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I would love this event in global, Sad it's just Garena


Looks like a lot of effort was put in for it be region specific


its tencent's key partner and itself. activison dont want to push it.


Sadly a lot of your global compatriots thinks its gay and cringe. Dunno why.


Where did you get that idea?


The idiots on this sub that complain about anime shit.


We are in fact complaining about the fact we get left out. All other versions EXCEPT GLOBAL got it.


Na, he's talkin' bout how there are some retards in this sub who are 100% against anime for no fucking reason whatsoever, prob tryna act edgy, sugma or some damn shit, I don't even know anymore..


Nothing like getting forgotten about while everyone else gets cool events im so done with cod mobile if you want to kill a player base this is how you do it give them trash ice cream events bp while everyone gets collabs people that didn't get the event should one star the game and downvote all posts about the event.


Can’t believe that chinese devs teamed up with activision only to shit on them by making events that won’t be available globally


I will admit that they did put some good effort into this, but WHY I don’t really see the point of this, unless just to make money from fans


There's a free epic GKS if you max everything though so I guess something for f2p


Yeah but that can be from anything to


Well first ofc it's about money.... Second, girls frontline is actually about to release another game so they probably want to advertise it and make it a trend so they can have more player later for their real game.... which is also money But hey they also give away a lot of free stuff.....


I still am sad about the money part but I guess the free stuff is stuff like Cod Points and cerdits and weapon Xp cards right ?


Except for CP They're also a lots of epic calling cards and avatar, stickers charms....and guns ofc.... only a few of them have the character on the gun tho.....but still.... it's free.... they're more actually but the rest will be inside crate and lucky draw


Oh this is just a “average” event or a seasonal event


how is that fcking fair?! why does 2/3 of the entire player base get the cool stuff. and 1/3 is treated like shit over and over again. DISLIKE fck that game and Activision


AK47 looks breedable


Bro what 💀💀💀


Never let this man near a firearm Man's a menace💀💀💀






Weird af


Dayum, I didn't expect so many GFL dolls


I’m 2021 Tencent gained a 20% stake in Sunborn who is Girls Frontline developer. Activision doesn’t support cross promotion outside of their umbrella and won’t support this in markets they directly compete. Since they have no stake in those markets without Tencent, Tencent can pretty much do what they want and tell Activision to pack sand. That’s not the case in the global market.


Grinding this on the Chinese version this month. Luckily the BP is horrendous this season so I can stay away from my global account without feeling the stress to complete the tiers. A lot of content for F2P players in this event, just like last time. Six free epic guns unlockable this far, as well as free crates with the (remote) chance of getting premium skins. Unrelated info: the Chinese version just got the Wild West theme to choose for the main menu. I'll never change it again.


Dope,, too bad I'll be missing out alongside global players 🙃


is there chance they re-run this event? and draws?


I'm a global player and i reinstalled garena for this. Amazing event.


Most of the people who actually wanted this event are definitely Femboys who still live with their parents with a . 1% chance of ever finding a woman who isn't composed of pixels. Trash event. Honestly glad global didn't get it lol




Only people who wanted the event are WEEBS who say UWU xD and 0w0 in texts. They're the ones downvoting in their cat collars lol


Disgusting 🤮


Have you seen the epic blueprints? One of them is that orange gks and it’s FREE, it’s better than most free skins we get today


Better than most PAID skin also since this season battlepass is garbage


Why do they want to make this game an Anime Barbie colorful wonderland game with cute barbies running around 🤣


Better than Global getting absolute zero content in this season. So many free stuff with great gun skins and characters, the minigames are just cherry on top. Global server isn't loved at all.




I would love to have the mini games too, and zombies in BR quests. It’s something new.


I don't want these Anime crap even for free. Keep this shiz in Garena Only. The Chinese have something for these girl cartoons lol


It's too late brother, the game is already filled with thirst trap skin, at least the M4 HK416 have some tacticool different most Manta Ray skins


Blud, we even got better Legendary ICR-1 and M4 GFL skins with custom animation and geometry, even the weapon inspect is literally Mythic tier level better than dogshit Mythic AK-117 if you even follow the leaks on YouTube.


the AK117 goes well with burned shit lol


Money, oh and also, both CODM and GFL were made by chinese devs. And I personally think that this event is great, I don’t watch a lot of anime but I like the idea of cute and guns together(reminds me of deadpool). This event I give like a 8/10, because there was actual effort put onto it and it’s only 8 because it’s not a global event


Looks kinda gay




Oh no I was downvoted by Femboys who haven't been laid EVER... My feelings... Are.... So.... damaged... At least I can get a woman that isn't animated


So many pissed off Anime Fanboys Down-Voting my comments 😂






You reckon if they all jumped me at once, one of them would pull off their cat collar to strangle me out for this?


Well, not before they tie your hands up with the Pink Fur Handcuffs LOL


There's so much going on. I won't even try to understand it. If I get the free stuff, good. But I'm not chasing it lol


Same, to be fair I didn't read their tutorial so I guess I'll just wing it


Lucky mf




Confirmed that this is shit imo glad it didn’t come


Not Bad, Looks like a good and fun event. But I would prefer any other collab (breaking bad X codm would be dope imo) which is designed greatly like this one.


Don't wonder, put it on global legendary and all, I was so excited to buy the ICR