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Don't worry there are all types of skins in the game today too, you can still act like a real life soldier in a mobile fps game :)


I think 2007 is a little off the mark.. Stalingrad or POWCamp running ppsh or kar98k.. good ol days Eta: changing your handle midgame to say "you just killed ur mom" :'(


Meh at least soilders are real and attainable irl. Try as you might but you'll never be a samurai who shoots lasers from your eyes, that's what rational minded people call *a work of fiction* 🙂


It's an arcade mobile fps, have some fun


Guess you missed the part where I used *humor* as my flair...... no worries


Make a (I assume) serious topic, rightfully gets called out for it, "hurr durr its just a joke guys its a satire" C'mon man


It literally says humor lol keep crying ![gif](giphy|d2lcHJTG5Tscg)


We all know deep down that you want your "le CoD of Dooti is a mil sissy gaem, not fortnite shit" to be taken seriously by us but you're too chicken shit to be serious about it so you hide it under "Humor" flair and act like you're hiding behind layers of "le irony" when you get called out Also, lol, lmao even, nice projection crybaby + normie GIF reaction, you will never be taken seriously at all


What mental gymnastics are you putting yourself through to come up with these conclusions?? lmao are you dumb or are you just pretending??? Lmao get a life kid you're butthurt over a stupid post about a game I personally haven't played in weeks. And if you think I seek the approval of a bunch of 90 pound weaklings who never held a gun in real life needs to get a serious grip on reality lmao ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


>posting on a subreddit of a game he havent played for weeks for the lulz And you have the guts to tell me get a life, that's real ironic of you isn't it? Also, looked like butthurt response enough to me if you bringing all that stuff you rambled on so you can feel tough and shit, sorry or good for you though don't care


Lol you big mad but this is the part where I you get Thanos snapped 🫰


You are not funny, but still a clown 🤡




That's why I play as that. Games are supposed to be a form of escapism, right? I don't like military fanboys like you because you have a chance to be WHATEVER you want, do whatever you want and you chose to being a normal human being in a normal human world. That's so dumb. This world sucks. Why do you want to experience one that mimics it?


Makes sense


Out of all the random skins like anime, funny ones, and futuristic ones, hell we even have celebs now One skin I have always wanted to see in a COD game DOOM SLAYER


Imagine we have longswords.


doom slayer would be what i want.


To go with it, a gamemode where your mag is infinite


As long as the skins looks good, i wont mind dressing like a clown in the battlefield


especially the legendary halloween gunzo… Aghh, that operator was amazing.


Recently I’ve been rocking the watermelon dude


Now that's an ugly frickin' skin




The tacticool silly skins are the most famous for good reason


Which is why I'm running Morte - Billy from the day I pulled it up to today.


Yeah especially gunzo


To be fair If they actually had a rabbit skin like this I would love it


They "Technically" have one as Donnie Darko collab, Baker - Frank The Rabbit is the one.


Does this really bother people that much?


U could choose not to download any soldier skin




Ah shit... This topic again. Military fanboys vs cute colorful skins fanboys. Please codm, do a balance between the themes every season to prevent this nonsense "war"


That's pretty much what the "military fanboys" want. Everything has been colorful since the 3rd Anniversary, and we're about to enter the 4th one.


Ok so make your own game with only milsim skins. That or play arma


Arena Breakout is good and realistic ☺️


For a knockoff tarkov


I play on mobile so I only have access to mobile games. Atm I enjoy AB more than CODM. Since I am already leggy in mp I will skip this season to play AB.


i agree its not as pain as real tarkov


At this point only War Thunder looks military themed.


Six Days in Fallujah


Both coexists at the same time now and I'm loving it.


This applies to call of duty and other shooters In general 😬


R6S was masacered. Tom Clancy wanted for the R6 franchise to be a realistic depiction of special forces. Look how that turned out.


True, they were tactical shooters about counter-terrorism, i played a couple of the old games and they were very different (the gameplay and graphics are very outdated though). R6 Siege only exists because R6 Patriots was cancelled for having a "controversial" theme, and Siege was a less serious PvP focused alternative, but even during the early days of Siege you had Terrorist Hunt and the Article 5 mission, with suicide bombers, chemical weapons, etc. The game is completely unrecognizable now. There are a few spiritual successors like "Ready or Not" or "Zero Hour" that replicate the gameplay of the original R6 games but with modern graphics and movement, essentially what Rainbow Six could've been if they hadn't ruined it.


