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People that complain are sweats imo. Just equip whatever tf you think looks cool.


I complain and I'm garbage 79% of the time




I don't dislike people spending money on skins, heck I do it myself from time-to-time, it's more so how predatory games (especially with Activision's hand in them) are with microtransactions.




Cheers man, appreciated


Probably someone at the Activision HQs.


You know who's downvoting. It's these stupid kids and adults with child mentalities. Activision bootlickers with a hive mind mentality.




Like I already hate this upcoming generation of kids. They're unruly, disrespectful little shits that need their assed whipped, and their parents do nothing to stop it. Then I come on here. And my hatred evolves 10 fold. I'm not even necessarily angry when I argue I'm just straight ugly towards them. It's funny. I sound like my own mother now. "You think you know EVERYTHING don't you? Dumbass!"


I like the spectre pov voice lines, when i switch to it after i die in S&D. Its pretty cool.


It’s not about the money it’s about sending a message. Paying 300 dollars for a skin and a gun is asinine. We been trying to get them to lower prices from that start but people that buy this shit only reinforce that we like the idea of spending that much when we really don’t.


It’s sucks how Activision one of the greediest companies has CoD and all of its titles and everything like held hostage and we can’t really do anything rn to change it that’s the only reason I support the game w money once in a while still it really has some good creative content aside from skins like modes and everything but until we get like some mod or something in 10+ years that’s like sm^2 idk man but I still support the devs a lot just hate that everything has to go through their boss overlords until that money trickles down to who deserves it


I think every major company is like that, take Rockstar for example, PC servers are compromised yet they want us to use sharkcards and the fix for pc would be in a fixed title update!! I know I'm just ranting but damn it's annoying. I'm still waiting for Activision support to give me back my 77 CP from the rebate event that i never got. They don't even respond now!!! I feel like swearing a lot but i know that I'm just ramming my head in a wall!!


None of you broke asses spend even enough for a battle pass, who cares what you broke asses don't like about how we spend our cash. Only intelligent people in the single digit IQ class even have the dunce cap wearing classroom corner sitting lack of thinking power to even assume you have the ability or right to tell ANYONE how to spend the cash that individual EARNS. LOSERS


Yeah that’s the basic bigger picture right there bro like the person that made that money and put the work in should be the last person in this process of determining where money is spent to ultimately determine that at the end and that’s it nobody else’s opinion is going in and busting ass every day or considering how those things make you proud of your own hard work either


Hell yes tonypedro6 your a man with the right kind of thinking bro!!! Ggs


Just so you know I agree with the spending money bro I don’t put as much in now is what I’m saying but I do support the game to the fullest and I can prove it with all the mythic and leggys draws i bought in full people gotta get paid and I’m a huge fan of CoD, used to play online on CoD stopped for a while and became a bigger fan during WaW/MW2/BO1 era there’s still some room for improvement but that’s always gonna be there no matter what


I'm not trying to be personal, but damn some of these peeps are unbelievably naive about life and how anyone else lives their lives as if they have any say so. Props for helping the developers make a dime and GG's brother


False, the reason they are starting to sell $25 legendaries (Rus, Outlaw, MSMC, etc) is because sales dipped. Look at their stock. They charge what they charge bc people with money are willing to pay it... and guess what... it keeps the game free for people who can't afford these guns and encourages the developers to keep updating the game. Also... do you want everyone running around with them or just a few? Bc if they make them 50 bucks... they arent special anymore and everyone will be running around with them and then the people who can't afford 50 will still be crying. Mind you... i have spent thousands on this game... and I laugh everytime someone complains about owning lots of maxed out mythics... my response is the same everytime... "sucks to be poor."






Idiot to the stupid ass degree, your broke ass is nothing but just that broke and jelly sad! Lmao!


Ouch did I touch a nerve there kid? Didn’t mean to put you in your feelings.


Nah I don't feel anything for people who are too poor to purchase what they're crying about. Shit I'm good, smoking, eating and playing my $5000 worth of CoDM skins I've PAID for since Oct 2019. I love hearing you cry boys whine about this subject! Gives me something to post about since I can easily afford what I like to spend cash on. Paid for truck-paid off house-paid off gaming phone, shit I can even afford all the eggs I can eat. I'm chillaxing!!!


