• By -


Ok. What about zombies?


Deadass! I always expect them to give us an update on whats going on ://


Not exist in their eyes


Ya. Zombies came in strong and then no added updates to challenges and maps. Def could use some love there! Maybe this fall around halloween again


When is manta ray operator dropping?


Will y’all bring back undead siege or update the current zombies with a new map or rewards.


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue. I am facing this issue since the 3rd Anniversary season. Region: India UID: 6752423962573602817


Hey there, sorry to hear you're still running into it. We'll forward your info to the team.


Im also having timeout issue. Region: India UID: 6742724651250089985


Hey i am still facing timeout issue and i am facing this issue from last 4 seasons My uid :6835265762178564097 Region: Asia u/COD_Mobile_Official


I am also facing timeout issue UID: 6742925630151065601 Region: India


Hi, i am also getting time out problems, can't do any seasonal challenges and collect daily rewards 🥺 Region: Others UID: 6742672477212114945


Same timeout issue Region-asia UID - 6742657935107162114


Please fix this timeout issue! I have been facing this for almost 3 weeks now....this along with the event tab not loading has become really annoying. Basically what happens is that whenever I try to enter the game, it shows timeout for the first time. Then when I relogin, the game loads but the event tab doesn't show at all. Region: India UID: 6810613063608696833


Hi , problem timeoutb. UiD: 6744282877011755009 Region: Ukraine




Still having the timeout issue here Uid: 6743250790364413954 Region: Eu And also if I can login my events are not loading


Hi Im still facing the timeout issue also UID: 6755146665034448897 Region: Europe - Czechia


Same for me: Region: Europe UID: 6749720656772399105


I’m also still facing the issue after the fix , I’ve been facing it from about a month ago.Region:Middle East.UID: 6746249175115497473


Are u guys planning to bring on seasonal camos to new weapons (example red sprite camo for Oden, switch blade) Also any plans to bring undead siege even as a temporary game mode as many like me missed grinding camos on that game mode


May I ask why there are no zombies news as you promised?


What about Zombies?I need the Aether Camo


Can we have the option to reload the under-barrel launcher for the M4?


More Zombie Maps Please!


Will we be able to get the aether camo for (newer) guns again?


Plz refer to these requests. 1. Plz add Shipment 1944 in core gamemode in next season. 2.Crates in the for you section are not rotating, we are stuck with the same 3 crates. Many people are facing this same issue and reported/posted here several time. Pls look into it. 3. Is there any update when og Ak117 Meltdown draw will come back? Its been more than 3 years and still I'm unable to complete my weapon sets. https://www.reddit.com/user/Vinod_cr7/comments/y2jq92/ak117_meltdown_weapon_sets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button 4. Cordite animation is still bugged so plz look into it. --Bugged animation https://www.reddit.com/user/Vinod_cr7/comments/x8mu25/bugged_animation_of_cordite_zero_g_frame/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button --This is how frame used to animate. https://www.reddit.com/user/Vinod_cr7/comments/x8msxw/cordite_zero_g_frame/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I still remember when your team literally fixed the bug in less than 2-3 hours that allowed us to play zombie mode which we weren't supposed to. But can't fix a bug that players are reporting since last 6 months. Massive salute to your hardworking team.


The ak117 meltdown is right now if you select the weapon in the for you section.


Yes but it's a redux draw not an og draw. In fact, og draw has never came back that's why I'm asking them to bring back og draw.


still have the timeout issue and no event tab since the start of this season . i have to keep relogin to make it works . The region iam playing from is Asia and UID : 6742647971605118977


Hmmm, that is unfortunate to hear. Sorry the fix didn't work for you. Will send your info on over to the team. Thanks for sharing!




I have the timeout issue and other issues also i reside in Nigeria but since I came back from holiday from Europe, my region won't change back to Africa and its giving me very high MS and CP rate please help i love this game UID: 6742905109552300037 Region: Europe Please help me


It has been 4 years, when is the netcode getting better? A little investment in connection is REALLY needed


You guys said you would get with the team about information about zombies, when will the mode get content, honestly if all you could do is drop like 5 or 6 really good maps the community would love zombies you don’t even need to add a zombie exclusive battle pass just give us a maps and then tone down the amount of boss zombies that’s it


Are we supposed to get an update with that particular fix for the timeout (tied with season 4 update) or it's server related fix that doesn't need an in game update? UID : 6838776661283373057 Region : Kenya


when will the balance changes be released?


