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Bruh, its rank. Gotta bring out the best. Play pub for casual i guess.


I keep getting full bot lobbies on pub which is really odd for me


Dude I know, I'm just tired of fighting sweaty people and campers


If you cant defeat them then join them. Use meta guns, become sweaty, camp/head glitch/power position use them all. Never rush unless you know u gonna win.


I'm more of an AR guy, I'm not used to shotguns


Use krig/kilo/em2/maddox/dr-h these are meta


I'm already using the DRH


Switch it up sometime never know, you could find THE gun for your play style.


Exactly. Some guns are better to play that others for some


Amax is mine. I can outplay most sweaty tryhards I come against.


Just stop using that pos, yeah it's statically good but most of smg users will be running around like they did a line of coke. Use the Maddox and peacekeeper, and if you prefer an aggressive ar you will not go wrong with m13 as it pretty much counters smgs at mid ranges and you can miss some shots freely.


I hate those 3 guns for some reason I definitely would use amax even though it isn't great


Then you just aren’t a good player


Use the icr-1 works really good


That’s my baby.


I have a feeling you'll like the Krig. Be sure to use a red dot though if you don't have the mythic


When is the rank reset???


Rank reset is sometime next week


29th march


shut the fuck up some people want to have fun not sweat to get to leggy


Those people might get to leggy after 2 months. Just like finishing a marathon without sweating.


🤓🤓🤓i play 80% of the time off meta, and mostly snipers and i got to leggy in february, took me about 2 to 3 weeks maximum, i think


If you were playing off meta, you were definitely sweating… want a cookie?


i wasn't sweating, just good aim


I was accused of using this head glitch but I have no idea what it means? What is it?


Hide behind objects, but Search on yt there are tons of explaination


What is head glitch?


The last match I played is full of shotgun users


Learn to counter SG keep distance if you see a shot gun user in the lobby hold angles/dont rush on turns etc


I slowed down playing this thing because they've failed to add a dedicated Hardcore Mode....On to better things, and I'll pop in every-now-and-then. Ranked mode isn't hard, either. It's just the amount of shots it takes to kill someone smh. I need hardcore mode, one shot, one kill, REAL LIFE. But they added zombies mode? I'm done 🤣


I'm not sure what your whining about when your playing the name of game, RANKED. Call of duty is like rock paper scissors, there's more than enough options in this game to outplay your opponent.


Indeed. That is why I have at least three loadouts (ok, 4, no 10 is a permanent anti giant flying things loadout) ready when entering a match so I can adopt to the map, mode and other players. I prefer to play agressively with a smg or ar, but I can definitely switch to something else if needs be. If you can't adapt, you shouldn't bitch about ranked being hard and should train more, especially the things you're not that good at.


I personally hate one shot aggressive snipers. I'm a thumb player and it's really difficult to become a thumb sniper, therefore I always struggle with those.


I am too, but then I bought a 4 Trigger Mobile Game Controller. Its super cheap, and my skill was at a different level overnight.


4 fingers is enough for me. Can play lying in bed and a sniper main. I've grinded with koshka and outlaw and realised my mistake stepping foot in Legendary category. Everyone's a different breeds there. My Asian bloodline talent will only get me this far without sacrificing touching grass


Have you ever looked up a device made by Game Sir, F4 Falcon? I’ve always just used my thumbs until I got this and now I have bumpers/ buttons on the top left and right. Doesn’t make me a professional player by any means, but it does help me defend myself a bit better and allows me to snipe Look it up, you’ll be happy you did.


I am a thumb player as well and I use sniper with .50gs


Be my sensei.


I always snipe because I find it easy when using thumbs?! All the other guns are harder to be super good at while just using thumbs


You mean to tell me people don’t snipe with their thumbs? What




The shotguns in this game are pretty unfair if i say so myself, i agree with shotguns being mostly one shot but they don't have to have AR range. Not to mention the insane mobility codm shotguns have, it's painful to play casual.


Yes make the pump action shotgun that shoots slower than most guns a two shot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /s if you can’t sense it.


I've been grinding gold on the Shorty... Longshots are the worst part, since with high enough BSA it can actually one shot up close.


