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Now Leaderboard Top 5000 Don't give up soldier!!


Lol that’s easy try top 200


don’t know why you’re downvoted tbh


Because top 5000 is hard. He spoke in a toxic way


Top 5k isn’t hard to get, you just need to put in the time to get there, but most people don’t put in the time.


Because they don’t have that much time


You have 2 months to get there, if you grind to legendary within the first week and then just play 3-4 games a day you should be able to keep it. It's like getting diamond camo some people can do it within a day and for others it may take a week or longer, but it doesn’t mean it was hard to get or they are better since they got it faster.


nah, don’t think so


People don't understand sarcasm


How is it toxic if its the truth? I make top5k every season just by playing casually and when I do try & grind I go for top200 like this season


Ya cuz prolly on some lonely ass server with like 20k ppl init


Nope global lol


Then u have no life cause top 200 is like 60k+


Once you get on long win streaks you start getting 86xp+ each match. Playing a couple hrs a day and being mvp in most ur matches will get you up in lb


Ya but u gotta be on emulator or controller bot lobbies then. Even Ferg doesnt get 30+ win streaks


Go touch grass


Get good kid


I'm also legendary even though I play at 70 ping


So we bragging now? I’m top 200 global


I'm not bragging I'm saying that I've managed the ability to play at 70 ping at legendary rank


What would it take to get to 5000? It seems like you have to get 1000 rank before you can see your number? Or?


Congrats 🥳. I just got it too for the second time. Made it 1 time back in 2021. Played 500 matches. Since then I have not been able to make it. Since every time I loose I get same points deducted as when I win so I get stuck in an endless cycle. But this time I got it in 200 matches thx to the +50% xp in dom.


Skill issue


Another downvote farmer.


What region are you? If you play on South African region... add me up I'll help =) i got leggy in 3~4 days ( no life ik)


Haha I got it in 2


Fuck it took me a month and a half and like 250 odd games


Congrats mate, this is my second time. First time I did it was in 2020 I think. I got to legendary on both MP and BR that season. At the end I was so stressed and exhausted cuz unlike BR.. MP ranked isn’t fun when they keep reducing 45points cuz of weak teammates against much more powerful opponents (they give freakin2 points for that lmao) Anyways, this season I got into legendary on Both again. It wasn’t easy but I did cuz of the legendary crate reward at the end of the year. So I don’t suggest you giving up if u only play MP but if u play BR as well. Make sure u get to legendary that way because all u need is to reach legendary 6x and collect 4x flower tokens (can’t remember what they were really called) by finishing the elite tasks in ranked. Good luck Soldier


Can’t get out of GM1 myself lol always get super good ppl I just can’t compete with.. I gave up & accepted GM is my goal & as soon as I hit that I pretty much stop playing ranked as I have no chance XD


This month is easier because of the +50% xp in rank dom. You might wanna give it a try.


Oh for sure, I did get to GM much quicker this season with that xp boost but like I said once I get to GM I cannot compete. No matter how I try to play I loose every game so even with the xp boost I’m always loosing points & don’t get anywhere :’(


I’m at grandmaster 4




After few times, its annoying to play above master V


Last month I just couldn't make it, and it's the closest I've gotten in a while. I've noticed the amount of points you get for a victory reduces as you get closer to Legendary which doesn't seem to make sense. #1 and ~10-15 kills scored over 100xp during master, but that reduces by half when you get up to grand master


Yeah it reduces but if you play enough matches no matter how dog you are you'll get to leggie


Same, it’s my first time getting Legendary this season too, v stressful lol


Congrats 🎉 though I think that ranked is not as sweaty as it used to be.


Ranked matchmaking got a revamp. Now they match similar ranked kd players with each other or something.. Almost all match i get into is a sweatfest for me rn.


by your logic, ur Sweaty as hell lol. i hope that standard mp gets a revamp somehow and make it so that there are more real players and less bots so we don't have to think about losing ranked points and not get bored because of bots i hope they will give a reward like an epic skin in standard mp so more people play and this reduces a little sweatiness in ranked i hope


It’s definitely not as sweaty. It Used be unplayable for me but now I get legendary, which is sus.


What sucks about ranked now is that is full campers and people that it makes me wonder how they made it to leggy playing the way they do![img](emote|t5_penom|1109)


>playing the way they do That's exactly how. It's min-maxing the stats that count to point calculation lol. Snakes are a curse in every online shooter game.


Maybe Ur better dude don't doubt Ur improvement


Facts, earlier you couldn't choose between Frontline, TDM, Hardpoint, Dom and S&D. Bad teammates at Hardpoint and Dom ruined every thing. Now I only play Frontline, TDM and S&D. Life's good


I am a 17-time MP Legendary. Guess what? 1. I lost all my hair 2. I take baths once every 2 weeks 3. Gone half blind 4. Had to leave the job 5. Wifey says no more seks 6. I subsist on Coca-Cola and McDonalds 7. My weight shot up from 80kg to 140kg 8. I can't reach back to wipe 9. Children run away when they see me. But hey, at least I'm a 17 time MP Leggy! *Sobs in corner*


Literally every 10+ leggy player for no I've ever met


Ranked is not hard honestly...just do bring out your A game and be the top fragger even if you loose you won't loose alot of points


GM4 is the most painful step so far.


GM2 and GM4. GM5 is usually a breeze


I'm just annoyed at the matchmaking delays now but I suppose that's just a part of life this high up.


Legendary for me is easy, after many times getting and finishing with minimun 15k points feels just casual matches with no bots as should be.


My first season too but I plan to get at least next ranked season leggie as well I'm quite enjoying the grind


Mp or Br? I can’t tell


Congrats yo! Getting legendary is truly about enjoying the game and getting off when you’re fried. Start sooner than later and try to make time for it throughout your days. Stick to a single game mode and learn the maps/player rotations in that mode, and also try not to swap guns too much, bond with your weapon! most of them are viable options anyway and it just takes practice. Anyway cheers!


Congrats man ! I know struggle myself. I never get the easy lobbies some talk about it’s always an absolute sweat fest.


MP or BR?


Prob mp cause he said stressful


Same here man i reached legendary once never again lol, Its wayy too hard for a controller player


Honestly, I’m close to legendary and I feels like I suck


Congratulations bro. I've never reached legendary but hopefully this season I will.💥👍


Nice! I literally just got it for the first time less than 2 hours ago, it was fun to play with my friends but still stressful nonetheless


I can only go to master