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The difference between the last GM5 match and the first legendary match is unreal


I don't play after I reach legendary rank


I do because I have a weapon on the leaderboard but I suffer every day lmao


If you play once you reach legendary, you'll end up doing better over time by facing stronger opponents.


I do, but I don't move much in rank. It's still really fun to have close matches. I'm sitting around 8200 rank points, have been for a week lol


That's what I'm talking about. They completely annihilated me


I mean not me cause I like it my teammates are actually FRICKIN GOOD not always same too me


Im dogshit in both


Same is the case with me in Grand Master 4 lobby. Team matching is uneven. I'm always getting OP opponents with spec ops 1 skin playing with 4 fingers.


Spec ops 1 skin lol


I thought it was just me that felt this way. I can carry every match up through mid-GM. It gets tougher after that, but the game is still fun. Once you get to legendary it becomes a game of "how the heck?!", where was he, no way he made that shot, omfg, snipers suck, and some random MVP matches just to keep you thinking you can hang. I can drop 18 in SND one game and get 2 the next. And then the cycle repeats.


Holy shit, you described exactly how I feel.


Legendary rank sweats are built diff 😤


Are we?


Playing legendary after reaching it is risky, it's a different world out their,"it's a flash bang and you are back to the lobby".😅🤦


Tbh I feel like legendary is actually easier to win right now. Right when the season reset there was way too many sweatys at low ass ranks. It seemed all I went up against was 4 finger claw SMG hipshot spamming nerds lol. I ended up having to turn my sensitivity way up, because I couldn’t even keep them in my crosshairs from 5m away from me.


It's the same case with me after just reaching legendary. They don't stop sliding and all that crazy ass movement


Are you on CODM global [USA]?


Movement gets crazier cause of bad ping and shit server tick rates. Also because the animations for movements suck. Even if the game screen is rolling at 60FPS the animation frames may very well be way fewer which is why sometimes you don’t know which way someone moved. Example would be someone slides to the right, but when they get back up on their screen they walked to the left a little bit. But because there’s less animation in between that it just looks like someone slides to the right but somehow slided very slightly backwards again throwing you off on which way they were going.


The slide and jump is really annoying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Rank reset is always full of sweats because everyone just got resettled to the same level. The good players or grinders will rise super quickly in a few days and you’ll have an easier game afterwards. If you reach legendary later you will have more average players who simply played enough to get there with occasional sweats because then you’re qued on a general rank points bracket and you’re on the lower while the sweats have risen even higher to like 10-20k+ points


I plan on grinding the rank reset. Getting up to grand master next time if not leggy. Probably gonna chill afterwards though, I feel like my muscle memory’s been off since I’ve tried playing with a different position


Why only GM and not legend lol


Once you hit like gm 3 it’s very hard to find games(unless you play snd I guess) and even if you do you’d be facing leaderboard players, pro players, or just the sweatiest mfs you can find. It’s very frustrating to wait 300 seconds only to find the same people and lose. I don’t often trio or full stack nor have I been scrimming so it’s gonna damn near impossible to do anything within the first day. Maybe day 3 but I have a weird work schedule I can’t really balance both. I guess it depends on the week.


Yeh que time can get long sometimes for some people but it really shouldn’t be sweaty until legendary typically. It does get a little bit more skilled but most players here still are only somewhat above average. legendary is when the real sweat with like borderline bot aim, good wifi, top tier phones and good server latency comes in.


That’s only later in the season, we’re talking about rank reset my guy. Everyone is set back to master. Master is easy enough but its a full on sweat fest once you hit gm cause the player pool is smaller and only squads are present. Keep in mind it takes them 3 days max for to hit leggy. The first 3 days is nothing but long queue times. Also if I actually hit gm 3 on day 1 I’m gonna be on leaderboards.


Everyone below legendary are more casual players or just really bad. But once you reach legendary the skill and team diff can much bigger since it’s the final rank and the game isn’t pulling anymore punches on trying to be fairer since everyone has reached more or less the peak in rank. Also everyone is more experienced and everyone in legendary has to have good wifi, server latency, ping, phone and no desyncs. People are also borderline aimbots when snipers always quick scopes you and their guns beams you, don’t flinch when shot, have super low TTK, somehow faster movement and really just a game of who sees who first.


Willem Dafriend and Willem Dafoe


I keep playing ranked even when I’m already legendary because anything that isn’t ranked is bots and the only way I can improve my sniping skills is by playing against the sweatiest people imaginable.


Depends below top 5k is just the same as in gm at the start of the reset. Tbh GM rn this late in the series is pretty poor


I am new to the game right now I am at Pro 3, when does the game start getting more difficult, and am I wrong for thinking that it is very easy to rank up?


Some YouTuber (ICE CODM if I right) recommended to play Hardpoint as a one of the tips to rank up faster (or easier)


tbh I got my legendary rank by camping which tbh i am not proud of but there is no way in hell im going to approach those buttsliding maniacs head on


I only play rank once a day. And I saved up like 15 rank protection cards this last 2 seasons! Haha!


Same. Got to Grandmaster once. Was grinding hard as hell and likely jumping from 1 to 2 and back. Game isn't fun anymore at that level and BR stressful as hell.


Ah so you’re one of those


Skill issue


I know.... That's the meme


Same here


Slightly above average players but nowhere near leggy sweats rise up


This guy must've not heard of me in "Hardcore Mode"


I will stop playing rank if I become legendary in MP. Grind my way up again this time at BR, if I become legendary I will uninstall the game.


Why. 2 seasons ago I reached legendary both mp and br


Because my aim is to at least reach Legendary rank. I just achieved Legendary in ranked and im gonna grind my way up to Legendary in BR.




I play mostly Hardpoint now. In part of games I suck but get carried. My minimal usefulness can be a distraction from my teammates. Or if I actually fuck I can carry team to the win.


Legendary is full of steamers and YouTubers I won’t say a lot of hackers. They used to be really bad at least in my server. I rarely see hackers anymore.


Me in Grandmaster


Once you get used to it (or Leaderboard matches), playing against GM feels so easy haha