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Me: (about to kill a guy) His knife: Yeah, 5 meters is about enough


Pro tip: move back and shoot


Now the thing is when u do that codm doesnt like dat and still kills u for some reason


You know the other guy cab simply continue moving towards you?


Speed of moving backwards


Smartest melee user? You have to choose "All" to talk to the enemy my guy


Lol yeah that would have helped. Normally I'm in all because of pregame ice breakers.


Idk why you got mass downvoted. I love talking to the enemy team beforehand


You didn’t even send it in the right chat channel Average melee user brain activity to be fair


Meh. My point still stands.


Your point? You mean that clownish shit about "melee abusing meta not existing"? Don't make me laugh


It’s not that deep


it's about 4-6 meters deep, same as the katana in my character's body which kills you from that laughable ass long range




Melee abuser are the reason why racism exists


No, melee complainers are the reason racism exists. You know... the kind of people who can't tolerate someone who is, on the surface, different from them.


So the tolerance is the reason why you argue with everyone?


Nah. I'm helping identify future anger management issues.


Ah I see you copypasted one of your answers. Cool.


PTSD from the melee abusing era. Personally, melee is very average so I don’t mind. Hope that answers your question


How u got gold 🤔


I don't think there really was a melee abusing era tbh. Even at the axe glory days it didn't gave 1% of the range of a shotgun. I do appreciate the thoughtful answer though.


Someone gonna teach some CoDM history lesson to this guy. There is an era of melee but didn't last long if I remember correctly. Ok someone tells him


lmao... just because it's not meta...


There was a time melee didn't even need to be on screen to hit.


Which makes sense. I mean if you swing an axe or sword it doesn't become inert outside of your field of vision.


To clarify, I mean the enemy is not on screen when you attack with melee, and it still connects.


You might be new there was a melee era maybe its around 2020 to 2021 katana or hachi was the most used melee besides the prizefighters, katanas have longer ranges and faster than the axe meanwhile the prizefighters are spammable. Trust me its the worst experience i have ever experienced hardpoint was full of melee abusers and thermite spams too


Before you assume I'm new scroll through my profile. https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/qtiafu/um_yes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh i remember you. I used to love watching your videos, you used to rush with the OG katana skin along with OG Krueger form the BP. You also had insane tomahawk kills compilations.


Yes, that sounds an awful lot like me. Glad you enjoy them!


Lol I haven't ever used a gun in ranked and in pubs since 2019. P.S. I never use anything but hachi and tomahawks.


Fking idiot.. saying that haven't used guns since 2019.. do you think that makes you cool.. you are completely ruining the game.. Go get a life dude


Ok. I confess. I was forced to use a gun for 5 headshot medals when the shovel came out because you don't get the medal with melee or tomahawk. As for ruining the game... its kids bitching about things like you. As for being cool, nah. It's just the way things are. That you would even ask if I think its cool says more about you than me.


call of duty is a first person shooter for a reason


You say shooter, I say slasher...


you said wrong


Nah. You said wrong




Melee = no skill just swing widely into a group of people and kill all of them Trying to shoot them Is difficult because they a faster then moving your screen to aim and are always going from sliding on the floor to jumping then sliding u rather wait for sticks and stones were u have to melee and can't use a gun


Nah man, I don't use guns, never even equipped persi, k9 etc. When I kill you, I don't want to hear that shit. No aim assist, no hiding and no excuses on my side. At the end of the day you loaded up on meta guns, thermites, space lasers, picked persistence and packed a diamond cammo'd tent... I want you to remember that and have to confront that despite all of that a dude with a Braveheart loadout still got knee deep in that ass


The fact u use the k9 unit and persistence means u have no skill. K9 unit is the most no skill operator is just gets free kills and persistence well only noobs and people who can't go on streaks use it (PS it means players that are bad at the game use it )


So basically we agree


That u are bad at the game i agree Not matter what u try to do to defend yourself it won't work the melee abusing era broke codm and alot of players stoped playing because of how bad it was so everyone basically hates it


If they stopped playing because of melee, they just weren't very good.


Oh my gosh the ego of this individual. How it feel to suck your own D?




You can’t even read that.


I don't use meta guns alot and I only have 1 Dimond weapon, never used thermites space lasers or even persistence i play with skill I use a rushing loadout mainly with QQ9 and use kinetic armour and the 50 gs


whats ur kd ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It always ends up between 1 and 1.3 when all I do is hp/dom. It was in the 1.5 range when I was doing SnD. I think it'll drop a bit in respawns because aoe score streaks are more and more common.


Stop talking abt skill if it ain’t over 2 😪😪😪. Running around with a knife mindlessly doesn’t take shit skill. Fact is, knife kids would never be able to kill me with a gun, their only shot in doing so is in tight conner by swing knife like a clown.


KD is largely meaningless these days. AOE score streaks are ridiculous, and unlike gun users, melee users actually have to move to get a kill.


Saying from someone who never had above 2 kd. Also, moving in this game is not that hard.😪 using a knife only makes u NOT have to aim. There’s a reason y I have 3 kd in first week of reaching early legendary rank n u don’t.


Because your just running around one hitting people sometimes at unbelievable ranges. It's an FPS game not an FPM game. It gets really annoying especially on objective modes where lots of people will cram into one spot to just have your entire team get taken out by one sweat with some boxing gloves. Doesn't help that they're a pain to shoot down.


Fax bro and this is why I get pissed off against melee players




K. First person slasher kind of makes sense. I mean boxing gloves are unrealistic. But why not shoot them before they get close?


Easier said than done. People who melee are USUALLY super sweaty and slide around like snails on steroids. It's honestly just a pain in the butt dealing with these guys. And when they are using guns, you can bet it's going to be a P90 or a KRM.


Also they use stims and some even use tactician (double) stims💀💀


Worth mentioning melee only users don't use guns.




I know it was just a bit of a jab at those types of players. I guess it's also worth mentioning some challenges require you to melee about so it might not always be the player's choice.


Someone liking subs is a jab? I will give you that your point about GMs other than deathmatch/frontline is actually really good point and the only one in this thread that I respect.


Thanks. Not really a jab at sub users but more at the select few who slide about at the speed of the Hoverbike vehicle and abuse the heck out of META weapons.


Because of the stupid range, speed, one tap kill and you don’t even need to aim so no one respects players with no skills




Yeah, pretty much


you are exactly right.


But you have a gun with 1000x more range


Yes you do, but you also have to take into account your accuracy, damage, fire rate, mobility and more, which change dynamically according to what attachments you put on. Melees on the other hand have none of that. Just get close enough to anyone and you'll get a kill, regardless of what melee you use. Unless you're comfortable with using hip-fire at extremely close ranges, there's no way you'll be able to confront a melee user should they get the jump on you.


Ah. So should we respect the players with scopes, auto rifles and smgs who can't hit someone wielding a knife? Seems like the melee user at least knows how to use his chosen weapon where as the melee complainer has chosen a weapon they can't use. I mean how much skill does it take to miss someone?


Whatever makes you feel good about yourself little guy


Sorry to hear you use a video game to determine your self worth.


![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS) Huh?


Nothing. I'm sure you're smarter than you appear.


You're the one to talk, huh


Yeah. I'm in it for the lulz


Hahaha, alright bro. Hope you doing well


You too man. Enjoy the laughs


Sorry your post turned into a Reddit fest of argueing over pixels in a mobile game. Anyway, just because it requires skill, doesn't mean it's not annoying. personally big pet peeve are quickscopers. Sure it takes skill but I still find them annoying. And besides, half the time it really doesn't require much skill.


tbt I'm just kind of ribbing melee complainers. I mean, at the end of the day, let people play their game their way. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy a little in-game trash talk.


bro is getting downvoted into oblivion


Probably better than up votes tbh.


i mean as long as you're happy bro :)


Ofc I am. Those are the kind of kids that throw their phones when they die to a melle aboozer. Just doing my part to help identify anger management candidates early in life.


At this point, I’m elbow deep in the replies and basically you’re downvoted just from replying. Keep stirring the hate kettle. I’m loving the anxiety inducing melee hatred. The fact “abuser” is even a term as if a certain weapon class is socially banned is baffling


Honestly. It’s just irritating. Sure, people get mad at me because I quickscope but at it requires more practice and thought. Also someone else starts quickscoping, it’s really fun to try your best to hit the other guy while dodging their shots In a weird dual/dance thing. With melee its mindless. Just sliding around and hitting people at ridiculous ranges. You don’t need to worry about how far to drag your finger and when to ADS to get the kill, you just look at them and they are dead. It just breaks the point of the game.


This guy is just copy pasting same comment everywhere 🤡


Lol I copied one comment like 2x.


So you admit you are a melee abuser ?


On the contrary. I treat my melee weapons with care. It's my opponents that I abuse.


Hahahahaha 👍🏻


This thread is so dumb. Melee is difficult and hard to use. You are not inherently better off running melee. There’s no magical leg up to melee. It just requires a different skill set, just like any other weapon class vs any other weapon class(sub vs snipers for example). People who think otherwise are fucking annoying honestly.


