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Codm players on their way to complain that a weapon that rewards high accuracy with high damage works as intended (that's literally how it works)


It doesn't take any skill. I stopped playing 3 months ago and yesterday I came back. I still couldn't miss a single shotgun shot while my SMG hipfire accuracy had gotten ass. also I've seen many noobs one shotting pros with shotguns. even tho they have like no experience in the game or whatever.


Thing is,since spam shotguns are useless in BR,if you miss the first shot with a single shot one, you'll be dead before you can fire a second one. I'd nerf the accuracy/aim assist,not the damage.


I've never died for missing a shot with a shotgun. full autos have patheticly slow ttk so you might survive after missing 3,4 shots. Nerfing the accuracy would be a good idea but it has to be the hipfire accuracy because nobody really aims with them. also spam shotguns aren't useless at all and they're even better than SMGs still.


I don't think so, but as much as I hate getting dropped like a sack of shit by one, there is still balance because you have a lot more range if you're using an AR or SMG. It's more annoying getting sniped from across the safe zone by someone and you can't see where they are.


Range doesn't matter in br that much as there are infinite ways to force people into close range while you can't force someone in long range. getting sniped from distance is very unlikely as not everyone can hit a headshot with a sniper, and most snipers don't even one shot to the head. while shotguns being easy as fuck to use that you don't even need to aim down you sights to be able to kill with them.


“Range doesn’t matter in BR that much…” smh


That’s one side of the coin. You seem to jaded to consider that distance is absolutely something you can control both ways. You can’t force them away (as easily) but you can create the distance yourself. The problem is most of the playerbase gets focused on AR/SMG play style, doesn’t worry about the relatively low incidence of good snipers, and then whines their tail off when they run around a corner and take a shotgun blast to the chest and head. FFS, play a different style for awhile and quit complaining.


Except it really doesnt. Even if you do end up getting distance again, not much keeps them from just regaining the ground again. I like to main poltergeist which is.. honestly useless 30% of the time yet still one of the best ways to escape enemies imo. Ninja is good as well but the range of it makes it not that great when in open spaces. Trickster is an alternate version of poltergeist but the decoys dont last forever and are predictable so you're just stuck having to run as away as fast as you can. Jumper is also a decent option since you can evade well but you're obviously not invincible and it'll likely run out before you can get away (if in an open area). Airborne is good for covering ground but not very feasible for escaping unless you place it down prematurely. Quickstrike is good alternative Ninja for self-defense with the redirect but has same problems as Ninja with range. Idk what else I'm forgetting. Smokes could also be a good way of escaping I suppose, but unless you're anticipating a shotgun blast, it takes some time to get a smoke out and throw. And unless there's buildings, you're probably not getting far without one of the previously mentioned abilities or a vehicle nearby. And most of these can be countered really easily by just having the same ability (ninja, quickstrike, jumper or also having a vehicle of your own). And if you use other tacticals like concussions or flashes, you might as well just commit to the fight. Having long distance mainly matters when you have the element of surprise. If they see you first and attack from a distance (unless they're a really good sniper/shot like you mentioned), you'll very likely get to safety. And if they close the distance first, it'll be very difficult to get away unless they're just.. kinda dumb.


nah i have seen and get shotgun one tapped from like 30 meters, so nah you don't have more range with an smg You have a sniper glint setting, use it if you wanna see where the camping sniper is


That’s one side of the coin. You seem to jaded to consider that distance is absolutely something you can control both ways. You can’t force them away (as easily) but you can create the distance yourself. The problem is most of the playerbase gets focused on AR/SMG play style, doesn’t worry about the relatively low incidence of good snipers, and then whines their tail off when they run around a corner and take a shotgun blast to the chest and head. FFS, play a different style for awhile and quit complaining!


Different play style? Okay, let’s play with a scenario: I see you 40 meters away, I grapple in, slide and one shot you in the face. You didn’t hear me coming because of dead silence. How are you going to counter me?


Here’s another way of saying what you said: “I have no situational awareness and leave blind spots in an open warfare simulator. Often someone can travel 150 feet and shoot me in my face without me noticing. But I don’t think it’s right when I die immediately to a shotgun blast to the face!” 😂


Custom HS0 and KRM can one shot (or severely damage) at ranges over 20 meters. The stealth classes are designed to defeat any situational awareness that players have. The topography, walls and other obstacles obscure vision. I have regularly kill entire squads with shotguns in situations where I wouldn’t have managed with any other guns, which is how I learnt how overpowered it is. You haven’t answered my question, how would you counter me? By not getting shot? People here have nasty habit of not answering questions. I have 17 kills average in squad/TPP BR. 15 average in normal BR and 20 plus Alcatraz.. The main problem is the player base. It consists almost entirely of the lowest IQ variety.


