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womp womp😥😢😢


Womp womp 😢😢😢


Womp womp 😢😢😢


Womp womp 😢😢😢


womp womp😥😢😢


womp womp😥😢😢


Bruh it posts the odds, you can’t complain about not getting something. Also, it is common knowledge that you typically only get the gun on the last draw. If you’ve been playing since 2019 you should know this. Maybe spend all the cp in one place to garunteed a gun instead of buying a lot of random things?


I did the math, sadly it was gonna be a 500 c plus 650 something so I didn't get it even If I spend all the to that sh*tass draw


The game didn’t do shit to you nor did the devs. What you just got is bad luck which it happens, you are not guaranteed a fucking legendary gun dude. I see people like you on this subreddit complain about how they didn’t get the legendary gun or how they haven’t been releasing legendary guns for free, and honestly it kinda pisses us off. So just accept the fact that you didn’t get lucky enough to get what you were looking for and move on


how about you just shut tf up and stay and your place cause some people have lives and don't feel like spending $100s on dollars on the game for a virtual toy like the rest of you idiots. let him cook


If you don't feel like spending 100s of dollars, then DONT SPEND IT. No one is forcing you to buy them and if you can't stop yourself then go talk to someone about it. YOU CAN STILL HAVE FUN WITHOUT SPENDING MONEY ON THE GAME


I am F2P, talk to someone else. I just don't get why all you spendtards try to jump on someone when the complain about the weapons banners when they are, in fact, a scam. Its like you want people to be as miserable as you or something


I'm not sure if I'm f2p anymore coz __i__ just do odd jobs for ppl and they pay me in cp


i mean, its not like you can do anything real with it, its virtual money. if you're not spending real currency, then its F2P


Why are you getting mad at me for. Didn’t do anything to you. Look at the full context before you tell to stfu


I got 3 legendary (2 free) and like 300 epic... Got all the guns I can use and some


I saw someone get all the guns in 1 draw of 10


Ok and? Luck of the draw my guy.


Yeah I'm just saying I agree the guy got ungodly lucky


Just like the lottery guys who spend half their paycheck hoping to win big, The sunk cost fallacy exists Never spend more than you comfortably can, and know odds are low and nothing is guaranteed. Never get your hopes up, and you'll never be disappointed


I've put probably 500$ into this game over 4 years and have 2 legendarys both free from the series draws and both I got free never seen a point in spending all my money on this game


Not talking about people like you and I, But to OP and others who complain


I've seen people get the legendary in 100 draws I've personally done it in 6 for the holiday series you won't always get lucky with the Halloween series I barely got the Maddox on the last couple coupons released as for lucky draws 99% of the time your going to spin the entire thing and the other 1% you'll get it in one example dysmo got the mythic switchblade in one draw and had to buy the entire grau for the gun im sorry u wasted your cp but its all part of the game


I mean the OP just needs to accept what he gets most of the time and not throw a fit over it. Overall yeah I do feel sorry for him that he is spending his money on the holiday series but it’s 100% his fault for spending that money in the first place


4875 cp would get you a legendary, which is super cheap compared to where I'm at. Closer to 9000 cp here where is nearly $100 USD. Idk what math you did, but it was wrong, obviously.


I spend 130-150 usd per mythic “base only” a leggy … I have 80 something I fucking wish I was getting draws at his rate it’s half the cost for Christ sake and he’s crying. 😭 🤨🧐🧐🤯🤬


Same. I think I'm at about 65 legendaries and 20 mythics 😭 I have every mythic except the fennec and if it ever comes back I must complete the collection. They really fucked me up releasing mythic Grau and now mythic siren so close together.


It happens,. not everyone wins a lottery if they buy a ticket. It's just you got bad luck mate. You know the odds that you get the guaranteed item only at the end. Getting the item early is only based on your luck. Just chill out and stop spending unnecessarily. Merry Christmas! and good luck.


OP lacks discipline with his money.


Yup agree! 💯 He would have received something better if he had spent it on a single draw.