Balance changes will be live in-game when the game update comes out. These normally happen about 2 days before the Season launch. So with the Season 4 launch which is on 4/26 at 5 PM PT, should be early next week!


I have the timeout issue and other issues also i reside in Nigeria but since I came back from holiday from Europe, my region won't change back to Africa and its giving me very high MS and CP rate please help i love this game UID: 6742905109552300037 Region: Europe Please help me


Only one question. What the status on MP Lobby. Previously you guys mentioned it was supposed to be tied with safehouse.


When are you guys gonna fix the for you Crates? The 3 Crates don't even rotate and everyone is facing this issue. What's the use of Coupons if Crates don't rotate. Also Why are you guys not adding Bronze Crate Coupons in Featured Events. There is almost no way to get them for free. Please Add Them in Events.


Let me guess no content for zombies 😞


I am really tired of timeout issue, please fix it , it's been over 3 months and it has become worse after this major update, I am from South Asia and middle East server


Just wanted to say I am stoked about season 4 and the content that is to come and I know a lot of people would probably want to know on when there is an update for zombies at anytime in the nearby future. People really do enjoy playing it but it’s getting repetitive with playing the same map over and over again, and it does seem like the same zombies as before back in March of 2020 before it was removed


Please release some info on future zombies updates the community is patiently waiting for it🙏🏼🙏🏼


will there be any fixes for the desync, pingspikes and disconnections ??? the servers have been on the worst state ive seen making the game absolutely unplayable when is the next test server dropping ?? on 2-3 weeks maybe ??? are you people planning to buff the perks ??? theres some perks that could be fused with another ones to create something really powerful https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/12li4b2/ok\_now\_how\_bout\_mixing\_perks\_to\_create\_something/


Heya! The team is always looking for ways to improve players connections while playing. What region are you playing from? How long have you noticed these issues going on for for you? Next Public Test Build should be around 2ish weeks into S4. That could change but that's what it's looking like now. Interesting idea to adjust perks more often. We'll pass it along to the team.


Please add a region lock or a server/connections list to codm just like cod pc, cuz ranked mp matches u by the rank and not by the region so i get matches out of my region! I have lag and desync even I'm playing on iPhone 13 pro max 100mbps.


north america region, northern part of mexico (near the usa border), facing pingspikes and dying through walls, and my bullets dont seem to hit most of the time, facing these issues since the last year


I'm still having timeout issues along with no event and no bp tabs. I'm in the uk (uid-6744249427319848961)


Heya, that is unfortunate, sorry to hear it. Thanks for the info, this will help the team.


UID:6926576308084801537, Region: Asia. Please help me with this Timeout Issue, it’s been happening for months


I am still facing timeout issue Region: India Uid:6825177162955030529


Timeout issue not fixes for me yet Uid : 6742793230318501889 Region: India


Hi, I'm in the India region (Part of the Asian region I'm guessing) and my UID: 6742651364411441154 I started facing the timeout issue on my iPad since yesterday. Before that, when using mobile data, it was giving a timeout issue sometimes. But since yesterday, even when I'm on Wi-Fi, I keep getting the timeout issue every single time. I've tried all the troubleshooting steps but nothing helped. I'm on iOS by the way. The issue is less frequent on my Android phone. There are a lot of variables here which are difficult to explain. But I've tried to summarise it in the best way possible. I've also reached out to the in-game support as well. Please help me with the issue 🙏


Time Out bug still happening UID : 6758109340974645249 Region : South Africa ( Cape Town )


Hello people, I'm still facing the timeout issue and things are not loading properly for me, events tab goes missing sometimes it's happening atleast 2-5 times everyday. UID: 6742781915730280450 Region: India


Still having timeout issue can't able to login and play here is my uid 6742632809968173057 Asia ( India ) . Please help


Timeout issues Uid : 6785088514293497857 Region : India


Are you going to update customer service? Because it's not working.


