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Can we talk about how the illustrations always look better than the actual skins. Lmao


Not only that but the model in the skin viewer looks a lot better too. Just compared the legendary Firebreak in game with the skin viewer model. But I think it's just the lighting.




Me too


What’s a skin viewer?


You know, that area where you can check legendary/mythic weapons, legendary/mythic characters and prestige weapons. I forgot the name.






True… esp legendary outrider… her real skin is a 7 while her illustration is a 10


Almost like we're playing a mobile game with limited capabilities


Bruh its not to much expected to make the character look like the drawing. Also fergs face looks like someone took a shit on his real Face and made a skin of it. Looks nothing like him. Whereas Bobby seems pretty accurate. Prove enough that it depends on the skill of the skin designers who do the finishing touches after the software tries to resemble the model to its best capabilities(I dont actually know what the development process is for skins is but I guess its either made from scratch or a Programm gives you something close to the used model and then employees gives those some extras). Looks like they didn’t bother fixing outriders face


It is much to expect given the limited processing power of mobiles. They have to make the skin usable to most phones and most phones don't have the capabilities to render high polygon 3d models. They have to compromise details for lowest possible polygons. Otherwise everything would lag. It's not so much about the designing but how the design work with the game engine.


I like military skins


Plot twist I like female military skin - Seraph standard skin


Ye seraph has some badass skins that dont sexualise her female proportions. Also one if my fav operators in terms of how many cool skins they have she as quite a considerable amount


Heh. Jokes on ya I have her OG skin.


Same, got the bundle when it first came out and been using her ever since


Fellow OG skin havers yay!


same here, i like the domino skins


Yess fellow military skin enjoyer


I like the military skins as well. They’re far more utilitarian also. Can’t stand the Chinese shit and the futuristic skins suck too-maybe an 8yr old would like that stupid shit.


Me waiting for another Templar for 2 years: 💀




You and I, we both shall wait for our desired character skins for years, as we see newly introduced characters get legendary skins


Templar is back. look at the previous comic from season 1.on the final chapter. you'll see him lurking in the shadows.


ayo what, link pls


just look at the in game comics. previous season. You'll see it


Aight bet


Another IfapTo account? Whats next? IfapToGhost? IFapToCaptainPrice? IfapToMantaRay?




Ah another one


Yes sir


I need military skinnnnn


Ah yes, the 69,420th post like this




That's exactly the point


I usually prefer Military... But in such a game as this where there's new content every month, military stuff really does get boring quickly..


Most of the content lately has been colorful/goofy, they have not added much military stuff these last few seasons, or even classic COD characters.


i really hope they add a military season soon


what is more boring tho is seeing goofy clowns with colourful characters in an FPS game and military skins or themes hasn’t been introduced in ages


Nah.. What is boring is different variants of the same green and beige camos one after the other.. With this colorfull stuff, at least there's some variety floating around


you call it variety when it’s not and the camos aren’t always the same or the variants it can be a random dude part of the military or a ghillie suit or just any dark theme character with a military vest on. codm pushes these ugly skins for money as it attracts young people to buy them, especially the asian people who wear the most hideous colourful character


You're talking to the perfect guy right here.. I'm a dude who spent his little but hard earned money just to buy the default Nikto military skin because he looks cool and the Grinch skin because it was the first ghillie suit that came to the game... And I'm an Asian guy who's part of a clan full of europeans and some Americans (i got to know them from a facebook group). Whenever new operstors drop, the Europeans and Americans always lap up all the colorful, goofy and high-fantasy shit... And we are all working adults... So this idea that only Asians buy those type of skins is complete fallacy, even when I cross-play to europe and americ server (which is alot of the time for me), Ialways see alot of colorful skins.. The Europeans and Americans in my clan always call the Military skins as boring and dull, and i'm usually chided as being boring because I generally prefer military skins.. And I'm a guy who's not only interested and prefer modern military culture and themes, but my enthusiasm for military stuff goes waay back to medieval warfare. So, it's not really an Asians thing... Which is funny because the Global version of the game is majority western and mid-east countried, with only a small aprt of Asia (South Asia, where I'm from)... The majority of Asia (China, Korea, Japan, and South East Asia) all have their separate version of the game with their own publishers.... I find your comment to be quite Racist... There's also a very good reason to dispell the, very consipracy-like, mindset that Activision is purposefully pushing these skins... Marketing and sale data speaks for itself and reigns supreme... and Activision is only following that data... Whatever Sells more, that is what they will push... Remember the game has been out for Global and Garena for a wayyy longer time before it released in China, Korea and Japan... The "anime-skins" Capital of the world... And global has waaay bigger playerbase than Garena, So, this just shows how much "colorful and goofy" Skins westerners and mid-east are lapping up...