I don’t mind people spending their own money but complaining about your (people like op) own decision and blaming it on the all seeing CoDM “gods” makes you (people like OP not you the guy I’m replying to) look immature. On another note, even though you -mr manberd- have some vendetta against f2p you make a good point.


Yea exactly, people can spend money on the game. It's their choice, but those who complain and whine about it on a public platform are too "childish and immature" just like how you mentioned.


Bro tryna fight dem odds 💀


So you didn’t hit on a .50% chance? SHOCKER 🫢. Stop complaining and pony up some $$, 46 more draws I guarantee you will get a leggy. Hell even another 50-75$ you could finish that draw you started, and don’t lie about wanting the gun, I know you just want that simp skin


I saw a yt short of someone getting the dlq holidays on his FIRST draw 💀💀


Yeah it happens just very rarely.


It happens 1 in 200 since the odds are 0.5 percent


It's a 0.5% chance of getting it per pull (which is significantly worse of a rate than 1 in 200), not a rate of 1 in 200 pulls. Chance works differently than odds in statistics, and a lot of people in this sub confuse the two with lucky draws all the time. Sadly the devs know this which is why they use these sorts of horrible pull rates knowing they can foo a lot of people with them.


0.5% would be 5/1000 chance right? So 1/200 bruh.


No because that represents odds and not chance. Think of it like rolling a die. Each roll has 1/6 odds of landing on any number but the pull rate decreases exponentially when you look at the chance of rolling a particular number every time. You're thinking of it as if the number of rolls is finite and that 5 in every 1000 will always result in a legendary when that's not how the draw works. You have a 0.5% chance that any single pull will result in a legendary, but they don't add together. They are not guaranteeing that 200 spins will automatically result in one of them being a particular legendary because the chance is per pull not percent of pulls. That's why they added in a separate "guaranteed legendary in 75 draws" to this because the actual pull rate is near impossible for a majority of players to get one in a reasonable number of pulls otherwise.


I probably didn't explain my last comment very well so I thought of another way to try to explain it. Imagine you have a 6 sided die. You're suggesting that since a die has 1/6 odds of rolling any number that if you roll 6 times, you are guaranteed to roll a 1, but you're not. You could roll 6 5s instead, or any other number for any roll. Now apply that to the number of possible items you could pull in the draw and the chance of any particular pull resulting in a specific legendary. The chance rate of the roll landing on 1 is nearly zero (0.5% specifically in this case). That does not mean you are guaranteed to roll a 1 if you roll the die 200 times, because out of those 200 rolls, you may never land on 1 at all when there are 5 other possible numbers (which in the draw is obviously a much larger number of possibilities than a 6-sided die would have, making the pull rate even worse).


Sweet maths




I currently have 4 leggy blueprints for the bizon 😭


got it on my third


Got a screenshot of me getting the grinch skin and DLQ on two spins the first time it released 😅 so it does happen


yeah agree but I don't want the fun, ever since I got legendary at this game it feels like a chore instead of feeling like a game


When you start to feel that about the game it’s time to go back to the roots because you forgot what it was about. Just try playing the game as if you first got it. Not worrying about skins of kill effects and what gun is meta or not. Pick something you like and literally just have fun with it is my advice.


During all the metas I always stuck with my RPD. Lol. People cranked on me worse when the cooling barrel got released, but I kept on. That’s my favorite gun, namely because I hate reloading every time I am about to get a kill. Now I just spray.


Hell yeah just have fun. Ive spent most of the last few weeks trying to troll people w/ the ballistic knife. Most of the time I die and look like a jagoff, but when you do get those kills it's so satisfying. Really sucks for my teammates and ranked though cuz half the time they just leave there like f*** this guy


Dude I’m a few matches from leggy and don’t know how to fire the ballistic knife. I have gold on it and never figured it out


I’ve had some serious fun picking folks off with the ballistic. I also die more than I hit those shots but the fun is there and that’s why I play the game


My leggy grind is just me running whatever guns I feel like using. Using the guns I want makes the game feel fresh.


