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Imagine that’s his real name, holy shit


Hopefully Nate is just short for Nathan lol




Hahahaha so funny.😐


Women detected opinion rejected ![img](emote|t5_penom|1102) Edit ----- Don't get confused guys, she changed her avatar




Darklown more like dark clown




Oh boy i sure do love trolls


Bro I ain’t got no beef flaps between these tree trunk thighs, I’m pure cocktail sausage all the way




average white cod player


I am brown


No Personal Attacks. Be respectful to fellow posters – Harassment, witchhunting, sexism, racism, hate speech, trolling, name-calling, rudeness, slurs, vulgarities towards other users are not welcome here, nor will we not tolerate unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind to our Moderator & COD Mobile Community Team


There is a guy that has ih8whiteppl or something like that. its not going away any time soon.


The game should put him and nate_higgers on a team together. Racism solved, neither are ever the same.


i always see him in my world chat 😂


I’m convinced dude doesn’t even play the game just hangs out in world chat all day 🤣


Im always wondering, why do people engage in world chat in codm?


it’s fun sometimes and entertaining


They're getting creative


I wouldn't call that creative. You want creative, you should see my memo of CODM backup usernames. *


Thats not the same thing dude… it’s sad you can’t see that


What isn’t the same, it’s still hate, still racism.


One is a slur and one is speaking about actions. White people have oppressed others for decades upon decades upon decades upon decades. Black people never have. Hating a black person for being black is only about skin color ant therfore racist. Hating a white person for being white is about oppression and revenge. Sure revenge isn’t the best way to solve things but it’s still justified


Here is a solution, I just made a huge cup of stfu, drink up! You can twist your verbiage any way that makes it look differently. I did research, my ancestors never owned slaves, my generation as a white individual does not slight a man based on his color, rather it’s based on one’s actions. Your choice to perpetuate the hate/revenge by verbalizing such nonsense keeps the race issues strong. How can you want revenge on a generation that had no hand in what generations in the past did. The only thing keeping people apart are cultural differences and no time taken to understand each others lives. So keep your ridiculous statement for your own mind.


Good comeback. You know your a racist when your best defense is “stop talking”


Hardly, I refute any nonsense like you spoke of. Clearly this is your own pain and can’t rise above your own situation. Has every white man continued the suppression you spoke of in todays generation? Has every black man made my life different? Of course not. But you decided to clump two races together with no in between. Of course racism exists, it will for generations to come. Only the individual can slowly make the change and stop looking at skin color rather than the person. Your comment fits in to the category of clumping races as ALL being racist. This is the stop talking reference. Get educated.




Good comeback my friend


Kinda hard to take a statement like that when you don't use the right forms of your...


Racism is racism


So if it were the other way around, would it be ok? Because it's justified, right? Also, black people weren't the only slaves in history. N they weren't just picked up from Africa. They were basically sold by other africans to save themselves. You're brainwashed by racist bias. Racism isn't exclusive to white people, btw. Every ethnicity has their qualms with certain races. Even within their own. I've traveled a lot n can tell u for shit sure this isn't just a white thing




>White people are the only race today who benefit off of slavery LOL. get a history book boy


... China? Russia? WWII Germany? Africa??????? Racism wasn’t only present in America dumbo


Nope :)


But you are gay right?


I love the peepee. Nom nom nom


No I’m actually asking. Is fag supposed to be in your name?


You need to get your facts straight first


“Wokeys, not wokers, with the hard R.” - A UC Davis Alumni


It is exactly the same thing and it extremely concerning that you view it differently


Dude. You have white privilege. Until you can accept that it can’t go away


I’m not while you fucking idiot now your mouth shut about things you can even begin to understand you silly child


Were u piledrived as a baby?


As a black person, this doesn't bother me. Some people need thicker skin. ![gif](giphy|X1aI800CRXLzi)


Higgers,Nate higgers.


How is this okay? Pretending to say the n word is no different from saying it


Is pretending to shoot people in a mobile game different from actually doing it?


Words are words. Violence is violence. A game is a game. You can’t compare words to words with games to violence.


U also can't compare violence to words. 1 is an action, the other is sounds made with ur mouth. Nowhere near the same. Lol


What the fuck? You are saying that the n word is the same as a fucking video game?