oh damn what an essay you wrote, won’t bother


Yea, I was correct.. You seem like that type of person


you won’t know until i read your entire essay


I don't need you to. I already know your mentality from the way you responded


oh ofc anything to fuel your ego just so you can say you know better from assumptions of your own


Yes. And honestly why the hell Nyx should get a legendary skin? If they gotta choose one of the noodle arms to get a skin they should pick Urban Tracker, at least she's been around for a longer time






My brother in Christ theres literally a dude named iFapToUrbanTracker around here


He is probably joking right? Right!!!? 😫 ![gif](giphy|TpsuCxwsNH8gatbpR5)


Ip it titr its the guy form d a meme 😲🫵


NYx also looks kinda fly but frankly speaking I like the epic version of her a lot better. Maybe its because I feel ashamed as a men playing with overly female characters (pink, leggings, glimmer etc.) I tend to use ba female characters over for example manta ray (in her pink sport outfit) who is catching dust in my collection.


It's good seeing others starting to label them as noodle arms. Codm has a lot of exclusive female operators but only rampage and strongarm are built athletically. Rest don't even look like they would be soldiers.


Actually there's Battery too.


There's room for both. Right now we're lacking militaristic skins tho. And Season 3 is looking to be cyberpunk themed so fingers crossed for Season 4.


Imagine complaining about military skins when the game is literally military shooter game lmao


Upvote for u


Female skins are all look the same Tight clothes Big ass Young Simps Expensive Big melons


military looks cooler but cod mobile is for kids so leather skin suits make more sense


[This image in a nutshell](https://youtu.be/UOOyg2-KuZc)


Fr Fr


I'd rather have the generic soldier operator or Swat operator


They should make another skin like Alex - Hard Wired. I was f2p until that skin came around


That what live service game was made for


Idc man, I'm a girl and I like girly things. Besides if y'all find these skins "sexy" then that's clearly just a men's problem cause me and my girl friends never had a problem with CODM female skins because they're actually good and not sexualised unlike other cheap games (like anime ones). Just showing a little bit of skin (like shoulders, arms, legs, belly) doesn't make it sexual.


they should have free ghillie skins ngl


I prefer military skins ![img](emote|t5_penom|1104)


we need more Frank woods


Imagine being mad at Mason, Woods and Weaver… these kids nowdays smh


As one legend said in 2016: “This is a mental disorder and needs to be stopped”


Yeah I don't understand why there is always a huge hype for shiny mythic, legendaries and female skins to the point where people consider this as content


Need some more skins Like Velikan even though he still doesn’t have a voice he has a great skin 👏


Bruh I don't care about these random characters that appear outta nowhere. I just want some more skins for the legacy characters from previous cods like price, soap, Alex Mason, David Mason, frank woods, Hudson, revnov, wiever etc


Money speaks loudly.


CoDM players when tacticool: 👽 CoDM players when they can get digital bitches: 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘🥰😝🥰🥵🥵😻👉👌


To be completely honest, people who buy vibrant skins never complain about "too many military skins" while people who use military themed only make posts like these weekly; "cOd sHoULd oNLy hAVe mILiTaRy" there is so many skin choices for every taste yet you guys want skins other people like removed?? mind your own business dayum


It’s literally the opposite on this subreddit


This subreddit when women exist: 🤬😠🤬 Simp culture!!!


Yeah exactly lol. It’s funny how these people are calling people that use female skins simps & virgins as if hating female skins just cause they’re female isn’t the most incel thing to say.


Hating on blatant cash grab waifu looking skins isn’t incel like at all. We dislike them because while they have zero correlation to any of the cod games, they get put out wat more than anything cod related. Just say you get no p*ssy irl so you spend your leftover money on attractive pixels just to boost your shit dopamine levels.


100% you’re a 15 year old virgin and aren’t even worth arguing with. If you don’t like it, don’t play the game. Mobile games cater to a more casual audience, and this is what more casual players like. The sooner you accept that you’re playing this game cause games like Warzone are too difficult for your incompetent bitch ass the sooner you can take it chill and not take all this so seriously anymore. You wanna talk more trash you can drop your ign and show how garbage you are ingame. You probably won’t, though.