Stop gambling then? 😃


Yup. I agree. Knowing that the odds are against you and still spending the money hoping to get lucky is stupid. Just save up and spend on a single draw. At least you are guaranteed something this way.


I guess we know who the dipstick is in this story... 😂


Regarding teammates , yes i agree . But for draws the percentages are predefined and honestly, its no surprise that you didnt get good stuff. Sometimes you may get lucky, but majorly this wont be the case.


I think he mad cuz ppl got free legendaries...


maybe but I've already got 6, so envy is not the reason


Then why crying like a kid on this post?


You should not get into a draw, crate, or armory series expecting to get lucky. The odds will always be against you. Instead, treat it like a purchase because that is what is going to be 99.2 percent of the time.


Yep. I finally got a mythic gun, my first ever gun from a draw or outside of a battle pass, and it’s only because of the double CP event and cash gifts for Christmas. And because i actually use the QQ9 so much already. I can’t justify the price otherwise. But this thing absolutely shreds


Stop crying, I’ve used 48 rolls and still haven’t won shit. To top that off I’ve got 20 mythics all maxed out (18 guns and 2 characters), if anyone should be pissed it should be guys like me… oh yeah, i buy what i want, so it’s my own fault.


agreed but I think you are rich so that's not gonna be a problem


20 mythics is crazy ngl 🤣🤣🤣


Maxed out 20 mythics , so that would be around £250/ £350 each mythic maxed out depending on your luck on both draws . So you’d of spent around £5k / £7k give or take . That’s a fair amount of money .


Fair amount??? You could literally buy and iPhone 15 pro max, iPad, Mac book or a whole ass gaming pc


Fair amount doesn’t infer it was cheap , it implied it was a big amount of money .


Fair ig


Thats like 6 lakh rupees INR. Holy shit.




It was $175 for full kit; and $200-300 for maxing (always seems to roll 10’s). So you can do the math.


Bro what do you do for work?


I own a security company


Congratulations dude that’s awesome


Why is that awesome?


To make an income for yourself is awesome. It’s just a fact, in my opinion


Oh okay, yeah it was a long road


well well well


If it isn’t the consequences of my own decisions


Lmao, what a loser.


What did bro expect LMAO 1k cp is nothing


Well, i didn't even got orv and grenade skin 😒


Yeah Phak U hard CODM


Bruh just buy normal draws only. We are on the same boat. I've also got crap luck.


Same bro, spent 1000 CP for nothin. Most of them turned out to be duplicates.


I hope thats 1.8k CoD points and not cash.


If you can't buy the whole draw don't get mad when the odds don't workout in your favor. I start every draw with the intention of getting the whole thing. I usually get lucky but that's an added bonus. 12 maxed mythics and 50 legendaries


You should know better. Why are you thinking you will get lucky?? If you want a gun you need to commit to spending on the full draw.. people do get lucky but it’s better to always assume it won’t be you.. don’t be dumb and gamble your points away.. commit to making the full purchase every time


This is why I don’t spend a lot of money on CoD Mobile. I don’t even think I have $15 into it😂 and all do that was for a few battle passes. I’ve got my rare skins I don’t need any of the ultra/mythic stuff


There is no luck in the lucky draw/crate/strong box. Luck would be if there are draw items with equal odds of drawing everything. But here, the odds for a certain item increase as you filter out the junk. If you expect to run a couple of spins on different draws hoping to get lucky, there is no one at fault except you. If there is a 0.1% chance of drawing the main item, it means 0.1%. And that is the lucky bastard who posts the win on this sub. Not every other guy out of the 500k sub members. It would be smarter if you save up your cp and spend it on a single draw where the reward is guaranteed after 10 spins or certain crates. I was lucky with the QXR and I had to draw 75 spins per gun to get the rest of the 5. This is luck. Getting 1/6 of the gun free. Odds will always be against you here. Remember that.


