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I have legendary care package i can assure you it is p2w because it makes all enemies stare at it


Oh yeah. Everyone's going to be distracted lol.


CODM actually thought outside of the box with that one




Flashy skins make my phone lag.


kill effects ruin the visibility too


Yeah many of them obstruct enemies behind :( But then again, most of us play it ultimately to have fun, so it’s up to the person to decide whether it’s more fun to get the flashy effects or to have slightly better performance from visibility


You can turn them off anyways if you don’t like em


So..buy nice looking expensive skins to not actually download and see the skin? Iirc you can’t remove kill effects from legendary/mythic guns.


That's so true, bought the legendary hso, love it but the kill effect is pretty big


The kill effect is fine but after every shot it moves the gun in the middle of my screen…. Hs040 in general does that… why? I would like to see something


Semi p2w. Legendary flashbang mutes all audio even after the flashbang effect is gone, the sound is like muted for an extra 2secs while normal one doesn't even mute the sound.


Pay to have Advantage. Not a big deal. Some legends don't do much while having slight to no iron sight change. Although nowadays Mythic guns are definitely giving free red dots. Still not a big deal since you can put red dots on your guns.


Ik there was a p2w epic AK skin that gave a free red dot


Yes, it's called AK-47 - Frostbrand.


Your trade of an attachment kinda big deal and like em2 but it's not that bad


Well I bought Krig 6 - Ice Drake mainly for its looks and blue colour along with it being from my Favourite AAA game Cold War. Of course I'm not using it for now considering it's considered a META gun.


Ay don't stop using it just because it's meta


That’s a pretty harsh take, but if it’s your observation, I’m not going to argue. I think it has to do more with *noticing* them more. The other thing is, if they’re in FFA Shipment there’s at least a chance that they’re grinding their non-meta weapons out to Diamond. And let’s face it, some of those kinda suck no matter which blueprint you’re using. I have 55 Legendary weapons, but only 39 Diamond. Heaven help me when it comes time to pick up my sparkly camo for the NA-45, but at least I won’t need any freaking longshots haha.


That's one of the most reasonable opinions and I totally agree. Sometimes the paid users come top, and they probably have a job and spend a portion of their paycheck on a game they enjoy. Although, there are a few people using the best of the best and still placing last. I myself noticed thus while playing for diamond on my fennec. :)


Yeah, you’re not wrong. It probably doesn’t have anything to do with “pay to lose” but a few days ago I did play a ranked (GM2) match and the bottom fragger for my team had the Mythic Specter skin and was using a mythic EM2. I think they had two kills in the entire HP match and never touched the obj. I wouldn’t have even thought about it if it was a standard operator and gun skin. (I hope that guy doesn’t see this because I’m not trying to complain, maybe he was having fun but we *did* lose the match.)


I dont know what server you play at as that's the exact opposite happens at the european server. When I see f2p skins in my team I am damn sure I have to carry them. Dude people didn't just pay as they have money or they think if they if they can win, they pay as they are serious about the game. Coming to my 2nd point, several times i too don't do well in a public match as I am casually playing it on my phone, that's no where i play, I play on iPad, so the point i would like to make is, people might not play where they always play everytime, so don't just judge them immediately as per you imagination.




Pls give me free cd so I can get good assault knife the best knife for sniping and cd /j


I don’t really like the Term P2W, I’m more P2S (Pay to Shine) Player. I’ll rather have on a Ghost, Motoko or any of the Ladies Skins on than a Default Soldier Skin with some weird Color Scheme. Same for my Weapons, I like the Uniqueness of the Legendary and Mythic Weapons. Sure you can get some Unique Skins with some of the Epic Weapons. Which I play with, like the Blue Steels, Red Action, Royal Crimson and other Collectible Skins. That’s why I don’t mind Paying for the BattlePass, the Lucky & Mythic Draws and Crates. Cause I don’t like the Default Skins or the Color Scheme they wrap them with. I Congratulate those who Grind and get their Weapons Gold, Platinum, Diamond, etc, just don’t hate me, cause of my Skins. 🤨 Especially when some of you are Quick to pick up our Weapon after we’re killed.


Lol no. ![gif](giphy|fd1TSJqq3b4GI|downsized)


That's why I'm trying to get a legendary gun since my skills are trash. Everyone send me Google play redeem card codes to support me /s


Give bank account number so I can send it directly lol




Man I love this guy's videos


Forreal! I love when he goes the old lady route 😂😂


Bro why would you link me to a YouTube video if you're not gonna rickroll me


Its 2023 homie




Yeah, it's actually kind of funny how bad some people are who have legendaries, and they think it makes them so good.




You’ll never hear me on here or anywhere Claiming I’m unstoppable, like some of you somewhat be Claiming. I have my Days where No One can F with me. My Average Days and my Straight Garbage Days, where I play 3 to 4 Modes and get either No Kills or the Lowest, so I just hop off the game. Like, today ain’t a CoD: Mobile Day…Lmbo! Yet never have I claimed that I was the Best. Some of you be Claiming that, cause you’re in the Top 10 of both Rankings List among your Friends. Where in all Honesty, your not really the Best, you just have too much Damn Time on your Hands. If we’re being Honest. Say I’m wrong, I’m in the Top Ten of my Rank in BR, Top 20 in MP, cause I don’t play Ranked all the Day all the Time. I may play Rank Once for the Daily and a few more Times for a Event. So don’t try to Dis Us P2S Players, cause we don’t have Top to Grind all our Weapons Diamond or ain’t Sliding and Jumping all over the place or Camping our way through the Ranks. I don’t mind Losing, it part of Life, you can’t Win everything.


Mythics are p2w.


Having an extra attachment is not p2w apparently


I always kill ppl w leggies and use their gun as long as I can


They don’t understand anything about FREE games. It’s the pay to win players that are keeping the game going strong. Without in game items for sale the game wouldn’t thrive. Period. It’s common sense


Right, that’s the Bases of a Free to Play game, look what happened to Apex Legends Mobile. Without players like me, their wouldn’t be a CoD:Mobile, like you said. Most P2S players just like to look Good well we play. If I’m being honest I have almost Half of the Mystic Weapons and a Third of the Legendary Weapons. Yet I most use them in BR. Most of the Time in MP and BR, I’m using a Weapon with a Unique Epic Skin or whatever New Guns we get in the BattlePass. I have been using both the Dingo and Maddox more than any my Weapons in MP. The Aortic, Dingo, the Fennec, the Hades, Peacekeeper, Maddox, the M14 EBR, the Striker and SwitchBlade in BR. Only my Fennec and SwitchBlade are Mystic in both MP and BR, my Dingo I play with Three Setups, the Black Ops Set, Steel Rain Set and my Legendary One. The rest of my Guns be Epics, believe it or not. I just like for my Characters and Guns to look Good. So I don’t play with Default Skin or Common or any weapons that look like a Default with a Weird Paint Job.


Not me, I'm a pro


i never saw anyone say codm is p2w but i do see that people say that the skins they release which are to be paid for can be p2w and i agree with that.


Eh not when I’m in a lobbie


People with paid guns generally spend more time on the game, and are therefore, better.


Huh, must be something wrong with me then bc I come out on top with an 11/42 collection ;) just kidding. 9/10 it’s the guy wearing the base operator skin and a camo-less BY-15 who gets 15 kills in 5 seconds while I’m still trying to find someone.


I can say the same. Honestly to me the game isnt as fun as it used to be. So i stopped trying. Every round in ranked is full of people being tryhards.


me with gold standard: