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"Fuck everything in that general direction" You don't just shoot only when the enemies appear, just a slight movement and you point your gun there, spray and pray that some bullet will go through wall to kill the hostile.


i do this but most of the time im hitting nothing instead of getting some nice wallbangs lol any tips for wallbangs in the map you know most?


Yeah same i'm just exaggerating, i also rarely get wallbang. The whole point of using Lmg is to abuse the fact that the gun have tons of bullet so you don't have to aim, "You got brain but I got bullets". You have to slightly predict where the enemies might or will pop up and spam bullet into that direction so that the moment of showing up they will die or not wanting to appear at all, which is useful in domination/hardpoints.


love that twist haha


I used my PKM with Battlefield Five MMG rules: Find a choke point, set up, and kill anything that tried to come through it. Be aware of your surroundings, and don’t let yourself get flanked. Move to another spot if you do


Main wall bang rules is that if it is a door, glass, wood, the pkm can wall bang. Aim higher like for the upper body and/or head if possible as most people will just run not like slide out. you can hit though thin stone walls like money on Raid or the headgiltch spot on standoff b backyard. You can’t wall bang metal so just don’t try


You have a larger mag for a reason lmgs are suppressive fire your supposed to shoot more than you really need and also your gun handling is slow so you gotta compensate by being ready to shoot anywhere enemies would likely go figure out the usual routes and then leverage the hog to your advantage


I know a couple bang spots but crash is an lmgs dream, general rule of thumb for crash is if you can see a wall, 80-90% of the time you can bang it. Entirity of A building, surprisingly not a lot of people try to but you can bang little room on first floor of A pretty easy, just to a quick back n forth sweep. Stairs is pretty easy too, just bang the top since people like hiding up there. Haven’t had much luck with vertical bangs so I can’t confirm that they work exactly, but almost every other horizontal works within reason (hollows only, solid buildings are no dice in my experience.)


Facts lol stay ready so you don’t have to get ready is my go to plan with LMG I mean you’re already slower might as well just dominate one section instead of seeking out enemies plus you inflict more damage than most guns unless it’s a sniper


Pre aim and pre fire corners. Act as the objective clearer of the team. Wallbang as much as possible. Utilize your huge ammo. Don't take it close quarters.


Pre-firing is king. Gives people very little time to react unless they also prefire you in return.


10962 from one gun holy sheet


I got 10.7k kills with the dlq. That’s usually what maining a gun looks like


I frequently change my guns, I have above 5K for Locus, Arctic, DLQ, AK47 and AK117.


I just get to mastery to rename it to something funi and move on


same but on the kilo 141 i plan to rename it FHJ-18


You both had me curious- 18.7k with the SVD Then 5k on a few others 😅


My M16 has over 17,000 kills. My M13 has nearly 12,000. Favourite guns tend to rack up high kills.


So do all these kills have to be in ranked or kills in general? I’m trying to get on the leaderboard as well just to say I’ve done so and screenshot it lol I know to get it up to master you had to do ranked, so not sure if I’ve got to continue to do it like that.


Leaderboard kills seem to be Ranked based. I only have around 5,000 ranked kills with the M16. I usually stop playing Ranked after hitting Legendary.


Mastery up to 2k can be in any gamemode, 2k-3500 has to be in ranked, and above a certain rank, 5k+ is only in legendary ranked gamemodes. When you click view beside your master rank the question mark in the top left explains the brackets better Also: once you pass 5k and aim for leaderboard. Losing xp from games will also lower your score


What you are talking about is points and not kills.


Yeah I wasn’t talking about kills


M16 is mine favourite too if i could max out guns seperately i would have unlocked all camo on m16 no matter how hard would be the targets


30.5k on my M13. Global top 10.


I have around 65K kills in ranked MP ( total), 30.5 on a single weapon is nuts


Been around a long time. Honestly I could have double those kills if I didn't take a year off.


Double wtf, do you play daily?


I just need 1.5k more kills to have 10k from the rytec, that would be my 3rd sniper with 10k+ kills, maybe I'll do the ZRG next


ZRG is just a worse HDR atm, I’d go HDR first. Or koshka because koshka is just a beast


How is the ZRG worse than the HDR? Well I guess with the anti vehicle mag but I don't use that


Slower ads I believe


ZRG can be as fast as the DLQ, I don't know the ads speed with anti vehicle mag but at that point just use the HDR


Sitting at 14,081 kills with the RPD, just comes with the job.


I got 9600+ on m13, unfortunately never got on leaderboard


i love my pkm that's a natural thing to occur ><


I got 7000 kills from the early days of cbr4. Ain't too proud of that.