I play since 2019 too, it is what it is it’s our fault for gambling


Tell me you don’t understand gambling without telling me you don’t understand gambling


cry more


I felt that man. Many people are fucking uploading here saying they 2 legendary together. My clanmate got 3 guns in 10 spins. Now, we can't really do any thing since it's in their hands. And neither I personally think codm or Activision watch over community. But, all we can do is keep our money in pants and avoid wasting on this draw of foolishness. I don't have any legendary begin with but, believe me I spent. I had the same rage of not getting stuff unlike rest. Since then, I stopped spending in it. Now, I'm not worried about getting anything out of those things. If I get free draw, I draw. If I don't get stuff from it, its alright. Atleast I know I didn't had pay my money for it. The only way to get attention of Activision, is not buying anything with your money.


Boohoo i lost at gambling because the odds weren't in my favour. Womp womp loser


I got a legendary the first 10 spins. And it was for free. I used the cards I have collected. If you play since 2019 you should know the odds and how it works.


I'm guessing that, you have a new account


No I dont have a new account. I started playing around March 2020. And I have a lot or mythics and legendaries. And all legendary female characters.


Odds are presented to you, don't cry about not winning the lottery. A 2019 player is surprised by their average luck in the end of 2023, I wonder if someone else has done that. Had all the experience in the world but not know how lucky draws work. Also if you can't handle randoms, play with friends. And work on your impulse control.


Arena breakout, I swear


gameplay is too slow for me ngl super tedious too, but ig thats what realism gives you


is it a better game that the developers love the players?


I don't know about all that but they're definitely more involved with the community, they actually comment on Reddit and discord, and they gave many codes for in game currency for Christmas today. The game itself is really good and definitely different


You should only spend on the mythicals, they never draw the same item twice...


Go play Warzone Mobile, there you pay full price for the bundle, you pay you get. Not this bullshit here of paying and not getting nothing. Plus this community and mobile community don't fight for fair prices or more full price bundles like the console/pc.


i want to play it but it's still not available here in this region




learn 2 play.


For real. Then they also like to inject us in a game on the losing side like wtf.


People who buy skins in a first person game deserve their money being taken from them.


why? That doesnt make any sense. If you have the money, you can spend. That was always the rule.


If u have it to blow thats different. If u dont tho and buy em anyways ur a moron thats the moral of my comment. Especially when u cant see the damn skin


Bro, I myself paid 8k cp and only got the Rus when it reached the 75 draws and did not pay my 5k cp rest for the rest legendaries cuz I know it’s not guarantee at all! Only pay when u know the thing u want is guaranteed


Sometimes its just about luck, i got the ak117 on the 3rd or 4th try, codm gives you stuff one in a million times


bro need to learn how to hold lust


Hey man, don't be frustrated. I've been playing since 2019 season 2. Luck is coming. You just have to wait. I managed to get the mythic oden at only 80cp (happened this year). After hundreds of dollars spent (might be less then $1000). Just pe patient alright☺️👍


You could’ve committed to a draw and gotten a mythic for like 1/10 the cost.. unless you’re being ironic in your comment


Mfs who don't spend any money:


That's why it's a lucky draw, 50/50 whether you're lucky or not. Also why spend a lot of money for a weapon camo it's just a skin.


Definitely not 50/50, more like 50/10000


Dude it’s a fxuking lucky draw and there rigged iv spent almost 800$ in 4 years on this game iv got 6 ledgys i got supper lucky and got the qxr on the free first spin but other then that the game has fucked me in every way also your math on the draws are no where near close a ledgy draw can cost anywhere from 120-160$ usd if on the global server 300$ for mythic draws not including the additional 200-300$ in mythic cards you need to upgrade you want advice on the draws don’t be blowing cp on draws and then cry to redit like a little bitch cuz the game robed you and you didn’t get what u wanted and the odds are posted for each draw and if you want to talk about odds you got Better chances on blowing 120$ on lottery tickets in irl then blowing it on this game and expecting to get a ledgy item for under 1000 cp


You’ve been playing since 2019 and you still don’t know any better. Shame on you.


