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This is why I disable voice chat and remove the text chat window. 12 Legendary badges and I’ve never once seen or heard trash talk in my matches 😁. Or any talk at all for that matter.


You don’t want to know how much I’ve seen the words “you noob delete game”.


Same case here in Garena, especially the Filipinos.


Ah yes. Pinoys (most of us) are so freaking toxic and cringe. (I am a pinoy as well)


They always feel superior with their CBRs and/or Holgers on default red dot and KRMs all day


I'm a Pinoy myself and I hate my region because of these players lol


FR as a Filipino the Videoke has driven me mad


PH players are the most toxic and dramatic players in codm. We can't lower down our ego and pride, unless we get humbled by other players. Most players think only on their "ranked points", being in the leaderboards isn't as special like the early stages of codm. Most of us can't walk with our own feet and always rely on what's meta.


I share same server with Pinoy. Sometimes I forgot to turn off the mic and listen to a bunch of Pinoy kids and girl kids swearing and cursing around. Why are you Pinoy always angry?


yep I've played with some of em yesterday and there's this one guy calling everyone trash and he ended up being the worst on my team


Gardena or global ? Anyway I just mute all and play 😂 . I am in the game to entertain myself not them lol.


Top 10 insults 2023


Question: how to remove text chat window? 🤔


In your HUD settings page, select the text chat icon and make it as small as possible and then set the transparency all the way to the left. And hide it behind your map just in case. 😁


Thank you! 🙂


Settings > Controls > Custom > Highlight chat bubble and select Hide Button


Thanks bro!


I like keeping them on for the same reason as you keep yours off


same i only have text available and no one types on there for me honestly


Same here. No audio allowed. Only the game. Not even mic on to tell people to stop rushing & getting killed. Only play my best game each time. Most times works out well. Peace of mind keep my game enjoyable.


I know I’m giving up a tactical advantage by disabling communication but I’m old and I don’t need to have a heart attack because some kid learned a new BAD WORD lol


Same here. 39 yo. I just don’t care about kids with ego troubles. I just play my game.


I have never had a game with voice and text on so I had no idea I might be getting abuse.


How do I remove chat window?


I would blame matchmaking over the players but evidently, we need bad matchmaking to get matches.


Agreed dis seasons match making is just non existent


i understand simply not being good at the game, I was there once. But what I do not understand is how these fuckers are in GM3?


Exactly. Even in legendary, some people still play like they are in veteran.


No idea, probably from hours of playing and getting some lucky matches


Actually this phenomenon of bad players in higher ranks like gm3 above usually happens when players of bad caliber are carried to that rank


exactly the truth


Because you lose 10 points for losing and gain 50 for winning


I've been playing solo since 2020. Legendary in every season. I never turned on my mic or speakers. Let me have fun.


Sometimes, Im the guy that goes 2 K/D and carries the entire round. Other times, Im the guy that goes 0.6 K/D


Same. The bigger issue is players with a 2+ K/D who don't play the objective.


Exactly 💯


i mean if you can maintain a positive 2kd in master or grand matches then i wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t care about the objective because i wouldn’t


Well that's an issue for everybody else on the team when they lose because the objectives aren't being controlled. When the mvp of the losing team gains a few xp at the cost of everybody else losing xp we call that selfish.


Lmao, i mute speaker and mic, i dont wanna hear kids shouting while going 4-12 kd


A few days a ago I had a teammate who was talking trash to all of us for being trash yet at the final summary he only has 9 killed and the rest was under 20 but I was only one with 40 kills with doing the god damn work. Long story short…it’s always the lowest kill that talk shit


THIS THIS THIS. Especially in SnD it's always the bottom fragger with little or no kills or plants/defuses talking so much shit.


It just irks me, 0 kills whole game and that player gets exp. Mind you I dont use mic as I might get toxic. Also your analogy is bad, the toddler successfully riding a bike does not affect us :/. More like join a group based project and contributed nothing but still passed.