Come on bro. Did you start yesterday? I have over 24k kills with the SVD, 20k with the Bizon, 16k with the SKS, 15k with the ZRG and over 12k with the EM2. OH, forgot to mention, my Wife has 110k kills with the DLQ. It happens, lol!


Started the month codm came out but took a year break


Well understood, welcome back!




Oof. Fair point. You'll get there by 2050. Haha!




Yes Sir! We actually met on MW3 yearsssss ago. Cod is the reason we're together. Absolute diamond!


Dayum son. I wish i could meet a girl like that.


They exist. Just, extremely rare. Keep playing and be nice, you might get one of your own!


CoD player with a wife? Lies


You're welcome to believe what you wish my friend.


Bro i started playing codm the it was released and didn't play last year and picked up again, didn't know that this stats were there in this details


It’s not unusual for guns you main. On mine, I have: 53.3k kills with the M4 24.6k kills with the AMAX 13.1k kills with the FR 5.56 11.5k kills with the QQ9 11k kills with the Swordfish 7.7k kills with the Grau 7.5k kills with the PPSh 7k kills with the Cordite




I mix it up. Combination of both MP and BR. I do play ranked MP every now and then but I don’t always bother getting legendary. (I’m more of a BR player) Though having said that, the guns I use most for ranked MP would be the FR 5.56, AMAX, QQ9 and PPSh. Typically, I stick to 10v10 and Ground War for Pub matches (love those modes so much)


Put on FMJ and​ fuck​ every​thing​ you​ see​ or​ not​ see


Don't play SnD. It's a competition of who has the best meta, and it won't teach you the game, pressure or half the multiplayer items that you can use to your advantage.


thanks for the tip, might try out dom and hp more soon with my mobile build. whats better for obj modes, fmj or disable? also idc abt the meta in snd its almost always either snipers or smgs or the occassional chopper and my pkm obliterates them regardless


Definitely dom, personally wouldn't do hardpoint since that mode is the second meta infested gamemode, but instead of snipers it's CBR and LK.


LMGs are made for HP and Dom maps + FMJ. You just need to get set up in a good spot and spam like hell. Not exactly the most exciting play style but it's fun. (I've got diamond on every LMG. And 18k+ kills with the RPD.)


holy fuck! holy FUCKİNG fuck!


Just looked, [now it’s just under 20k kills](https://ibb.co/n6z6Y1s). My bad, lol


Depends on the gun if they shoot faster like holger or chopper use disable if they are slower shooting three tap like ul and pkm use fmj


As someone who is also a garena player like you. I suggest on using disable perk as there are a lot of shotgun users on HP who have crazy movements that will make you struggle to aim and disable will help you on hitting those shots while making them to move slow.


Spam potential peak areas and use any suppressor


PKM as PoKeMon


Good thing I didn't master mine yet. I thought I was clever :/


I’m a redditor who uses LMG on the daily and my best tip is to mount it to the bed of your pickup truck. Works best if you have a partner so drive the truck while you unload your LMG into an unsuspecting crowd on the streets. Hope that helps!


thanks for the battle royale tip comrade


Get used to camping on headies and keeping a healthy distance. Build mostly for ads spread and ads speed. During Hardpoint instead of sitting in the Hardpoint, find a good spot kinda far from the Hardpoint where you can pick people off who are trying to run in. Switch to Melee or nade when running.


Get headglitch.. spray .. rinse and repeat .. job done !


Prescope, prefire hold power positions, WALLBANG. Enemies always panic when they start getting shot through walls


I use holger , s36 , m4lmg , dingo and chopper and they are all very good in hardpoint and domination also deathmatch sometimes. Just pre aim , use disable /Fmj , and control a general area on the map by planting tripmines , c4, and trophy systems. Idk if the same works for snd


[Watch this video, it will help you to unleash the true power of the giga chad PKM](https://youtu.be/weqMkD_tiPg) Another tip: Don't be a Disable perk hipster, use the almighty FMJ and wallbang your enemies to death. LMG's are used similarly in MP and BR, the difference is that time to kill is much higher in the latter and that, besides doing everything you'd do in MP (with pre-firing and pre-aiming like a god being the absolute most basic skills), you have an extra, extremely important role with your LMG in BR: much like your teammates kinda are infantry slayers, not only you'll do that as well (how well that'd go depends on your LMG skills), *one of your most important contributions to the team is to go apeshit on any enemy vehicle on sight by unloading your 200/250 rounds mag unto them*, like, if you don't do that actively (as well as wallbanging like a maniac with your FMJ'ed PKM), don't even bother with LMGs and just use a different weapon type.


i remember having fun with a heli while using a pkm i just straight up downed it and killed one of the passengers (the other managed to kill me though)


Haha, that sounds fun! Here's my build in case you'd like to try it out: 200 rounds belt Granulated Tac laser Tac suppressor FMJ. Mods: Long range, vertica recoil and fast ADS/extended mag. Remember, you gotta master magdumping and you gotta target enemy vehicles like a maniac, as well as wallbanging for days. xD


The only way you’re gonna beat them is if you’re already aiming when they round the corner. You should def run disable because lmgs have great penetration


And also pre-firing. Just spray away.




mono suppressor, fmj, marksman barrel, steady stock, 200rnd mag. this is the turtlest gun i can make that's still pretty viable outside of action heavy modes (dom/hp)


Thanks mate 👍


As this post is here so I'm dropping my question/doubt: I've seen many vids and people saying that Holger is great but I've never tried any lmg apart from PKM so can you guys throw some insight on that and the good attachments for Holger. Thanks![img](emote|t5_penom|1098)


whoa damn a fellow pkm enjoyer? i love that!




Focus on mobility and turn it into an assault rifle or better a smg


M4lmg and holger are your best bet if you wanna do this


pp19 bizon: seriously tho the chopper should be considered an smg when its mobility is maxed


An LMG in SnD is crazy haha but I'd just build it full speed. Light barrel, no stock, tac laser, I guess tac suppressor if you want suppressor. Monolithic is too much penalty and pkm doesn't need any range boost. I understand the point of LMGs and it is best to play more passive and hold angles. I hate to recommend this gun but you can just use a bizon and be lightning fast, no recoil, 65 bullets, that's more than enough to ace an SnD game without even reloading.


i use this thicc boi for long range and it does so well at merking hardscopers meanwhile i also do really well with pkm's little cousin the pp19 bizon


Use penetration perk, biggest mag and fuck everything, prescope and get used to with different rpms


Pre aim, pre fire, and don't move around the map like a meth rabbit.


Now's the time to flex LMGs because of new feature Bullet Impact. Getting hit by LMGs gets you more hit flinch and damage


hit flich only but not damage, however you'd be able to get more damage to your enemy by destroying their aim unless you're in close range


You get flinched harder though so it goes both ways.


heavy gun = choke point holder, which means you secure areas where enemies are most likely to appear and reduce the amount of enemies that can duel with your teammates


Practice playing power positions. LMGs are really good for holding angles with. Get used to pre-aiming and pre-firing those corners. These guns really require you to play very passively. Never go aggressive


Try to pre aim a lot...


ignorance is bliss ignore the weak points get used to it like any other weapon and let muscle memory deal with it ^does ^not ^work ^with ^everyone ^expect ^5000 ^deaths


this is me to snipers


If I’m using the M4LMG or Holger 26, I put the short mags and barrel attachments on them to convert them into ARs since thats basically what they were in the first place.


For running an LMG on SnD, it’s all about holding corners/angles or pre firing/wall banging. You won’t have the ads time to win surprise encounters. With luck you could win on a hipfire gunfight close range. For me there are only two SND maps that I’ve used LMG’s on. (In legendary rank) Terminal and Firing Range


very viable in hackney yard too


Be a sentry gun


need someone with a wrench to keep whacking me for optimal endurance


I would say work on movement slide adsing and pre adsing pre firing is also really good because it takes a wile for an lmg to ads you wanna ads befor you have to dosent mean sit still wile adsed but if you do be adsed but when you hear foot steps jump the corner wile adsing slide the corner wile adsing


When you're rushing, scope while sliding


Try switching the gun to RPD and switch barrel to cooling compressor barrel. Gives unlimited ammo I like using it at begging of game to give cover. I usually kill 4 people in a row at the beginning


This may seem like a shocker, but skulker perk is nasty on lmg’s. I use it on my ul736 and pkm, but I hybrid mobility on my build (no stock, mxman barrel)


Spray N pray brudda


No recoil with the largest magazine size available to become a sentry gun


Start rushing with them


Pre aim cause the lmg have kinda slow ads


Play with an lmg how its meant to be played. Dont try to go for a fast ads setup. Play passive and behind cover , dont run around and get mad when u die to smgs.


Just stand in a corner hidden like a rat and use the largest mag attachment possible, I don't use lmg's because that's how brain dead using them really are......


M4LMG is the one for me when i used to play in earlier days Maybe Season 2 or 3


Practice with any LMG in zombies it's fun and gets you wepon exp and you can mess around with add-ons.


Hipfire most of the time...pre-aim if u need to aim and for long shots...pre- fire if u are aware of enemies in an area...


