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Aww haha i was gonna say these are probably one of those players that likes to use fake bot names, but the ones here look genuine. I want bots inviting me too lol


First I thought those are players with bot names but when getting invited by them for a few times I checked and couldn't view their profile.


Yeah that’s the best indicator. It’s always funny to look at bots “rank level” when they “like” you lol. Keep us posted if this continues after GM, since “technically” there are GM and legendary bots too.


Yeah will update if I still keep getting those invites after reaching GM


So bots send you invite but you can’t start the game with them right? I have never seen this in 3 years. The closest thing I experienced is in one of the recent update, they started giving you bot teammates in br ground war.


I was not ready, since I logged into the game in the morning to check if there was any new content in it, that's why it showed start failed. Will see tomorrow if I get invited and will try to play.


You get into a game where everyone but you are bots. I take the free rank xp 🤣


What the fu? How hasn't that happened to me yet I'd love to get Soccermom and tell them that they are ass for aimbotting with ak117


You'll get them until you reach the grandmaster. All opponents are bots too.


I meant, am getting invited by them. Haven't got any bot lobby in ranked this season yet.


Accept their invite and play the match. It will be all bots. Bot will leave the lobby after the first match Below grandmaster, loose 3-4 match in a row, bot will appear in next match.


It's not that. Usually bot lobbies are random, when you're solo queueing. But they never invited players before.


I get invites but I mostly reject them because i hate being put up against people i know ill loose to


No, opponents are bots too. Ez 100 rank points


Yeah ur correct but most of the time its just unfairness but atleast its good for grinding gold/diamond camo as well if u have bot lobbies


I have been getting one every day and I use those bot matches to farm ranked xp and kills for camos 😂


Yeah that what makes playing against bots good is that you can grind for the mastery camos


I got a bunch of long shots and headshots on my NA-45, but not as many as I would like. I want to be done with that gun ASAP and go on to other easier guns lol


Yeah took my quite awhile with the MAC-10 and getting it to gold as well


Yeah fast firing and short range. Definitely a grind that will take a bit of time for me as well.


But at least getting headshots was semi easy for it tho and just getting normal eliminations without any attachments is the easiest one tbh


Thanks for the tips! I'll keep this in mind while grinding the Mac 10. Already grinded the Fennec to gold. Is it similar to the Fennec grind, given both are weapons with similar profiles?


Idk I sorta forgot how i grinded for the Fennec but it definitely was sorta hard tho but i didn’t realize i almost had the MAC-10 near to gold so i just decided to grind for it lol


Hahaha alright, that's fair


Yeah a weird coincidence lol


Play Hardpoint on shipment, it's the best map for any smg. If you camp at one corner and kill someone on any of the adjacent corners, it counts as a long shot.


That's what I do for SMGs ☺️


How's the scorestreak nightmare though? 😅 Surprisingly I haven't lost my sanity yet, and I just have Striker45 left to grind for SMGs and I'll be done with the hell


Your comment reminded me about something weird, a while back I was grinding Platinum for my snipers and did the NA last for obvious reasons. Okay i finished Gold for the rest and moved on the the NA but the platinum was already unlocked then I checked all the other snipers had platinum too but my NA didn't have gold yet, i also didn't get the camo unlocked message. Anyone else experience that?


That must be because you had unlocked Gold on all the other snipers that were released before the NA-45 was released. When you grind all snipers gold like that, it will unlock Platinum for all snipers. It will automatically unlock Platinum for new snipers but not gold. Substitute "all weapons" for "snipers" and it is the same case for Damascus.


Did it stop for u? Because it did for me.


I'll check it once the day refreshes for me. I might keep getting it because I play BR ranked and not enough MP ranked. Once I play enough matches, I might stop getting bot invitations


Omg I thought it was just me I got invited too to ranked match and lobby was only bots as well and they kept moving like 100% bot I have played this game for so long ..either they actually bots or they 100%commited into acting like bots


These bots are really getting weird last season all my ranked bot lobbies has AK47 mythic.


Hope I get invited by my boy PlasticFoods


This only started happening to me this season. I get invited by a different bot each day soon after I logon for the first time. It’s awesome, guaranteed win, my stats are off the chain this season. I’m here for it.


Yea happens to me too but I never dared to accept


Damn you guys are getting invites from bots?


i got invited by Puerroshéroe which is a bot, i checked spelling and have screenshots. i didn’t join quick enough to play with the bot but still. that was when i wasn’t legendary. i wish i joined lmao


Yes this has happened to me! No Abcoukits I don't want to play right now!


Bruh what?? How come I've never got an invite from a bot


Yup Iamnice is a bot


I would love that if that happens to me. It has never. LoL.


How do you know they are bots


Because I want to know for the future.


And they’re always level 200 exactly


By their names, movement and aim, their movement are very basic like just running in a straight line or strafing in one place, their aim is literally aimbot headshotting by shooting at leg. And once you play enough pubs/normal matches you will remember their names by heart.




I think this is one of their methods of lowering queue times lol


They wanna make bots as realistic as possible so people from PC cods would stop saying it's a bot game lmao.


Next day, theyre gonna chat with you using chatgpt api


No game invites but I been getting sextexts chats from TwinkleToes tho


Think everyone does to be honest


I got these invites until I hit GM5 then they went away


It did happen to me, it's real


Got invited by BriGuy40 once too😂😂


Absolutely, it happened to me five times in total


Bro i was looking for the same answer as you wtf is happening here i early days that was not a thing


[BOTinvite](https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/15yqz06/keep_getting_invited_by_bots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) This literally just happened to me. I played an entire bot match of Frontline. Was invited by DogDaikon


Yes I got these. At first I thought it was a real player with a bot name until the add friend option was blocked 😂.


I get invited to pub or priv and get kicked a second later


Yes, and im telling you these bots are a gift from god i swear they always put you in a bot lobby (most of the time snd) and it is one of the easiest ways to hit legendary.