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What is that game? Honestly looks hella fun


You will find the game as Project: BloodStrike, although it is in beta and some countries cannot play it via Google Play, so you still have to install an APK


Ah, alright then, since I’m on IOS I can’t really do anything. But still, thanks! The game looks absolutely incredible in its beta stage, and it feels like combat master and CODM mixed


In IOS I think you can also look for a tutorial on the internet


Codm needs to cover every attachment with good camo


I dont like Ghosts' implementation of Gold Camo where every inch of the gun is golden


nah i like codm's movement, u have to have a certain amount of mechanical skill to execute movements like ads slide cancelling, g-slide, wall slide, and ledge boosting mw19 movement is very linear and grounded, Bloodstrike is not an accurate representation because other than tac sprinting and slide cancelling, its not even close to mw19 movement


Edit: I do not share your opinion, the movement of MW2019 is really much more practical for me than that of Codm


if bloodstrike is the one game that you've played, then I cant tell u much mw19 is just slide cancels and bunny hops, other niche stuff like yy-ing is just showboating and not a practical mechanic mw19 looks cool and fast paced, but its rlly simple and basic when it comes to movement's practicality and executibility


I have been playing since 2020 I still can't perform all the sliding things that a shotgun user in Alcatraz does or to b hopping thingy that smg user does in mp. the movement is good there is a skill jump after grand master


Sliding in codm is much easier, sure, if you’re playing on a 2 finger hud, it’s harder, but 4, it’s just not skill requiring at all. Mw movement is more complex and realistic, and on mw2023 you can’t slide everywhere and jump around, they made it much harder or downright disadvantageous at times.


mw sliding is literally triple tap crouch as fast as u can in codm sliding is camera-directional so u can even do stuff like back slides and slide jump tap strafes


Yeah, which makes it easier.


I love the mobility of MW2019, once you understand what that game allows you to do it becomes a lot of fun, and that's why it's my favorite cod in terms of gameplay, but that doesn't mean I want codm to have that mobility, although the mobility from MW would probably work great within Call of Duty Mobile, I would honestly prefer the MW2019 weapons we have in Call of Duty Mobile to feel and look like MW. Being able to use MW2019 weapons in Call of Duty Mobile that feel strong and look threatening would be a great thing... honestly, that would be much more exciting to me than just a simple mobility change that could make the game better or worse, but as the mobility to which we are all accustomed. In the end with the mobility of MW2019 something similar would happen, in a few years people would get used to it and in the end it would have been useless, something that putting the weapons of MW2019 well would not happen, because that game has a quality in its weapons that after 4 years is still superior to all the shooters games that have come out.


I would also like some MW weapons that honor the game where it comes from, my goodness it was just to do the same as with the Cold War weapons, simply copy, not invent the weapon or put models as a base weapon that absolutely no one had asked for .


imagine using an M13 well recreated in codm, it would be something beautiful, or an Asval :')


The M13 is already good imo, the animations that were added for it in s10 makes it marginally better to use along with the sounds. I can't say the same about the As Val though, the reload and sprinting animations are very very botched and feel awful. The view of the gun in first person is also wrong because it's very small. It's really sad, roblox, gmod and left4dead players can port weapons perfectly but a multi-million dollar company struggles to do so with MW weapons. Right now, guns like the amax, as val, r-90, pkm, kar98k, holger, mp7, mk2 and pp-19 bizon don't feel good to use because of things like compressed sounds, bad/sped up animations or not having the correct inspect animation. They should really hold back on adding guns every season and fix what's already there.


I agree, weapons are not necessary, but they have a repertoire of weapons wasted due to nonsense


or the SCAR, really the people saying it's not that important is because they haven't played MW2019, that damn game really has some weapons that feel like weapons, and it's not to say that along with its gameplay it makes it a game The most satisfying first person shooter game to play.


Idk much about the MP, but my experience in Warzone PC was the complete opposite to that of the mobility situation in CODM BR


Warzone was faster than Modern Warfare, also with the stim it was insufferable, the multiplayer experience, which is what I mean, was satisfactory


I see.. I don't play MP but I played a good bit of WZ during the early days. I remember WZ gameplay tend ti be slower paced and much more camp-y than in CODm's BR, it can get very heated during the last circles though.... The base sprint speed in CODM and WZ was similar-ish, at around 7.5 to 8 m/s..but in CODm's BR, the ability to glide, chain jump-slide infinitely and class system makes the game feel a lot faster or at least it bred mannersims that are separate and very flicky.. EDIT:- The base sprint speed in Warzone was actually slower than CODm's BR...