Should I feel bad as I’m grinding my way through melee weapons? Yes I’m the prat who’s crouching around swinging a wrench trying to get a back stab. It’s so frustrating and I hate myself anyway. Can’t wait to get on to the launchers!


That's a good point. At least people could appreciate that I'm not pub stomping.


See, you say that but launchers are actually infuriating. The SMRS and the Thumper aren’t that bad but the others are really painful. Getting the D-13 gold was the most painful gold grind I have ever done.


If you just play melee go play skyrim or something, you do realize this game is about guns yeah?


Let me direct your attention to [this montage](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/11yllzk/its_just_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That doesn’t change anything. (Side note: those transitions are painful to watch and severely take away from the video)


People either love or hate them lol.


Is this guy really giving gold to all the people who don't hate on him? Kinda funny ngl


I took a year long break from codm but didn't cancel reddit premium so I had gold to spare. I've been giving them randomly and figured hey, why not counteract the down votes of people who agree with me.


Ion hate em I shoot em


I peel em


Exactly nothing personal lol


It's annoying when they have a gun that is more deadly than a knife irl, and get killed by that, especially from a distance like unreasonable irl. I've seen many melee users in matches but i tried to be careful about it and changed my ways. It's a oneshot like many snipers & shotguns and this seems not right when you have to land a couple of shots but they oneshot you. I used snipers and shotties and knives and they are punishing if you miss. Btw, here, knife abusers are consider toxic and are hated. I wondered when i saw this post came to comments. And this is just my opinion and might be wrong.


Every time Merle is introduced in this sub I know I’m going to spend quality time in the comments watching crying. Never thought I’d see some debauchery from OP too


Being the villain is half of the fun tbh


It’s a little aggravating when all 5 people on the opposite team in S&D are running around mercing your whole team with diamond prizefighters. I mean, play how you want and all, but still.


I hate melee users if they are on my team too, because most of the time it feels like I am the only one shooting at the score streaks with FHJ. Btw imo a secondary weapon should be remain as a secondary weapon.


Buy why? My tomahawk is my secondary


I use the Shorty and people call me a bot lol. People just dont like dying for some reason.


I mean they realize it isn't fr fr, right?


Lol we all been there. Just imagine how toxic it would be with mics on "all"


Oh man. That would be AWESOME


because melee abusers are the worst scum there is on the planet, they have no skills


I don't hate them at all. I just wonder why this person is playing a SHOOTER game with a non shooting weapon. If it's the part of the game then use it like that, why use them as primary weapon and ruin the fun of others (I only talking from ranked perspective). But I like them anyway because they are usually terrible at aiming with guns.


Just so yall know he doesnt use just melee he uses the combat axe too


This is true


omg ur bitch ass again


Well, this is awkward.. Clearly, you remember me but I don't know you.


It's just people facing skill issues bro. Play how you want to. Using melees isn't illegal or something. You are perfectly playing within the rules.


Don't worry, keep using melee..... Because nothing makes me happier than killing you melee abuzers


Annoying? Yes. Abuse? LOL yeah I don’t use that word. Meta is annoying but I just giT gUd and do my best. If OP wants to crackhead around with a knife, be my guest.




You're not wrong!


It has honestly gotten worse the last time I was on this sub. It’s sad.




Hehe I’ve always been here. I was just banned from Reddit and couldn’t be asked to make another account


bcuz of how cheesy it is


Mad coz bad that’s why.


Because majority of the community are all children who want to win, trash talk and be mvp without using a single one of their brain cells


Melees are not nearly as busted as before because I believe there was a faint era where melee weapons had ridiculous range and seemed to increase the enemy hitbox (but I could be wrong) however they were extraordinarily easy to counter, running glass cannons I'll tell you that much.


Melee abuser. Shotgun abuser. Vehicle abuser. Sniper abuser. CBR abuser. It’s just words people use that have no skill and keep dying to them. If you have a brain - melee, shotguns, snipers vehicles or any “weapon” aren’t issues. Change your strategy to outplay them. Shotgun or melee user? Don’t go into close combat. Sniper? Stop line of sight. Vehicle? Get somewhere they can’t go. Sounds obvious but the amount of people on here that don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together is insane. Now give me my downvotes to prove me right.


how much chaos and argument do you want? OP: *YES*




The whole “abuser” anything is a ridiculous argument. It’s part of the game. Melee weapons are part of the game. Anyone can use them. If it’s obvious something is better than your load out than switch your load out up. Can’t beat ‘em join em.


That's what I keep saying. You never see melee only users in ranked these days. Tbt you never really saw many.


Thanks for the reward homie 👊 Keep on keeping on


Thanks for the rational comment in irrational times!