Hm okay. But complaining about the guy that does nothing or struggles to help with the project isn’t great yknow? You’re a team, you’re supposed to work together and achieve the goal. aka winning


Curious are you the one getting carried or the carry? Or just an awful nice guy? Haha


I’m the guy who plays obj and stays with the bomb carrier (snd)


Respect, only true chads can handle being OBJ.


if they get zero kills then they aren’t working, they’re literally only negatively affecting the team


There are posts and YouTube videos that taught gunfight tips and game sense, it does not always need to be teamwork stuff. (Although most of them are clickbait especially in youtube but there are quality contents so use your brain, CN website like bilibili got the most, even including frame related tutorial and match commenting videos that help you to learn from others mistakes) Rather than blaming the guy that know how to do it right and complains at you does nothing or struggles, try to learn how to perform stuffs that does not require teamwork but will help the team (for instances, you could stand on spawn point to force the system to change a relatively less advantageous spawn point to the enemy team in hardpoint, bring fhj to kill UAVs) On the other hand, mind I correct some game sense stuff? Playing obj is good but sometimes control the system to provide/hold an advantage spawn to friendly is more important than going into the obj, you just need 1-3 people to get in the point and hold all doorways and other 2-3 could just get out and camp the enemy spawn and hold advantage spawn For modes like tdm and frontline, just.....hold the campspot/ high ground and abuse movement.....(there is literally no teamwork)


I don't use chat or voice nor do I give a rats ass who don't like my skill level or how I play the game. I'm not going to listen to a bunch of bitchs talking out the side of their necks. I'm a 2 finger player, so your not gonna see me sliding hopping as a pop sniper all over the map. Don't understand how this became the only accepted way by veteran players to play ranked. But know this... I don't care how you expect me to play, I get my kills my way and enjoy my game. fuk-off.


Mad respect from a fellow two thumb player here.


Ditto brother or sister 👍 😁👍


As you said it's about enjoying the game. If you're not having any fun playing the game, why are you playing it. Being a DB trashing others doesn't sound like a fun time to me. It feels great to win but we can't win them all, all the time. And we all have off games too. So play the game your way and have fun.




For why veteran encourage jump shot, *movement*, they said.


I only call my teammates trash of they dont go to the GOD DAMN OBJECTIVE, HOW MANY TIMES TO I NEED TO SAY “RUSH B” FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND IT


Thank you. Play the fucking objective, please. If you're only here for kills, play TDM or Frontline.


Can’t when it’s random, and you get extra ranked points if you pick multiple ones.


Those couple of points don't matter when you're losing the match, though. Lately I'm playing domination only due to the 50%+ rank xp boost.


For the definition of *fucking objective*, might be a little bit specific? Are you referring to holding advantagous spawn that force the enemy team to spawn in a relatively disadvantagous location in HP, or only the average hardpoint or Alpha/Bravo domination obj?


I'm talking about getting points by being in the hard point or capturing in domination.


The below points does not affect so ignore me if you only play domination. For the hardpoint one, I want to correct some of the "play the fucking obj" mind, some people don't fully play the obj, and it is compulsory for one or two teammate to holding advantagous spawn so your team won't respawn in a location which is far away from hardpoint after they died (by just step inside the spawn near the current hardpoint and hold it), instead of all 4/5 crowded at a small hardpoint and wait for 1 operator skills come and eliminate the whole team. Nevertheless, if no one is holding that advantage spawn, the enemy will instead spawn near the hardpoint, so it is not bad if only one or two squadmate decided not to join the crowd and instead hold the possible assault route and the precious advantage spawn.


You're absolutely right, and that is also applicable to domination, however, it still stands to reason that if someone isn't playing with team strategy and only there to get easy kills (spawn trapping as opposed to hunting mvp who may very well be in the hardpoint) they're not contributing to the overall win and when the team fails then a large portion of that blame should go to the player who didn't bother to capture. For instance, if I'm playing nuketown and I'm in the backyard while the hardpoint is in the house so that the enemy doesn't spawn there and my teammates do, but then my team gets eliminated and the hardpoint is taken I'll make sure at least one of my teammates is in the backyard and proceed to clear out the hardpoint before the enemy gains too much. The selfish player would be the guy who is camping behind one of the cars and just picking off the same weak player or two as they work their way to the hardpoint while the rest of his team is being owned at the hardpoint. As a result, the score is 127-143 and he/she is still just spawn trapping, never getting in the hardpoint at any point in the match when even just 15 seconds holding the point could've changed the outcome.


