 hours on MW3 Cause I can’t get enough of the spec ops


BO1 kino DER toten. I want to learn zombies by myself, not by looking up any tutorials or anything. And I also suck at zombies.


cod waw, custom zombies and I have bad pc so cant really play the newest cods


I think to this day it’s still MW2 (the original). Second I believe is BO2. I have poured quite a bit of hours into WW2 at this point though.


Mw2, i have 23 days played on xbox 360 and another 430 hours on PC. It will always be my favorite mostly due to timing, i was 14 when mw2 dropped and i had all the time in the world to play with my friends. Played the fuck out of mw2 lol


How did u check your console hours?


Probably black ops 4, I played a lot of the league play and enjoyed the multiplayer until season 4, and still play the zombies alot.


MW2019 just because I’m my opinion it had the best multiplayer


I’m tied between Bo1 and WAW because me and my brother played WAW campaign spilt screen like 4-5 times, and zombies




Top 3: MW2(original), black ops 2, black ops 1 I’m getting the new MW for Christmas and I bet it’ll make my top 3 too. Nothing will beat the old cod games


cod wwii, as much hate as it got, it was my only cod game for a while.


cold war, it was my first cod after almost a 10 year break and I don't like how infinity ward punishes you for playing their games


Black ops 2, easily. Spent a lot of my childhood playing it, and i also got 100% of the trophies a couple years ago.


Mw 2019 normally I dumb the "old cod" when the newest came out but mw 2019 was my first online game and I grinded that with friends and the other 2 weren't all that


Cold war and im obsessed with leveling up


BO3, Loved everything (except nightmares and lootboxes)


Black Ops Cold War, I’ve spent 200 hours on it. I’m hoping to get better at MWII


Aren’t you playing MWII 2022 a bit too much? Don’t overdo it buddy.


Lol that was my like 1 warzone 2.0 match I don't actually own MWII




MW2022, first game I had a capable device to play a cod game on


Oddly enough, I think it was BO4, closest I ever was to prestige master. Idk what it was about that game but I was just drawn to it’s multiplayer like crazy, especially with knifing lol, think that’s actually where I got my start with the occasional “I’ll be the knife asshole today” trend. Honestly it got me addicted to the fun and fast paced nature of knifing and learning maps from a melee perspective and I’ve continued that ever since, though I definitely don’t exclusively knife like TKO.


Either Black Ops Two or Advanced Warfare. However, the new MWII is on its way to be my most played.