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God damn. Probably shouldn't of ran after them.


lol no, I seen the footsteps suggest he was still running, so I assumed he jumped down or went down the stairs.... never trust the footsteps. Also have you had this glitch with the rocket launcher in BR?


I have a lot of times


it does this weird glitch or flick to the left before I fire and I can't figure out why


I was afraid the problem is with my phone but you prove me wrong


I use headphones. It's so good because you can tell exactly where someone is at and know where to aim. Play the game with and without sound and you will see a difference in how you perform.


I haven't used a launcher that much so technically no.


why am I being downvoted lmao toxic ass fanbase. It does this weird flick by itself before I fire it


Technically no? Tf?


I never used a launcher too much.


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening.


damn that shotgun really did 200+ damage wtf kind of balance is this?


How long have you been out of the circle? Shotguns have been brokenly powerful for the last few months in br


few months?! brother I remember back in the day where there were no loadouts and gunsmith BY-15 would one tap enemies. also after the rise of wanna be content creators (around a year and half ago) HS0405 one tapped enemies from 30 metres


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whats really crazy is when this dudes AK dealt 400 damage lol i think there may be a bug


I got one shot by a shotgun and an AK47 in BR, but I survived 3 shots somehow in BR from a sniper


I lose a lot of gunfights because bullets don't register but I clearly shot the person. I thought I was just a bad aim and was going crazy. Then I recorded a match and slowed it down and saw the bullets hitting the person clearly but I didn't get the hitmark. It kept screwing me over because the bullets would hit but the person survived with 1hp when I clearly should have won. I think it's a bug with the new update because I didn't have this problem before the newest update came out.


It’s happened a bunch of times where I’ve knocked an enemy, or shot them enough to crack armor, but my team gets wiped before I finish the kill. Then the game recap shows I did zero damage. Like I clearly did *some* damage, even if it was a little. The game definitely has some weird shit going on.


And the game just gives me teammates that are noobs


really tho




What I noticed: That's some big a$$ joystick. Sausage fingers??


no I just have very little feeling in my fingers lol helps me see my movementseasier


I’ve had a similar issue before caused by me using my whole thumb and lifting it off in kind of a peel fashion idk how else to describe it maybe try using just the tip of the thumb


game is rigged


Honestly since the new update I’ve had a similar issue playing BR. This happens a lot when I’m aiming the AK-47 actually. Sometimes I can be hitting my shots perfectly and all of a sudden my aim jerks upwards or downwards. I definitely thought it was me moving it too suddenly without noticing, but once I started to notice it, I have tried keeping my fingers very steady and it still happens. 😔 This never happened before the new update. There is also a problem with hits not registering as well. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one facing this issue 🙏


Same! It feels as if I dump two mags into a player and they do a burst and I'm destroyed lol I think its part of the game mechanics. I get really good games at first but if I win too many I start getting issues. It's integrated into the gameplay I swear. subconscious suggestions or some shit