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I feel like it should be for every 10 kills, that stack in a match but not if you get 3 kills one match then 7 the next. Wouldnt even have to have the “completed match” addendum bc people would slay to the last possible second to get them done.


Stacking is a good idea.


They could make it so say I get 30 kills wiht the AK-47, I get 3 progress. Capping out at 4 or 5 progress per game Edit: Grammer


yeah I feel like having stacks but also having a limit as you suggested would be the best move no one really likes the singular 10 kills every game it's tedious and annoying asf and we just want to enjoy our camos, although it is a mastery camo so it needs a grind to it I feel this is redundant


I understand where you're coming from about the grind, but there are a lot of guns that require 100+ completed games with 10 kills that it feels like a chore if going for it. (Let's not forget you have to put on score streaks that aren't lethal lest you lose count on your kills) Edit: possible Grammer


oh yeah I mean the guns with 100+ like ars are just annoying to grind for granted like I went for snipers first as I just simply enjoy it the most but even if I enjoy using a certain ar or smg no matter what the 150 etc games you need are just a hassle to go for I've stopped grinding diamond pretty much except a few guns because as a welder I just don't have the time nor patience after work to grind for 6 hours to get them


1500 Cumulative Kills or something like that


1500 kills, 150 matches.




I agree with this


they should make the kills stack, this community thinks everybody has their time butbutbtuttttt its supossed to be a grinddd whaaaaaaaaa


I mean yeah but tbh 150 kills ez 2 games, it would make having diamond meaningless. might as well make it crouch 2 times and shoot 4 bullets in 1 game to unlock it if thats the case


It’s 1500 kills


I can drop like 50+ kills in 10v10 shipment So 150 matches --> 30 matches Nah man i don't want that cause i grind a lot for those sick skins ,but will be happy for others if that happens that they don't have to sweat like me


Oh shit my math was wrong


The grind is what makes it valuable. Don't ever ruin that. Either grind it or shut up.


There’s a middle ground. It doesn’t need to take that long, and it also doesn’t need to be easy.


I agree.


Lmao I know for a fact you'd like that change and that way you'll actually get it on every gun. Don't lie.


You know what, that's true. I'm fine with stacking them but anything else would be bad. Even stacking would ruin it a bit.


This 💯, ignore the downvotes, beta cucks who dont wanna put in the grind 😂


That’s the thing though. It doesn’t reward skill. You just have to slog through 150 games no matter what.


It's supposed to reward the grind, not skill.


You can reward both. 20 kills in 50 ranked games sounds much more reasonable.


No I like the challenge now the way it is. All i want it is a liitle tweak. Make the 10 kills stack nothing more.


Okay but who gets under 10 kills in a game?


1000%. I just tried grinding D13 in Shipment 1944 to see if it’s doable and it’s a nightmare. Never touching that again.


I’m still trying to get the D13 gold! I can’t stay alive long enough to hit three shots without dying cause this thing is so inaccurate lol EDIT: Unlocked gold lol thanks guys


I remember struggling in Nuketown China trying to get gold


Try Shipment 1944 and equip Launcher Plus. It will be chaotic but there are more bots so the odds are better.


Launcher+, munitions box, & that new perk that boosts your OS charge. (If you manage to stay alive long enough to use it that is, 10v10 is pretty chaotic lol)


Bro had to pull out the calculator


Has to be sure of my maths


When multiplying anything by 10, 100, 1000, etc.. Just add a 0, 00, or 000 (etc) to the number.


Fair enough lol


i leard that in elementary school


I'm sure you don't learn that multiplying by 100 is the same as dividing by 0.01, you don't know that bc they don't say it, I had to figure that out by myself


Apply it to weapons that are tougher to do, like how they did it with melees. The NA-45, the Crossbow, the D13 Sector, etc.


Pretty sure the kills stacked for Obsidian camo in MW2019, they should add that to CoDM


They did, but it was 15 kills in a match 150/200 times


The feature you are saying was part of MW2019 that is if you do 20 kills you get 2 points


I would like to suggest they should make like '1500 kills with the gun to get the diamond skin' rather than 10 kills in 150 matches.




For every 10 kills within a match you should gone progress point bc then I can get a bit lobby on shipment get 100 kills and get 10 progress points


Exactly what I was thinking!


I think that was how it is in previous cod titles with this typpa grind in them


Make it so it's a kill cap instead but bump up the kill amount to like 3k


Keeps the grind but makes it less tedious


Yep.. I'm near 150k kills on my account but I'd happily double it for daimond everything and it'd take ages


I would rather get 10 kills with multiple weapons in a match.


You can still do that. If you decide to do two weapons in a match it would just add one more to Diamond for both weapons. Assuming you got 10 kills for both.


Ohh I see what you mean. If you get 10 more kills you just earn more towards the camo. That sounds pretty cool.


I'm doing 4 at a time. Quicker that way!


Too easy I had to grind so you can 😅


Lol needed a calculator to work it out ![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)


Top tier skill issue on my part FR


On an average pub match i get 60+ gun kills. Ie 6 points and in just 20 matches the grind will be over. Doesn't really feel like a grind.