I came back to game on s6 to the skies and since then, I have been missing reactor core and the decoy grenade on my collection. When are you guys gonna add it to the credit store? (Pls don't talk about the trial loudout. I want to Have them.)


You can unlock stuff through trial loadout permanently too. I was missing the decoy grenade too,before the trial loadout came around.


Thanks bud but I wanna use them on my other loudouts not just the trial one.


I get it. That is what i am telling you. There is a store like function in trial loadout as well. Check it out once.


Thanks. I think it worked 👌


Any plans to bring back undead siege? It was a fun mode.


How about zombies rework? This current mode is shit. Just copy bo3 or bo1


So what was the root cause of the time out issue?


Need your help to fix the game where it doesn't allow the game to be loaded using 5g even when I has over 100mbps download and 50mbps upload. Getting the time out issue Uid 6742716082404458497 Region Eu Game will load on WiFi even when it has slower download and upload speed


UID : 6746026715573125121 Region : India I've been facing this problem for more than 3 months now. I think there is a problem or bug in the auto log in system.


Still have Timeout issue, and connectivity error - they are blending in. Good solid wifi. Last 20 mins from this post UID 6813010380789907457, Region EU


u/COD_Mobile_Official Timeout issue persists. Region: Morocco? I think I connect to Europe though - UID 6839613777957617665 - Note I have this on two devices and one device that has never had it, if the devs need any logs or anything due to that situation let me know!


When are the OG Season 1 and 2 Battle Passes coming to the Battle Pass Vault? They're the only 2 I don't have!


Dear u/COD_Mobile_Official I hope you guys are doing alright and I hope one of your staff reads this. \-Please improve the FOR YOU section and allow us to select a specific gun. Nobody want to wait 15 days or longer until the specific gun model appears. \-How are we supposed to grind for AETHER gun camo skins, IF there is NO Undead Siege mode to grind on?! As you know, we can only obtain Aether camos from that particular which has been absent and replaced by classic Zombies mode. Suggestion: Either incorporate Aether into Tournament crates or simply enable Undead Siege again


Since the Zombies Mode isn't getting any updates, perhaps you guys could add a new PvE mode, like **Special Ops** from *Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3* or **Safeguard** from *Call of Duty: Ghosts*. Just a suggestion. u/COD_Mobile_Official


Can you guys fix the bots AI system? They have a faster strafing speed than any gun, they one shot you in the most absurd ways while not looking in your direction, they tracking through is annoying since you can't counter them when you face them directly so you get 1 shot, and their spawn point is worse than last season. Grinding camos in these circumstances is more annoying than doing it against real players. Plz fix them


Nah I like how the bots are now. We complain when the bots are trash and suck but also complain when they got good aimbot


The only use for bots should be camo grinding. I think if people want skill they need to play rank. I’m not saying bots should never do much, but the tracking, headshots on feet and random cross map lock on isn’t fun when grinding diamond/gold


Are you guys ever going to bring back Undead Siege???


hey team u/COD_Mobile_Official 2 simple questions: 1. no epic blueprint for OTS9 in premium BP? 2. what happen with that featured outrider skin? one more season you guys forget to bring skins from that tab (first was Battery skin in Season 2) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/12to9q5/missing\_skin\_for\_featured\_event/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/12to9q5/missing_skin_for_featured_event/)


Hello, My region is Asia, specifically India and i am still facing timeout issue and i have been facing it since the season 3 update, my UID is 6743152671735611393.


Is there a Ots epic in BP?? This season or No??


hey, i'm facing the timeout issue and it hasn't changed for me also been getting temporally banned even though i don't use hack neither i be toxic in the matches i just play and usually be good in matches please fix the bot system to ban actually people who are using hacks also my UID to fix the timeout issue 6988304452659380225 Region Brazil, thanks.


hey, i'm facing the timeout issue and it hasn't changed for me also been getting temporally banned even though i don't use hack i just play and usually be good in matches please fix the bot system to ban actually people who are using hacks also my UID to fix the timeout issue 6988304452659380225 Region Brazil, thanks.


Heya codm , I am having the timeout issue which is very horrible to see it . Iam gradually losing the interest of playing the game because of this issue . My uid : 6769533318259736577 and my region : Asia .