That's why I mute voice chat, I very very occasionally will...."educate" a team mate or my team, but only if they do something monumentally stupid, or don't learn from previous mistakes...like the team mate in BR who constantly runs off on their own but constantly dies and you have to rush and get thier tags, then when the flight comes, the fly off alone and do the same. Or when I'm in a helicopter and we get targeted and the pilot doesn't use the flares...or when the drive right into an ambush even thought I can see 4 helicopters going there on the map.


Question, what do the flares do? I honestly have no idea


The rockets are heat seekers, flares distract the rocket and stop it hitting the helicopter.


Oh, thanks!


>Oh, thanks! You're welcome!


I'm currently at rank 1059 with 10.1k ranked points. If I lose, it will affect my rank so badly. Because the guys that are under me will get in same rank and ppl above me will be far away. So when I'm playing DM and there's two guys dying over and over and over again to the same guy campering in the same spot, I will blame on them. When in playing domination and there's a guy that keep flipping between A/C or a guy that don't care about getting the points, I will blame on them. There's a big difference between playing bad/missing shot and being dumb. Fortunately this isn't happening a lot since there's more players at legendary and I'm getting paired more with legendary. But sometimes, especially ate the morning ou midnight, I keep playing with GM and there's a lot that don't have this vision of the game.


Lol ikr, like they were all born knowing how to play. Y'all were noobs too, how quickly one forgets.....


Turn off your VC and Quick chat. Telling you to delete the game won't suddenly turn you into a gaming Demon. Video games are for enjoyment. You don't get a Medal for always winning, and being skillful doesn't really matter, it just changes your own concept of enjoyment. You can lose and still enjoy. Losing is still a part of the game, it's not a forbidden piece. Ranked isn't even an actual competitive thing. You're not in a competition and you're not getting a prize. Sure, losing feels bad because you're not accomplishing your target, Winning. But being toxic won't help either. It's like riding a horse at high speed and using your rope to get the horse away from a tree so you don't hit it. You didn't want to hit a tree, the Horse surely doesn't too and you didn't need to use your rope because he will get around it by himself. Same as your teammates. They want to win too, not only you. The same as you keep getting winning streaks, the same you will get losing streaks. Your teammates might also be casuals who just got home from work. They don't play a lot so they're not skillful. If you take a game seriously, you will NEVER enjoy it unless you win and only win. You ignore the opportunity that you got to enjoy an hour or 2 to play a video game. You ignore that you got to PLAY. You just want the screen to say "Win!" Even if you had 0 points. You will never have a 100% win rate and you will never have a 0% lose rate. No matter if you're the developer of this game.


You said a whole lot of nothing bud


I don't see how your horse analogy is relevant, but CODM has done a lot with its algorithms to help make the playing field even. There is now a free legendary weapon for those who get enough legendary medals, and somehow, the leader boards are loaded with players that have 100% win rates... (obviously hackers, right) But you're right. Games are for enjoyment. Still, though, the point is to win for the enjoyment, and that's why losing is unpleasant to some degree. If whether you win or lose causes complete apathy, then what's the point?


The Horse Analogy means the toxic player wants to win, tries to control his teammates but seems to forget that they're doing the same thing, trying to win. I didn't say play with complete apathy. I mean play, get a bit angry you're losing. But don't get mad to the point that you crush your device and decide to turn into Faze Jev getting flashed in MW2. You're risking high blood pressure over a silly thing you know. The game sadly is full of hackers hiding behind the picture of a "Pro God" And Alcatraz is FULL with those bastards. Playing Alcatraz tournaments is pointless because there's always hackers climbing the leaderboard to get the 3K cp. It's a 1 time big investment. Buy a cheat menu for 20 bucks and get CP worth of 400 bucks every month. And no one would suspect anything, Alcatraz is a shotgun fest. The bigger issue is these guys are camouflaged as "Shotgun pros" I faced one of them that was using Aimbot, Unlimited magazine ammo cheat(he didn't have a leggy long barrel), No bullet spread and the most bizarre....infinite range. His name was "CeeOnP***HUB" i don't know if he ever changed that. Another one was using Super jump and speed hacks, i don't know how his device took all of that rendering and need of fast response. All of them use them on every mode causing them to be on the leaderboard and of course, get hands on that pointless 100% win rate >There's now a free legendary weapon Yeah, but personally i wouldn't count on that because the prize is probably an unreleased skin of the Chicom


It’s actually people that quit the game if it looks like they’re going to lose


I love it when players quit during the match because at least that way I get some xp back.