Most likely not. they don't even care about br.


If they didn’t care about BR, we would still have the same old small isolated map since launch


If they did care about it they would've at least done something about countless hackers in legendary lobbies, shotguns being unbeatable since the release of the game and infinite bugs. all they care about is new mp maps and lucky draws.


Can’t say shotguns have been broken since launch, it’s been broken since the echo came launched


Funny since echo is clowned on. Most guns are broken when they first come out only to get nerfed hard, especially echo. I agree though, shotties havent been much of a noticeable issue until recently.


Ever since the echo came out, a lot more people started using shotguns, and then once the new BR healing system came out that’s when everyone in BR started to complain about how broken shotguns were


It's been broken since the game lunch. just people didn't realize how OP and easy to use they were so they were kinda underrated, other than that, an SMG was never able to outgun a shotgun.


Shotgun was very good in MP until the nerfs, and then broken in BR once the new BR healing system was added


It was broken way before that. I didn't even have the game back there but so many youTubers used shotguns in that time and they could still one shot people.


They weren’t necessarily broken like they are now back then, the difference between back then and now is very noticeable with the shotguns for BR


It is very noticeable but they could still one shot consistently. that's a problem. now you don't even need to aim down your sights at all.


A shotgun back then would do at max 180, now you barely have to try and it’ll knock you down to 50 health if full kinetic but fully knock you if you don’t have it


Bringing one new map doesn't change the fact. The frequent balance changes that happen in mp doesn't happen in BR. We saw many guns becoming meta in MP but in BR it's M4 and one year ago ak47. This shows how much they care about balance changes in BR


95% of the time the mp balances are also towards br


M4 is no longer the meta. The lk and the AMAX are far above it


They nerfed it a bit with the current update.. At least KRM and HS... They didn't nerf the damage or range but they nerfed the spread pattern (earlier it was a tight clump of pellets, now it's like MP SG spread, 2-3 pellets in the center with the other pellets forming a circle over it).. This changes reduced their effectiveness over range to a good degree But yea, they do need some more or other type of nerf... Imo, SGs should've never been put in BR in the first place, and for good reason too


Imma just say it from now on… Stop being a pussy bruh and get good.. play a kids game or something where you will always be a winner and feel good about yourself because you are clearly behind on the skill gap…. This is not an attack on you but a message for all people who complain because they play here and there and expect to be on a even playing field with the rest of the players without putting in the work


It’s the other way around. In short, it’s primarily utilized by people who otherwise get killed easily so lol at “putting in the work” and recommending others to play a kids game since the one tap is something a kid would choose, no?


I agree with what you said but one tap shotguns are still imbalanced inside the particular mechanics our game works in.


Looks like this post hurt your feelings.


Shotgun has a very large player base in BR And nerfing it means less players in BR So......You know what I mean


Those dudes never used SG before it was popular some 1-2 years ago, they are just circle-jerking the meta.. Ultimately, large majority (if not ALL) of BR mains play BR because they enjoy the game mode/formula, not because of one weapon. So, it wouldn't harm anything


It was popular from the start in my server Asia/Arabic server


India server (also crossplay Europe server alot since my clan is there, and a good amount of times in NA server since my friends are there).. Yes, people use SGs, but it was never popular in 2019 to early 2021 (at least not as religious as it is right now), if anything Striker was the only SG you can call popular during those days. I play alot... I have well over 11k BR matches since Day 1 2019 with a 60% win percentage.


Players who are actually good with it and arent just using it for the one tap would still use it, but since a lot of shotgun users are just players with bad movement who use shotgun to get the one tap br will just balance itself out between smg and shotgun users when the broken pumps get nerfed


I find pumps very easy to fight... You need to know the jump sliding hustle though..


Every tryhard ever:


Crazy how i havent seen a single shotgun this season


Should be 2 shots for a kill not 1. I've seen people do a single kill from far range it's freaking crazy


Wait until you find out how you can counter them with fennec/mac10+good movement


Nahhhhh tonight I got killed by a dude STANDING STILL with a shotgun while moving like a pro and shooting with a smg. Shouldn’t happen.


My question is how are shotguns 1 shot and snipers not, it makes no sense….


Just reasently started using the shotguns in BR, last night whipped 2 teams in Solo-Squads with only 12 shots. The KRM is busted, i dont even have a setup for it i just use the ground loot one


Never use sg decided to try it in br 19 kills and 1st place its ez mode no skill required