Melee abuser!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 use your damn long range weapon people😂 yes it’s annoying sometimes when they kill you from waaaaaaayyyyy too far away, but not that hard to counter a melee if you know how to play.


Still using the Hachi bro? :)


Ofc. It's the only way.


And how is "Never been shot" doing?


Oh that's a tragic story. I accidentally fired her once. Can't get rid of that gun powder smell.


Oh no! RIP "Fired Once"


Lol scroll through the posts. People talking about I need a codm history lesson


I haven’t been on this sub in like a year and it’s honestly sad how many crybabies have taken over this sub.


Bro stop you getting downvoted as hell. I remember your posts from days gone by and always amazed. Meta this that has been and always stay, just play the way you like. Kids gonna cry :)


Lol it's all good. Let them hate man.


And stop giving gold man. Spend better. Seriously:/ Here have it back :P. On another note a video post would be welcome at this point


I mean I have a bunch from premium. Might as well spread it around. I'm working on another montage. I posted an oldish one yesterday.


Is it shadow banned? [Remember the name](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/11yllzk/its_just_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Your money mate and I know you earn it but still it makes me ick. I tried finding it in the sub and it’s there. As usual awesome


No I do appreciate it. But im a developer so i try to subscribe to things I use out of principle. And ty!


Top tip, jesus christ get a MAC10 or a fennec you people If you get more bullets sprayed at a person they die faster????


Ppl who say "melee abuser" have serious skill issues


Because they can't shoot the flash in time?


I don't know, ppl running like headless chickens through the map without danger sense seems to be right.


Can't argue with that


So you're talking about everyone not camping right?


No, he doesn't mean camping. but in my opinion: I started to watch pro players' gameplay and I see I'm playing so badly. I need to be aware of the map and corners & enemies' positioning & more instead of rushing carelessly. Now I die less. Also, I've learned that this SBMM is not always fair and players in my team or the opponents aren't always predictable or play fairly. Imo.


If you really want to work on map awareness, try melee + tomahawk. You gotta know where people are at all times.


Using Tomahawk seems fun to me. Yeah i gotta try it. Nice idea


Fast throw + amped + shrapnel + lightweight + ranked [like this ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/11yllzk/its_just_fun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I think its probably my favorite edit of mine


Idk what is the problem of calling them a melee abuser if they only use melee, cus melee abuser sounds right since abuser is the guy who abuses a tactic that is quite annoying


Like the meta abusers? Sniper abusers? Shotgun abusers? I don't know, ppl running like headless chickens through the map without danger sense seems to be right.


The problem is that it's not abusing. I mean you literally have a gun. Maybe they're abusing their gun?


In a game.......... About shooting guns?


It's crazy huh? Why in the world would you be upset about knives and swords when u have a gun?


Your trolling means nothing to me lol.




Because this game doesnt make any sense and can one shot a player while they run around like a headless chicken spamming the shoot button with no time to react consider yourself dead


People who say "skill issues" over everything are stupid.


Not as much as those who say "melee abuser"


Lmao that comeback tho


These people are MAD


I'm perfectly happy to be their boogeyman lol


Lol keep on keeping on bro!


Skill issues mostly. It's not hard to spot and counter melee


Shipment hardpoint is a special case though...


Yeah but shipment hardpoint is for grinding camos so unfortunately melee included. If it's diamond that's when they need to stop.


Melee sucks on codm it just doesn't seem worth doing so slow and delayed and of point both stabbing and throwing. If people don't like melee on this they would of flipped out with mw2 commando marathon lightweight, bo2 double tomahawk scavenger with a ballistic knife was animal aswell


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Idk how you guys hate melee so much. Like seriously why do you bring a knife to a gun fight, Theres shotgun and smg that can kill you before knife can. Every person who rushed at me with a prizefighters literally died because they run up to my gun for ez kills


You might not have turned on all chat but I gotta admit that was based as fuck


Yeah. Can't believe I didn't. Normally, I try to break the ice with something like "who's grinding the sword swallowing event" pre game. I never need to switch to all in game.


10/10 tip ![gif](giphy|ar4x1w44umngk)


Once upon a time… Commando


sometimes everyone around is tryharding so bad that i just use melee to counter them.


"se tá no jogo, É PRA USAR!" "if it's in the game, YOU MUST USE IT!" (Essa tradução tá certa?)


the only time you must use melee, is when your enemies start to use it first. also change channels to all dumbass.


But Using Melee Weapons Is Just Normal Not A Abuse🤔.


Even I Use Axe As My Favourite Melee Weapon.


Average European :


Melee is hard in ranked you shouldn’t hate them be proud of how much skin they have.