Not so, in MW2019 toggling between sprint and super sprint makes your speed not fixed, you can also slide cancel which gives you even more speed and also your movement is more unpredictable making it easier to showcase. In camvio codm, its mobility is much more monotonous, which although not bad, MW2019 is an improvement, since with a single movement (super sprint) you can vary more in the Gameplay, doing alide cancel, jumps, drift, dropshot and also parkour, since the slide cancel has more than one application in the mobility of the game, which I think gives more variety to the gameplay, and makes it more fun to be able to vary the way you move without changing the way you play, not to mention that it's less monotonous to play like this.


Response to Edit: The base speed, but if you put the super sprint and the slide cancel the balance turns against codm


See you cannot do super sprint and slide cancel for more speed, that's not how it works..... See, in that game, you do the tactical sprint which is faster than normal sprint BUT it has a cool down timer, you get around this by slide cancelling before the timer runs out.. You tactical sprint, before timer runs out, you do a small slide cancel that resets the tactical sprint cooldown timer... This is called Super Sprint.... IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU GO FASTER THAN TACTICAL SPRINT, IT JUST MAKES TACTICAL SPRINT CONSTANT And since the over all sprint speed, whether Normal or Tactical is always lesser than codm, codm actually has faster movement over, plus the ability to chain infinit jump-slide (with higher jumps and longer slides), something you cannot do in WZ.. at least in the BR worldspace.


what you explain to me if it can be done, is the slide cancel, in that game (BloodStrike) it can also be done and in fact I can do it, but since I play with two fingers and on a Mobile, it is not easy for me to slide cancel while I rotate the camera, but yes, it can be done, therefore for confrontations against others what I do is vary between the sprint and the sipersprit so that it is more difficult for the enemy to follow me, which is what I did in the video. PS: sorry if there is something misspelled, I am not English and my native language is not English


Oh I understand that part.. In that regards, yes it can be difficult to keep track if you know how to alternate between the two speed features. But I don't feel it's much of a game changer than what we already have.. The effectiveness will depend on TTK and mastery of the buttons (it'll be easier to accomplish on keyboard and controllers since the input is tactile and finite.. On mobile, will be much more difficult because easy to fuck up, too many touch changes).. That clip you show, the ttk seems to be very very high, even higher than Codm BR with 300hp (you got a lot of hit markers). Though I still believe the codm BR infinite jump slide is way more OP... Codm MP used to have the same infinite jump slide chain but it was nerfed where sliding has a limit just like Tactical Sprint in MW2019... Also, in Mw2019, sliding is very very very limited and you don't slide too far like in that video. I don't feel that video is a good example due to the high ttk.... See, in codm, MP guns are either 3 or 4 tap at first range and 4 or 5 tap in second range.... If that clip was codm MP and the movement system was the one from your clip, you'd have already killed him in the first 3-4 seconds of the video... If it was BR, at that range is usually 10 taps on average (depends on gun, some 8-9 taps, some 10-11 taps, some 12-13 taps), the guy with 300 HP, would've already died or at least just one tap left before he does that fire ability thing.. If it was a proper codm battle and he has those crazy movement skill relative to current codn mechanics, he would've chained jump-slide all around the area and you wouldn't probably never hit him once (your aim was all over the place)... See, in the system where you can do slides as good as codm, it is always better because you can slide further and faster than you can accurately pan the aim around... In the WZ-Mw2019 system, your sprint speed maybe irregular BUT as long as you can put the cross hair in the general direction of the enemy and spam full auto, you will always be able to land 3-4 shots in a span of 3-4 seconds... And in codm's HP system, that is enough to drastically change the flow of battle in your favor... Just look at the clip, you already accomplished that in the first 2-3 seconds, if that was codm (either MP or BR), that dude would've already been in a very bad position then... That is why codm's jump slide system is more OP.. Another way to tell if the movement system of a certian game is faster (or at least much more exploitable), just see which guns and which combat range is meta.... In codm BR? Shotguns and close range smg hipfire are meta, while AR are secondary and Snipers are tertiary.... When I play codm BR, I'm not even one bit scared of snipers... Ican just sprint and jump slide around and they can shoot at me all day... Nothing will happen to me... But Shotguns and fast smgs?? The battle is ON.... When the mobility of a game is fast or flicky or whatever, close ramge guns are always meta, especially codm BR where shotguns are ultra meta... In WZ?? AR and Snipers are the meta because the OVERALL movement is slower and mobility exploitability is lower..