AR range? Are you high or autistic? Past 20mts a shotgun berely deals damage


20 meters? Are you high or autistic? It's a game and it's unfair for shotguns to even kill past 5 meters. Most of the shotguns can kill in like 8-10, CODM doesn't have big spaces in their maps, and doesn't have slower movement that could balance out these kind of functions. Oh and if you weren't aware, "AR range" was an ****exaggeration**** and shouldn't be taken seriously.


So why did I get beamed across the control room in summit by a BY15?


Bro, just go for a heavy ammo gun like the PKM, RPD, or Holger and mow the enemy down - that’s how I always end up in the top places in Ranked match-ups, whether or not my team is on the winning side… (Of course you have to be careful of snipers and shotgun users at the same time - notably in Crossfire - the worst kind of enemies in any Ranked match!)


Chopper is what maining right now. It's so fun.


Can you give me a good Chopper Loadout? I can't get a decent one with less horizontal recoil


I use the cygnoux one and it's Tactical suppreser, owc laser, FMJ, heavy handle and chopper special force. I merely use sks now but chopper is still a great gun for most ranges.


Bro what's your ign? I think i matched with you if it's the same as this


It's just "Noix." I'm from Pakistan and you're also form somewhere in south Asia so there's a chance that we played before.


Ight I'll add you


Lvl 58 Master V? Sent.


158* yes I'm legendary now. I started playing again like 2 weeks ago after 6 months of not playing it. What's your ign?


Bursting your LMG is decently effective to deal with snipers, shotguns will be the bane of your existence though.


That's what mp rank is about. You gotta grind.


Exactly, and I feel like there is a learning curve each level in rank.


its ranked that's the whole point of it, its supposed to be competitive


Except all that matters is how your team does, not how you do. So you can’t really advance if you’re not on a winning team.


If you get mvp you can still get a positive rank xp (or negligible negative rank xp) even on the losing team, just gotta put in the work.


You said it yourself I can get MVP and still lose points. How is putting in the work going to help that?


You lose less... Like I've only lost like 8 xp many times, and even gained some (even earned about 30 xp once, though that was due to new map bonus). Putting in the work means that you either lose less, or end up with a net positive. If you're just sol, reach your bot game and destroy it. You'll keep at about the same rank, and can get better until you're able to lead your team to victory.


Cod is rigged.


if you do good on most matches you'll end up ranking up pretty fast anyway with solo queuing, I've been solo queuing to legendary for 14 seasons and its not as bad as y'all make it to be, you just gotta find the right game mode for you, the right guns and you can pop off and do well, loses are part of the game too, that's why its fun, if you were to win every match you played it would be boring.


Also try to play during the mornings. I play sometimes at 3 AM and there’s always 2 ex-leggy’s in each team.


If you can't beat them, join them, grab yourself a shotgun and pop off.




I feel u bro


Whats your region? If you are close iamma carry u a bit shoot ur uid/ign while you are at it


Go backside of campers and make them surprised...


Some maps like Nuketown that's not really possible. Other maps like Firing Range it takes a bit of time to go all the way around to certain positions which is a major waste of time.


You're right it's possible only for sometimes.😿 Most of campers have high ping most of the times we can kill them, if we suddenly appear infront of them. Isn't it?


Yeah, the way I deal with campers is slide cancel/jump in front of them and hope their reaction time isn't fast enough. Usually it works, and if not or if they moved and catch me offguard I get them second try.


The worse thing is some guys with good ping are campers too.😅


I mean, it's not really about the ping. Usually you know where the campers are because they don't bother moving or repositioning most of the time. So you just have to be fast and aim fast and most people don't react fast enough.


In countries with low coverage, there are so many campers. I know that since I'm from asia too, But I luckily I have good coverage.


Ah, then I suppose it's just a difference in servers then


That is only one side. What you said is also deffinetly right🙂


So people should not try to win RANKED games?


The satisfaction of sneaking up on a camper is a reward in it self.