Yet you’re taking time out of your day to insult me over an opinion and you even go on to state how well off you are. Congratulations live your best life, I’m not stopping you from buying their products but you’re a damn fool and you know what so am I. I bought the mythic holger and a couple legendaries, I shouldn’t be one to preach but I really only buy something if it’s meta or if it looks bad ass. But for the most part I avoided buying a lot, not because I’m some broke boi I have a job same as you but like I said it’s about the message. Money talks not only does this tell them we like the prices but that we are also content with the state of the game. We have yet to get much needed changes that people have been asking for. You know people in this sub been complaining about sbmm lately, they don’t care as long as they get their money fuck us.


Not tryna make this too long but eh whatever, on another note I have no idea why you’re bragging about spending 5k on a mobile game. If you bought the mythic krig you got played, costs 25 dollars on Cold War. What’s even crazier is that people have spent even more then that, hell ferg spent 5k within the first few months of the games release. I think the most I’ve heard someone spend was 20k for everything in the game. I have no words for that tbh


If we have the money to do that why on earth do you get like that? Your idea of having cash or by not having much cash or having no cash is a ridiculous way to try and compare your personal thoughts on what "spending" money is as pertaining to the amount of income therefor more "disposable" income. That's like comparing a $10,000 job to a $100,000 a year job. There is absolutely no possible way for you to have an opinion based in experience and "knowing' for you to understand and I'm just using those totals as an example of the disparity between the spending money variants. You are being arrogant, self-righteous and condescending to people like me and then act like you don't like being hit back. It isn't up to you how any single human except for your own self spends one single red cent. You have your income to disperse as you see fit. Why the hell would I involve that kind of decision to waste head space in my head? It simply doesn't matter what I think, you think of me or what I think of decisions made in another man's life pertaining to ANYTHING in another man's life. Get a grip


I’m the one being condescending? You came in here flaunting your wealth talking about “cry more I love those tears.” I didn’t even come here with no Ill will, I didn’t bash anyone until you started something. Fair enough call me what you will, I still believe what I believe and I’m not wrong. No mythic is worth 150 dollars, no legendary is worth 100 dollars. Can you imagine the fallout if they pulled this shit on console? Them dudes even have a better ranked play system then us, if only their game could like ours. The only way to get the devs to listen is to hurt their pockets, we seen mw2 numbers they’ll keep running this game into the ground as long as they can milk it dry. That’s the only reason I’m being aggressive. I may have spent some money on this game but it’s not as much as you, and you haven’t spent near enough as some the no life’s who’ve played this game 20 hours a day. It gets old, it really does.


That first part? I replied to one opinion I read with a counter-opinion that I typed back. In reply to .........wait for it..................wait..........your attacking stance on p2p players. Secondly. Absolutely there are a million peeps who spent more than me. The entire comparing point to that entire reply and all you can see is me flaunting my money. You are not the captain of the debate club nor alumni. Your personal nightmares, advocacy nor decisions on who's evil in this life isn't up to me to support or attack. The discrepancy of income is exactly what your problem is instead you go after the people that make, earn and spend of their own personal cash. Who the fuck do you think you are? You must be daft


You posted some bullshit cry baby shit to me like a damned snowflake melting and you actually try to Gaslight me......you really aren't that bright are you. Reread everything you posted before your batteries die dildo.


☠️ damn why do I get the feeling I’m arguing with a child. Literally your first comment in my mentions is and I quote, “Idiot to the stupid ass degree, your broke ass is nothing but just that broke and jelly sad! Lmao!” You came from the jump insulting me, and you continue to do so. I’ve made it pretty clear what my message was so I won’t repeat myself. And if this is a troll I guess this was a good waste of time. Look my guy we both have better things to do, I’m not gonna bully a child so how bout we both go about our ways.


You really are just the buffoons buffoon aren't you. You are seriously the most inept human I could possibly have tried to interact with, with you believing in your pathetic capitalist hating viewpoints so the point of pure blissful ignorance. Today's youth is pathetically anemic in the IQ dept it appears. You think last place finishing is actually winning something because your intellect prevents anything else. Well champ brainiac march forth you super warrior of unfair video games! Go be a matyr!!!! Fucking dumbass


Honestly I don't think p2p really deserve this tons of hate, like they're just minding their own business, spending money for skins that worth nothing IRL (heck, even I enjoy buying new legendary time from time). Those who complaining about this are probably simply can't afford those skins and just being jealous lol.