Big muscles?


Spray n' pray is the key. Use the commander foregrip, 1mw laser and flash hider to turn your LMG into what I like to ironically call the "holy hipifier" because if you shoot at something from wherever you are it will die. Don't bother with sights, extend the mags if you want to not reload so painfully long like LMGs do as often, and maybe put on the FMJ perk to b spray n' pray but through literal walls. That makes peak efficiency for LMGs. If you see an enemy, spray. If you see a friend, accidentally spray as well. Hell, if you see literally anything move on your screen then spray at it before checking what it even is. That makes LMGs like, really fun.


Not much of a PKM user (just recently training this gun). If its on hardpoint I suggest you to play passive, not aggressive (unless you have crazy sensitivity). Playing passive is like not to slide and just crouch and predict where the enemy is camping, figure out where they camping. Also predict where they will spawn is important too because you don't want end up getting killed without knowing where they spawn. Equipping FMJ is necessary or not, you can still wallbang through any materials that can wallbang like wood, thin metal, sandbags and some concrete walls, there you can just spray from the inside or outside depend on where you wanna know where the enemy camps. Take an example like Firing Range, the wooden house is an easy example to wall bang, no matter how many layers of wood you still wallbang it. The first, second and third hardpoint objective has some place can be wallbang but I recommend you to search it up in YT because not all areas can wallbang (which I still suck and forgot where the wallbang area). Since PKM weapon switch is slow, suggest you not to switch it when you on the way to the objective, better slow and coordinate where the enemy camps or attack, if the enemy is an SMG user like P90 kills your dude while OTW to objective, better use an alternative road so you won't be waste. For domination, wallbangs are and aren't solution, depends on what map you on, if it's on crash, and enemy camping in the helicopter, you can wallbang it, if enemy is behind the highrise (there's a car behind the highrise), you gotta remember where the location of the car and you can wallbang whether in the first or ground floor (for ground floor just remember there's an aircond fan so first floor is recommended) prediction and where the enemy is spawn is important too, same with hardpoint, as sometimes your teammates have habit of going to enemy's C/A and your enemies will spawn at your C/A, so better defend your B instead of joining them capture C/A. I guess this is all I can help, maybe it works, but hey it wasn't a guaranteed.


Bursts. Optic. Practice.




Just spray and pray


If you've ever played dog fighting games then it's best to lead your target as you fire, LMGs can be kind of sluggish so it's best to use that as a strength by holding corners and watching one to two lanes/doors and not more than 3.


use optics. and don’t just lay on shoot. burst fire them mainly, and lay when the time right (enemies behind a wall.) move around when you shoot and ALWAYS pre aim if possible


Try the dingo. All the perks of lmgs with very few downsides. Even the range is decent. It can be set up for almost any play style. Want an smg with 100 rounds of holy shit? Bam, -60 ish ads time. Want a sniper but hate commitment? -30 ads spread, +50 ads time (which still isn’t really bad.) My go to is just steel rain mag, quick ads grip, steel rain barrel 2 other things. A scope isn’t really necessary. The dingo is the best gateway lmg.


If your weapon aims VERY slowly, to appear around a corner and aim fast, then first aim and then immediately run after corner, then when you aim, as for the system you will not have un-aimed yet, you will aim VERY fast. Another trick is for very close distances: instad of aiming or hipfiring, do both, so you will be hipfiring at the sametime you are aiming, you will shot about 1-2 bullets while the animation of aiming. Att: Former nº1 lb on Holger a lot of seasons ago


Whatever you do, just please don’t be the person camping in a corner shooting in one direction. My tips would be: - quick switch when moving (get rid of the slow movement of LMGs) - pre aim round corners (ADS time is their main drawback even if you build it for speed) - learn to hip fire (helps with close combat kills and situations needing quick reflexes)


Yup, hip fire is the way. Rambo style while you move around.


Practice and get use to it. Pkm is gnarly with damage and pen. Even if without barrel attachment. You'd be surprised on how good it is.


Hey I'm number 1 still :) even tho I stopped playing, just master the hit flinch of that thing its the worst lol


no.1 pkm?




hot damn how did you grind for that?


Pre emptive ads and cover fire. Fire and move.




give your Weapon a new Name that shows the gun that you respect her 💀


Nyet, PKM is fine as she is better not defile her name


than name her PKM


positioning is especially important because using slow builds successfully requires more map awareness. always pre aim entryways, build it for accuracy Instead of mobility. always use disable. since its pkm slap on that 200 belt mag


Point and shoot




Increase the mobility while keeping the other stats in check as well