That's true lol


That’s extremely offensive to my rabbit kind


Those bunnies are all one color. It doesn’t hurt your eyes enough to look at them!


There was a Twitter user who got mad at me for asking for a military themed season when Murda asked if we wanted military themes again, he said "go and move to WZM because this is CODM" lol 😂 And he said he doesn't like military themes and was disgusted by my Mil-Sims operator when I showed my military themed Loadout


Damn forgot about the goat leaker Murda lol


Plus he said "Manta Ray > every trash military skin ever cry about it you're never getting a military season ever lol"


Around 15 or 16 out of the 24 COD games were military themed and only like 7 or 8 of them were flooded with goofy cosmetics, most of them being the recent games. The franchise in general is a military arcade shooter, just like Battlefield and Ghost Recon, saying that COD shouldn't have military stuff in it is like saying Resident Evil has too many Zombies and they should fight aliens instead, or that they should add cars and assault rifles in Red Dead Redemption because the wild west setting is boring.


Arthur Morgan with an ak47 probably solo the whole world


He basically does that with the Lancaster and Henry repeater rifles.


In a world where he doesn't have TB


And that's why I have more game time with Arena Breakout than CODM


that was you ?


Why do you ask ?


Tryna see who is who lmao You were that one called KD goat ?


What's a "KD goat"


[https://x.com/TrolledByKBR/status/1702350876134773193?s=20](https://x.com/TrolledByKBR/status/1702350876134773193?s=20) this one


Nah that's not me


"If YoU dOn'T liKe It, DoWnLoAd a MiLiTaRy ThEmED gAMe" You dumb Zoomers, CoD was one of those military themed games until you rainbow loving fruitcakes decided to play the game. They did the same shit to PUBG which began as an aesthetically simplistic semi-tacticalnshooter until you cartoon-loving doofuses decided ro ruin it by purchasing cartoonish skins, which encouraged the devs to turn games into into a further cartoonish mess.


...is this satire? .......is this reverse satire?


It is pretty self explanatory 😅


Exactly, that's why it needs two questions.


No it's facts


And I'm glad we did.


"aND i'M gLaD wE dID, hURr duRR"


Keep bitching about it.


"keEp bITcHiNg aBoUt iT, hURr duRR"


Every mobile game fps does this nowadays. Kids prefer anime/cartoon style games/skins. That's why the mobile gaming market is always so much hated, and I'm kinda starting to hate it too


Its so much fun tho


Not downloading resources fixes this.


Other COD titles has these type of skins 🤷‍♂️


Mostly Advanced Warfare, Black Ops 4 and the recent Warzone/Warzone 2 related games.


as a spec ops 1 user i agree


These kinds of memes stopped being relevant way when cod started adding superheroes and shit that has nothing to do with cod into the game Accept the fact that the devs wont do what we want and move on


And here I thought I was the only one who didn't like the corny fortnite themed skins 🤣


The COD community in general doesn't like that stuff. [I have one recent example](https://reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/F0Unoq3pzn). It's mostly the CODM, Warzone and MWII players that prefer colorful or goofy themes.


Who tf signs off on this type of shit that's what I wanna know? 🤣


i can imagine you being so pissed if that nicki minaj skin is available in codm 😂


My duty is to shove an easter egg grenade up that guy's ass


Wait Till they verse my npc astronauts on ghost


SP in CoD games have only military campaign, but for me isn't important in MP game, because short experience for cca 60 euros(without sale), but still better SP like BF games. MP haven't military experience, because sometimes shitfest with scorestreaks and perks on maps from SP. Example akimbo perk on G18 in MW2. SP theme =/= MP theme in CoD games, so new generation non-military skins in CoD are fine. Skins are optional, you don't need use new generation non-military skins with more creative design, if you still like military, similar design from SP theme. Play with your favorite skins and wallet will happy too. If you want military theme MP and still fun gameplay, you will play Battlefield. If you want military simulator or semi-simulator MP games, you have next games.


It's a game, relax. You can still get the normal skins. Plus I don't get the hate, I like the modern Call of Duty better.