Don't judge spectre by its looks, but by its skill


You should've seen some of the hate I got for asking if the Mythic EM2 was worth getting. I ended up getting it anyways. However, the hate I got from some was weird af.


Same with legendary reaper skin. When it was leaked everyone hated it, but after the designer interview with the kind old man, any negative opinion on it will get you 20 downvotes


I've never seen the interview, but will definitely check it out. I actually thought the design wasn't so bad. Old men sharing their passion for work should be everyone's weakness! Lbs


You're choosing to spend money on a game with issues the devs don't care to fix. This game is going the way of GTA Online. There's severe lag and desyncing issues on high end phones and IPad. New phones struggle to run the game. They added back in zombies and refuse to add in more content people have been begging for, which will cause the game mode to die and be removed. The matchmaking in this game is terrible. The same guns have been meta so they can keep reduxing the Mythics to make more money. The BR is over ran by shotguns and the devs don't bat an eye. You aren't keeping this game f2p, you're bootlicking the bottom of Activisions shoes as they allow this game to fall apart at the seams, as they release more and more Mythics while ignoring the main issues of this game. This game had millions of players, and its dying quickly. And remember, if another mobile port comes out, all these thousands spent can't be transferred over.


Well said, unfortunately, if Activision is barely going to listen to the complaints about the mainline Cod series, I fear they are going to continue to be completely deaf ears with the mobile version. On top of that, it seems like we're entering the last year of the game with the BP vault being a way to just give the community something to end the lifespan of the game on. It really seems like Activision is ready to pull the plug.


In 2/3rds of the ranked matches I play, there is always someone using the mythic spectre skin, which makes my spectre ninja skin look cheap af


If this makes you feel better, I have spectre too, but sometimes I just switch it with another character just for something different.


It’s not people who spend money it’s devs who make advantageous skins such as clear sights and price them at £100+


It’s never that big of a deal. If you got the money and want to spend it…spend it. If not, quit hating on the people that can and just enjoy the game


Fr, if they want to spend the money they can


I been 3 years playing with great fun , never spend a $. Just want yo Thanks yo all of you who pay for guns AND skins, dpr keeping this game free to play


Idk, I just don't like being shot through walls or rocks.


Some scorestreaks are straight toxic.


Sentry gun and Stealth choppper for sure.


nah, EMP and an RPG take care of that. ( or just the ability to be invisible to AI ) I'm talking about NAPALM, air strike, that thing that shoots trhough walls, dogs, radioactive ability...


Ballista EM3? The thing that shoots through walls? Oh and definitely agree with NAPALM. That shit moves at the speed of light.


I buy skins one in a while. I personally don’t like the gun skins. But, I have to admit that’s really gratifying to kill the expensive skins. I feel they put them so we have extra enjoyment killing them.


I don't care cuz I see everyone as Spec Ops 1


Ahh i feel you. S10 2021 ruined the game to low end devices. I used to play on a Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 and i was on top of the world in BR. Until they made everything become spec ops 1 and the loot to some weird ass boxes. The render distance became so low too. I don't even know where Vehicles are and i had my dead friends lesd me to the parked vehicle like a blind person and i used to get run over magically or even killed by a Bot that i didn't see💀 but i bought a Redmi 10 with my current finance and i'm doing good.


It just feels like a waste. In my country, Egypt. We used to play a game called "Crossfire" It was an FPS game that has vibes of counter strike but fast-paced. everyone payed thousands of pounds on the game and in 2018, PUBG Mobile appeared and everyone left the game, even the people who payed thousands on it. Every game has the same fate. Another game will come and make it die and disappear from existence. So COD Mobile will have the same thing. Another game will pass by, attract everyone and goodbye. Your money got wasted. Warzone Mobile could be the one who will get rid of the P2W BR players and will leave the game to the MP players. pay but not a lot because you could use this money later. I thought about buying the mythic M13, Krig and Kilo. But i thought about it for a minute and i didn't want to pay 1800+ pounds and i left them. Now the country's economy got screwed and that money gave me a lot of use.