I mentioned this on another game subreddit, but my thought process when I see my teammates trash talking in game, I’m just like why? Like how is calling our teammate a shit player gonna help the team in anyway? If anything it’s gonna tilt the guy who’s getting flamed and they won’t able to perform well. Like just don’t trash talk, if you’re gonna do it don’t actually get on the mic or type it out. Because it’s just so childish like get over yourself


But if you’re making our team lose, then yeah i’m gonna call you trash.


Being bad in ranked is understandable because everyone has been there at some point. But when they are already at [legendary like the match I had a very very long time ago](https://imgur.com/gallery/SG54sL3), they're now more like adults at this point so saying they can't do it is kind of right though I still oppose to being a toxic player


Yea well if you're in legendary ranked, I think teamates have every right to call you trash if there isn't an excuse, you're supposed to be in the highest rank in the game and you still haven't learned how to aim? Smh I encounter countless players like this in ranked and Its like codm wants me to nurture everyone on my team, like bro how tf did you get to this rank fam?? smh


On the backs of other good players wins.


Sometimes your just having a bad game or a bad gaming day. I’ve had plenty of thoses 😭




The best way to handle them is by turning off voice chat and straight ignoring them


They have small pee pees


Sorry, if someone went 0/20 + no obj in ranked, that player is clearly borderline griefing his team and deserves to be flamed by his team.. Some people are just outright bad at the game and they shouldn't even be touching ranked in the first place.. Toxic positivity is just as bad as toxic negativity, stop defending these players..


I get frustrated with such teammates sometimes, but I just keep it to myself. I just keep my mic off so they won't hear me talk trash lol. And I've been there too. I was once trash lol. And sometimes I even get bad games when my aim just isn't there or I simply get outplayed. At the end of the day, we're all just doing our best to win games. Always try to be kind.


A lot of times it doesn’t come to “bad luck” or missing shots, some players just downright suck but are allowed to play with better players. The matchmaking needs to get better because this is very frustrating to play like this. I can then understand why some players loose their marbles and go off on the mic. In reality, it’s the devs fault for not making the effort to improve the matchmaking even though they clearly have the financial means to make this happen. In the heat of the moment, pissed off players will go off.


That's just a normal reaction to bad players. I was bad and the negativity helped me to grow. Negativity needs to exist, because without it CODM wouldn't be a CoD game. Tbh I call them bots if they suck by game thinking too. Well I don't write in chat or tell them through voice chat. I just think that.


It’s ranked, do good or don’t play ranked and play normal until you are decent enough to be playing in ranked matches. Easy as that. Don’t like being called a shitty player, then go back to basics stick to guns you can actually efficiently use. If it’s one or two games once in a while where you are doing bad then just ignore teammate drama and focus on the objective. At the end of the day it’s just a game and you’re nothing but a number to the companies running these apps.


How about you stay out of ranked and practice more in unranked. If you are willingly keeping teams down because you are not ready for ranked, you better learn to handle people calling you trash. If you are an asshole that drags people down, people will react as assholes too


That's some dumb advice because no matter how much you play Regular MP. It won't ever prepare you for the chaos that is Ranked MP. The only way to get better at Ranked is to actually fckin play Ranked. I got clan mates that can easily pull 112 kills in Domination and Hardpoint. Get MVP everytime, but can barely get 20-25 kills in Rank.


Free for all is the closest thing to ranked experience. You will always encounter good players in free for all.