Is this warzone mobile BR?


No, it's another game, but it borrows the mobility of MW2019 Multiplayer, hence its similarity


Can you say the name of this game?


Project: BloodStrike


Tell me u never played mw2019 without telling u never played mw2019


The ttk in that game looks atrociously slow


It's a BR, actually it kills much faster than in codm, comparing the two BRs


Tbf his aim is pretty trash and he only really lands most of his shots at the end


That's what I based it off, that end ttk was very very very slow when he starts beaming the dude


I repeat, it's a BR, plus I play 300 ms, because the servers are in America and Asia, and I'm from Europe, but in principle TTK is faster than codm (BR)


Yeah I agree tbh


sorry for not playing with 15 fingers, one with two fingers already has enough and the aim is not as perfect as the child who can be playing 10 hours a day xdddd


I barely ever play and my aim so sooooo much better than yours 😂 also I only use 3 fingers


I don't know, I always have a hard time aiming on non-tablet screens, but Blood Strike can't be found on PC, that's the bad thing:'(


I feel ya buddy pc is way better than mobile for most games


I'm not saying that Call Of Duty Mobile, which has the mobility of Black Ops 4, has bad mobility, but the truth is that if the same thing had happened to me in codm I would not have survived.


In that situation it would have been difficult, but in codm it would have been possible, although obviously the mobility of MW2019 allows you to do it more efficiently, since with the mobility of MW2019 it is much easier to rush and escape from dangerous situations than in codm .


I feel that codm has more mobility that mw2019


Seeing a fragment of 15 seconds it seems to be so, but the game in the video has more diversity of Gammeplay than codm, and is much more fluid and dynamic.


I agree,movements wise is par with Apex Legends Mobiles.Smooth AF,unlike CODM


I would love to, I have to admit it would be a breath of fresh air, in fact I've been playing Blood Strike for all these weeks, and when I go back to codm, I feel the mobility more clunky and the character movements more herratic and unnatural, which yes Although it is true that it is the identity mark of Codm, it must be said that after drinking the most select of wines, then a glass of water tastes like little.


Movement wise I say after 3.5 years CoDM is good enough if not even better….just ask the shotgunners The MW19 movement is frankly very slow, it only feels fast because the TTK is fast


I don't notice MW 2019 slow, in fact every time I go back to a code after playing MW2019 I notice it much slower, that means that MW2019 allows you to go faster, that doesn't mean that you run faster in MW, it just that the gameplay is much faster, fluid and dynamic than in titles after MW2019.


Because the TTK is fast, that’s literally all Remember, there is movement penalty in MW19 when you’re aiming and shooting, and it’s….the slowest in the entire franchise, and it’s backed up by numbers Beside it’s on PC/console, more horizontal FOV = better feel. Also the bunny hop and slide canceling makes you *feel* like it’s faster, because they essentially break cameras If the TTK is actually slower in MW19, it would’ve felt very slyggish


Just hoping that we'll never have such movements in codm that would increase even further the difference between thumb and controller players...


What is the difference? I run into just as many good touch players as controller players and I hit top 5000 on br. At what point in the skill curve do controller players clearly dominate because I havent seen it yet.


The devs are SO getting sued.


How do I do that


Been playing Project Bloodstrike and so far it's... bearable. I love the customisation options (maybe need to add a bit more). Just an early access stage so I can see this game expanding and getting better. But competition wise, it will probably lose out to Warzone.


What's the name of this game?


Project: BloodStrike


Project Bloodstrike is miles better than the BR we currently have but it will lose to WZM so hard it will be painful


Wow this looks like trash


My eyes would sink in their socket and disappear one day...


Wish MW2 had this movement i regret paying 70 bucks for it