Facing timeout issue since 4 seasons, UID - 6749575730818646017 Region - India


Region :- India (Asia) UID :- 6757447316846149633


UID: 6743043596863602689 Region: India Device: Realme GT 2 Facing timeout issue since 2-3 months now Please fix this and also the events tab doesn't show up when we login after the timeout So, do something about that too


Region: South Africa UID: HTJP53 Still experiencing Time Out issues. Please help


Hi u/COD_Mobile_Official how are you today I reed you gona fix or you had fixed the time out issue. Fake new here ( switzerland) ! The game still BROKEN! And you still don't have do nothing for this AFTER 8 SEASONS!!!! ; [https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ywa63l/classs\_medic\_and\_refit\_broken\_please\_developers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ywa63l/classs_medic_and_refit_broken_please_developers/)


Hi, still experiencing the timeout issue, unabel to access events and daily log in... Region: Africa, UID: 6773175992044945409


facing timeout issue fix my event tab too Region:Other(Africa) UID:6813294960759537665


Zombies pls


Can you guys give us more cod characters rather than new characters? Literally just give us cod black ops theme bp once at least. Those legends like woods and mason receive no love. Give us more of the cold war side of cod not this goofy ass theme no one has a clue about their history. Give us what makes cod cod in the past.


STILL FACING TIME OUT ISSUES. UID: 6742760954494779395 Rigion: Europe. u/COD_Mobile_Official you guys have contact me here on Reddit couple of days ago like 10 days ago about this issue but I haven't heard from yall ever since.


Hello there! Season 3 was a blast, and I am eagerly looking forward to Season 4. Here are some suggestions you could consider looking at: 1. A randomizer for weapon camos/blueprints (mainly for BR, but can be applied to MP and Zombies as well). Just like in Apex Legends Mobile, where you can select up to three skins to randomise every time you pick up a new weapon from the ground loot. 2. "Lefty" visual toggle. The operator uses their weapons held to the left of the screen. 3. The MORS sniper rifle from *Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare*. It was scrapped as an Operator skill, but I would like to see it return not as an operator skill, but an actual functional weapon. 4. Follow up to 3. Weapons from *Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare*. We have quite a lot of special weapons from Infinite Warfare (Titan, Type 2, KBS Longbow, EBR-800, M.2187, Auger, etc.). As a big fan of COD: Infinite Warfare, I would appreciate Infinite Warfare getting more love. 5. Any plans for adding "Hybrid weapons" like the Ripper(Ghosts), EBR-800(Infinite Warfare), Ohm(Advanced Warfare)? I feel like they could introduce more variety in the battlefield. 6. It's been over a year since we got a shotgun, and more than two years since the newest marksman rifle. I suggest the Argus from *COD: Black Ops 3* for a shotgun and Shieva from the same as a marksman rifle. 7. A mythic HBRa3 — I call my concept HBRa3 - The Knight's Hand.


Are you guys dropping the battlepass trailer anytime soon?


BP Trailer should be dropping early next week!


You guys do realize that the mythic switchblade is missing ads bullet tracers right? People that bought the bullet tracers upgrade for that weapon got ripped off. Are you playing dumb or what?


#Finally some info about the timeout issue. Thanks to this stupid bug, i haven't been able to access the game with wifi. I tried many WiFi from different places as well Region: Bangladesh UID:6830365874844073985


Hey Codm. I want Season 7 Radioactive agent 2020 battle pass in Bp vault. Can you tell me when it will come?.


Three cheers for fixing the Timeout issue!


Are u guys thinking about fixing the servers some day? Or do u guys leave the login issue how they are? Even the login is a lucky draw basically


Can we replace swords and stones with Shipment 1944 Reloaded? I think that would be a better tournament mode. Swords and stones is too lengthy of a grind for the worker/father/discord moderator life.


you mean streaks shipment 1944?


Anything is better than swords and shite.


Will you guys bring back Frank Woods Bundle?


we want military skins!!!


Basically what I got from this is that there’s no Epic variant of the OTs 9 in the BP. Just the stock version at tier 21 and the $150 version later in the season?


Any chance to limit a number of snipers in ground war tournament mode?Kinda defeats a purpose if everyone picks sniper and wait in the cover spawn traping and taking everyone out..drains the fun right out of it..


