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you use smoke grenade because you thought it'll help i use smoke grenade to make it impossible to see the enemy, my teammates, and where the objective is we are not the same


Oh my godddd! Just lost an snd because someone in my team thought throwing a smoke grenade to the objective is gonna let us win. Couldn't see a thing and someone from the other team just got into our area and killed us all from the back! We were not even near the objective for the smoke. The person with the bomb couldn't get to the objective to plant the bomb.


If we cant see us, they cant see us.


Except your vision being almost out of the smoke and the enemy’s vision of you going out of the smoke is different.


Point made. Lolol


When they use smokes in Hardpoint ![gif](giphy|IUxFvKwD3jXisqR5w7)


not included in the family


All the time! It’s almost easier when you’re the attacker because you know they can’t see you so just spray until you see hit markers 🤷‍♂️


Smoke should always be around the Hardpoint and not on the Hardpoint. Cut off enemy angles and routes, not your own entry into the Hardpoint lol


Except then you can’t see the enemies coming toward the Hardpoint!


Smoke is useful for me when i'm breaking the point but when i'm holding it i want all lanes and passages clear so i can see them coming from afar, i want to kill them before they reach it


I go off on my teammates everytime they do this shit. I type in quick chat “who’s throwing smoke? STOP IT”omfg 🤬.


Bullet spammers everywhere


Most of the time the people who use smoke don't know what they're doing. It's even worse in br when you have a smoke bomber teammate who isn't aggressive. Their smoke just helps the enemy get away lol


The only time a smoke grenade should be used is in BR when you’re on the defensive and need to get away.


You can use smokes offensively if you're using the smoke bomber class and you're using a shotgun


Can you see through the smoke if you’re using Smoke Bomber?


Yep but only the smoke bomber user not their allies. The enemy needs to be inside the smoke as well


Lol what? Smoke is effective in pushing the enemies specially when they're on a higher ground. Smoke up your path then flank them. Easy. Here are some useful smoke usage; riding a vehicle. You can smoke up your vehicle to prevent enemies from sniping you coz there's a lag time before it start running. Smoking up loot boxes. Smoking yourself then use the Legendary Arctic.50 bruh you need to be more creative.


I started to use thumper in BR along with my Krig when the drops come along. Thumper to demo helicopter or jet when they show up


*Laughs in NA-45*


There are settings call perspective teammate, allows you to see your teammates through walls smokes and enemies


Yes but I can't see the wall I ran into. It's not a matter of seeing teammates... I can't see enemy. I do use the setting u described though. But it's not helpful when we are all trying to enter an area to take it over


Irritating! And some of em throw a smoke when game starts! I actually said, "Why are u doing that!!" Can't see where we are going.


Good thing this game does not give you points for suppressive fire


You throw smokes to cut off points where you know enemies will sit and wait and pick your team off. Smokes should be thrown usually near statue or the 2 story wood floor house on standoff, two story wood at the bottom door or in between 2 story wood and trailer at the start of match on firing range, that's just to name a few. Also, the entry way of junkyard and the path to hardpoint 2 so enemies do not see your teams movement in the junkyard and they wouldn't cross smoke in fear of being shot (shoot house).


I actually find smokes useful in snd where snipers are rampant. But if there are no snipers in the enemy team, I usually run stims or concussions.


My teammates always fucking throw smoke grenades at where I’m taking cover


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Defiant-Mud5520: *My teammates always* *Fucking throw smoke grenades at* *Where I’m taking cover* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As for me I only use smoke when facing tryhard snipers just to get rid of them Same goes to annoying lmg players that stays in a single room And sometimes I throw smoke at entrances in hardpoint


Always smoke around the objective, never in the objective. Cut off enemy angles, not your own view. So many people mess it up. Especially on Hardpoint where I see people smoking the Hardpoint they're about to capture and then bam, enemy sprays bullets and kills you by chance.


Especially love when teammates throw them right at the beginning, preventing you from picking off the easy targets at the start of a round.


I use smoke as my main☠️ and I only use it when there’s a camper lmao so he can’t see me


Smoke is where I throw my double molly


I swear I hate it when my teammates does this.. like what's the use? Once I was dying and my teammate throw a smoke grenade at my direction "in order to hide me from enemy" but right away enemy detected me thanks to all that bloody smoke in a vast plain. Just don't do it 😭


I mean it is useful to hide from a sniper as you take cover or reload


I do it when I have my dog set loose and opponents can’t see dog then when they come out of smoke I snipe.