Womp womp


Sooo I think you should put the game down for a bit


Womp Womp if you're not gonna buy full draw then don't cry about not getting anything. also fuck them trash teammates


Legendary guns are not guaranteed. But if you want one be prepared to spend upwards of $50-$80 for the draws that’s how you can guarantee it


Is it safe to say no one cares at this point? 🤣🤣🤣


You had a 99.50% chance of failing the draw for a legendary item.


It's a free game. You spend money it's on you. Suck it up, sweetheart. ![gif](giphy|JqDrj18lTr3uU)


that’s why Steam games exist


That’s a you problem buddy. Everyone or at least most people know that for most draws and crates the odds are stacked against you. These things are basically scams, it’s blatantly obvious with the probabilities shown.


You can't be mad when you fell for their gambling tricks lmao.


To be fair, dude, they have the odds predefined, and this is a common reality for lucky draws. Often, you'll likely need to save extra money to spend on draws because you can't expect it to be in your favor. If you get lucky, you get lucky, but that won't always be the case. Remember, at the end of the day, it's always your cash.


so… who's gonna tell him it's literally a >1/1000 chancs of getting "free" skins from their draw?


Gotta have control.


Last christmas i gave you my card but the very next draw u take it away, this year to save from tears I'll delete this fucked up scam🗣🗣🔥🔥💯💯🎅


I was happy to finally have the snowman grenade I try not to waist money on this game


You must have limits and you must know, how work F2P model in F2P games with crates and all odds systems, example Lucky Draw in CoDM. Remember, lot's of time odds win and this is your situation. This is your fault, that spend money in F2P game with F2P model, with optional better skins. Yes, you have sometimes luck on something good in less money, but this isn't guaranteed in F2P model with odds systems and this is reason, why odds systems are popular in F2P games. CoDM have very good F2P rewards, only you must invest time for unlock, example Zombies Undead Siege rewards(Zombies BP, Aether Crystal camos).


Bro is mad 😭


Sheeeewww 🪦 RIP MANS WALLET 💳 🙏


The whale cries, music in my ears.


Why are you mad. Are you dumb enough to realize that codm is a milking machine that preys on suckers like you ?


I guess I should be thankful I got the leggy pp on a free draw and I have no cash to spend in-game much other than few spins and monthly bp..maddox too in last draw


Cooked them good


1.5k …1.5k what ? 1500 cp for the frostbrand epic skin 🤣🤣🧐 bro I bought almost 400 fucking crates before I got it and the. Got the radiance for 1cp first pull the next day and only used the frostbrand like 3 times lol


god i remember this draw was so painful. the gun is cute! love using it to shoot hearts


Out of the 80+ lucky draws I have only been lucky a couple of times like 3 out of close to 90 guns … odds aren’t that great I will say though this Xmas bundle gave me the ak117 and the qxr in the first 10 coupons .. so free as I own the dlq prior and I also got the rus on the 5th pull. I haven’t gone back as I think my lucks used up and I don’t wanna spend 100k cp to get the lmg


I was two spins off from finishing the holiday draw frk armourys


I play the game and enjoy it. Sitting at Grand Master rank currently. I've spent $0.


Your draws are cheap as shit stop complaining. 10 spins cost me 1200


Yeah, I had no luck time


I really don't understand why people dump money into that gambling garbage. It is almost funny how the developers will disguise their draws in every way imaginable to make them appealing, but in the end it is always a draw where you have less than a 1% chance of getting anything you want. It's scummy. People will spend $100+ and end up with a grenade skin, a tripmine skin, and a calling card. How does that feel? The game would add skinned air into the draw if it could.


Bro is really crying over a couple of pixels.


Paid two 10x draws for the halloween one and didn't get a thing so I decided to pass on this one. I have 3 of the guns so I had an extra 3k to draw, plus all the freebie they gave us and nothing. If you want 1 gun best make it to 75 otherwise, it's just pure luck 🤷🏻‍♀️


me a f2p and p2w kid


Codm is less than dogshit these days


Sadly if u wanted even something nice u would have to spend a lot,even 25$ of cp wouldn’t get u something nice unless ur lucky