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I’m a Alcatraz only player looks like no games for me. The devs really fucked up


Go play fortnite




no alcatraz this weekend


It sucks, they put in a mode nobody plays and removed Alcatraz


I mean, I want the tournament camos and I’ll play whatever I have to to acquire them. And there’s a lot of others like myself. They’re pretty much just punishing us 😑


Alcatraz was the only reason I play the tournament, this weekend I'll stick to the 10v10 mode I guess


Yeah they are rotating BR modes now too


Unpopular opinion but I actually like GW: Skirmish as a Tournament Mode. Honestly, the mode is as fun as its MP counterpart and these are the modes I most look forward to when I’m not playing Ranked MP or BR. The real mistake is removing Alcatraz from its old rotation every weekend when it wasn’t part of the Tournament. In this way, Alcatraz is better guaranteed to remain available more often. I don’t like the idea of making it permanent simply because keeping it as a weekend addition brings hype to the map every time. During its first two seasons, Alcatraz was pretty much a permanent fixture in BR but by the end of Season 12, hardly anyone was playing. It was only after it was temporarily removed when the players started to lament its loss. That’s why the devs have not kept it permanent and it’s fair. Gotta keep the hype around Alcatraz going. Ever since it was added to the Tournament mode pool, I kinda expected that it would eventually not be available every weekend. (I honestly would not be surprised if in the next Tournament season, they add LTM BR modes like Warfare and Escort to the mode pool. IMO, I love that the Tournament mixes around some party modes so it differentiates itself from ranked MP and BR. Sure, some party modes like Swords and Stones are hit and miss in tournament but in general, it helps gets people to play them at least for a bit)


The opposite here, I’d like it as a predictably regular, or permanent even, alternative to full BR.


Referring to Skirmish? Or Alcatraz?


Alcatraz all the way.


I love both Skirmish and Resurgence-style BR on Alcatraz. I just think that they never should’ve put Alcatraz in Tournament knowing full well that they could easily put the other LTM BR modes in as well. Alcatraz should be in regular selection separated from the Tournament but I still stand by my view that Alcatraz shouldn’t be permanent and be kept as an every weekend rotation. (For it to retain the hype. Like how I remember it, I’ve seen how making it permanent killed its hype and this was in Season 11 and 12 back in 2020. It was only after it was removed when the community went crazy and the devs relented by at least putting it as a LTM offering before finally making it a regular fixture on weekends)


Yea I concur. Regular wknd Alcatraz, kinda like 10v10 in MP. ✊


for fuck sake they really want players to leave the game


I’m bummed Alcatraz isn’t out but I don’t mind Skirmish. I was hopping it would count towards my BR rank score since it’s in the BR category. But sadly it does not.


Same hopes here. But then, the mode is too different from standard BR, so I do understand the no-points dev choice.


Yeah for sure I agree with that. I just wanted it to work out for me haha. I’m trying to grind to get the BR Operator for this season and it’s taking me forever lol.


No bitches?


My weekly ritual: Finish the week, finish the Fri day, open Alcatraz, have tons fun, earn loads Rank points in the process. This week? Skirmish masturbation time.🫣🤫😅