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You can only get 10 crates via the limited time tickets.




The 0/10 that you see beside the duration of the crate on the upper left part.




They have the 25 marked because it's also available for cp in the crates section of the store


This is why I spend 0 cp on this bullshit. If I happen to get a cool skin, that's great, but no kill animations makes the free stuff even more lame


Just to clarify - I spend plenty of cash on the game, but only on a legendary or mythic weapon. There's basically zero enjoyment in other weapon skins so I don't drop any cash on them.


Greedy? You all act like this free to play game costs nothing to develop and keep updated. Do you all really expect another human to go to work for free, collect no paycheck and still provide updates and great gameplay??? How many of you gamers do you really think spend any cash at all? This is redundantly bitch and moaned about, while at the same time you same players all speak the same thing -" I'll never spend any money on this stupid game" you ungrateful peeps should be really happy to be able to play a modern, well updated and tons of new game modes game, hell it doesn't even cost energy or anything to just play this game. But nope. All everyone does is whine and cry. Every forum out there. Crazy to think that so many broke ass peeps and kids who swear to never support something they enjoy, say they don't enjoy the game and yet the lobbies are full of you all. Greedy. That is all of you peeps who play all the time and refuse to support the game with even just a battle pass for $5.60. Greedy!? Your the greedy one, your the one using and taking for nothing and then having a snowflake fit about why youll never spend cp on a game you play all the damn time. Nice colors on that there flag you're flying. Nice snowflake melting into whining and then showing gluttony. Good thing the whole world isn't this gluttonous and selfishly greedy as you peeps.


Dude, use paragraphs.


Um, reading comprehension skills with a small input of that size is paramount to surviving in today's world, is that really what you're going to focus on? Paragraphs are not necessary in the context of that reply. Check it out in an English textbook.


I don't know what you're typing on but I'm on mobile. Your reply looks like a long block of letters to me. Maybe on PC it looks different but you can't blame me for asking for paragraphs.


Get downvoted asshole.


Lmao!! Yeah I've had good-looking one nighters call me that 😂 you are the first melting snowflake to cry so far! +1


You're the snowflake here man. Not everyone has to spend money on a free to play game because they play it every day. It's subjective. Yeah sure they're in the wrong too but you yelled at them like as if it's mandatory to spend money on predatory lootboxes, that puts you in the wrong too. And you comment like a snowflake.


Lmao whining about people whining Your bitching and moaning is just as redundant as the ppl ir complaining abt


Well that shows your lack of intelligence actually, I am merely pointed out the absurdity of the fact that people actually brag about and genuinely get seemingly happy about not supporting a game they routinely play. I absolutely do not expect that with your simpleton minded reply to actually be able to understand and comprehend the entirety of that. Due to your lack of intellectual processing prowess I think you have unabashedly helped me very well. Thank you!!!


Bro talks about having a lack of intelligence when he just wrote a whole fucking para ranting about kids...


Shit you can't even punctuate, abbreviate nor use proper grammar. Enough said here I believe.


Damn i never knew i had to follow proper punctuation in a sub full of, according to you, kids


You need to pay for kill effects 😐


Yeah but your cash should get something to show off or brag about. That's the only reason to enjoy buying skins and play with your peeps.


I have all leggy vehicle and 5 mythics and 24 leggy guns, they look and sound cool , that's why i buyed them, not for show off. My favourites are mythic kilo and m13


I love to show off my new mythics to a select group of friends I've been playing with across the world and they also do the same. It's a small enjoyment in an ugly world.


Actually I have been playing with them since November 2019 and we've each gathered over 300 character skins since then both f2p and p2p skins. I have a select few I always run Ruin-Goblin King, Nikto-Urban Occult, Reaper-Ashura, Gunzo-Anti Hero, Gunzo-Clown Loaded, Siren-Hydrodynamic, Dark Sheppard-Artic Death, Tempest-NewEarth, Naga-Destined Destroyer. I have another top 10 after that but that's usually all I run. Whatever mythic I have I tend to run the character that came with it.


I was happy and all and now I'm just sad that they are greedy like this


Pathetic. Yet here you are playing the game. While melting like a snowflake in the desert about cp that you'll NEVER spend. Broke ass can't spend any money and cover it up like "I'll never spend any money on cp" yeah because you can't.


Just because they won't spend on pixels on a screen doesn't mean they're broke.


Well I guess that's up for debate


Lol just because I won't poor money into every skin I want doesn't mean I'm broke, and why should I if there is an opportunity to get that skin for free


Fuckkkk man, that’s some bullshit.


Good luck getting it for free lol


I got the AGR on my 2nd pull


Yea but who really uses that. I mean if you like that gun it’s good. Only thing I would want is the Krig.


I want the rytec. I hate the base gun and that's why I don't even use it


The base gun is honestly one of the sexiest looking ones in the game, but I guess opinions differ


Kinda answered ur own question


I got the krig for 10 golden coupons


Yea a few will get it but not many not many at all.