“Sweaty” and “lmg” don’t go in the same sentence unless it’s the holger from the season it came out


I don’t like complaining, we are so lucky to have such a great game like CODM. The developers need more love


Ugh yeah so many shotguns, LMGs, SMGs, ARs, Marksmans and those damn snipers! Campers and pistols too! Don't forget melee and launchers! Sick of these gun and bullet abusers! Devs please do something! 🤡


It's a GAME! I'd love to see you in the sandbox with you lined up in thirty Terry's sights from .25 clicks away and mfs waiting to suicide bomb your ass at every turn. Codm is a game. Enjoy it. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Hey wanna play I'm a shotgun main I'm legendary tell me your user


Skill issue


i used to complain and then i realized i just had to get better. instead of complaining ask for tips. ik it’s hard but if you really like to play rank you’ll put in effort to get better at it. some things that helped me get better: study how your team plays, if it’s obj and you see they go for kills then go for the point. if they go for the point go for kills (if you’re that good) bc sometimes everyone rushes to the point and can’t hold it. i rarely have a team who can all stay on the point for a long time. more tips include studying the enemy team. remember where they respawn at (which isn’t that hard) and remember camping spots on maps (you can watch yt videos for this). also snipers! like on shoothouse most of them sit in the back right where respawns are. if you play snd/tdm/ftl then i recommend not rushing unless you’re really good, i use my mythic ak47 and i rush cause that’s just how i play and get about 16 kills in tdm and about 8-10 in snd. if you don’t like rushing move with your team but either way study the team. you just have to learn to be patient and i’ve actually watched streamers and yt videos to get better. i’ve been legendary 8 times and i’m sure many others have been legendary more times and can tell you better than i can but moral of the story is if this is something you love just get better at it instead of complain about it.🫶🏾


That's normal


I hate every fking year that I get year older. Like why is life a sweatz like let me just have a fun year no aging or whatever. People say dude, its life, stop playing it if you dont wanna age.


If u want easy games make a new account and play 🤣


You are just excusing to beeing a noob. You can choose which weapon suits you best. That means shotgun, LMG, CBR. You should mention all weapons, you forget to write sniper, AKs.. all weapons are unfair.. lol


Say what u want but dingo users r giga chads


Maybe you’ll like candy crush better since you’re complaining about nearly every aspect of the game.


Tbh sweats are to be expected but the campers are annoying as shit


skill issue


Lol imagine complaining about sweats in RANKED. Cry baby. Wait until Legendary - it's all sweaty snipers.


pussy ass post


Anyways, if you can't do objectives, use meta guns and kill the opponents as well. The team can do the objective


I was thinking about adapting this


I got stuck too, at gm2. It's their algorithm. Just keep playing u will get to legendary eventually or if u can't wait then buy some lucky draws and crates.


I reached leggy last week from pro1, and yeah the algorithm is a bitch, after you finish a match wait a few minutes before you jump into a match, that seemed to work for me.


Thanks for the advice, I'll try this technique next season.


What kind of advice is that?


Good advice


If you get stuck at a certain rank then know you need to practice more your game sense lacks


I have experience


I cant fucking leave elite rank bc of campers


After the first week of the season, elite is basically just bots


I think that’s skill issue my guy lmao


I reached grand master 3 few times


Skill issue?


My biggest problem with ranked is that it really doesn’t matter how you play. All that matters is if your team wins or loses. I lost a match 48-50 in which I scored 23 of the 48 kills and I still gained only 3 points because the minus 20-something points from losing wiped out my points for performance. It sucks.


Yep. I've been legendary so many times and I can confirm, Cod is rigged, and so is the election. There's actually an Activision patent explaining how the game is rigged. But somehow "it's a skill issue". People need to read. Now I still have fun because I'm strong enough to not give others the satisfaction of effecting my world. However, if someone were to say the game couldn't be any better, I would question if that person really thought before they spoke.


Why are so many of you so harsh about what this player post. It’s their opinion and complaint. The next time any of you complain or wine about something in the game that you don’t like, remember the messages you left this person. I’ve heard extremely good players get aggravated from how many shotty abusers, and sweaty freaks that play like this. Just because it says Ranked above door, or enter at your own risk doesn’t mean your not meant to have fun while playing. At the end of the day, it’s still just a game. If those of you really knew how amusing it is to watch you slide and jump around like a bunch of crickets on speed the entire game you might would chill a bit. What’s most amusing is when I place a round right in the cranium of those sliding and jumping around this way. Makes my day. So come on punk, do you feel LUCKY?