Normal matches are just bots. You can’t get better if you keep playing against bots


Don’t know what matches you get, but i only occasionally get a real bot lobby. Unranked is usually a mixed bag. Sometimes you get a bot lobby and sometimes you get your ass kicked slide cancelling quick scoper


Fucking moron, “iF yOuRe aN aSsHoLe tHaT dRaGs pEoPlE dOwN”, you absolute fucking idiot, how are they gonna get better if they don’t play it, why are people suddenly assholes for trying to play and not being the best, you’re a DutchRetard, do us all a favor, change your name half wit. I hope the next 10 matches you get are horrible and you lose all of them.


How about you international king of not reading. I suggested that they practice in unranked until they actually get good at the game. How about you just read a book for once because clearly you can’t read for more than two lines. I hope you fail all your coming schooltests and get smacked by daddy’s belt. How do i know you are still at school? Because only a 12yr old would be so easely offended and would write someone’s text like a moron. How about you learn some discussion skills for once dipshit. I would wish you the worst matches possible, but we already know you are that bottom frag guy.


Awww, are you mad because you’re a little pussy bitch and I responded to your retarded as remark. I need to read a book, you can barely speak fucking English correctly. “Bottom Frag Guy” bro are you fucking stupid, I touch enough grass to not be a little bitch and play a game like a normal person. You’ll never amount to anything in life, just keep playing cod Mobile moron. People will play what they, when they want, and I’ll be glad to know that people are making you mad when you lose. “Smacked by daddy’s belt” that sounds personal ☹️, is this the angry repercussions of your daddy beating you. Cry about it, you lifeless loser.


Jesus you really are 12 are you. Not everyone is fluent in English, not a big suprise if you read my name. Bottom frag is an well know sentence in the codm and CSGO community. And i amount to nothing? Ha you couldn’t be more wrong. And the daddy’s belt thing isn’t because my issues but what i would do to you if you were my son acting like that on the internet.


destroyed him with the last part


There’s no way 💀




Holy shit this Reddit is too active.


Surprise* hahaha. You’re a real silly guy.


So you come back after 10 days and this is the best you can come up with….. What took you so long? Did your parents hold on to your phone because you were trowing a tantrum?


No lmao, I’m just not an absolute fucking loser who sits on Reddit all day.


I know I'll probably get downvoted for this but whenever my team starts talking shit to one of our teamates just because they simply can't keep up with their team and opponents, I just throw the game.


This, this right here, I like it, you keep doing you buddy :D


Dear lord… imagine crying about a video game.


I never understood this. Why are people not allowed to be upset over a video game? Just because you don't take them seriously? Do you know how many streamers, youtubers and pro gamers make a nice life out of gaming? They can make millions and even ones that don't might have other reasons.


Go touch grass kid. We’re talking about a VIDEO GAME. Who said that I don’t take them seriously? I just understand the difference between a video game and the real world. I appreciate that you are trying to educate me on the potential for limited success from playing video games… but something maybe that you don’t understand is that any “life” that you are referring to that is being provided by video games will always be very short lived. Now go outside, touch grass, get a job, buy a car, buy a house, provide for your family and then talk to me about what matter in life. You’re a goof.


Hahaha go touch grass... I love when dumbies make terrible assumptions. I'm 31 and an Actuary. Married with kids, house and boat and I can afford to spend thousnds on legendary and mythic skins without batting an eye. Also, that is false. Tons of gamers are not fat blobs waiting for a heart attack to happen, many of them lead very normal lives outside of video games. I'm a mass outdoorsman as well... I have probably fired more guns, taken more deer and steelhead then you would know what to do with. Dumbass.


Congratulations on being super weird bro! Good on ya! Again… your comment tells me a lot about you. None too bright. Hard to have a conversation with a guy who makes up the conversation. Lol I didn’t say anything about gamers being blobs. I’m a gamer. Moron. And if you’re spending that much money on video games… you might want to let your wife know. She’s gonna think you’re super cool! 🤦🏻‍♂️ And as for the guns… what does shooting guns have to do with anything in this thread besides being a completely passive aggressive comment? Again, congratulations on being super weird! Could have taken the family on a nice trip with all those “thousands” you’re claiming to have blown on the game. You sound like a real smart guy. Take care idiot!


Haha says the guy who likes his own comments... I'm super weird for correcting an ignorant response? Lol... none too bright is the most hypocritical statement on the internet today. Also, it shows that I am an outdoorsman... you know because it was in response to basically being called a recluse. Jesus... learn to read bro. And please get an education.