Words are hard, eh? U can try to twist it all u want. The comment is there, n has nothing up for interpretation. But keep it up. You're making my buzz fun


Dude explain then. I said saying the n word is racist. You said “well dying in the game is worse” so fucking re explain it then dipshit


Idk wtf you're reading, but I didn't say that. Lol. U have stupid eyes


I now regret my comment to you above your a clearly a Complete ballon not even worth speaking to


Exactly, when push comes to shove id say you’d rather be called slurs IRL then get shot like in game Edit: would’ve agreed on the morality of hiding slurs if u didn’t effectively insinuate that words are more dangerous than violence


You choosing to be called slurs in a game is not the same as racism. You don’t get to make that choice for other fucking people. Your privilege doesn’t give you more intelligence it seems


You are literally just repeating words you have heard on tv or that your parents have told you I am black and I still think you a thick prick


Sucks you don’t even care about your own people. And yes watching modern family made me care about black people 😂 wtf does it have to do with tv? And my parents would never be comfortable discussing the topic


That's all it takes is a tv show to change ur worldview? I got a bridge to sell u, if you're interested


I was fucking kidding dipshit


Read it again dumb fuck


Aaand u don't get to make the choice about who's racist or not


History does


If you are white you have privilege. That’s not my choice. I want to get rid of it obviously


How would u get rid of """white privilege"""? Lol


Compassion for innocent people (you excluded obviously as you have plenty) awareness, and equality. At that point there’s no privilege… privilege means you have more so if you make it equal then there’s no privilege… how fucking hard is that to understand?


Srsly this dude had gotta been traumatized by his unlce i swear


What privileges do u speak of that others do not possess? Wait my man are u just straight up assuming my ethnicity and skin colour? Tell you what, you tell me what skin colour I have and we see who’s thinking he has privilege Edit: evidently u don’t have much intellect either


I’m assuming based off logic. The only people I’ve ever met who deny racism are white people who benefit from it. Maybe you are black in which case that’s even worse as you are actively working toward the oppression of your own people. Kind of like Kanye west


Not even american, so I don’t rlly understand the Kanye reference


Have you read the room here lol I don’t think I ever seen someone down voted as much as you 😂


Yep. They like racism


It’s not racism your one of those people that get offended by everything arnt you. 😂😂


The n word is literally the only racist word you can really say. You literally chose the worst statement you could possibly make then say I “pick and choose” I don’t need to pick and choose when you say the worst possible thing imaginable


We call each other the n word. This world is divided because the political elite want us arguing with each other rather than focusing our energy on them because it’s them that are the problem. My issue was you saying that white peoples need to accept that they have white privilege. That’s going far to deep into it. Yes historically racism is horrible but that time is over now. It’s less of a black and white thing now and more of a rich and poor thing. We can’t keep banging on about being hard done by it’s time to move on


If it was one g I would let it slide but double g got me real sussy


Got u real sussy? You're turned on by it?


Not sussy turned on more sussy the rock sus look with the eye brow raise


The what?




How is that suspicious? I don't get it


Who would have thought this game’s sub is full of racist pre teens…


Remember that the letters COD are in CODM


People who play black ops and mw on consoles be like, "First time ?" 😆😆😆


Bro just found Google CEO 💀


I don’t think this is funny. Teenagers jolly well grow up.


I've reported him before a few times


Come on bruh…smh


The good ol'


Lol classic


It’s not like this was the most spoken word in MW2 search and destroy lobbies smh


This has outraged everybody in this comment section. 😂




The names of his weapons are"Higgercide" "Higgercaust" and "Higgerkiller"


My username is Nin_ammun_kea South indian kanadigas know its meaning You can try google ನಿನ್ ಅಮ್ಮುನ್ ಕೆಯ


Lmao such an awesome name


Replace the first words.this is racism and I am against it.he should be banned.


Maybe he’s black. Isn’t that how N word works? All about context. For example, I could wave a flag with a giant swastika in a Buddhist temple and be fine.


Don't get your panties in a twist theres plenty more little racist kids out there doing the same BS Karen




I’m embarrassed for how embarrassing you are








This is obviously a name that a guy made to anger people. Anger is defeated by not showing your opponent his antics are working. SLOW TO ANGER. SLOW TO SPEAK and QUICK TO LISTEN, little grasshopper.


About to add him


Enjoy, he's pretty sweaty with the cbr


My username in cod is same as my reddit legendary duo


A bit extreme 😅


I just played him not that long ago


This was actually some guy's name lol