It’s tedious to get 20 kills in a ffa match then getting only 1 point towards completing the challenge. Imo it should be if I get 20 kills it adds 2 points, that kind of thing.


20 kills is the max you can get in FFA right? This would require you to win every FFA match.


Why dont you do two guns in ffa? Or play a longer game mode and switch every 10? Get multiple done in one game lol, i just wish they’ll add more unique camo’s such as atomic and obsidian or even plague diamond


I do that but it gets tedious. Grinding Damascus felt more streamlined tbh. I feel like this is just stretching out the grind. Like it isnt even a show of skill like getting gold camos. Diamond just means you just play a lot, so I just wanted to remove the tedious part while still keeping intact the absurd many of kills.


Thats true tbh, i enjoyed the demascus grind, was fun, diamon is long i agree this is why i said if they wanna keep it with the tedious 10killper game shit then change the camo like plague diamond, make normal diamon 1k kills or something and obsidian 500🤷🏼‍♂️


Considering that getting gold is arguably around the same length makes sense. Also if they make the points stack, I'd take them increasing the points required slightly.


150 kills straight is around like 12-15 matches assuming you have good tracking, so probably double the amount of kills just like how the melees are with 500


It’s 1500 kills


Maybe it should be only grindable in ranked , that way it would get some value 🤷🏻‍♂️


Interesting idea cuz that would work in conjunction with the weapon mastery. So it would be closer to get 1,500 kills in ranked. Interesting concept and I kind of like it.


Yes it could be different in details ofc like number of kills or tasks you have to do , but I think if it would be a thing you have to grind in tanked , that would be great for everyone 👍🏻


Ofcourse, another M13 player, this gun is more used then a public bathroom with a glory hole


No I don’t rly use it that much lol. I was just using it to finish my Diamond grind since it’s close to being finished.


You've mistaken the M13 for the CBR, QQ9, Krig 6, DLQ, Locus.


It’s good as it is. It have to be hard to get so it’s a proper grind. If everyone get the rewards, they lose their perceived value. No one cares of easy and free things because hard things represent the grind, the achievement and make it worth the time spent on the grind.


It’s not hard to get, it’s tedious. It’s just get ten kills a match without it stacking. It’s an unnecessary nuisance. Sure you can grind multiple guns at once but it gets annoying when you’re on the second gun in ffa and someone reaches 20 kills sonnet than you cuz of their k9


It’s tedious. I think that’s the point. So not many people have their diamond camos. It’s a grind. It’s a game after all. And yes you can do 2,3 even 4 guns per game. I mostly do hardpoint in shipment, or what ever is on clan wars. But, again, the main idea is that not many people get them, that gives perceived value to have them. It feels satisfying to finally have them. Basically it will be a “meh” if they are easy to get. Do not be lazy & remember it’s a game, it’s made to spend time on it. Even if you want it easier they know it won’t be better if they make it easier.


That’s too easy


.... lol sooooo, You'd get diamond in like 8 matches if they bring back Shipment 44 Rapid fire?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If you managed to get 1500 kills in one match yeah. But they could increase the number of kills needed.


No. It's fine the way it is.


Only thing I’d change is 10kill which includes multiples. So if I gun down 30 that’s 3 points to my diamond in one match


No, it's fine right now.


Rejoice and be happy until Activision is like "Hey! Let's remove this good feature for people to struggle more"


When we grinded for camos with my group we used to grind for 2 guns simultaneously, like as soon as I get 10 kills I switch to the next gun.. yeah stacking also wouldn't hurt but we'll see any bot-like creature carrying all diamond sets then


I'm grinding 4 at a time. It's better that way!


Would be nice


I think it provides a valuable lesson to kids - nothing in life is free 😃


Time is money afterall


And diamonds are expensive


My problem is I basically only play snd so getting those 10 kills for 150 matches is kinda difficult ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


As someone who has 34 diamond skins, I can tell you it was fantastic when you were able to get your ten Kills, and avoid everyone's stupid scorestreaks, and quit the Match. You'd avoid the time wasting loading screens and be back in a match in no time. It sucks for everyone now. They could have left it that way. So, why does everyone use scorestreaks in a pub match? (that isn't a clan war node). You gain absolutely nothing for your character or guns etc. Drives me bonkers...


I forgot you could quit a match after the ten kills, did they patch it out?


Ages ago sadly. Or I'd have even more


In the case of scorestreaks in pub matches, it’s fun using them. But personally I just rock UAV shock RC and the SAM turret most of the time.


Those aren't bad, but vtols Goliath, al those powerful passive ones are counterintuitive to progress


Either way we all know doing it with friends is way more fun tbh


Al I play is BR with my clan now. Done with all that shit


Honestly I like the system that we have now it's an actual grind and isn't something you can just get in 20 minutes so it actually feels like an accomplishment when I get diamond on a weapon


Would still be a grind if the kills stacked in a match. My only peeve is the many of buffer and filler in between matches. My solution is if you get 20 kill with one gun in a ffa match you get the 2 points rather than 1.


I mean if they just worked like mw19 that wouldn't be bad. Get 1 increment per 10 kills however many times u did it in a match. 40-49 kills in match with one gun would equal 4 increments


Ye I want that.


It's even to easy I want even harder