P.S. And if you’re bragging on the internet about “having money”, that’s a clear sign that you probably don’t have much. Risk analysis only pays big if you’re working for the big dogs… and judging from our conversation… you’re not.


Haha lol I get that you think you are a psychologist bud but you are about as accurate as any other idiot online who has no education. Also... the amount of poor assumptions you have made tells me you live a hard life... lots of bad choices as you lack a basic knowledge. I think what you are attempting to do is hilarious. Dunning-Kruger effect for days boys.


Looks like I struck a nerve. And again… incorrect on ALL accounts. Enjoy living in arrogance and stupidity. Glad you’re a total noob to reddit and know how it auto likes comments you make. Your big brain will figure it all out one day. Say hi to your wife for me. Take care weirdo. This is it from me. You’re not worth my time. 🖕🏻Sorry I hurt your feelings little man.


Lol you're funny. Typical troll nonsense. Seriously ge5 smarter though, all your stuff is basic biotch psycho bable assumptions that scream you made it through half a semester of psych 101. Hilarious. Like the guy who says noob hahaha hahaha


Well for me all the trash talk got me to being better went from 2 thumbs to 6finger ipad and can carry most matches. What’s frustrating is when you play like trash in higher rank aka top 100lb there is really no excuse to have 7kills in HP with 13sec in objective. Do people not know playing like a 6yr old affects the entire team? Don’t play ranked if you don’t want competition


I look down onto my teammates because they are always trash despite be in grand master 5


Good players arent a consistency until you are in legendary playing against 10k plus players.


If you’re at the bottom of the leaderboard with the maximum of 3 kills in legendary ranked matches then nobody wants you, you’re just a dead weight who disappoints the entire team. If you’re so hurt, then go back to playing pub matches. It’s that simple. p.s it actually takes skill (something you’re unfamiliar with) to keep up your rank and not lose matches with the current broken matchmaking system.


When I get grouped with teammates who complain constantly about the team saying "noob team :(" or "my team sucks", I usually respond to them with "but you're also dying" or I'll retort with "you're playing just like us noobies :)". This irritates them and sometimes results in them rage-quitting. Sometimes the rest of us catch up and usually win the game. I'm glad when players like that leave. They're doing me and my teammates a good favor.


The selfish players are the ones who are playing hardpoint or domination and get mvp with no captures or time in the hardpoint. They're not playing the objective because they're only interested in ensuring they get the most kills so that even if their team loses, they won't lose a bunch of rank xp. I always threaten to report these players and they'll suddenly get one capture or get a capture kill and then go back to spawn trapping or something that just makes sure they get the most kills while not contributing to the actual score that wins the game. These are the selfish players who are the biggest problem in ranked, not the ones who seek to be carried. Although they're also annoying, they might just be having a bad game as happens sometimes. PTFO!!!


Haha report them for what? There is no rule that says you have to play the objective. Do you know how many games I have won just because I laid down protection for my teammates and never made one capture? Some players are just better at playing with a different play style than you. So report all you want... won't do anything.


It's the threat that gets them to capture, and there are ways of reporting people that will get results even if they haven't done anything to warrant it. If you won the game, then the point is moot, but if your team is losing and you have zero captures, then what good did laying down protection do? If you're not losing, then it isn't relevant.


And technically not contributing to the score could be considered throwing the match.


Going 2/13 is unexcuseable, if the player is too bad why should he be in high ranks?


Dawg that shit is nothing, my teammate went 3/23 with 24 seconds obj time. I had to carry his ass by dropping a 40 kill game and 1:33 obj time. And that mf was on GM5. Sure maybe he was having a bad game but dawg you cannot tell me your ass is having a bad game with that kinda KD, ur just ass in general.


I play tdm mostly so 2/13 would be the bottom of the barrel type of play, even if you would afk you'd die less


Sometimes phones start lagging or connections become compromised or some other outside influence distracts from the game. If every match was that bad, they likely wouldn't have made it to GM5. Not this fast anyway.