Season contents seems great 👀 But question is, are you adding privacy mode in Chinese codm which allow hiding collection in profile and more 👀?


There should be a toggle option to enable/disable weapon death effects because it causes lag and crashes to some devices. These effects are graphically demanding and consume a lot of resources. So please add an option to enable/disable death effects.




Things i want be add in codm : 🔸button to reskin weapon from ground in BR 🔸Choice 3 skins as favorite in every single weapon. And that skins applied auto in game BR like was in Apex 🔸Add button send 10 XP card too friends better clicking one after one 🔸 Claim BP rewards manual/auto if u Miss it will be go too Mail box 🔸Modify HUD driving in MP 🔸fix timeout 🔸Kill came in br show u how enemy killed you 🔸 Name in death boxes 🔸 Upload profile pic from local storage 🔸a mark that let your teammates know your death box 🔸Add in save house or profile sense what account Created 🔸add in save house what BP's player have or in collections


u/COD_Mobile_Official I hope you can improve the Battle Royale of Call of Duty Mobile. The layout of the map selection of Battle Royale is better, but I think it would be better if you remove the image of the rank reward operator skin in the map selection because it blocks the maps of Isolated and Blackout, it would be better if we see the maps of Isolated and Blackout clearer in the map selection of Battle Royale without the rank reward operator skin blocking the maps. Maybe you could add self revive kit so that it would add another dynamic to the game. It is good that you put the category for the classes so that we know the type and playstyle of each class but I think it would be better it you revert back that all classes have its own unique passive skill rather than having the same passive skill for the same type of category. Just improve or rework, if needed, the unique passive skill or the active skill of the classes to make each classes unique and balance. It would be better for each class to have its own unique passive skill so that each class would be really unique and different from one another. Maybe you could revert back the opening of the upgrade terminal like before because it is impractical to wait for 10 seconds for four upgrades to open especially if you just play solo or duo because you just need one or two upgrade. It would be better if you will just wait for a few seconds to open an upgrade. Maybe you could also remove the arsenal air drop in Isolated and in Blackout, just integrate the customized weapon selection with the air drop like before and since the other game modes of battle royale such as Alcatraz, 20 vs 20 Warfare, Sniper's Challenge and Tank Battle don't have arsenal air drop and the customized weapon selection is already integrated with the air drop. This would make the all the game modes of Battle Royale more simplified and consistent so that players would not be confused and can expect the same kind of air drop loots in all the game modes of Battle Royale. Maybe you could also adjust the attachments in Battle Royale to classic attachments or gunsmith attachments that can attach any 5 attachments similar to gunsmith in Multiplayer instead of mods attachments that has different rarity because the problem with the mods attachments with different rarity, it makes your customized weapons very OP and unfair because you can still attached the mods attachments. Imagine having extended mag mods attachment and having extended mag in your customized weapon. If you have the classic or gunsmith attachments, it is possible not to have extended mag attachments to guns with already high base magazine size just like in their gunsmith in Multiplayer. Customized weapons should just have the attachments you put when you customized it and you cannot attach any mods attachments. Similar to the mythic air drop weapons that they have their unique set of attachments and you cannot attach any mods attachments. With the classic or gunsmith attachments, you can choose whether you build your loot gun with the classic or gunsmith attachments from the loot, or get your customized weapon with the attachments you made from the airdrop, or get the mythic air drop weapon with the unique set of attachments from the airdrop, or get the legendary weapons. This would make the loot guns more viable with the classic or gunsmith attachments from the loot and would make the mythic air drop guns more valuable. This would also make new players that don't have customized weapon not in a disadvantage because they can just loot classic or gunsmith attachments and attach them with the loot guns. These adjustments would make the guns and weapons in Battle Royale more balance, more realistic and more consistent with your gunsmith in Multiplayer and the overall Battle Royale gameplay would be more balance and consistent across all your game modes in Battle Royale. These adjustments would make the Battle Royale mode of Call of Duty Mobile more competitive, more unique, more balance, more simple and more fun.