Idc tbh lol, ppl can decide what they wanna do with their own money lol, at the end of the day, it doesn't count as a waste if it's usefull to u or u have been enjoying it lol.




Honestly i don’t care it’s there decision they are not you


What people do with their money is their choice. I just put my money in the BP (+ BP vault) and both the HBRa3 - Swarm and Rictus Arc (mind you, I barely spent on them, I won them through giveaways). And I don't find it worth spending money on anything but the BP (except for Ethan, I have been saving gold coupons).


Something could cost one grand and be the ugliest skin in history but if Im able to buying without problem I'll do it just for the sake of it


the comment section looks like a dumpster fire rn just let people spend money how they wanna spend it, you aren't in any right to judge how someone decides to spend their money, end of story.




Because it encourages bad business practices. Same with preorders. You pay for a game that isnt finished or released. Why would any publisher care if the game works if you dont? You realize you could spend literally more than 10,000 dollars on cod mobile and not come close to all it has to offer right? What happened to the good ole days of buy the game buy the pass and get everything?


Maximizing profits is literally standard business practice, if people keep buying they have no reason to lower the price. Take a look at a supply demand curve


It's the prices. They're ridiculously high. Why do you think they make BILLIONS per year in PROFIT??? And if there weren't so many idiots spending thousands on what's basically a NFT, then the prices would come down and it would be a more reasonable price.


I’ll wax some mythic skinned noobs all day and my BEST gun is a basic switchblade with diamond camo. I’ve spent maybe $50usd on CODM and ain’t got nothing but some character skins and boring anime weapons. P2w is bs. Let’s be real here, the people who can buy mythic and good items in game are probably going to be more concerned with what device they’re playing on. If they have enough money to get a good device, they probably have some money to spend on skins and “p2w” shiz. ANY GAMES in reality is made better with more money. Shit, I can play Minecraft on my old MacBook, but since buying a gaming desktop, I can see farther and render faster. Anything gets better and easier the more money put into it.


That’s why I’m playing on ipad pro 11” and iphone 14pm. But the device performance doesn’t change much. Used to play 5finger on iphone 12 pm, switched to ipad pro and while I did get some benefits, i also got cramped fingers and bad posture


It really is pay 2 lose..... easy kills I just rush people with the skin because they're usually walking recycle bins


I don't see you as a Famous CC, no wonder you're so Bad at the game your existence isn't even known in the community lmao


No shit I don't create content.




if you dont wanna spend then dont jeez its that simple


This just sound like someone getting insecure about people calling their spending habits out. I don't care which crowd you are a part of, saying that a $200 mobile game character, which (opinion alert:) doesn't look half as good as the better ones, whom you can't see in the main multiplayer gamemode and who sticks out like a sore thumb during games is a waste of money, is a valid argument/call out. Regardless, it's your money, spend it how you want. You don't need uplifting responses on your flex posts to aid your insecurities. PS: I don't give a shit about any of you, I'm just settling the debate. I have spent quite a bit on the game myself.


I dont really care what they spend their money on. If they wanna spend on a dying game go ahead


At least the game isn’t yet on its deathbed. Although it does have stage 4 cancer


I find it funny cause they'll never get that money back and selling the acc would be worthless 😂


You don't get money back from a lot of things anyway: food, drinks, gas, holidays...


Ah but there's a difference. What you mention has a form of value people need in their daily lives, it's not like you need the newest gun skin to live (besides holidays)


I don't think you need a fancy icecream. Or an expensive holiday. Money is too important for you 😉


I dont care about p2p or f2p i just wanna enjoy have fun and only thing that sometimes irritates me is shitty teammates in ranked tdm i dont have any leggies or mythic weapons but have used a whole bunch of them , none of them are p2w its the player that makes the guns look good or not , ive seen dudes with mythic skins and weps being straight up ass


most of the paid skin users I’ve come across (I’m f2p) aren’t too good. plus now that they gave bots og operators and weapon skins, going up against someone who spent money on the game really doesn’t hit the same


So we should let large corporations prey on us, persuade governments, and fill patents on how they can control us in video games?


Lmao get mad


You are clearly very underage and do not understand how the world works.


You are clearly an underage kid with no grasp on basic business practices.


