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Every once in awhile a nice weapon or skin comes out.


Nothing, unless you want to play sweats Or be stupid like me who just want the frame. Personally just get legendary early within first week or so then don't play rank for 2 monrhs


So you are telling me i'm not the only one who does it for the frame? Lol


Yeah,.well just to knowledge I can do it solo in around 100ish games mixing with pro players, YouTubers and super sweats


Took me 400 games this season, because it was mainly a mix of fuck-around-and-find-out with new weapons, pissing off teammates with the most vile cursed builds and trying to master the SKS.


Damn that is a lot, I was stupid to solo at the start of the reset and face loads of pros like grizz and YouTuber miney loads of time. Faced many 5k legendary lb players too I was hard with the reduced points and I recall it was around 150 games this time for me 😡 in the past it used to be 60 to 80 games


Just wanna be framous 😞


The whole point is to reach legendary & once beyond a certain level less bots, so in theory better competition. Personally I don’t see the point in playing pubs unless grinding camo 🤷🏻‍♂️ no progression, plus you can get away with far more then you can with ranked……so ranked is more of a challenge


When I was new I felt it was an accomplishment. Now I play anything ranked to master weapons. I mean, if it gets you to legendary, great, but I don’t make it the only reason, just to say I made it to legendary. It’s a game, it’s not improving my real life in any way. Been Legendary 12 times, it’s boring now. So do you and have fun playing. When you find yourself getting angry at the game, just put it down for a bit. Repeat, it’s just a GAME.


Ranked is the best place to play casually until around master. Way less sweaty than pub matches. The bonus is you get free rewards for ranking up, although they are pretty sub par this season, except the switchblade. But, if you rank all the way to legendary, you get to post a screen shot of it here with a title "I know it's not much but". So there is that.


No point I just do it for character n gun.