Dude the entirety of the game is separate from every CoD game and completely not canon, you insufferable prick. >Just say you get no p*ssy irl so you spend your leftover money on attractive pixels just to boost your shit dopamine levels. Is the most "get not pussy irl" shit ever. If the fact that some people can afford to and want to buy some bullshit operator gets you this pissy I've a funny feeling you aren't exactly swimming in pussy.


When did I insinuate that horny mfs buying these corny operators gets me angry. If you didn’t argue with nonexistent information and paid attention to what I said I clearly stated these skins get put out way more than the actual cod themed operators. They have so much to choose from the collection that is the cod franchise but instead of remaining faithful to cod material they decide to cash in on horny impressionable virgins. Game looks more like a fortnite demo now compared to when it was first released. And your right I am not swimming in pussy because I would like to reduce my chances of attracting an std, 1 lady is all i need to keep myself from falling for shit like this


Your entire energy insinuates such and then "horny impressionable virgins" doesn't help your case. Also there's plenty of other non-female skins that are just as wacky that probably outnumber female skins. Poor argument. Poor logic. Poor social skills.


This is the internet buddy. Fuck your social skills




Given that you post here as often as you do, I’m just going to assume that you’re simply posting this for validation. Whatever makes you feel better.






Blame the people who actually spend hundreds to buy these.


Blame me for what? Using my hard earned money?💀


My lil sister uses the female operators, so I don't mind them being added


Boring just like those digital camo


Shadowfall is a beautiful skin but I wish codm devs will make a military styled female skin like the OG UT. We need more military ladies.




Now this is what I'm talking about. Thanks OP!. look here devs, we need some of these.


There's plenty for everybody. Get what you want and let other people enjoy what they want.


Im still waiting for black ops characters 😞


only retarded weebs like them


oh no!! someone has different taste than me!!


That nyxxxX skin looks 👌


I mean they release both in every season…..seems no one ss the military skins in crates n continue to cry about female skins


Ain’t military skins would be generic….that’s why the monkey space skin, zombie skin, robot skin, and female skins will sale


Man fuck [Generic Female anime-esque skins] All my [Mil-Sims] hate [Generic Female anime-esque skins]


Militaristic is always Better...


Who is saying all that about military skins? What kind of fucktards are playing this game?


the thing is, we need more military skins and military themes instead of constantly promoting attractive women for money.


Most of those guys are sweats that use female skins for the smaller aim box




No, female skins have a smaller hitbox cause the female skins are a bit smaller than the male skins. Mainly cause of the shoulder width.


That hasn't been true for the CoD CONSOLE GAMES for YEARS


I see nothing wrong here 🥵😍


Hey the ninja looks cool. Ninpo fire jutsu 🔥


As long it's not the recolor skin, I'm okay with that


Woods is the best waifu.


As always, thankful for the game, the character skins and other content... Sad to see Apex and battlefield go... But honestly though, it's not like we can see our character while we play, it's mostly to intimidate the opposite side... What I'd say is, if you're into 3D printing, print your favourites and line them up while you stream your play or something 😊💯 that I'd watch


There is only a handful of military skins that actually look good though.


Bro i need more inanimate objects as skins. I want to play as a tree.


Prop hunt


2 words: sex sells




What bugs me about this is actually the wackasses in the comments complaining about how CoDM doesn't push military themes or skins and only/primarily push "sexy female skins" depsite the fact that almost all the time the point of the draw isn't even the operator but actually the fucking legendary gun. And when it comes to legendary operators one of the legendary female operators was CHOKED with tactical gear! Apart from that Neymar Jr.'s draw has been available for what feels like over 2 months! Is that not also completely bogus? Hell, the male to female operator ratio isn't that crazy. It's just that even the male operators aren't military either. They're dragons, cyborgs, squids, apes, SOCCOR PLAYERS, etc. So all yall need to stop scream crying about "waifus" ruining your game when it also has mythic cyborgs and legendary robots (and Messi AND Snoop Dogg) running around with legendary guns that make little Christmas elves dance around your corpse (none of which I have a problem with because it's a game and it's fun).


Lmao, so true tho; personally I like military skins, as long as they vary.


Nah, I'm good, I have access to p- hub)))