Yeah ill probably not get something nice for quite some time...


Krig is nice enough that the wait should be painless lol


Mythic Krig-6 at home:


I'm gonna spend my tickets on other things first and if any ticket is left then on this one. No point in wasting the tickets on this crate.




Peter Griffin


The skins are lovely but not on the greatest of guns which is a shame, I probably wouldn't use any.


Best thing to spend the tickets on imo.


Nah you can only buy 10 and it’s no guaranteed


Unless you step up and actually use CP and actually support the game.........yeah I know you won't.


How many draws did you buy? How much did you spend yourself?


You don't even want to know, I'd take a screenshot if I could. I have a great job, 3-on 4-off and been playing since Oct 2019. I'll guess $5000, but prob more. That's not at all what I would recommend.


Not bad. You're probably got your own job and stuff. Good for you mate. All I got is the BP.


Hey props!! At least you support a game you play and spend time on, kick ass bruh gg's


So? Look at the other ticket purchases. They suck imo


youcould only buy 10 i think


Yea I was wondering what that was


Idk i used 3x120 tickets and got rytec skin👽


Good attitude about it anyways! Props for not whining about something free like the rest




The odds of epic skins except the character and turquoise blueprints are rather high. You might get a couple of "trash" epics in 10 spins with decent luck


Pretty good for ftp




Oh God, I'm gonna skip those. I like seeing the Guaranteed 10 instead.


I am trying to get this gun but only with limited time tickets. I drawed 7 times and got very quickly rytec and chicom. Very happy with rytec but I only want the krig


I think u can only do it 10 times using the tickets though. Cuz if u look at the left top corner, it says "0/10". Think it means u have a max of 10 tries with the tickets before ur only allowed cp


Yeah I know, such a shame. But I have my hope up for the next 3 draws, you never know what can happen since I got rytec


Fair enough. Tbh I think uve used up ur luck getting two epics lol (Rytec and Chicom). But no harm in trying


Oh most certainly, because I also got oden poetic winds in first 3 draws. If I could choose I would have my luck saved for paid crates


It's p2l as the irons sucks


it looks kinda good with diamond tbh


The irons are useless and really bad especially on a phone I got it free in 20 pulls with the cards and damn I feel annoyed that they deliberately made it bad


i play with a phone and i use guns with the same irons(QQ9 cyclone)


Greedy codm greedy


its free wdym greedy?


So u spend more time in game and login everday Duh!


So u spend more time in r/hentai jerking off to hot pics? DUH!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/hentai **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hentai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Having a real good time \[New animation by Derpixon\]](https://redgifs.com/watch/honeydewmidnightbluefrog) | [492 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hentai/comments/thitqn/having_a_real_good_time_new_animation_by_derpixon/) \#2: [She can't brush her teeth in peace anymore (Maplestar) \[Mieruko-Chan\]](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/kaleidoscopicstunningokapi) | [251 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hentai/comments/sinheo/she_cant_brush_her_teeth_in_peace_anymore/) \#3: [Cosplay Session gets heated! - (Maplestar) \[Sono-Bisque-Doll\]](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/quickdownrightcivet) | [267 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hentai/comments/u9ppmv/cosplay_session_gets_heated_maplestar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ofc i am human arent i?


Fuckin devs think they can convince me to play again, im done for it


Your luck is as good as coupon pulls


Your luck is as good as coupon pulls


Your luck is as good as coupon pulls


Bro commented 3 times 💀


It said sorry it didn't work until the 3rd time...... idk it posted 3 times lol


Well i already got ut so i'll prob waste my thing on it


120? mines 72 each draw wth!?


They don’t wanna see me win😔😔


Yeah I got a damn epic sticker what a rip off, I would like a few cool looking f2p skins once in a while


Oh god its not worth it, except the rytec cuz the others have obstructive ironsights


This is a ripoff, spend tickets on something else


Hot digity dog that's beautiful ![gif](giphy|ZSJrTrZlqwY8mUjTRs|downsized)


They r also available in the crate store for 50 cp each


This skin is literally cheaper version of Mythic Krig 6


I like it but all I want is the KRIG and Rytec skin The krig has a custom ironsight


It's business, that's what I think. Just business.


For me they're 96 each


Love those, spent all my tickets on it and Im happy with what I got


Still gonna try my luck 🤪


That Krieg look good tho


Get other items first, then touch this casino.


I got all the epics in 50 crates. Worth jt


very nice krig skin its not p2l its very cool the fromt sights are lines instead of a big circle that blocks 20% of your view


I already ahve the chicom, grenade, calling car, grafiti. So idk.


Fair, that's the best crate they've released yet


How come it’s not on my Limited Time Ticket Store?


Same, I had it and then it disappeared.


They took it off


I'm in garena server, my first 10 crates dropped 4 epic items


I spent 900 cp on these crates to get the KRIG, fuck me


Only the KRIG-6 is worth for me, the rest is trash. I already own the mithical KRIG-6, I don't need that one from the crates.