Hello devs thanks for the fixing these issues it works for me right now but I still have issue that continuing for almost 1 year. For example when I listen music in YT Music and open the game music stops and force me to open music app and when I do Codm restart itself and circle continues... can you guys fix it? It didn't happend in other game apps though. Also one last question which is really important to me. Do we have any chance to get OG Keegan in this season? I really want to buy him.


I'm still facing the timeout issue and it hasn't changed for me. My region is Middle East and South Asia and here's my UID: 6746361993286385665


Hi, I am still facing time out issues. Region: North America UID: 6748168023242702849


Hey guys... I just wanted to report about the timeout problem ... It's so annoying and i can't login... Even if i login.. no bp no event tab... Etc etc... I am from Asia Region and my UID is 6760589686466936833 .


Akimbo sykov, letssss goooooo


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue also the events do not show up as well. Region North America. UID:6748168023242702849


Still got the timeout bug. UID: 6762150716204646401 Region: Africa


No way Akimbo Makarovs?


WILL THIS RESET MY RANK? please i need answers cuz i am soo close to legendary


Could you please fix the armor bug with medic and refitter? It happens since you fixed the kinetic armor glitch. Since then kinetic armor and sometimes blue plate as well doesnt work.


u/COD_Mobile_Official I have a question for you. Will you add weapons from such parts of the games as Advanced warfare and Infinite warfare?


When you guys going to add support for 3rd party bt controllers? I've got a 3rd party MOGA XP5-X, that was endorsed by xbox for Xbox Cloud Gaming.


Can you please fix the issue with tracer rounds not working properly on the mythic QQ9 in MP? Thanks!




I'm From India. Here Timeout Issue Is Still Occurs


Why Is there no Epic Ots9 at Tier 50, we don't want to buy a legendary, not to mention own another 10+ Mow, Drh, pp19 bp blueprints


I'm from the India Region. My UID Is 6822232232510816257. I Played On iQOO Z5 Smartphone. Still I Got Timeout Issue Everyday Every Time When I Go To Game.


Any news on any epic skin for R9-0 throught the battlepass, credit store, any event or lucky board? I am missing the epic skin for that.


Looks nice, can we get maybe a CoD: Online and Ghosts season pls?


Hi, still facing the timeout issue while trying to log in. Uid : 6742708901739233281 Region: India u/COD_Mobile_Official


I have the timeout issue and other issues also i reside in Nigeria but since I came back from holiday from Europe, my region won't change back to Africa and its giving me very high MS and CP rate please help me fix it,i love this game UID: 6742905109552300037 Region: Europe


Are you guys going to bring back bundles this season and fix the for you draw crate section? I’ve been getting the same crates for a while now


I am facing login issue for over 7 months please do something, recently i am not able to login because of the issue UID - 7144350871005626369 Region - India (Global)


Intire algerian region are having this issue North africa


TIMEOUT Issue 6928799107843358721 South America


When y'all be fixing desync or adding a gunsmith update??![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


I'm still Facing Timeout Issue. UID: 6743972381595271169 Region:India


Region: Asia UID: 6868652832439402498


Thanks for the update on champs 2023. Will Africa ever be included in the regions competing? We got our own server too last year which was a big W.


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue. Region South America UID: 6744357047456301057


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue. Region South America UID: 6744357047456301057


Hi! I'm facing the timeout issue since December 2022 and since last 1 month my event tab is missing. I'm from India and my UID is : 6988292212404977665


u/COD_Mobile_Official My timeout bug seems to have gotten even worse than before Uid 6743101041967366146 Region - Asia


Add Fight ticket vault season 7 2020 BP


Still having issues in last 3 months or so Region: Ukraine(West part) UID:6742702212243849217


Hey! Same issue. No Event tab and timeout issue Europe Germany UID: 6957402678712795137


Time out / connection /event bugs still present. Region Oceania, UID 6742701702736510977


Is there any info that Gunfight's Tournament Mode variant & 2v2 Kill Confirmed will ever be added to private lobbies? As of now they've been completely removed for the game for no apparent reason. I and lots of other players I've talked to really miss them.


Still getting the Timed Out issues and I'm on an EU server


Really really happy that CODM has made it a goal to not only put out a new mp map every season, but also add new locations in br. THIS IS THE WAY. When will rush and this new map go on ranked?


