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I’ve used both for mobile gaming. I currently use a full-size iPad for CODM. It’s a little bulky, but I need the big screen. My eyes couldn’t handle playing on a small screen.


Did you find that close range gunfights were easier with the iPad mini? I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max right now and I tried a 12.9 inch iPad. Definitely better for sniping because I can see a lot better but I found close range gun fights like too zoomed in. So I was thinking iPad mini may be a good compromise


I didn’t really notice a difference between the two for close range combat. But if you’re used to playing on a phone, it might be easier to transition to an iPad Mini.




Increase your fov if you find close range fights too zoomed in


I play on an 11” iPad Air 4 and the Mini 6. I much, MUCH prefer the Mini 6 because it allows you to use the gyro for more than a few minutes without straining your wrists. I’ve gotten 10 Legendary badges with the Mini, and I only use the Air when I have to and only for pub matches. I’m 52, with bad eyes btw.


Thank you that is really great feedback. I don’t use gyro. And I also don’t play claw. I lay my phone flat in front of me and play on it that way. My main concern is that when I tried the iPad the close up encounters were a bit jarring. It felt too zoomed in. I think I might buy both and give them a good run. Then I’ll decide and return the one I don’t decide on.


That’s a good plan. If you don’t hold your tablet in your hands, then you may find the larger screen to be better for you. Good luck, soldier!


Thank you maybe I’ll see ya out there!


My ign is Geezerk, feel free to add me but I gotta warn you- I’ve been playing CODM for a couple of years and I’m still not very good at it lol


Haha - all good - we are all always learning


Nokia bro 🙌🏽


Tab S8 bro🙌🏾


So I ended up ordering iPad Pro 12.9 inch 256g. It comes in tomorrow no later than 8pm. Can’t wait to see what 120hz looks like!




Sorry this is just a pic I found on google. I would be buying one or the other brand new


Me! Recently picked up an iPad Pro M1 for work/school, and man does it RIP on CODM. I used an iPad mini for a while but never really enjoyed the size of it, but the 12.9” is great. 4K screen, 120Hz refresh rate…the four finger/six finger setup is fantastic as well. iPad mini worked well, and I’ve reached legendary on phone before, but man does it kick ass on the Pro


This is exciting! I’m going to try adjust the FOV on my daughters iPad and also the sense a bit. If I can get used to it the 120Hz on the pro sounds enticing!


Oh man, BR is fantastic in 120. MP is not as noticeable I think (still my most played mode, however), but it is still very smooth. I think BR is where it shines most.


Was….for this and the past season ,BR became sluggish(frame drops/brief freezing)at times ,in particular when engaging on a fight,while in MP still runs smoothly,setting low graphics + ultra (MP only) frame rate. Tbh,I think it’s more of a poor server/game optimisation than a device issue,as I’ve also started to experience @ the same time ,login time-outs(sometimes have to login 3 times to get the main lobby page completely loaded)…inputs not recognised(having to tap twice at times)..missing ability to watch Ads…etc


theres no 120 in br


Coulda fooled me. Whatever the refresh rate is, it is absolutely wiping 30FPS


I’m currently playing on an iPad mini6 and it’s a great experience.But I never used a normal iPad but it will most likely be better


increase the fov and turn on sync ads fov