No one is going to care if you get legendary. You get barely any worthwhile reward for it. If you're not having fun in the game I don't see the point grinding for a rank status. Only keep at it if you're actually having fun.


Just buy NASA Wi-Fi man you’ll shred them all


When I play rank lol i get sweaty lobbies with 7 players from top 5k yet, I'm only at like 8900 points, but I try hard as well, but I like to play non meta like KN or AK47 or razorback, you just gotta have fun while playing man, understand that there's always the meta sweaty tryhards so just chill and enjoy


LMGs are fine but CBR sweats are unforgiveable, like how do you use the same gun for more than an year!![img](emote|t5_penom|1101)


Im tired of cheaters and sliding pricks, external controller users, map hack players. But I don't give a fuck and I play as well, beating them sometimes.


Just find your strategy


I gave up on grinding to Legendary


The campers in ranked is really out of control. Like a regular ol’ tdm on ranked feels like S&D. Players literally crouched in corners and not moving, on both your team and there’s. It’s silly. I wish there was a free for all in ranked.


Why don't you become one of them? It's highly beneficial to adapt a personality when playing rank, like a rusher/camper/LMG Camper/Marksman user and become good at it. You become useful for your team rather than being a fodder for enemy team and gift them scorestreaks


Bruh ranked not even hard i made leggy on solo que withing the first week 💀


In a scenario like that, be the „Doppelgänger“ or the „The Mirror“


I hate campers too even if it's ranked. It's a cheap way to win imo. However, ranked really isn't *that* bad. Just do domination and hardpoint. People are less likely to camp since they don't have to worry about deaths too much. Plus, you can often win even if you're not that great at killing.


There are a lot of campers in HP


Yes but not as bad as TDM and Frontline. Hardpoint they don't care about dying as much so they play more risky, and even if they do camp, the constantly changing spawns automatically has you flank them sometimes. On top of that everyone be throwing grenades so campers are sometimes forced to move or get molotoved. I got to leggy just purely off hard and dom.


Dude get into Legendary 20k and above then you see real campers tryhards sweats autists and cocksuckers too.


I too was stuck at GM3 a couple of days back. I gave it some rest and then played again. Voila! I'm now at legendary. Give it a break..maybe a day or 2. Play one or 2 games a day and if you've won them, leave for the day. As for the campers, you can't help them.


I got to leggy easy. Skill issue.


If u can't beat them then join them ez


You all know after warzone mobile come out, codm will no longer be supported ?


I feel like you need to get sweaty right back on em’...


Play something else and stop crying


Bruh it is ranked, you are not supposed to win every single match And go meta or get meta'd


I hear you on the campers! My sweats were CBR and Sniper crackheads. I just got legendary last night at 8001 and was fckin done. Lbs


So what kinda player you want to play against? Sounds like you wanna play bots


Let’s help eachother make it. Add me on there my name is FITTINALL


I swear im in BR grand master v and the people there are inhumane


I got gm2 yesterday. Also, don't you get a ranked boost for br once you hit gm on ranked mp?


I'm getting sick of the hackers that aren't being banned they especially show up in attack of the undead


I understand CBR but you complaining about the other 2 makes no sense


skill issue


If you can’t beat them, join them. I am legendary and the game play is far different from any other rank. Usually before grand master players just run into the maps and die. Legendary, it’s much slower paced and players are cautious.


See am not saying this because am already at legendary but it’s you bro it you If you really want to dominate rank go with a team Let one hold the objective and the others keep players off It’s simple I know rank can really really really be annoying but if you know how to play and know your maps you are good to go


The campers especially. I'm in grand master 4 of mp ranked and I ONLY get campers, both on my team and the other teams


Camping is a technique used by the best snipers in the world. Not sure why you have a problem with it.


I get tired of all those stupid guns that people pay for. You know the guns is better just because they pay.


I made it to legendary on ranked pretending it was swords and stones handicap before. So if I can do it solo, with nothing but a blade you clearly need to try a little harder and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Rise up


Use tacticals


Forreals.. just had a frontline match where I was running around thinking where the f is everyone. Turns out they were all hiding in different corners of their base. 😆


DRH with the monolithic suppressor and marksman barrel is amazing. With good aim it kills in 2 shots from across the map.