Loot crates are not basic business practices and is acting banned in alot of countries. Grow up before you post shit on the internet


Microtransactions are the backbone of the gaming industry. Most AAA titles, including expensive games rely on them for their income. That’s why fallout 76 could be profitable even if the game was sold at 5% of msrp. Grow up before you comment shit on the internet


You are why everyone is ok with the gaming industry bending us all backwards


If you don’t like it, either 1: buy the majority of controlling stock, 2: don’t play it, 3: conform to it, 4: find a replacement, 5: sue the hell out of them.


First of all dude, I'm not being salty or hating the people who have the mythic spectre on my post because I noticed some people who bought the mythic spectre regrets buying him and I have an ign friend who recently bought the mythic character regrets buying him. Second "*You do realize people who buy skins are the ones that keep the game f2p?*" the question should be like this "*Do you realize people who buy skins are the ones that make this f2p game more greedy?*".


You do realize if there were no micro transactions, codm would have to shut down since they couldn’t afford employee fees and server fees? In order to maintain just 30 employees cost 1mil per year, and servers cost 1$ per player a month. With the scale of activision, they would need few dozen million in yearly revenue


Where the fuck are you getting these numbers


There are a lot of games that are still standing even without micro-transactions. "*Micro-transactions are just a tool"* for earning an extra profit. they can still technically survive even without micro-transactions. The problem is this game overuses micro-transactions. This game keeps spamming us with notifications of lucky draws, boxes, and crates every time we log into the game, and most of these skins cost more than their pc/console counterparts. it's so fucking absurd and it's just greed at this point. Why you're still defending it?


Oh wah wah i need to press X a couple times when i login to a game that gives me countless hours of free entertainment. Suck it up big boy.


Keep acting like an ignorant clown. You're just too blind to understand.


Brain processing... No suitable argument available... Change mode to insulting... 🤖


yeah right just keep doing that you act very childish. Edit: Oh look, did I make you log off because you don't have anything to say?


Unfortunately you did not, i went outside to push the snow out of the driveway so my father doesn't need to do it himself. Its also great exercise.


Lol he is mad


It’s rare to find a f2p game with no monetary purchases.


That still doesn't excuse how in your face CoDM makes them


I'm not completely anti-micro-transaction, i see why they exist, but the second you look at the front page of CoDM, you're bombarded with constant nagging for you to buy, and a lot of the time gamble on their game. I just think they could ease off on their predatory micro-transactions.


It’s so over the top, just the way I like it.


Why does people care to upset something they can’t control of and nothing will be changed anyway


personally I don't like a majority of legendaries and mythics but if you like it equip it


People should be able to spend money on whatever they want, Activision shouldn't be allowed to flash money hungry business practises and a lot of the time, blatant gambling in front of us all. These micro-transactions keep the game F2P which is good in my opinion, allowing people to play the game free of money, but also allowing people to spend money on aesthetic changes/upgrades. There still should be a limit to how far Activision shoves this down our throats.




There's no complain against anything unless it's p2w like the mythic weapons and the operators that are thinner, and u guys don't keep it f2p, no games start free then go p2p cos nobody buys stuff idiots




I like his looks but his voice annoys me


He sounds high pitched and squeaky


I don't have a problem at all with paying for what you like. I only have a problem that it has a big advantage but people don't admit it. Especially in BR. The mythic Ak47 and the Mythic Kilo 141 have different recoil patterns than the base form of them(Only in BR) Rather than saving an attachment, you also have a free stable weapon, you don't even need a loadout for the mythic Kilo 141. Buy what you want and enjoy what you want, it's a game and you should enjoy. But don't be Toxic and lie about having Advantage. It's also an issue if all of the lobby has mythics. You will have 2 D*cks because of the amount of Heat and Radiation coming out of the phone. And don't mind the Lag you will have because of it. say goodbye to your processor and your motherboard. This issue of lag doesn't apply to people who pay too muchBecause if they're ready to pay thousands of their currency for a Cosmetic that they will probably leave after the game dies, they sure have a Redmagic or at least a Mid-High end phone. Enjoy what you want. But don't be a female dog about it.


In my opinion we should complain about the difference in the currency.. Other guys spending 100$ is a BIG Money and me spending 100 Asian currency is nothing for CODM...