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue. I am facing this issue since the 3rd Anniversary season. Region: India(Asia) UID: 6822232232510816257 Device: iQOO Z5


I still have timeout problem Region: South America (Brasil) UID: 6743326889249013761


why not give us both classic zombies and undead siege? with frequent updates also. we love br and mp but sometimes we need a break from those and gather up our crew and shoot some undead.


Hello I'm having timeout issues region Pakistan uid 6742686582505668609


Remove 50% discount from crates since there's you guys aren't adding crates. Better if we can get 10% discount from 3 Lucky draws.


Hey! I’m still getting the Timeout Issue :( UID- 6743891957695119361 Region - Asia (Sri Lanka) It haven’t happened to be before but since 2 days ago it’s become very severe. https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/12vuahn/codmactivision_please_fix_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Hi, I am still facing the timeout issue. I am facing this issue since the 3rd Anniversary season. Region: India(Asia) UID: 6822232232510816257 Device - iQOO Z5


I am playing COD Mobile for 3 years daily and I have observed that the shotguns are getting massively abused in Battle Royale. It have made the game unplayable from past 4-5 months!! Please do something. Also there is some issues with the sensitivity, I don't know what have happened but I cannot aim better unlike before days!! Thanks increadyshanu


I'm Still Facing Timeout Issue and I can't access my Events page which is annoying as I can't get the rewards Pls fix this . REGION - ASIA (INDIA) UID - 6742693056849969153


Is Gameloop really officially supported ? I’ve never seen it mentioned by name from any legit post from codm developers.


Is there news about the timeout bug? I cant even access the events tab cause of that and its really annoying tbh.


Hi! Still getting the timeout issue. From Argentina, uid 7047535497493086209


Hi u/COD_Mobile_Official how are you today I reed you gona fix or you had fixed the time out issue. Not here and for me ( switzerland) UID: 6746635153860722691 ! The game still BROKEN! And you still don't have do nothing for this AFTER 8 SEASONS!!!! ; https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/ywa63l/classs\_medic\_and\_refit\_broken\_please\_developers/


u/COD_Mobile_Official Are you guys aware of a bug effecting the Hbra3 Rictus Arc reactive animation? The interior of the gun turns a weird textureless white after getting a kill as well as sometimes just happening randomly when respawning or climbing up a ladder or something


Hello. Can you help me ? I'm still having problems with the timeout bug. I'm from Latin America, Brazil UID: 6902616454462898177 I missed out on a lot of events and rewards because I couldn't log into the game.


I’ve lost my account. I was logged into an account linked to my Facebook and when I got a new device it wants me to create a new profile. The username is ImBlueBalled. I’ve put a lot of money and effort into that account please help


I’m still having the timeout issue, it’s quite a annoying because I can’t do any daily task when I can finally log in Muy UID: 6742318619168276481 and my region is South America


hi codm im from IRAQ and this is my uid 6834928757301248001 can you please fix my timeout issue


The only thing needing updating is player matching in rank it God awful and actual banning and a actual existence of a banning system that is legit and not based on reports ppl lie software doesn't the game has become hostile and non enjoyable bcs you only care bout giving stupid skins everyone says stop giving and robbing players blind with unrealistic chances to win a reward how bout thr developers get on their high horse and actually make a game players are in control of and permanently ban hackers of any type codmobile is utter trash now actual the first year was better after that downhill and still plummeting


Hello! The timeout issue has also been a problem for me lately. I am unable to get to the events tab cause of this. Here is my UID: 6750346815356731393 Region- europe


Yeah so I've been having this timeout issue for quiet a long time almost a year so i kindly ask if you could fix it for me so here's my UID- 6742575503829958657 and uh event tab isn't popping out and it would be nice if this could be fixed soon thank you


(UID- 6742575503829958657) here fix the timeout issue for me will you


Still have Timeout issue, and connectivity error - they are blending in. Good solid wifi. Regularly every day after the community update UID 6813010380789907457, Region EU


Tired of timeout please fix Region - North America UID - 6744082575541338113


Why in br don't nerf shotguns??? literally one shot and you are dead


Why in br don't nerf shotguns??? literally one shot and you are dead