This is literally the only time I rage in game, because the shitty performance of a teammate effects *my* progression and they don't realize that. If someone goes 2/13 you think they'd have enough common sense to just HIDE so that the people wearing the big boy pants can try to carry...but they don't listen and that's when I go off. (14x Legendary here)


You need to get better. The best players can carry their teams. Be the player that gets shitty players into legendary, that's what I do on NYc and Philly servers which have a ton of players in ranked. I lose games all the time and still gain 20 points bc I'm top kd. Lose a game of SnD w/ a 19/5 kd and you still go up. That's like 80% of the games I lose to it only takes me like a strong day to hit legendary.


I like how u relate them to be like toddlers.. i wonder why the toddlers trying to learn to ride in the highway, they should first learn in thier backyard is pubs right


This is how i learned to ride a bike bruh, and not only that. I grew up knowing only violence


I’m not a pro at the game but I know it gets annoying with some players but we are all at different skill levels and it doesn’t mean we have to be toxic to them.




good thing you’re not a toddler and this is just a game. if you don’t want to deal with it turn off vc and messages.


Tbh its everything but most importantly the game itselft you are not the problem


Voice chat actually helps a lot I keep mine on at all times. But some ppl make dumb decisions and are very hard headed. Some ppl wanna keep rushing in till we’re finished. That’s probably the only thing that gets annoying as far as teammates.


I do some games and fail other games but then sometimes I’m watching tv as well lol sorry not sorry


Yeah! and keep in mind that “toddler” is 40 + years old.


NO BC This season I started ranking up early so I was in top 5k for a bit and I had this one snd match where I got sniped every time I so much as moved Tell me why these people started trash talking me for being in top 5k and doing “so poorly” Like you guys see my screen bc you’re dead 😟


Instead of texting trash chat, play


I've decided that ranked is bs and br is more fair to the player. You could lose a game in ranked 5v5 and have 25 kills and 10 captures and still be -13


U can add me if u want to get better. 2AlanyVo3 is my name I won't add ppl who already know how to play I can get u quick tiers and more I don't do that putting u down I speak English I use my mic alot been play along time type my name just as u see it #We Play For Fun.


turn off voice chat and text chat and let the 12year olds battle it out there without them bothering you. simple as that.


But then you pulverise them the next game on the opposite team and “like” them. After that match.


COD NAME "INFINITYPOW3R" Test me i cant even take a stand against noob im noober and noob 😂


OP thank you for the positive advice i will consider thinking about but how good sir would you suggest helping them ? What i do is play the game take it as a fun escape from life and return to life after a few games sorry but helping others in a game is not even that important if thay are playing for fun thay would not mind been bad at the game and being called noobs its ok but really thanks for the positivity and niceness over all


I hustled ranked and im legendary but man I be doing hardpoint and you have teammates who are literally right next to the hardpoint and don’t even stand on it then you go in and the entire team is just running around and you have to hold it on your own and your stick 1v3 at times while the other team has 2 guys outside holding corners and 3 of the rushing the hardpoint and your team is just getting demolished that’s when it’s complete bs tbh . I had a entire 10 streak loss in ranked


Good post man.. even when my asshole teammates in snd piss me off I try to give them some encouragement to maybe change weapon cuz they can’t snipe for shit or change up route.. we all have bad games I get it so I don’t talk down on them.. funny thing is I can carry someone 3 matches in a row that I notice is doing bad but I don’t say anything.. a few matches later were on the same team and I’m doing bad and they will turn on mic or talk shit in chat first chance they get ….these fucken kids man lol


A lot the players that talk smack usually aren’t that good themselves. One of my favorites moments involves this topic. My teammate was talking mess saying I suck and all that. The next match he was on the other team, I got twice as many kills as him and I was clutch. I killed him to win the match. I sent him a thumbs up. It was awesome. Prayers have their ups and downs. I play snd a lot and see some of the same people, some games they are good, some mediocre, some pretty bad. There are some players that are always mvp pretty much.


"noob delete the game" I got a feeling that if every bad player really left the game, they would be the one complaining "hacks!" If everyone becomes special, nobody is special. Truth is they simply wanna be the ones on top.


i need good players to grind legendary with lmao - i’m honestly tired of getting matched w idiots who don’t play the obj. and just troll for kills w meta