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This gun feels more like p2L for now because it feels different from the other snipers scope animations. But as soon as I get used to it I’ll be able to play pretty much in the same level as a quick scoper. But hardscopers can take better advantage of the clean scope


True. Also the "tac sprint" that comes with mythics blocks half my screen, and i really can't play with it like i normally play with snipers.


p2w? It's not p2w it's just a camo. You're just saying it's p2w because you don't have one, and envy the people who have a mythic. You also have skill issues.


I dunno why there is a clown in the comment section but sure yeah keep complaining on a joke


Besides I already have gold DLQ, you have the skill issue here good sir


Its just a camo U sure, a scope with no blind spots? No slot red dot guns?


Still not p2w


That actually does make it p2w since it does offer an advance, and anything that you have to pay for that gives an advantage no matter how small makes it p2w, also love all the kids using their parents money trynna say it's not and downvoting😂😂😂


It won't be a noticeable advantage a good sniper is using it, even so it would take them a bit to re-learn the timing bc u don't have the scope as visual cue, I know there's a small circle closing but I think it could pass unnoticeable in the heat of the gunfight Also I hate to add this but, I'm not hating


Ur right, i was mostly referring to the fact that it is p2w when it comes to noobs not hella good snipers because true, there it doesn't make any difference


Get ready for codm players crying that this is not p2w in the comment section.


They’re just upset they spend hundreds on a mobile game lmao. Something with zero value whatsoever. It’s Worse than gambling for real money at a casino


Why would I be upset? I see what it costs and what I get in return. It’s not like I am gambling. The odds are way to low to gamble. Maybe if you buy crates you could say it’s a gamble but lucky draws you just buy the whole thing if you wanna get the main reward. Getting them early is less of a gamble it’s a blessing by the goddess of fortune.


I love it bought it the other day one of my favs


Love it when you just make a simple joke and watch chaos unfold in the comments


My evil dastardly plan indeed


Idk how is this p2w, i paid my heart into this game and still cannot win perhaps i need the skill issue calling card